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PostPosted: 23 Nov 2006
by shivsena
Andrey wrote:Dear Brother shivsena

And why it became such an issue? Because what you say, I don’t agree and will never agree. You inspire disbelief (the Krishna issue) and that for me is bad. However, you are free.

Dear Brother andrey.

I am not here to make an issue on any subject; i am just here to share my views with my Brothers, of a different viewpoint of the Murli interpretations (which i have derived from intense research of Murli points); each soul is free to believe what he feels is right for him; there is no compulsion on you to believe (the Krishna issue) ; if you feel it is bad for you then please ignore it; i feel that it is right for me (that Ram is ShivBaba and the present body of Virendra Dev Dixit is the instrument of Krishna) so i will keep on believing it till i get some Murli points which contradicts the same.
