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PostPosted: 29 Sep 2006
by shivsena
bansy wrote:I agree. We won't need the pictures later. Everything will be destroyed.

All knowledge is living, not stagnant. However for the purposes of this study, the most central point is the Murli. The pictures are mentioned in Murlis. How accurate are the pictures. How accurate are the Murlis.

If the Murlis are constantly changing (BKs editing them, Veerendra Dev Dixit narrating them), then should this be acceptable as according to the time of the shooting period and the intellect of the BKs and PBKs.

So what is constant in the entire Gyan ?

Dear bansy Bhai.

Yes, you have said it very correctly, that all interpretations of Murlis change according to the time period of the subtle Sangamyugi drama and the intellect of the BKs and PBKs. As regards the ''constant in the entire Gyan" , i feel that it is the true Gita Gyan which will only be explained when Shivbap and Rambap become similar to each other in the near future. i.e. incorporeal God Shiva + incorporeal Father Ram will merge together so inherently that they will become GodFather(Shiv+Ram) and will be revealed as a single entity through' this present body of Virendra Dev Dixit. Then only from the mouth of Godfather will the truth and the absolute truth will emerge as true Gita Gyan ('constant' in your terms which nobody will be able to challenge) and then it will be known to the world that ShivBaba (Shiv+Ram) is Gita sermoniser and not Krishna. That is why in Bhakti marg, Shiv is always associated with Ram and not with Krishna.

This is what i sincerely feel.

PostPosted: 30 Nov 2007
by arjun

In a recent Discussion CD recorded at Bangalore mini-Madhubans, a PBK Brother pointed out to ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) that in order to disprove the clarification of the picture of Three Worlds (particularly the three abodes of the Subtle Region) they have changed the picture of the Three Worlds (especially the three abodes of the Subtle Region).

In the Advanced Knowledge it is being explained to the PBKs since many years that since Brahma had not become complete he is shown closer to the Earth in the picture of Subtle Region and since Shankar attains the highest incorporeal stage he is shown closer to the incorporeal world/Shiv.

In order to disprove the above theory, i.e. to prove Brahma (Dada Lekhraj) to be greater than Shankar, they have interchanged the position of Brahma and Shankar, i.e. now they are showing Brahma in the uppermost level of the Subtle Region while Shankar is being shown in the lowermost level of the Subtle Region.

I have heard this only in the Discussion CD and have not such a chaged picture in practical. So, I cannot confirm whether BKs have actually done this or not. If anyone has seen such a changed picture they can confirm or upload a changed picture.
