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Day and night of Brahma

PostPosted: 20 Sep 2006
by shivsena
Dear PBK Brothers.

It has been said many times in the Murlis that "Brahma ka Din so Brahmins ka Din aur Brahma ki Raat so Brahmins ki Raat"--(which means that "Day and night of Brahma corresponds to the day and night of Brahmins")------now the question arises who is this Brahma and Brahmins in the behad ka drama who are passing through' the night and when will the day of Brahma will start (when Brahma becomes Vishnu in one second)-----can anyone please throw some light on this very complexing mahavakya in Murlis.

OK om shanti----waiting for your views.


PostPosted: 20 Sep 2006
by bansy
Dear Brother Shivsena,

This looks like a deep topic, so I can only add a little if you don't mind.

My original understanding, when as a BK, was the night of Brahma constituted everything up to 1969, and the day of Brahma was everything thereafter. Sakar - night and ignorance, and Avyakt - day and lightness.
However, after coming across PBK Gyan, the night of Brahma was everything up to 1969 and the day of Brahma, was everything after 1976 to now. (What happened between 1969 to 1976 I am clueless I am afraid).

However, when I am hearing now from PBKs that the Brahma Baba (soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani) also now enters ShivBaba (Virendra Dev Dixit)/ Ram soul, seems to throw up the meaning of the "day" of Brahma and you've rightly asked who then is this "Brahma".

Not sure if this simple answer helps, but hope others can answer much better. Welcome to the forum.


PostPosted: 20 Sep 2006
by button slammer
It refers to PBKs who do not understand the role of BapDada. Some try to separate Bap and Dada. However their part is imperishable they can never be separated. Those who attempt to to separate Bap and Dada are in the night of Brahma. The day of Brahma begins when there is unity within the family, ie the unrighteous PBKs are cleared out from the family path.

PostPosted: 20 Sep 2006
by john
Some try to separate Bap and Dada. However their part is imperishable they can never be separated.

Sounds interesting, can you expand on this please.

When you say 'can never be seperated' do you mean throughout the whole drama or Confluence Age or what?

What do you mean by some try to seperate Bap and Dada?

And if you are willing, give names of who you think is Bap and Dada?

very good questions

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2006
by shivsena
Dear john Bhai.

When i was reading your post --it was like I was reading my own thoughts--you have very rightly expressed your views on paper--the same which I have been asking the PBKs in Mumbai but no PBK has been able to give a convincing answer.

john wrote:It is said that only Avyakt Brahma (Dada Lekhraj) enters Dadi Gulzar for the Avyakt Vani.
Also that Avyakt Vanis can still be considered correct because Brahma gives them in 100% remembrance of Shiva ...

I have still not understood this fact that how can Avaykt Brahma be in 100% rememberence of shivbap---because if he was 100% convinced that Shivbap is in Ram's body then he should not have left that body of Virendra Dev Dixit for even one second (where he is supposed to be in seed stage )---so what brings him again and again every year to mount abu to deliver the Vanis, is something which is not very clear to me.
Now what's got me thinking is how and who is Brahma exactly remembering?
Is it Shiva in the incorporeal world or Shiva in the body of Veerendra Dev Dixit, bearing in mind that Brahma doesn't have full faith in the role of Veerendra Dev Dixit as the Chariot of Shiva.

Very very good question. I don't think any PBK can answer your query.
The key thing is 100% remembrance, how can Brahma be having 100% remembrance if it's not a correct method?

Again a very logical deduction---and again no PBK can answer.
Also in the book of Brahma Baba's life (by Jagdish), it tells that right from the start Brahma believed the soul to be a point of light (no mention of thumb or fireball) and to remember Shiva the point of light by taking the mind to the home of the souls.

What i feel is that Brahma till today thinks that ShivBaba is point of light and he still has no faith in Ram ShivBaba and so he leaves the body of Virendra Dev Dixit to enter into Gulzar dadi---just in order to give subtle hints to the BKs and PBKs about what is happening in the subtle world--(here the Subtle Region is the gathering of Advance Party souls)
Disclaimer.......I am not saying these are my views. I am merely pointing out what has crossed my mind...remembrance is the most important thing, yet is it understood? Do we know how Brahma has remembrance? How Veerendra Dev Dixit has remembrance?

Again very very valid and logical queries----all these things would be worth discussing face to face---as sometimes it becomes very difficult to put one's thoughts on paper.
Disclaimer Disclaimer.....I am making the initial disclaimer in the hope that PBKs with other souls on the forum can discuss matters without getting defensive and in that sense trying to disprove every point that is made they that don't understand and with the hope that healthy discussions can be had

This is exactly the same feeling which I wanted to share with all PBKs. Let us all discuss things in a healthy manner to get a more clearer and truer picture of what is happening in the BK and PBK family--(with reference to Murlis and avaykt Vanis)

Ok--om shanti---Congratulations to john Bhai for starting such a valid and important topic--(about the need for subtle Brahma going to Mt Abu and the how and why behind it).-----ok om shanti---shivsena

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2006
by shivsena
Dear john Bhai.

Just adding to my previous views----i have noticed that arjun Bhai (who is usually the first one to respong to any post) has still not expressed his views to your logical bunch of queries----you have really given him some food for thought.

OK om shanti---shivsena.

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2006
by pbktrinityshiva
It is said that only Avyakt Brahma (Dada Lekhraj) enters Dadi Gulzar for the Avyakt Vani.
Also that Avyakt Vanis can still be considered correct because Brahma gives them in 100% remembrance of Shiva.... ------I have still not understood this fact that how can avaykt Brahma be in 100% rememberence of shivbap---because if he was 100% convinced that Shivbap is in Ram's body then he should not have left that body of Veerendra Dev Dixit for even one second (where he is supposed to be in seed stage )---so what brings him again and again every year to mount abu to deliver the Vanis, is something which is not very clear to me.

My thoughts at this time are that having faith in the Chariot Shiv is residing in is different to knowing which Chariot Shiv resides in.

I think someone, anyone could have 100% full faith for some time and then lose that faith for some time. So in that 100% state of rememberence what is spoken would tally with Murli.

I know this because it happens to myself .. Intellectually I know that Shiv has come into the Chariot of (Virendra Dev Dixit). Still just knowing is far differnt from actually having the full realisation and putting that faith into practice.

So when I don't act on this faith by following Shrimat, it would be like that I have no faith at all.

Attachment which is a strong motherly trait is shown from him to the BK children which is why he returns there. The Knowledge has not sat completely in his intellect. Maybe hes not remembering Shiv in the corporeal at all... i am not sure :?

Still its not really clear in my mind and I share your queries.... I do not know if I am making sense. Please share your views.

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2006
by button slammer
I have still not understood this fact that how can Avaykt Brahma be in 100% rememberence of shivbap---because if he was 100% convinced that Shivbap is in Ram's body then he should not have left that body of Veerendra Dev Dixit for even one second (where he is supposed to be in seed stage )---so what brings him again and again every year to mount abu to deliver the Vanis, is something which is not very clear to me.

This is an assumption on your part. The nature of a being who has left the body in an untimely manner is that of confusion. Not all souls who die tragic/untimely deaths realise that they have in fact died. They will continue to function in a manner they are accustomed to, ie in the case of Brahma Baba tending to the BKs. When Brahma Baba was alive he did practice intense meditation tapasya according to his understanding at the time. The same sanskars continue even as a wondering spirit. Any soul that experiences the seed stage as in the case of Brahma Baba, when he enters ShivBaba/Virendra Dev Dixit will continue to be under the influence of that impression, even after leaving the Body of Shiva Baba/Virendra Dev Dixit. This is why his rememberance of ShivBaba is accurate.
1. He was an accomplished yogi in his own right (not a perfect yogi)

2. During his life he dedicated everything to the Yagya and was a highly servicable soul, even after leaving the body the sanskars of sevice continue.

3. The only defect of Brahma Baba if it can be called as such, is that Baba described him as having a Baby intellect. What are the qualities of a Baby intellect? Primarily that of impressionability and accepting sorrow. He easily comes under the inluence of the company he keeps.
In clarification Murlis It has been mentioned that Brahma Baba often thought about his buiseness partner and wished intensely for his company and those of his associates. He wished to be free from the scorpion like souls who were constantly stinging the gentle old mother. It is little wonder that When leaving the body Brahma sought the company of Ram/VVD. The final thoughts lead to the destination.

4. Even if coming under the influence of a seed like stage, if there are some aspects of knowledge still lacking, or matters of self realisation to be imbibed, there will not be a continuous soul concious stage. Hence the need for Brahma Baba to study. When that soul has full realisation of self, drama, Father etc then no doubt the seed stage will become continuous. In the meantime it is our duty to continuously send pure spiritual loving vibrations to that soul in order to give support and confidence etc. Brahma Baba is the heart of the Yagya, when the heart of the mother is fully open there is paradise on earth.

Re: Avyakt Brahma 100% Remembrance

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2006
by button slammer
The key thing is 100% remembrance, how can Brahma be having 100% remembrance if it's not a correct method?
Johns quote.

A couple of examples.

1.Intellectual rememberance.

2.Loving rememberance.

Some are all head, some are all heart, some strike a balance. ShivBaba creates yuctis/tactics, whereby even souls of a simple intellect can have rememberance, such as the uneducated village mothers. So we are not judged on whether the rememberance is 100% according to the book. There is no book. It is a personal one to one relationship. You cannot judge another persons form of rememberance, as you really have no idea what is going on. What is worth more? One soul gives a few pennies, it is all they have. Another soul donates thousands but is very rich and can very well afford to miss it. Which soul has donated the most?

It is not a materialistic/egotistic relationship we have with ShivBaba ie, my rememberance is better than your rememberance, my donatons are better than your donations.

How many forms of water are there? We are dealing with the Ocean of Knowledge.

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2006
by arjun
shivsena wrote:Just adding to my previous views -- I have noticed that arjun Bhai (who is usually the first one to respong to any post) has still not expressed his views to your logical bunch of queries -- you have really given him some food for thought.

Dear Shivsena Bhai,
Omshanti. Welcome to the forum. I would have loved to respond to most of the querries raised on this forum, especially in the PBK section, but the constraints of time and energy prevent me from participating to the extent that I desire. I hope other members would excuse me for that. But anyways, I am very happy to see so many PBKs and other members participating so actively in this section.

I would try to give a response as soon as possible.
With regards,

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2006
by shivsena
bansy wrote:My original understanding, when as a BK, was the night of Brahma constituted everything up to 1969, and the day of Brahma was everything thereafter. Sakar - night and ignorance, and Avyakt - day and lightness.
However, after coming across PBK Gyan, the night of Brahma was everything up to 1969 and the day of Brahma, was everything after 1976 to now. (What happened between 1969 to 1976 I am clueless I am afraid).

However, when I am hearing now from PBKs that the Brahma Baba (soul of Dada Lekhraj) also now enters ShivBaba (Veerendra Dev Dixit)/ Ram soul, seems to throw up the meaning of the "day" of Brahma and you've rightly asked who then is this "Brahma".

Dear bansy Bhai.

You have raised many valid and logical points and i have the same feeling that this topic of "day and night of Brahma" is the most complicated to understand as it pertains to the shooting period (which again is very difficult to comprehend) as the dates keep on changing and no PBK really knows how the shooting(rehearsal) actually takes place --- i have just not been able to understand one bit of it and that is why i raised this topic --- all i know is that as per Advanced Knowledge, the shooting of Copper Age started in 1989-90 and that is when the Advanced Knowledge started in real terms and that is the time when parties started to go to Kampil for 7 days bhatti but one query remains -- if Advanced Knowledge was first introduced in 1976 then what can we say about the period 1976 to 1988 --- and if Advanced Knowledge was introduced from 89-90 then all PBKs(like the BKs) are going downhill and not progressing spiritually this is what make me think that it is Krishna's soul who has been playing the part from 1989-90 and churning The Knowledge and giving it in the form of Advanced Knowledge and not Supreme Soul Shiva.

ok--eagerly waiting for views and comments.

Dada Lekhraj Brahma : 83rd birth or 84th birth?

PostPosted: 17 Oct 2006
by shivsena
Dear PBK Brothers.

We all know that there are 84 births in the 5000 year cycle and there has to be one birth in Sangamyug which has started from 1937; In the beginning of the Yagya, the souls of Ram and Krishna were present as Sevakram and Dada Lekhraj; Sevakram (Ram's soul) had left his body in 1942 and taken birth in Kampil in 1942 as Veerandra Dev Dixit; so i can understand that Sevakram was Ram's 83rd birth and now Ram's soul (Virendra Dev Dixit) is in his 84th birth.

Now my dillemma is about the birth of Lekhraj Kirpalani (Krishna's soul), who had supposedly taken lokik birth in 1889 and who left his body in 1969 and became sukhma-vatanwasi farishta (angel) ; Does it means that Krishna's soul had not taken any birth in Sangamyug after leaving his body; so what i want to know is that : whether Dada Lekhraj's birth can be counted as 84th birth or 83rd birth?? If it is 84th birth then did he study RajYoga with the body of Lekhraj Kirpalani and why did he not get inheritance of paradise?? ; and if it is 83rd birth of Krishna, then which is his 84th birth through' which he should be studying RajYoga to become Narayan?? And what is the role and purusharth of Krishna's soul in the body of Virendra Dev Dixit??

Can anyone please throw some light on this issue?

OK om shanti- shivsena.

PostPosted: 18 Oct 2006
by shivsena
Dear PBK Brothers.

Can any PBK please guide me to any cassette or cd or any literature of Advance Party where there is full detail of the topic "Brahma ka din aur Brahma ki raat"; and the period which the PBKs are passing at present; i have heard and read almost everything in Advanced Knowledge and even after almost 18 years of Advanced Knowledge from 1989, i have yet not understood this most important topic (which if understood, will clarify the whole Godly knowledge without leaving any room for further discussion).


PostPosted: 27 Nov 2006
by shivsena
It seems that nobody is interested in giving his views on this most important query in Godly knowledge: whether Dada Lekhraj was Krishna's soul 83rd birth or 84th birth??

If BKs and PBKs churn on this query and find an accurate answer, then i feel that it will go a long way in understanding many other issues.


PostPosted: 28 Nov 2006
by mitra
:o OM Shanti

Actually as per BK knowledge, there is only 83 birth. The additional 1 birth is the birth taken by the soul after hearing the divine knowledge. So I think Brahma Baba has his 84th birth .