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PostPosted: 04 Aug 2006
by arjun
Sister Bansy,

If an ex-BK becomes a PBK, then he would naturally become part of the Rudramala and hence even if he becomes a ex-PBK he would continue to be part of the Rudramala. However, since there may be differences of opinion in this connection, I would seek Baba's opinion in this regard and let you know.

With regards,

Joy divisions

PostPosted: 08 Aug 2006
by sparkal
First we would have to ascertain what a "BK" is before we start sorting out the rest.

As for rosary's and deciding peoples numbers while the game is still being played out, it may be better to take up gambling on horse racing or something, it could be less expensive in the end. There is one Supreme Soul, a pure soul, and we are like that one, the child like the parent. A cow does not give birth to a sheep, like parent like child. If the parent is a pure universal spiritual being and see's me / us as being naturally the same as, then we are all universal spiritual beings with no differences. Only harmonious sameness and purity of personality. In this world, we need to look at what brings us together and less of what separates us.

Separation has been a part of the method i.e. separating body and soul. Perhaps in these coming times we should be more interested in bringing all back together again into one. The moment I project "A" or "the" truth, I immediately exclude all others who do not see MY truth. And my truth IS THE truth I can assure you. I mean, it has to be ... please, let MY truth be the only truth for all others ... my truth mechanism needs fed ... it needs that hit.

So, this devotional mechanism within us which does not go away but transforms, what am I transforming my truth mechanism into. We can currently observe this mechanism at play with football Bhakti and devotional behaviour towards movie and pop stars. There seems to be this basic need to belong to some tribe or other, or is that another aspect again. Is there the parochial tribal thing, then the devotional religious thing which belongs to a temple/church/path of some kind?

I guess we have not had B.O. and X.B.O. factions yet, or have we?