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PostPosted: 01 Aug 2006
by atma
Bhai John,

The secrets are being revealed. They are very deep I am simply amazed at many of them. Actually, it is truly amazing. As in school the teacher has to progress in a certain manner so that the children understand and it sits in their intellect otherwise they will not benefit as much for the next lessons. It is no different in this school the Godly University. One lesson at a time.

Brahma Baba is to become Krishna, who is a child, so his intellect was unable to understand certain things and, in no fault at all, he gave these ideas of golden palaces etc. Now the clarifications are coming out about these misunderstandings through Baba (Virendra Dev Dixit). Bhai John, I understand your questions. They are very good ones. And last but not least, yes, tampering has been done with the Murlis.
