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PostPosted: 22 Sep 2007
by new knowledge
Lekhraj Brahma is also considered as Jagdamba & Vedanti as Bharatmata. But Jagdamba is viewed as superior to Bharatmata. But PBKs consider Vaishnav Devi (Vedanti) superior to Lekhraj Brahma. How's that?

PostPosted: 22 Sep 2007
by arjun
new_knowledge wrote:But PBKs consider Vaishnav Devi (Vedanti) superior to Lekhraj Brahma. How's that?

Brahma (Lekhraj Kirpalani)'s role has been reduced by many years in corporeal form in the Confluence Age, while Vaishnav Devi remains till the end and her body gets transformed to kanchankaya (deity-like body). She gives birth to Lekhraj Kirpalani in the form of child Krishna. So, being one of the creators of Krishna, she is superior to Lekhraj Kirpalani. Moreover she displays balance of love and law, whereas Lekhraj Kirpalani displayed only love and some demoniac children took undue advantage of that love.


PostPosted: 23 Sep 2007
by new knowledge
Arjunbhai, here we have 3 statements accepted by PBKs,
    1) Vedanti is superior to Lekhraj Kirpalani,
    2) Lekhraj Kirpalani is Jagdamba & Vedanti is Bharatmata &
    3) the title of Jagdamba is higher than that of Bharatmata.
Here if statements 2 & 3 are true, then first statement logically becomes contradictory. How's that?