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Re: PBK shivsena

PostPosted: 02 May 2008
by andrey
No, no, i told you i don't know. don't take the words i say for granted. There is another explanation to this that Krishna is said to be the 8th son. In the jail 7 sons were born and killed and the eight son is Krishna who kills the killer. so these are connected with the 7 Narayans who get revealed in the Confluence Age and the 8th one is Krishna. But i don't know what is the maning of jail. Please ask someone who may tell. He may also tell you the years of the plan from beggar to price.

Re: PBK shivsena

PostPosted: 05 May 2008
by bansy
In this thread a few weeks back, there is some discussion between shivsenabhai, new knowledge and arjunbhai about the addressing Brothers.

I came across the VCD* No.317 Clarification Part II,
...The task has not been completed yet. When will it be over? When all the children achieve the perfect stage. All the children, the souls which take 84 births, should become constant in the soul conscious stage. Then it would be said that the part of Supreme Soul Father to make us like Him; just as Father is a soul always, He is called Sadaa Shiv, similarly, children should also become numberwise constant in the soul conscious stage. Until the soul conscious stage has not been attained completely, one will love someone more and love someone less. It cannot be said to be a stage of aatma-aatma Bhai-Bhai (i.e. being souls, all of us are Brothers). And when it cannot be called the stage of aatma-aatma Bhai-Bhai, then even the Advanced Knowledge cannot be called Advanced Knowledge. In the basic knowledge the stage of aatma-aatma Bhai-Bhai does not exist. Which stage exists? The stage of best effort makers is that of a Brother and a Sister. Maya can enter in the relationship of Brother and Sister, but in the relationship of Bhai-Bhai (brotherhood) there is no chance of entry of Maya. And here this highest aim only is given. What? All are the children (santaan) of one Father. All are the beads of the rosary of Rudra. All those who are the beads of rosary of Rudra possess a soul conscious stage.

I am not completely sure I understand this as it seems to go round. Are we (all souls in the world) effort makers ? If so, then Maya exists. And if so, Advanced Knowledge cannot be called Advanced Knowledge ?

I don't mind what any other soul calls me. :D

Re: PBK shivsena

PostPosted: 08 May 2008
by new knowledge
Brother shivsena, would you make me your VCD* no. 151 & 152 avaialeble? I tried to make them availeble from PBK Madhuban, but I was consulted to listen only Baba's VCD* & I was not suceeded to make them available. If you have script of those VCD*, please post the same here in this forum.

Re: PBK shivsena

PostPosted: 09 May 2008
by shivsena
new knowledge wrote:Brother shivsena, would you make me your VCD* no. 151 & 152 avaialeble? I tried to make them availeble from PBK Madhuban, but I was consulted to listen only Baba's VCD* & I was not suceeded to make them available. If you have script of those VCD*, please post the same here in this forum.

Dear new knowledge Bhai.
You can download the cds from the site (under the heading ''discussion'' cds).


Re: PBK shivsena

PostPosted: 12 May 2008
by new knowledge
Dear PBKs & Brother shivsena, who is 'Patit-Pawan' & who is 'Shyam-Sundar'? Does these both concepts apply to the same soul? Prove with Murli points.


PostPosted: 13 May 2008
by new knowledge
My dear Brother Rudra-Maala soul, i.e, Duryodhan(!) shivsena,

I am sorry I've addressed you as duryodhan. I did so not with an intention to insult you, but to give respect to you, as according to you, Shiv Himself gave the title 'Duryodhan/Dusyaasan' to Rudra-Maala souls. How do you feel like now with the 'honourable' title 'Duryodhan'?

Just joking. Don't be serious.

Re: PBK shivsena

PostPosted: 14 May 2008
by arjun
new knowledge wrote:My dear Brother Rudra-Maala soul, i.e, Duryodhan(!) shivsena,

This has come as a big surprise from you Brother. Although ShivBaba has used such word to describe the basic instincts of men, but he never used it to address a particular child. As souls, as children of God we are supposed to see each other as souls, that too in their pure form :P and not the present form :? .

I am sure that shivsena Bhai would take it as a joke and not seriously. :)
With regards,

Re: PBK shivsena

PostPosted: 14 May 2008
by new knowledge
Brother shivsena, in an article, you indirectly addressed king-quality Rudra-Maala souls (irrespective of the gender of their bodies) as 'Duryodhan/Dushaasan'. Thus, do you mean that when Shiv uses the masculine terminology (Duryodhan, Dushaasan, Ram, Jagdish, Ramesh, bachchaa, Kumar, etc) in Murlis, he refers to Rudra-Maala souls? And, also do you mean that when Shiv uses the feminine terminology (Vedanti, bachchee, Kumaaree, Maataa, etc) in Murlis, he refers to Vijay-Maala soul? If this is so, then could you prove, with Murli points, that when Shiv is sayimg 'Bachchaa' or 'Kumar' or 'Duryodhan', he is addressing to only Rudra souls & not to Vijay-Maala souls? Similarly, could you prove that when He is saying 'Bachchee' or 'Kumaaree' or 'Maataa' or 'Vedanti', he is addressing only to Vijay-Maala souls & not to Rudra souls?

And ... and what about Putnaa & Shuparnakhaa?
Does not these feminine terms denote female-bodied souls with aggressive nature? Why has Shiv used these terms in Murlis? WHAT IS THE SYMBOLIC MEANING OF 'PUTNAA' & 'SHUPARNAKHAA'? If aggressive masculine terms like Duryodhan/Dushaasan are used to address aggressive nature of Rudra souls, then to whom Shiv is addressing with aggressive feminine terms like Putnaa/Shuparnakhaa?? - A veeeeery BIG question to you.

Re: PBK shivsena

PostPosted: 20 May 2008
by shivsena
new knowledge wrote:I am sorry I've addressed you as duryodhan. I did so not with an intention to insult you, but to give respect to you, as according to you, Shiv Himself gave the title 'Duryodhan/Dusyaasan' to Rudra-Maala souls. How do you feel like now with the 'honourable' title 'Duryodhan'?
Just joking. Don't be serious.

Dear new knowledge Bhai.

Thanks for addressing me as duryodhan (rudrabead); have you been given the authority by Shiva to give titles to souls?? It is understood when Shiva calls all purush as "duryodhan-dushashan" in Murlis and i take pride in the fact that i am a purush; but it seems that you are neither a purush nor a stree, but someone in between, because if you had been a true purush then you would have thought a hundered times before uttering such words, which give more information about you than the souls you describe.

Just turn your head inwards and look at yourself. You first claimed to be a PBK, then you defected to Vishnu Party and now when you have realised that Vishnu Party is a hoax, you are still drifting like a kite with no strings, and no goal in life and no philosophy to propagate. The BKs are revealing bindishiva as God of Gita through Krishna(Lekhraj Kirpalani). The PBKs are revealing God of Gita through Ram (Virendra Dev Dixit) and i feel that the potential 108 souls will reveal Ramshivbaba as God of Gita in future, but you have not yet presented on the forum what you are trying to prove. You have an endless list of queries for others, but you have no goal set for yourself nor any loyalty to any party (Chariot) nor any theory to prove; such a aimless soul is in a very pitiable stage. I just have pity on you, that inspite of having such great intellect and a analytical mind you are still groping in the dark without anything to prove to the world. I have never seen such a waste of talent !!!!! You call yourself a Professor of Sociology and teach people, but you yourself has yet to take a few lessons on how to socialise and interact with souls on the open forum.

You asked for my feelings and i hope that i have made myself clear. Please do not consider this as a joke; i was never more serious in my life.


Re: PBK shivsena

PostPosted: 20 May 2008
by shivsena
Dear new knowledge Bhai.

Please answer the following simple queries:

    Do you believe in GOD; if so, then which God??
    Which is the Chariot of God?
    How do you remember your God?
If you do not wish to answer the above, then i will assume that you do not believe in any God and you belong to nastik religion. We all are waiting to hear your theory or philosophy, so that we can counter-question you and your beliefs. Let us see if you can defend your philosophy logically and through Murli points, as easily as you put forward your queries on the forum and challenging others' beliefs.

OK, waiting to hear from you.


Re: PBK shivsena

PostPosted: 20 May 2008
by arjun
So, have the scores been levelled? :|

Re: PBK shivsena

PostPosted: 20 May 2008
by shivsena
arjun wrote:So, have the scores been levelled? :|

Dear arjun Bhai.
The ball is in his court; let us now see how he kicks the ball.
The match has just started; first it was just a one-sided game.

Re: PBK shivsena

PostPosted: 20 May 2008
by new knowledge
shivsena wrote:Dear new knowledge Bhai. Thanks for addressing me as duryodhan (rudrabead);

Ask yourself whether you are really thankful to me for I've addressed you as 'Duryodhan'?
have you been given the authority by Shiva to give titles to souls??;

It's not me but you who have been granted authority to give titles of 'Duryodhan' and 'Dushasan' to PBKs and/or Rudrabeads.
it is understood when Shiva calls all purush as "duryodhan-dushasan" in Murlis

What's understood? Then why are you avoiding to answer my veeeery BIG Questions regarding the interpretation of the aggressive feminine terms like Putna, Shuparnakhaa, etc, which goes in opposition to your understanding of aggressive masculine terms like Duryodhan, Dushasan, etc?
and i take pride in the fact that i am a purush;

It's not your pride but your ego who is quoting this statement.
but it seems that you are neither a purush nor a stree, but someone in between,

My true original self is not in between Stree (female) & Purush (male); but beyond both Stree-Purush & a superb combination of both feminine & masculine qualities.
because if you had been a true purush then you would have thought a hundred times before uttering such words, which give more information about you than the souls you describe.

I don't mind to think not a hundred but a thousand times before uttering such words, but ... but what's wrong with me if I address you as 'Duryodhan' on the basis of your own understanding of the terms like 'Duryodhan, Dushasan, etc?
Just turn your head inwards and look at yourself; you first claimed to be a PBK, then you defected to Vishnu Party and now when you have realised that Vishnu Party is a hoax, you are still drifting like a kite with no strings attached and no goal in life and no philosophy to propagate.

Am I wrong if am not satisfied with any BKWSU cult? Is it not better to be 'not sure' & 'independent' in such dialectical conditions? I am not drifting aimlessly from one party to another, but testing them. I am not like a kite drifting aimlessly with no string; but I am a kite with an invisible string. And that string is leading me to go through various parties with an intention to seek truth & that string has guided me to be 'not sure' presently untill the revealation of the God-Father. I am not aimless with not philosophy. But I do have aims to realise my eternal original self, to know & reveal the Father & His Supreme Abode - Paramdham. I've specific philosophy, but I am not determinhstic like you. I don't like to use such terms like '100% sure', 'with 100% certainty', '100% Nirakari', 100% Sakari, etc.
The BKs are revealing bindishiv as God of Gitd through Krishna(Lekhraj Kirpalani); the PBKs are revealing God of Gita through Ram(Virendra Dev Dixit), and i feel that the potential 108 souls will reveal Ramshivbaba as God of Gita in future, but you have not yet presented on the forum what you are trying to prove;

I've much more to discuss but nothing to prove. But I am sure that I will definately approch truth, then my own life & my original self will be the proof. So I don't believe in logical statements for proofs. Truth cannot be proved on paper. Till then let me be 'not sure'.
you have an endless list of queries for others, but you have no goal set for yourself nor any loyalty to any party(Chariot) nor any theory to prove;

I consider myself as a nursery student of Godly spiritual university. A nursery student always put queries to anybody. That's the proper technique of his learning. That represents his thurst of knowledge. He is not aimless, but he cannot express them. Same here with me. I have set goal in my life of sele-realisation & God-realisation, but cannot explain it in more details. A nursery student don't have any theory to prove. And why should I dedicate myself to any party??
Such a aimless soul is in a very pitiable stage; i just have pity on you, that inspite of having such great intellect and a analytical mind you are still grouping in the dark without anything to prove to the world. i have never seen such a waste of talent !!!!!

Are you GodFather to have pity on me & PBKs? Don't try be smart, you are my classmate - a nursery student.
You call yourself prof. of Sociology and teach people, but you yourself has yet to take a few lessons on how to socialise and interact with souls on the open forum.

Are you sociable with PBKs. You are always dominating them like an autocrat. You like to put queries to PBKs, then why should not queries be fired to you?
You asked for my feelings and i hope that i have made myself clear. Please do not consider this as a joke; i was never more serious in my life.

You suggest me not to consider this as a joke & you are not serious; then how are you feeling like now? Then why are you thankful to me for I addressed me as 'Duryodhan'?

Re: PBK shivsena

PostPosted: 21 May 2008
by shivsena
Are you sociable with PBKs. You are always dominating them like an autocrat. You like to put queries to PBKs, then why should not queries be fired to you?

My queries to PBKs are based on Murli points and the present happenings in the Advance Party; my queries are directed towards making them aware about the ambiguities existing in Advanced Knowledge; i have no desire of dominating anybody; what is your aim in asking queries???? ; what awareness are you creating on the forum by asking useless queries; just asking queries without anything to prove is a fool's job; remember the saying "a fool can ask more questions than a wise man can answer" ; unless you have answered what are your beliefs, none of your queries will be entertained.

If you are in a nursery class and still searching for God, then behave like a nursery student and not like a prof. who gives titles to others.


Re: PBK shivsena

PostPosted: 21 May 2008
by jaycdp
Dear PBK Brothers

you are claiming Virendra Dev Dixit is the Father. In that case why did not Baba declare this before the death of BB ...

Because you are coming up with a theory of today and practice of tomorrow. You have no right to preach. You can perform the practice but no right to preach.

Zero tolerance for preaching amoung PBKs ... I would tolerate BKs preaching, only way you can prove BKs that you are original is by becoming a god in front of them. Until then you have no right to preach.
