Sarva Shaktiman Baap comes only once

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Sarva Shaktiman Baap comes only once

Post06 Mar 2007

The time for Sharvashaktiman Baap is yet to come. He will come with all his force and liberate everybody. Looking forward for the same.

Moksha Ki Prapti
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Re: Sarva Shaktiman Baap comes only once

Post06 Mar 2007

mokshakiprapti wrote:The time for Sharvashaktiman Baap is yet to come. He will come with all his force and liberate everybody. Looking forward for the same.

Who? Is this yet another incarnation of Shiva?


Only Incarnation of Shiva

Post07 Mar 2007

Dear Bro John,

That would be the only incarnation of Shiva and would transform everything.

Moksha Ki Prapti
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Re: Only Incarnation of Shiva

Post07 Mar 2007

That would be the only incarnation of Shiva and would transform everything.

Great stuff!
    Is this the same Shiva that entered into Lekhraj Kirpalani?
    Do you know who the new Chariot will be?
    Where has Shiva been up to now?
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Re: Only Incarnation of Shiva

Post07 Mar 2007

John wrote:Is this the same Shiva that entered into Dada Lekhraj? Do you know who the new Chariot will be? Where has Shiva been up to now?

I am curious, too. For a while there, I was certain that I was to be the new Chariot. Probably I was not alone in this. Many would like the importance that comes from being the vehicle of God. Such people are likely lacking in confidence that they can attain sufficient significance and fulfillment on the canvas of their own life.



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Re: Sarva Shaktiman Baap comes only once

Post10 Mar 2007

mokshakiprapti wrote:The time for Sharvashaktiman Baap is yet to come. He will come with all his force and liberate everybody. Looking forward for the same.

Dear Brother.

When nirakar incorporeal bap Shiv and 100% nirakari bap Ram combine together in the near future, then they will be revealed as ShivBaba through' the present body of Virendra Dev Dixit; and then the real Trimurti shiv-jayanti will be celebrated in the Godly family.



Whether Body of Veerendra Dixit or Somebody Else?

Post14 Mar 2007

Dear Brother Shiv Sena,

Whether the body of Virendra Dev Dixit or somebody else? Time only will tell.

Wait for the time.

Moksh Ki Prapti
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Post14 Mar 2007

Nice thread. However again it is full of stuff that we can not KNOW. The anglophile-named posters are imho asking perfectly valid questions and I would like to ask a question myself. Mokshakiprapti, Shivsena how do you all KNOW any of this stuff is real? On what authority do you make the claims that you do?

Seems like your views require any 'stranger' to put a great deal of faith in you or your teachers. Why should one do such a thing? Maybe it is all about Easterners proving amongst themselves who is more powerful by coming West in order to see how much of an impact they can have. Is this whay Bharat is lauded so much in the BKWSU Murli? Is it all a Bharatwasi family matter ( a sort of clan thing) and the double foreigner is no more than fodder in the war that you wage amongst yourselves? Ought the world to remain non-committal and wait till God comes and sorts it all out?
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Post14 Mar 2007

Dear Brother Moksha, Moksha means liberation, is not it? Is it only liberation or eternal liberation?

Dear Brother Shivsena, which are the three murtis in the Trimurti Shiv Jayanti?


Liberation means eternal liberation

Post16 Mar 2007

Dear Brother Andrey,

Liberation means Eternal liberation

Mokhs Ki Prapti
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Post16 Mar 2007

We understand that eternal liberation is not possible. We don't aim for such an achievement. We aim for liberation from sorrow. If eternal liberation were possible, then this contradicts to The Cycle theory. The Cycle would stop. The Cycle does not stop.

Eternal liberation has never happened to anyone in the past nor can it happen now or in fiture. Each soul has to play his role of happiness and sorrow. If God himself is bound to come in the Drama to play a part how can any soul attain eternal liberation? We aim for the achievement of peace and happiness from this God Father. We also know that the Father has come already. We don't wait for him, we don't wait for time because time has come already.
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Post16 Mar 2007

Andrey wrote:We understand that eternal liberation is not possible. We don't aim for such an achievement. We aim for liberation from sorrow. If eternal liberation were possible, then this contradicts to The Cycle theory. The Cycle would stop. The Cycle does not stop. Eternal liberation has never happened to anyone in the past nor can it happen now or in fiture.

You don't "understand" Andrey ... you 'believe'. And you invest your faith in that belief. That is all it is. We don't 'know' and cannot ever 'prove' the 5,000 Cycle.

There has for a long time been a question within the BK family over whether The Cycle only applies to those that accept it. That is to say, those that are actually "trapped in samsara" to eternally repeat it, or for long enough to let it go. We have no way of knowing whether Shiva is what he says he is, or if he is just the gatekeeper to the physical world that keeps back those that are too unenlightened, or dangerous, to go on to higher realms. The view is that life, time and spiritual evolution progress but the BKs go back 5,000 years to start all over until they too can escape.

Personally, I do not believe the 5,000 years Theory is locktight. To suggest that there is any accurate physical mechanism that at 4,999 years, 364 days (excluding it being a leap year), 23 hours and 59.999 seconds suddenly clicks and, bingo, the Golden Age ... is nuts.

What is the measurement of a second? Whose invention was it? When was it invented?

I can accept something like it, cycles, affect this realm. But there is too much evidence and witness to suggest that the BK/PBK model is not complete and that there are many other realms and existences.

Anyway, I apologise. This is a PBK thread and I should stand back and allow you to believe what you wish. But no one has ever been able to ask such simple, concrete questions or explain the clockwork mechanism controlling the Universe.
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Post21 Mar 2007

Dear Brother ex-l,
You don’t “speak”…you “talk”. See...believe and understand is the same if you don’t understand you don’t believe, but just belief does not make the real thing real. Try. Belive something to make it real it won’t work. We understand because it enters the mind like this. Then believe is in the practical that we act according to that, we live like this, it becomes constant. We don’t fly in the clouds of some imaginations like you fly. Some spooks, clocks etc. This is like imagination. What proof do you need. Some document or what? Stamp, signature. What kind of proof. You rely on pure logic so calculate. You think we can become knowledgefull with grasping all The Knowledge in the world. We understand that we can become knowledgefull by grasping The Knowledge only from one, because for us only one is knowledgefull, and this is only god. However, emotions, logic, history, science, astrology should also be able to prove this. So google search, find the polulation rate, prepare a complicated formula to measure the uneven expansion of polulation, the geomethric progression, then see, how old is humanity. You should not lose so much time. Just see in the last 50 years how much, how many times we have increased in population, then judge. Sciense speaks for hundredreds of thousands of years. Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit says they have invented the think with the 840000 species that the soul enters so that no one can ask them. None can know the history of so many births. 84 births is easy.

Then why cycle…this is only the expression of eternity. By thinking in linear or spiral way the mind cannot churn and gets lost.

The time moves, and we sense it whilst we are in the body. We leave the body and there is a catastrophe, an amnesia, then everything starts from anew. However the world may be already old, like we get rebirth, but for us it is a new birth. Now our aim is to stay firm. If it is the end of time to see with these eyes what comes after the end. Spring also does not come in a second, slowly it becomes wormer etc. Day does not come in a second slowly the sun appears on the horizon, here it is a matter of Sun of Knowledge, day of knowledge, so it is a matter of understanding it happens slowly, destruction does not happen in a second, establishment does not happen in a second. Then it is said that our study is of just a second. What happens in a second is our understanding it changes. Something happens. We walk and we bump. Like the summer also comes in exact date, the new year on exact date, the new date in exact second, the same way our new personality comes in one second, like a new birth, spiritual birth. We forget the old etc.

It is not good to close your eyes in disbelief; it is like an ostrich bird. Whether you believe or not, if The Cycle is a cycle it will not ask you. If you don’t believe from within and you continue to look and search, if it does not satisfy you, yes…you should go here and there and you’ll find. Some day each one will find peace and happiness and rest, why not. He will find his own truth, his own Baba. At the end we may come to something extremely simple like I’m a soul a point of light, but there is a hard work of search and doubt.

The matter if destruction stares at us or not also does not need many proofs.

If you can remember like you can remember your childhood, such a time when there used to be things for which science does not have proofs or have proofs for opposite things. Whom will you believe your own internal self or external science.
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Post21 Mar 2007

Andrey Bhai

Is there another side to your record, that sides getting well worn.
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Post21 Mar 2007

John Bhai,

Yes, there is. Don't get bored ... hold on a second.

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