Humour in PBK classes/discussions

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button slammer


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Post04 Mar 2007

shivsena wrote:In lokik worldly life humour is quite essential; but in Gyan marg it can be quite dangerous and mis-leading; one can get diverted from the main topic ie. knowing what is 'Alaf and Be'; Murli dated 27-7-2000 says " Gyan marg koi hansi-kudi ka marg nahin hai" (meaning that "in Godly knowledge there is no place for laughter and humour") ; also Murli dated 23-2-2000 says "hansi -majaak se bahut nuksan hota hai" (meaning that ' laughter and joking can cause much loss" ); the above Murli points clearly indicate that Godly knowledge has to be taken seriously as a subject and should be studied very attentively and churned deeply ; there is no place for any laughter and humour which may lead us away from the main issue of knowing the creator (Ramshivbaba) and his creation(Krishna baccha).

Revised Sakar Murli dated 12/01/04 published by BKs

''You should always remain cheerful in remembrance of Baba. Those who stay in remembrance are always entertaining and cheerful. They explain to others with great happiness and in an entertaining way.''



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Post04 Mar 2007

button slammer wrote: Revised Sakar Murli dated 12/01/04 published by BKs

''You should always remain cheerful in remembrance of Baba. Those who stay in remembrance are always entertaining and cheerful. They explain to others with great happiness and in an entertaining way.''

Dear slammer Bhai.
Thanks for the Murli quote.
My argument is not about how the BKs or PBKs are giving The Knowledge to ignorant souls; it is quite understandable that we BKs and PBKs are still students and we have not attained full 100% soul-conscious stage; so when we give knowledge, we give it in body-conscious state and so we may make it entertaining while imparting Godly knowledge to others; but my contention is about the Supreme Soul Shivbap giving knowledge in full 100% soul-conscious stage, how can we expect him to add humour in his classes (because humour is a sign of body-consciousness); i feel that Shivbap's classes should be highly respected and no mockery of precious gems of Godly knowledge should be made in His class, either by the PBK students who ask irrelevant queries most of the time; or by Krishna's soul who is answering the queries ambigiously most of the time. This is my only bone of contention.
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Post04 Mar 2007

shivsena wrote:I feel that Shivbap's classes should be highly respected and no mockery of precious gems of Godly knowledge should be made in His class, either by the PBK students who ask irrelevant queries most of the time; or by Krishna's soul who is answering the queries ambigiously most of the time.

No arguments there. As someone that would be accused of all the worst crimes, and thereby the lowest of the low, even I can the sense, logic and fairness in those statements. All respect for honestly pointing out the obvious regarding the ambiguity. The "teacher giving according the level of the student" cuts both way. If the students are wasting the teacher's time and not trying 100%, can they be expect 100% attention back?

But it is the PBK's assertion that the "Krishna" soul of Lekhraj Kirpalani is not complete/perfect, is child or mother-like that is the key to understanding his role rather than slavishly accepting him as the Father of Humanity and trying to make eternal objective truth out of every one of his utterances.
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Post05 Mar 2007

(because humour is a sign of body-consciousness);


I agree that Murlis should be taken very seriously, but absolutely not that humour is a sign of body consciousness.

Humour and fun are also signs of happiness and joy. I have heard humorous remarks from ShivaBaba in Murli. Let's not turn soul consciousness into dourness.
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Post05 Mar 2007

Shivsena wrote:So what I am trying to say is that, humour in ShivBaba's classes (as arjunbhai has pointed out) is one more proof of the fact that the conversation in the classes, is between Krishna's soul and PBKs and not the role of Shivbap (as bap-teacher-Satguru), whose only part is to take us away from body-consciousness and liberate us from vices (as the Murli says ''laughter is also a subtle vice''); this is what I want to highlight.

Dear Brother,

Omshanti. Like in other threads, you have taken this thread also to your logical conclusion that it is Krishna's soul and not Shiv who is giving knowledge.

In this connection I would like to once again know whether you believe that it was Father Shiv who gave knowledge through Brahma Baba or whether it was only Dada Lekhraj's soul who gave knowledge. I am asking this because, I seriously doubt if ShivBaba's Murli classes through Brahma Baba were devoid of any kind of humour. If ShivBaba could indulge in humour through Brahma Baba then why cannot through the Shankar (Baba Virendra Dev Dixit)?

I was reading a revised Sakar Murli dated 16.12.06 published by the BKs which had the following line:
"Baba kahtey thay mai patang udaatey huay bhi koi saamney aaye toh unko samjha sakta hoon."
"Baba used to say that - I can explain to anyone if he comes in front of me even while I am flying a kite."

I am sure such utterances would have caused BKs to laugh or smile at that time, although we do not have any video recordings of Murli classes held during Brahma Baba's time.

If the presence of ShivBaba in Brahma Baba can be accepted by you when humour was very much a part of Murli classes at that time, then why cannot the presence of ShivBaba in Shankar be accepted?

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Post06 Mar 2007

arjun wrote: Omshanti. Like in other threads, you have taken this thread also to your logical conclusion that it is Krishna's soul and not Shiv who is giving knowledge.

Dear arjun Bhai.
My whole aim of pointing out the ambiguities in Advanced Knowledge is to prove that the Advanced Knowledge is incomplete knowledge given by Krishna's soul, who is also a purusharthy soul in the body of Virendra Dev Dixit(like one of us); my logical thinking and deep churning of Murli points do not allow me to accept that the Advanced Knowledge is given by Shivbap.(if supreme teacher Shivbap gave knowledge then the question of ambiguities would never arise)

arjun wrote:In this connection I would like to once again know whether you believe that it was Father Shiv who gave knowledge through Brahma Baba or whether it was only Dada Lekhraj's soul who gave knowledge. I am asking this because, I seriously doubt if ShivBaba's Murli classes through Brahma Baba were devoid of any kind of humour. If ShivBaba could indulge in humour through Brahma Baba then why cannot through the Shankar (Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit)?

i have already given my stand on this issue and i see no sense in repeating the same thing again and again.
arjun wrote:I was reading a revised Sakar Murli dated 16.12.06 published by the BKs which had the following line:
"Baba kahtey thay mai patang udaatey huay bhi koi saamney aaye toh unko samjha sakta hoon."
"Baba used to say that - I can explain to anyone if he comes in front of me even while I am flying a kite."
I am sure such utterances would have caused BKs to laugh or smile at that time, although we do not have any video recordings of Murli classes held during Brahma Baba's time.

Again PBKs tell the BKs to take everything in behad ka sense, but they themselves take the Murli points in the literal sense; the kite, in the Murli point, describes the flying stage(udti kala) and it is not to be taken literally.
arjun wrote:If the presence of ShivBaba in Brahma Baba can be accepted by you when humour was very much a part of Murli classes at that time, then why cannot the presence of ShivBaba in Shankar be accepted?

I have accepted the presence of Shivbap in Brahma(no further arguments on that); but i still have no proof that humour existed while the Murli points were being recited by Shivbap through Brahma; moreover, if at all, any humour existed at that time, then according to Advanced Knowledge that was the role of mother (through Brahma) and not the role of Bap-teacher-satguru.
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Post06 Mar 2007

Dear Shivsena Bhai,

Omshanti and thanks for your replies.

With regards,
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reforming BK

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Post06 Mar 2007

From memory;

A Dadi asks Baba to come in the Golden Age because they would miss him. ShivaBaba replies smiling "when you get there invite me and I will come".

ShivaBaba tells how in Golden Age there would be only one emperor empress at a time. He says if there were more what would they do sit on each others heads on the throne.

It is the sanyasis who say happiness is like the droppings of a crow, maybe they are the ones with no humour.
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Post11 Mar 2007

Dear Brother shivsena,
my contention is that, does Supreme Soul Shivbap who is 100% soul-conscious and who has never experienced body consciousness for more than 4900 years and even though he comes in Sangamyug in a body to give Gyan, can He have humour in his speech??

Does the Supreme Soul experiences body-conciousness for 100 years? Although he may come in a body he does not experience body-conciousness.

In the Murli it is said, the Father entertains you children so much. It is in the meaning that there is entertainment. He gives such knowledge that the soul feels happy and light. Have you seen the faces of those who listen to Murli class - they smile because when they listen they feel good.

It is said that to laugh loudly is also vice or to giggle, nothing is said about humor. It is not that cheap meaningless humor, one can study nicely. You see we are humans, he comes in human form, he speaks, he should be a good lecturer, it is not that he always uses humour. Sometimes it becomes very serious, however he can hold the attention. He can be entertaining, he can be serious. He is completely ordinary his speaking and manners, his acts. He is so ordinary so that anyone can access him.

Why should he speak the way you think he should. He speaks in his own way. On the path of Bhakti people understand him in a form of a fish or tortoise, but he comes in human form for a surprise. If he uses humor, or make us cry it is for our benefit. I see nothing wrong in that.

On the path of Bhakti they say God will come, they wait for him, he used to come and will come, they say like this on the path of bakti. Gyan says he has come. If you say you are Gyani soul. Tell where he has come. One cannot know beforehand. Even on the path of Bhakti they know beforehand he'll come when there is extreme irreligiousness, but their conception is that there is still time to wait, but when he comes he does on his own secretly and later on we understand and he says, look at the irreligiousness will you still wait. Like you say ... wait a little and he’ll come.
would Shivbap resort to cheap meaningless humour in his classes, or would he have only meaningful dialogue with his 108 children

One can have a dialogue only with a corporeal personality and not with the paper Murli. So if you tell that through the Chariot of Virendra Dev Dixit one can have a dialogue only with the soul of Krishna then tell if there is any corporeal personality through which Shivbap has meaningful dialogue with the 108 souls or not, or is there not this kind of dialogue.

There is ambiguity in your conception. From one hand you say the soul of Krishna plays games to mislead us, then you also research Avyakt Vanis, which you accept are his versions.
the role of Shivbap (as bap-teacher-Satguru), whose only part is to take us away from body-consciousness and liberate us from vices

Before you used to say that it is the soul of Ram that plays these parts now you say that it is the soul of Shivbap that plays the role of Father Teacher Satgudru, but guru is a media. Satguru means the real media, compared to all the rest false medias. Media from what to what? It means the one who makes our salvation. But Shivbap is always in salvation, why does he not make us too? If it were him, on his coming itself, we would receive. But we need one soul to cross because "guru" means a leader too. Where would Shivbap lead us to when he is himself the aim ... when his stage is the aim... when he is always in the karmateet stage ... always in peace and silence? We need someone who departs from a stage of body-conciousness like us and reaches the soul-concious stage.

How will Shivbap make us overcome the vices if he has never fought a war with them? How will he teach us fighting this war? We need a corporeal personality. In him we see the entry of Supreme Soul. When the Supreme Soul comes or goes cannot be seen, proved, or known, but we have recognised the Chariot that it is this one and no one else. So we think that the Supreme Soul is always inside as it is said in the Murli and it is always ShivBaba speaking. (To remove ambiguity, please, see the meaning of BapDada).

Murli spoken through Brahma Baba revised on 8.1.04
"Here you have the Father because He can come here in a second. You should understand that Baba is always sitting in this one."
giving The Knowledge to ignorant souls;

Ignorance is not a passive state of not knowing. One can be ignorant in spite of receiving knowledge. Those who don't know the Godly knowledge still have some other knowledge they know. So ignorance can also be spread. To spread knowledge opposite to the Godly knowledge is ignorance.

The soul of Krishna can also relate meaningful Avyakt Vanis, there is no harm in following it and there is no ambiguity. You speak for the true/false Gita. The Gita itself is truthful, just the name of the one who speaks it is false. You do the same. You put the name of Krishna to the true Gita and make it false.

If it were the soul of Krishna who gives the Advanced Knowledge he would know of himself that he is not the God of the Gita. The Avyakt Vani will be full of knowledge too.
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Post12 Mar 2007


I had stopped posting moments of humour from clarification Murlis because I was awaiting a reply from Baba in this regard. He has clarified that I can post but it is better to post the accurate words.

So, now onwards I would be quoting only the accurate words from the clarification Murlis/discussion cds. Since it takes much more time to note the actual wordings the frequency of posts may be lesser when compared to the intial posts.


Discussion CD No.219 dated 17.12.06 at Mumbai mini-Madhubans

Kisi nay kaha - Baba aapmey sabhi dharmon ke beej samaaye huay hain.
Baba nay uttar diya - Merey may kahey ke liye samaayein, terey may samaaen, terey Mamma-Baba may samaaen, merey may kaahey ke liye samaaen? Mai toh devi-devata sanaatan dharma ka pakka banoonga.

Someone said - Baba, the seeds of all the religions are merged in you.
Baba replied
- Why would they be merged in me? They would be merged in you. They would be merged in your Mama & Baba. Why would they be merged in me? I would become pakka in the devi devata sanaatan dharma.

Note:- The Hindi and English versions of the extracts of above mentioned Discussion CD are just draft versions.
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Post12 Mar 2007


Do you think Dieties laugh?

OK, what is ShivaBaba teaching, is it not for Brahmins to become like Dieties? Where is it said in the Murlis that laughing is a vice? It would be very interesting if you could post the Murli quote and date. I think really you are trying to make it a point that any knowledge with humour can not come from God Father Shiva and therefore the part of Shiva is not being played through Virendra Dev Dixit as yet.

It is an odd, yet interesting point. If you can prove it with Murli points it will be very interesting.



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Post13 Mar 2007

John wrote:Do you think Dieties laugh?

In Murlis it is said, ''Devta kabhi jor se nahin hanste'' (meaning Deities never laugh loudly); at present i do not have the date but i will quote this again when i find the date of Murli.
john wrote:OK, what is ShivaBaba teaching, is it not for Brahmins to become like Dieties? Where is it said in the Murlis that laughing is a vice? It would be very interesting if you could post the Murli quote and date. I think really you are trying to make it a point that any knowledge with humour can not come from God Father Shiva and therefore the part of Shiva is not being played through Veerendra Dev Dixit as yet.

I have already quoted 2 Murli points (with dates) which say that there is no place for laughter in Gyan marg; if i come across any Murli point which directly says that ''laughter is a vice'', then i will quote the date.

I am trying to prove that at present the part of Shivbap(as Bap-teacher-satguru) is not being played through Virendra Dev Dixit; and it is Brahma's(Krishna) part; and there are ample proofs from Murlis and avaykt Vanis which prove the same; also logically during the shooting period from 1989 to 2009, only Brahma can play the part as it is Brahma ki raat; only when Brahma ka din starts then the role of ShivBaba will start and then there will be no question and answer sessions, no humour and no laughter, no recordings, no printing of knowledge, no translations etc (which are all hallmarks of bhakti-marg)

john wrote:It is an odd, yet interesting point. If you can prove it with Murli points it will be very interesting.

Yes; the final paper of recognition of Ramshivbaba and how he will be revealed and how the true gita-gyan will be delivered in future, is going to be the most interesting and most shocking part of this mysterious Godly knowledge.
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Post13 Mar 2007

shivsena wrote:In Murlis it is said, ''Devta kabhi jor se nahin hanste'' (meaning Deities never laugh loudly); at present I do not have the date but I will quote this again when I find the date of Murli.

Exactly, Dieties will laugh, but not loudly in a crude raucous way if you will, that is understandable.

So, again, I say ShivaBaba is here to change humans into Dieties through rememberance Brahmins will be re-emerging the sanskars for the Golden Age. So from that it leads me too deduce that ShivaBaba does have the sanskar of laughter because he is the prototype example of what is Golden Aged.

Is ShivaBaba not making us like himself?



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Post14 Mar 2007

John wrote: So, again, I say ShivaBaba is here to change humans into Dieties through rememberance Brahmins will be re-emerging the sanskars for the Golden Age. So from that it leads me too deduce that ShivaBaba does have the sanskar of laughter because he is the prototype example of what is Golden Aged. Is ShivaBaba not making us like himself?

Dear john Bhai,

You mean to say that bindi ShivBaba is also 16* pure and becomes a prototype Deity like any one of us and comes in the Golden Age and does not go to Paramdham?? is that what you are trying to imply.

I thought that ShivBaba is incorporeal and above all the 16* divine qualities and he never sees the Golden Age (as it is said in Murlis, "Main kabhi bhi Satyug mein jaata nahin"). And if ShivBaba is making us like himself then we should attain the incorporeal stage like ShivBaba and not like Krishna who is a Golden Aged Deity(16* pure).

i think there is confusion between the mahima (praise) of ShivBaba and the mahima of Deity Krishna.

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Post14 Mar 2007


Who actually plays the part of Big Mother/Brahma as is known to BKs, OK yes it is Lekhraj Kirpalani body, but who is playing the part of tolerance and love. It is said if Brahmababa could play the part then he would have played it before ShivaBaba entered. It is also said although you see the body of BrahmaBaba always think of it as ShivaBaba.

No I don't believe ShivaBaba is to become a Diety and go to Golden Age, but I believe all the divine qualities are in God Father Shiva to the maximum or unlimited degree. There is a Murli quote which says Father always remains Golden Aged.

And if ShivBaba is making us like himself then we should attain the incorporeal stage like ShivBaba

Yes I agree, that is the aim, but success is numberwise. Dieties are in the incorporeal stage. Each founder of a religion comes to make the followers like themselves and I believe ShivaBaba founder of the Diety religion is no different in that aspect.
he never sees the Golden Age(as it is said in Murlis " Main kabhi bhi Satyug mein jaata nahin)

Yes that is still a puzzle to me how ShivaBaba knows of Golden Age, whilst never seeing it.

Surely whatever we have rememberance with we become like(numberwise), then why does ShivaBaba say remember him and not remember Krishna or Shankar or Brahma. If ShivaBaba doesn't have these divine qualities then would we not be better off remembering Krishna?

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