Faq's on The Knowledge

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Faq's on The Knowledge

Post22 Jun 2006


Here are some Faq's on the AIVV hopefully this will shed some more light.

Q.No.1. What is the relationship between Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya and Brahmakumari Vidyalaya?

Ans: Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya (AIVV) is a spiritual family, whose aim is to establish a new world filled with the feeling of ‘Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam’ through Godly knowledge and RajYoga. The establishment of AIVV is linked to the Brahmakumaris Institution.

The founder of the Brahmakumaris Institution Dada Lekhraj had many kinds of divine visions in 1936-37, but he could not understand their meanings. When he could not get the solutions from many scholars, preceptors etc., he got the solution of these divine visions from his experienced, aged partner at Calcutta when the incorporeal Supreme Father Shiva Himself entered into the body of the partner and explained the meaning of the divine visions to a senior mother and a younger mother present there. The senior mother then explained the same to Dada Lekhraj. Later this Godly family (Om Mandali) shifted to Sindh, Pakistan, where some years later the partner and the above mentioned mothers expired. In this manner, the responsibility of the entire Godly family fell on the shoulders of Dada Lekhraj. The Om Mandali was renamed Brahmakumari Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya. The Supreme Father Supreme Soul Shiva continuously narrated Godly knowledge through the founder of Brahmakumari Institution, Dada Lekhraj (alias Brahma) in the mornings and evenings from 1951 to 1969, which is published in the form of ‘Gyan Murlis’. Brahmakumaris Institution believes that after the demise of Dada Lekhraj in 1969, the incorporeal Supreme Father Shiva has returned to his abode Paramdham (the Soul World) and enters into the body of Dadi Gulzar on pre-determined dates every year and narrates knowledge, which is published by the Brahmkumaris Institution as ‘Avyakt Vanis’.

But many Brahmakumar-Kumaris also believe that the incorporeal Supreme Father Shiva must be present in some human body in this land of India only as per the version of Baba in the Avyakt Vani dated 30.6.74 published from Mt. Abu as a collection of Avyakt Vanis for that year, First Edition, Page No. 84 and the Second Edition, Page No.244,
“The promise of Father to the Brahmin children that we shall leave together, die together and live together, i.e end the role together, the contract of world transformation, which Father Brahma has taken up along with the children, can it be left unfinished? Can the foundation that is instrumental in the task of establishment leave in the middle of that task? ... The soul (of Father Ram) that is instrumental in setting an example of actions certainly gives company and extends cooperation till the end.”

In such a circumstance, when the incorporeal Supreme Father Shiva started giving the unique, deep meanings of the above mentioned Gyan Murlis, Avyakt Vanis and the four meaningful pictures (published by the Brahmakumaris Institution) through Baba Veerendra Deo Dixit in 1976, which could be tallied with the scriptures of all the religions, then first of all some members (mainly mothers) of the Brahmakumaris Institution living in Delhi recognized that incorporeal Supreme Father Shiva, who had entered into that ordinary corporeal form and in this manner this Godly family was established. This spiritual family (called Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalay) was established in the year 1982-1983 in the ancestral house of Baba Veerendra Deo Dixit situated in his ancestral village Kampila, District Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh.

The basis for naming this spiritual family as Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwavidyalaya (Spiritual Godly World University) is the following revised Murli narrated by Shiva through Dada Lekhraj (alias Brahma):-
“God Father is called spiritual, knowledgeful. So you will write the name Spiritual University. Nobody will raise and objection. Then, you will remove those words (Prajapita Brahmakumari) and write this name 'Spiritual University'. Try and see, write 'God Fatherly University.' This is their aim object. Then day by day, there will be changes in your museum and pictures etc. also. Then it will have to be written at all the centres-Spiritual God Fatherly University.”-Murli dated 20.3.74 and 19.2.200090/95 % students of the Brahmakumari Vidyalaya come to the AIVV after getting dissatisfied with them and as they could not get solutions to their questions and they become the regular students of AIVV after becoming satisfied. The clarification of the Vani (Godly versions) originally narrated in the Brahmakumari Vidyalaya is given at AIVV. The seekers of knowledge find it rational.

The intellectual students of Brahmakumari Vidyalaya are continuously leaving it and joining AIVV, which is creating rancour in the minds of the administrators of Brahmakumari Vidyalaya and they are trying to create obstacles in the activities of AIVV.

The seekers of knowledge, who visit AIVV, are strictly disallowed from entering Brahmakumari Vidyalaya. While the same original versions of Baba, i.e. Murlis and Avyakt Vanis are narrated in both the Vidyalayas, there is a difference of sky and earth in the clarification of the same

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Post22 Feb 2007

Om Shanti Atma, What is your organisations view on the BKWSU's billing of the Raja Yoga their organisation promotes as the Ancient Raja Yoga - which obviously brings to mind the Raja Yoga of Patanjali renown? Some sources even say that Raja Yoga itself dates from before Patanjali even.

Does your organisation make any attempts to preserve the integrity of Raja Yoga of Patanjali fame and in so doing ensuring that Shiv Baba's Raj Yoga is seen in it's own light as a 'new' form of Meditation teachings? Or does my question indicate a too literal interpretation of the word "Ancient"? Om Shanti.
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Post01 Mar 2007

Raja Yoga cannot be taught by a human being. Patanjali's Raja Yoga is in fact Hatha Yoga. Human beings can only teach Hatha Yoga. Raja means a king. Hatha means with force. Yoga is a nonviolent power of the intellect and it is called easy Raja Yoga. When one teaches doctors to become doctors he is a doctor himself. The aim is to become a king over the self. This can happen only when the Supreme Soul comes and teaches easy Raja Yoga, the secret to become soulconcious whilst in the body, the way to control the mind so that the body comes into control. The practice includes considering oneself a soul and developing unlimited disinterest to the world. One such soul should emerge who achieves the stage equal to that of the Father and through this soul we study.

At the time of Patanjali the Supreme Soul has not been here. Even if Patanjali used to be a king to his body he has done with a lot of hard work, breathing exercises and difficult postures, (probably casting away from the society) that is not the natural way, we learn to detach from the world whilst in the world. It becomes possible, Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit gives the example of a boy in love with a girl, he walks the streets but his mind is elsewhere with his beloved. Who passes in front of his eyes he does not realize, if you ask him after that he cannot tell. He sees but does not see, listens but don't hear. This incorporeal stage is clearly visible on the pictures of the face of the religious founders as though they are here but not here, as though they are not from this world. And the Supreme Soul possesses highest stage of such, that’s why he is called highest on high. And pictures of Brahma Baba shows a corporeal personality and role. and ... Patajali ... he still got rebirth in hell and the whole world has not accept him as master.

The Supreme Soul makes kings of heaven where nature (body) is under control. Every religion remembers heaven and the first male and female, because Raja Yoga is a family path. Body and nature does not become under control when we try to control them by force. Now when human beings have try to control nature by force they still know they are not the masters but are dependent on nature. No scientist can stop an earthquake or a storm. Nature comes under control when we become masters over the self.

Patanjali was a sanyasi. Even if he has had a wife she did not become queen. He has been a human bodily guru. He himself falls down and takes others with him. Rise is only in the Confluence Age through one incoporeal Satguru who takes others with him and his name is always Shiva - always benefactor he is always a soul, always free from body-conciousness, he is a permanent resident of the abode of peace and he makes all souls like this. The world becomes heaven when the Supreme Soul teaches Raja Yoga and becomes hell when human beings teach Raja Yoga.
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abrahma kumar

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Post01 Mar 2007

Thank you Andrey for your lengthy response a lot of which concurs with what I recall Baba to say in the Murli. As far as the BKWSU's teachings go I understand that this Knowledge is only taught by the Supreme Soul Lord Shiva and that it is a knowledge leading to a method of Godly remembrance, system of spiritual study, and goal of world renewal that is only available to us human souls when Lord Shiva takes the Chariot of Brahma at the Confluence Age.

The main thrust of my question was to wonder at the extent to which the BKWSU might have taken and still are taking a ride on the back of the 'already existent' Patanjali's Raja Yoja by calling the practice we engage in as Ancient Raja Yoga? While at the same time questiong the efficacy of almost every other form of Bhakti/worship. Your answer makes me understand that that is just the way it is. Thanks.
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Post02 Mar 2007

Andrey wrote:Raja Yoga cannot be taught by a human being. Patanjali's Raja Yoga is in fact Hatha Yoga. Human beings can only teach Hatha Yoga. Raja means a king. Hatha means with force. Yoga is a nonviolent power of the intellect and it is called easy Raja Yoga.

Patanjali was a sanyasi.

By The Knowledge, could he have been a sanyasi? I thought (but do not agree) that according to the BKWSU the Sanyasi religion did not start until after Shankaracharya came 1500 years ago, approximately, when history states Patanjali lived approximately 200 to 250 BC.

The classical understanding of "kingship" in proper Raja Yoga is identical to the BKWSU stealing of the terminology. The mind is the king. In fact, proper Raja Yoga, not BK Raja Yoga, does not require a slavish use of Hatha (force) or physical asanas. It is a mental Yoga.

It is also known as Ashtanga (or eight-limbed) Yoga and, of course, the BKWSU ripped of "The 8 Powers" from that too but simplified them to a child-like form. Let's face it, 90% of the BKWSU lore is ripped off from elsewhere and them dumbed down. It is good practical stuff about being nice and virtuous ... but not at all original and, boy, was I conned by that! It is on the BKWSU "we invented it all in the last Cycle 5,000 years ago" get out clause that allows them to believe that it is their's and original. The BKWSU just chose the name because it made them feel big, the BKWSU seems to have a thing about power, fame and royalty.

These are questions for the History of the Yagya thread really;
    • when did the practise become known as Raja Yoga?
    • When was the Sahaj (easy) Raja Yoga dropped?
    • Who brought it in when?
We have "the package" now but when, why and under what influences was it developed?
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abrahma kumar

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Post02 Mar 2007

We have "the package" now but when, why and under what influences was it developed?

Exactly. Which is why I am trying to get behind the sort of replies that even I could give - having swallowed them hook, line and sinker for 14 years and taught them to others. The more questions of this nature I ask myself the more they multiply. It might be that the cultural context from which the BKWSU and its satellites originated from and operated in before heading West sees no reason to bat an eyelid at these chicken/egg dilemnas.

Sections of today's Sakar Murli might give a few clues but titbits of the nature I refer to are so few and far between that one would need an inordinate degree of dedication to piece them altogether over a great span of time.

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