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Post18 May 2006

But Brother, do you not pay attention? Brahma Baba comes in Gulzar Dadi. Brahma Baba is the Moon of knowledge. He is not the Sun of Knowledge. The Sun of Knowledge gives the light of knowledge to the Moon of knowledge. How? The soul of Krishna still studies. Where? Subtle Region is a stage of subtle thinking points of knowledge. Only points of knowlege. Nothing of this world. Where is he in such a stage? Half moon - not a full moon is shown on the forehead of Shankar. That's why Shankar means mixed part - remember? Everything is explained. Something more. In Murlis it is said you children will bring Paramdham on this world. This world will become as of such an athmosphere as in Paramdham. Point like stage is also experienced in the body with the intellect, not after leaving the body. It is not a stage of thinking. It is a stage when one has had a full dose of knowledge and is contented and has put a full stop. These are stars of knowledge. And the half moon will become a full moon.
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Post18 May 2006

But Brother, do you not pay attention?

Thanks Andrey. I must have been dozing on that one :D

I think it would be pretty cool if you had you own section 8)

The Andrey Forum!
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Post19 May 2006

Dear Brother John
Excuse me i mean not irritate. I also understand you make joke with the name which is OK. But if you really like to understand - please - do. IN Shankar Shiv is there. IN Gulzar Dadi - not. Trough the company we become whatever company we keep. Shiva is always a point of light. In his company all becomes points of lights. Do you now understand? Purifier is only one not many. Subtle body gets merged to become a point like stage. In Gulzar subtle body emerges. Will the less powerfull color the more powerfull with lack of power or the other way? Understand? The whole world is a matter of the coulor of the copmpany. This way we fall, the same way we rise. We fall being coloured with the company of many. We rise being colored with the company of one.
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Post19 May 2006

Why would anyone have problem with me when i have no problem with anyone.
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reforming BK

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Post19 May 2006

OK Andrey.

One of the things I find irritating about your replies, is when you keep saying ... do you understand? ... or understand? If anyone does or doesn't understand they I am sure will let you know, so to keep putting it in is pointless and sounds condescending.

Asking questions is not always from a point of ignorance of the topic, it can be from a point of opening up a discussion to find others opinions.
Why would anyone have problem with me whem i have no problem with anyone.

It is called etiquette! You just don't seem to have any
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Post19 May 2006

Etiquette of today is not the real etiquette. Had it been we would have been OK. If we were able to uplift one another we would have done it. If we could purify one another or find answers to our questions we would have done in the past and Shiva would have no part to play. Baba advises taking the course and explaining one to one only, because others may be not intersted to listen. I undestand the speciality of the forum and it would be that either it is usefull or not. Yes i understand that the way is not the right, but understand the intention behind.
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Post19 May 2006

Yes, path to hell if covered with good intention. We were OFF topic again. I will be off forum myself. I understand you all have understood well what i have meant and can find ones own way.
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Post29 May 2006

Sometimes we have a thought in our mind and we are certain in it. Then another thought comes to oppose the first. We start to doubt if the first thought was the correct one? Baba teaches to sit with one thought in the mind. Is it that a second one should not enter or is it that the second one should not be opposite to the first one but parallel. Baba says: What do we do with out enemies? It’s a good point that makes one think. It is not that we make them friends. Why should we make an enemy a friend. We would suffer a loss, isn’t it? It Is not that we run away from the enemy. What we should do is that we should take them under our control, make them our servants. It’s a good example of the kings sanskars, isn’t it. And it is a matter if the inside enemies – weaknesses – vices. So inside we have a lot of servants, so it is a big kingdom inside, isn’t it?
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Post10 Jun 2006

The world operates on the power of purity. But even higher than this power is the power that the Supreme Soul comes to teach - the power of Yoga. He teaches both. Be holi, be yogi. But we don't take the kingdom of the world with the power of purity, but with the power of Yoga. Those who have purity need the power of Yoga, and those who have the power of Yoga need the power of purity.
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Post11 Jun 2006

The effort of the children of God to follow Gods’ directions /Shrimat (that has been prescribed for every step)/ does it not resemble the effort of a child to walk. Everybody knows ultimately the child will learn walking. It will come easy and natural. At the beginning it crawls in its own way. It makes one, two steps, dash from the table to the couch, falls many times and gets hurt. It needs encouragement, a hand. Then under the Godly law the legs move without any hesitation or effort. Then one can walk the distance between people, run to chase the aim of perfection.
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Post11 Jun 2006

Andrey wrote:The world operates on the power of purity ... The effort of the children of God to follow Gods’ directions /Shrimat, does it not resemble the effort of a child to walk ?

No, the World operates on the basic of the provision of energy supplies and international monetariat exchange in which theft, violence and coercion figure strongly ...

So, just out of interest, what stage are you at Andrey? Crawling, falling, or walking?
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Post12 Jun 2006

No, the World operates on the basic of the provision of energy supplies and international monetariat exchange in which theft, violence and coercion figure strongly ... So, just out of interest, what stage are you at Andrey? Crawling, falling, or walking?

Yes, poverty brings a lot of sorrow. ?eans for material comfort and lack of these does not bring so much happiness or sorrow as the spiritual happiness and sorrow the soul experiences due to the purity /mother of peace and happiness/ or lack of purity. We are peacefull or peaceless because of purity or lack of purity. Businessmen and criminals also…what do they do their business for…or crimes for…yes there is I and mine…but one either strives to fulfill ones own desire /e.g. dirty/ or does it for the sake of a lady. All wars are for the sake of a lady. Mahabharata, Ramayana, Troya. All quarrelling is because of the lack of purity. And where does the big king who has returned from the battlefield, having killed people with his hands, how will he receive comfort to his heart's sorrow, how will the blood from the eye of his mind disappear. He will seek to get lost in the purity of his wife’s eyes that has been waiting for him, that has never seen an image of aggression.

Now earth has become polluted. Each grain is derived with a lot of investments and effort. It is like that in the beginning. There are a lot of efforts with no, or little result. Now it is the beginning of time, isn’t it. All souls have come. This earth is a place for all, after all. Some will purify the nature. Some will pollute it even more. When nature is pure, it gives happiness automatically, without effort and according to the drama it is for those who have made the effort for its purification.

I’ve always thought I’ve already passed.
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Post13 Jun 2006

And Andrey, no, not " All wars are for the sake of a lady ". WW I and WWII, Franco-Prussian, Communist Revolution, George Bush versus Islam ... I cant think of the women at fault. Mahabharata, Ramayana are mythological and not real. So give it a rest please. You are living in a dream. Snap out of it.

Dear Brother,

In school we don’t study reality. Only Supreme Soul comes and teaches reality. Yes, from school we can know the economical, political, geographical, religious, social factors to make the war, who fought whom, when, why, the cause, but is this the real motivation. We are only thought the top of the iceberg, but not the real pursuits underneath. Vice of lust, anger, ego attachment – these that are very much present in the soul are these that make the war possible, is not it?

Why are there wars? Some would say that war has always been there. But then why do we all like peace so much better than war, why do we want peace. When was this peace there? Where? Why do we think it is possible at all, so that we long for it. It should be definetely possible and part of the history so that we have its rememberence in us, to have the desire we should have tasted.

In all wars there has always been a powerful leading personality - Hitler, Napoleon, Alexander the Great, I’m pretty sure beside each one of these personalities there has always been a woman /not nessesary official wife, but a woman that makes a hero out of this man/. Because men’s inspiration is the woman. And even soldiers – why do they go and fight. Do they too not like better life for themselves and their families. It is just that this it is not the accurate method.

Only one Supreme Soul comes and teaches the only possible correct method for non-violence and creation of heaven. Man and woman have spiritual energy in them. The world goes on combination of both. Now war is at home. There is quarrel between man and woman. Poison is to be with another woman. Be it in mind, words, eyes etc. War comes when one does it. In the history one India has never gone on march to conquer lands. I’m very much convinced that if between only two – only one man and only one woman, the quarrel stops, the misbalance stops, and harmony is created there in the vibrations, that they are with one another only continuously, and small heaven is created in a practical form amongst them, I strongly believe that then the whole world can and will also become like that, isn’t it?
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Post13 Jun 2006

The unique secret that now that the Supreme Soul has come and teaches is how exactly to cut all of these karmic bondages that has been gathered on our heads for 63 births in just one second, easily, and how to become free from them and from any kind of bondage for 2500 years /21births/ and how to live tactfully, peacefully and happily now and in the future also for at least three quaters of the Kalpa, it is just that this unique secret only he can know and teach.
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Post13 Jun 2006

Andrey wrote:Only Supreme Soul comes and teaches reality ... <blah blah blah> ... Only one Supreme Soul comes and teaches the only possible correct method for non-violence and creation of heaven <snip> In the history one India has never gone on march to conquer lands ...

Reality !?!

WRONG. You are wrong and your God [ if this is what he teaches, which actually I doubt ] is wrong.

Fact : Under the Mauryan Empire Emperor Asoka lead a military invasion of Pakistan, Afghanistan, parts of Persia, Bengal and Assam and created more war with independent States. In one battle alone, 100,000 soldiers and civilians were killed, 100,000s affected by the destruction and fallout of war.

Andrey, I humbly caution that you are just revelling in your old time Bhakti preacher sanskars. You introduce your spiel with a " Baba says ... " and then dive off into your own Manmat for half an hour.

I will though attempt to keep picking you up on the mythology you and the BKs present as reality. Especially the reek and Romanticism of Pro-Indian nationalism that pervades its way right through BK-ism to the detriment of 'the Truth'. This is not meant as an insult to India or Indians. The truth is not India, it belongs to a bigger world view.

Unfortunately time does not allow and so I will just have to offer historical pointers for you or others to follow. I will attempt to direct you to a consideration about the identity of nation states and their relationships with the individuals within them. The concept of National indentity as defined by a line on a piece of paper is something very new in human consciousness.

When did this " India " of your and the BK's actually start to exist?

Probably post Partition / WWII. Probably born of Indian Nationalistic fervour. India was, and largely still is, a collection of small independent kingdoms and states all of which regularly warred with each other - and still are warring. A geographic Sub-Continent, not a political state. Geographical areas do not go to war other geographies, e.g. Europe has never gone to war with Africa. And there have been a fair few bloody thirsty Queen and Empresses making war not love in history.

Like all Empires, "India" - arguably a later British creation in my opinion - become so bloated and flaccid that its afluent and exploitative leaders was not even able to organise itself to defend itself from Colonial Invaders, never mind actually get its own act together to invade someone else. Indeed, there was no unity between these rules, largely only self-interest that the British and earlier the Mughals played wonderful to theri advantage.

The various smaller Empires that did exist within the geography of the Indian Sub-contintent generally fell to their own swords with treachery, assassination and internecine or sibling rivalry being the trend. " India" did not need to cross borders go to war with others. It drenched itself in its own blood, right up to the various Gandhis of last century.

I am sorry but your " India " - and my guess Dada Lekhraj's rather than " God's " India - never existed.

Like much of Europe up until Post WWII, there was no such thing as the State of India Even at it peak, during Asoka's time, the States of Pandya and Cheras in southern India were not part of " India ", neither were parts of Orissa and Chhattisgarh in the West. It was not even " India ", it was one family's empire. [I will correct any of these approximate statements if errors are pointed out by references from actual Indian history scholars]. And let's ignore all the recent civil wars too?

Andrey, can you separate the romantic BK myths from reality now?

There is value in the moral teaching, no argument. There may even be some objective truth to the spiritual teachings. But your - and the BKs - pronouncements from the Gaddi have very little credibility.

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