Is anyone victim of AIVV (Adhyatmik Ishwariya VV)?

for Prajapita Brahma Kumaris (Advance Party), or those interested in becoming PBKs, to discuss AIVV matters in an open, non-judgemental manner.
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Is anyone victim of AIVV (Adhyatmik Ishwariya VV)?

Post06 Sep 2008

My younger Brother is victim of AIVV. Now he is not ready to accept any thing like Hindu sanskriti (culture). He has already left home and went to AIVV institute. My MOM has tried to stop him but he said her, "I am going to AIVV and there is bhagwan (God) and I will stay there". The main center of AIVV is in Farrukhabad UP.

Please I am requesting you guys, please avoid to go there otherwise you will be gone.

    Please stop going there ... Please
    Please stop going there ... Please
    Please stop going there ... Please
    Please stop going there ... Please
    Please stop going there ... Please and save your life.
Please try to protest as well so next time they will think about the same ...
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Re: is anyone victim of AIVV(Adhyatmik Ishwariya VV)?

Post06 Sep 2008

Dear hforever12345,

Hello. Can you please share with us how you or your family has suffered because of your Brother going to AIVV?



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Re: is anyone victim of AIVV(Adhyatmik Ishwariya VV)?

Post06 Sep 2008

He has already left to Farrukhabad for seva and now he is not ready to come to home. It means he will never come to home.


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Re: is anyone victim of AIVV(Adhyatmik Ishwariya VV)?

Post06 Sep 2008

Welcome to the forum.

Whilst you may be going over some emotions now, so we all try to find and embrace a larger solution to our life's problems. There can sometimes more than 2 sides to this. Did something happen in your family for your Brother to go decide to go to the AIVV, or could it be the AIVV influence?

Your situation may be a personal one, and thus sensitive, but I guess we all try our best. I wish you and your family, as well as your Brother luck.


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Re: is anyone victim of AIVV(Adhyatmik Ishwariya VV)?

Post06 Sep 2008

Someone has taken poison because of him (gone to AIVV). But now everything is alright. It should not be happen to others family as well. I know he will not come back.
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Re: is anyone victim of AIVV(Adhyatmik Ishwariya VV)?

Post06 Sep 2008

hforever12345 wrote:Someone has taken poison becoz of him (gone to AIVV). but now everything is alright. It should not be happen to others family as well.I know he will not come back.

Dear hforever,

I am sorry to hear that someone has taken poison because of your Brother leaving the family for AIVV. I cannot comment until I can see both sides of the story. I don't know if you are willing to share the story completely but if you wish to present your side to AIVV you can contact them through the emailid and give them the details. I am sure Baba would take your concerns into account.

But as regards the official position of AIVV on accepting the services of PBK Brothers, I would like to tell that generally PBK Brothers are not allowed to surrender their life at AIVV unless they are completely free from any kind of family responsibilities. Even in case of PBK Brothers who are completely free from family responsibilities, they are not allowed to surrender immediately. Their dharna, ability for adjustment, interest for service etc. is seen before admitting them as surrendered members. As far as I know there are just handful of PBK Brothers who may be surrendered at present when compared to hundreds of BK Brothers. I even know of some of the surrendered PBK Brothers having gone back to their lokik homes after spending many years with AIVV. One or two such Brothers have even gone back to serve with BKWSU.

On Godly Service,


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Re: is anyone victim of AIVV(Adhyatmik Ishwariya VV)?

Post06 Sep 2008

OK ... May I know who are you and how much time you have spent there?

Are you married or single?
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Re: is anyone victim of AIVV(Adhyatmik Ishwariya VV)?

Post06 Sep 2008

hforever wrote:OK..May i know who are you and how much time you have spent there?
are you married or single?

I cannot give my personal details on the forum, but I can inform you that I have spent more than a decade with AIVV after having spent many years with BKWSU. I am single and employed from worldly point of view, but like other BKs/PBKs I tell my colleagues that I am married to God. :D



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Re: is anyone victim of AIVV(Adhyatmik Ishwariya VV)?

Post06 Sep 2008

hforever12345 wrote:My younger Brother is victim of AIVV.Now he is not ready to accept any thing like Hindu sanskriti (culture).He has already left home and went to AIVV institute.My MOM has tried to stop him but he said her "i am going to AIVV and there is bhagwan (God) and i will stay there".The main center of AIVV is in Farrukhabad UP.

Dear Brother.

As far as I know Baba Virendra Dev Dixit does not surrender any Brothers; only Sisters are surrendered. Maybe the rules have changed now.

Do not worry about your Brother; he will get disillusioned soon and will return back like most PBKs.



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Re: is anyone victim of AIVV(Adhyatmik Ishwariya VV)?

Post06 Sep 2008

I am only concerned about me and my family, and my family includes my Brother also. My family is incomplete because my Brother has left home without informing any one of us in order to join the center of AIVV @ Farrukhabad. His mobile is switched off. We do not have any contact with him since last one week on because of this. My mother is between life and death. We want him back any cost. Its all OK with us if he preaches ShivBaba and practices his teaching. We are only concern that he should not leave us.

And I have a list of examples of many people who has faced the similar problem and had never got backed their son or Brother.

Shiva Baba se meri yahi haat jod kar vinti hai ki mera Bhai mughe louta do. Main zindgi bhar unka aabhari rahoonga.

I beg you please return my Brother.



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Re: is anyone victim of AIVV(Adhyatmik Ishwariya VV)?

Post06 Sep 2008

I am only concerned about me and my family and my family includes my Brother also


Do not worry so much ... this is just a passing scene and all things will be alright over a period of time.

My good wishes to you and your Brother.
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Re: Is anyone victim of AIVV (Adhyatmik Ishwariya VV)?

Post07 Sep 2008

Was your Brother a Brahma Kumari follower before he joined the PBKs. If so, for how long?

Are your family Brahma Kumari followers ... or perhaps involved with the Vishnu Party in some way?
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Re: Is anyone victim of AIVV (Adhyatmik Ishwariya VV)?

Post07 Sep 2008

But as regards the official position of AIVV on accepting the services of PBK Brothers, I would like to tell that generally PBK Brothers are not allowed to surrender their life at AIVV unless they are completely free from any kind of family responsibilities.

Omshanti. I had visited the local mini-Madhubans for the weekly class today and I got a clarification from the nimit Sisters that PBK Brothers are not allowed to surrender. They can live as sevadharis (servers). In such case all their needs are met by the Yagya.
hforever wrote:His mobile is switched off. We do not have any contact with him since last one week on because of this.

Generally, PBKs who visit Farrukhabad/Kampil for bhatti are not allowed to keep their mobiles switched on. Nor are they allowed to contact friends and relatives for one week in accordance with the Shrimat given in the Murlis. After the bhatti, they can contact their relatives/friends.

I suppose your Brother has gone there for the first time. Therefore, he might not have been able to contact you. I have conveyed your feelings to Baba.



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Re: Is anyone victim of AIVV (Adhyatmik Ishwariya VV)?

Post07 Sep 2008

Dear Brother hforever.

We all are living in a deceptive untruthful world, where you will find everyone is a victim of various philosophies which are prevalent in this world today. The souls of the world are victims of religious preachers and self-proclaimed gurus who preach in the name of God and exploit gullible souls; the BK students are victims of BK philosophy and self-appointed Didis and Dadis; and PBKs are victims of Advanced Knowledge of maya-ravan. Each group points a finger towards others and blames others for the present situation of the world. But the truth is that each one of us has to fight his own battle in this deceptive world and emerge a winner, and it is of no use blaming others for our own short-comings.

I was first a victim of BK group and then when I realised that I was being mislead, I joined the PBKs. When I again realised that PBKs are no better than BKs, and the whole Advanced Knowledge is a trap, I realised my folly and left the PBKs and now I am just sitting at home and remembering God in my own way and fulfilling my worldly duties.

So do not worry about your Brother. If he has an independent will to think rationally, then he will see through the game of Maya and will come back. If he does not come back, then accept the fact and get on with your life and do your duties towards your family and do not brood over the past. There is nothing much you can do about it.

This is how I would see the situation if I was in your place.




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Re: Is anyone victim of AIVV (Adhyatmik Ishwariya VV)?

Post21 Sep 2008

I am the person for whom it is concerned, and the person who is quoting the view is my elder Brother. It is nothing like that I have escaped from home without informing them, it is just false propaganda. I started from home to Kampil for Godly service after informing my family via letter and phone, and time was also given by me that I will return to home after one month. It is just misunderstanding of my family, and quoting their view to just humilate and defame AIVV. Don't believe in all this thing. It is just an false rumour.

It is also written by my Brother that someone has taken poison. This is also wrong. No one has taken poison. This is all wrong information written by my Brother. Just ignore and do your Godly service with your full of power. Instead of believing in all these rumours, try to have a full information about AIVV and I think you are intelligent enough to make the decision on the basis of enquiry made by you but just don't believe in others who tries to criticise AIVV. I will suggest you all to go there at least once and find out all these thing are, I hope you will get the ultimate knowledge which will lead you to the God and you will be satisfied in such a extent that you were never before. You will get to know the complete truth of life, and then it will be up to you to follow the GOD (Baap) or not.

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