Question to the BK info team about Christian conversion

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Question to the BK info team about Christian conversion

Post08 Jan 2008

As we can see the issue of Christian persecution in India by Hindu Right Wing in India, what is your opinion of Evangelical Christians?

Please state;
    1. Do Evangelical Christians respect personal choice?

    2. Do Hindus have to put up with Evangelics (or it is not OK for Hindus to beat up Evangelical Christians?).

    3. Do Evangelical Christians go way overboard with Dollars in India to bribe?

    4. Or Hindus should stay calm, it is not there business to mind dollars or bribes?

    5. Do Evangelical Christians respect all Gods of Hindus and their worship?

    6. Hindus should not beat up Christians even though Christians spread anti-Hindu God message?

    7. Do Hindus have to put up with charity and accept the message of Evangelics because Hindus care less about charity, or that kind of message?
You know what i mean. Please use your reasoning skill and find a good debate on this issue?

I welcome arjun and other people to come and put their thought about this issue.

I am not a racist or anti- to any faith, i am neutral to all. i want to see all of your reactions to this. i will not say you are right or you are wrong?

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Christian masks

Post08 Jan 2008

I don't know if I am eligible to give an answer here, but-

I think you may find that evangelical Christian leaders are actually Satanic Pagans who wear Christian masks for deceptive devious reasons such as divide and rule, i.e. causing conflict between religions to weaken them, so are more easily ruled over.

They have been doing it for centuries.
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Post08 Jan 2008

1. Do Evangelical Christians respect personal choice?
    I do not have much of an experience with Evangelical Christians. Once I met them at home with my family and once on the street. They behaved properly. When I gave them BK knowledge, they cut short their discussion and left the place. Those who met me on the road included a foreigner. He noted down my address, but they did not turn up at my home because I gave them hints about my connection with BKs. I think they respect personal choice while serving in the cities/educated people, but in villages or while dealing with uneducated people, I guess their behaviour must be different.

    I have a close Christian friend, who is a hard core Christian, but respects my association with BKs/PBKs. He never tried to influence me with his beliefs. In India Christians have a large presence mainly in Southern peninsula and North Eastern part.
2. Do Hindus have to put up with Evangelics (or it is not OK for Hindus to beat up Evangelical Christians?).
    Yes, the Evangelical Christians keep going from door to door to spread their faith. And they adopt different methods to attract people to their faith, which sometimes angers the hardcore Hindus, who in their degraded stage in this Kaliyuga, sometimes adopt violent methods to cause harm to the Evangelical Christians. The case of the burning alive of a Christian Evangelical Graham Staines and his two sons in Orissa many years ago is the most famous case of such violence. The same state witnessed large scale violence against Christians a few days ago.
3. Do Evangelical Christians go way overboard with Dollars in India to bribe?
    I would not use the word 'bribe' but yes, they definitely use foreign money to further their causes, sometimes in a royal way like schools, colleges, hospitals, orphanages, old age homes and sometimes in an unroyal form.
4. Or Hindus should stay calm, it is not there business to mind dollars or bribes?
    Yes, Hindus should stay calm. If they intend to keep their flock together, they should try to peacefully explain about the greatness of their religion to the Hindus that are being influenced or may have been influenced and try to remove the shortcomings of their own religion/followers, like casteism, illiteracy, backwardness, etc. It is in response to such charges only that right-wing Hindu organizations like Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh are working to spread education through the schools run by them in backward areas.
5. Do Evangelical Christians respect all Gods of Hindus and their worship?
    Some efforts have been made by some quarters of Christians in India who are trying to adopt the positive features of Hinduism, but by and large the Evangelical Christians do not respect Hindu deities and their worship. This has been acknowledged even by ShivBaba (through Brahma Baba) in the Murlis several times.
6. Hindus should not beat up Christians even though Christians spread anti-Hindu God message?
    The answer is same as my answer to point no.4 above.
7. Do Hindus have to put up with charity and accept the message of Evangelics because Hindus care less about charity, or that kind of message?
    The answer is same as my answer to point no.4 above.
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Re: Question to the BK info team about Christian conversion

Post09 Jan 2008

jaycdp wrote:As we can see the issue of Christian persecution in India by Hindu Right Wing in India, what is your opinion of Evangelical Christians?

What sparkal says is in my opinion correct on a metaphorical, or metaphysical level. Many mystics have spoken about "spiritual warfare" and it is as true within Christianity and anywhere else. Throughout the history of Christianity, from this very beginning, it has been used as a tool of spiritual but also purely financial and imperial wars. Indeed, many some schools state that Saul/Paul and the Holy Roman Empire was the Anti-Christ subverting the true path of Christianity and when you look at the stuff the American-style Evangelicals like Benny Hinn and Jimmy Swaggart get up to ... the mind boggles.

Anyone becoming involved with American churches should also realise that they may be being drawn into a cultural and political battle, American's capitalist fight with Marxism, see below. Something even the young, good-hearted, innocent college missionaries do not know themselves.

If you look at the history since the Romans, then the Portuguese arrived in India, the story of Thomas is a direct parallel to that of Jesus getting killed by the Jews, and serves as an argument in an elaborate Christian doctrine of anti-Brahminism which resembles Christian antisemitism to the detail. Needless to say the early Christian destroyed temples to build palaces on top of them (a bit like the BKWSU metaphorically). But one needs to be caution to define who and what is "Christian". Under the guise of religion, devils do their work.

5. Do Evangelical Christians respect all Gods of Hindus and their worship?

Not at all. They see the Hindu Gods as Luciferic and Hinduism as a godless, backward, ignorant, and anti-Christian. They are think they are fighting against the devil.

The Jewish God that the Christians worship is a jealous God and to make or worship Idols, statues, is against their 10 Commandments. Of course, many Christians are confused and worship Jesus Christ rather than God. But this should be a little bit comfortable to Hindus as many of the stories are derived from stories of Krishna, as they are Egyptian and Pagan myths before them. Just thing of him as 'Kristna'.

6. Hindus should not beat up Christians even though Christians spread anti-Hindu God message?

Its tempting, is not it? They come into your communities, cut off the heads, and want to set them self at the top of it. Are they the better kings? But violence is almost always counter productive.

Let's face, the evangelist think of India and Indians as ignorant, Godless savages who need "saving". These days, saving from Communist or Marxist affiliations. Perhaps it would be more worthwhile to examine why Christians appear more attractive and copy that. Much of what makes them appear attract is to do with wealth and education, the financial power of their churches.

Hinduism needs to address its own issues first. Equality, democracy, education and human rights are the best protection any false prophets.

Note the following quote from Allan Dulles, the longest serving Director of Central Intelligence in an article by an Indian Major. Under Dulles, the CIA developed 'MK-Ultra' the start of their mind control programmes. He worked closely with Henry Kissinger, which ought get the conspiracy theorists' bells ringing.
from; The Church as a Tool of Imperialism

This is an excerpt from a long article which the late Major T.R. Vedantam wrote in 1982, and which forms part of Christianity: An Imperialist Ideology published by Voice of India in 1983.

The motivation for Christian evangelism is simple. Disrupt and destroy. The missions make no secret of it. It is a mistake to think that Christian missionary enterprise is a religious movement. The Christians themselves never claimed it to be a religious movement. It was a declaration of war and an attack on the religious and cultural set up of the people of Asia and Africa, and it was always politically motivated.

Traditional religion has collapsed in Christendom, which is no more Christian. This is a post-war phenomenon. The divorce of the Church and State relationship, the old pattern, is now complete. But it has now emerged in a different form. The old theology based on untenable doctrines and dogmas has been totally discarded by the industrialized West with its new religion of scientific technology. The Church, therefore, is undergoing a process known to social scientists as politicization. The term does not mean merely political activity. By politicization of religion is meant the internal transformation of the faith itself so that it comes to be defined in terms of political values. This has resulted in the entry of the State into areas which were formerly the traditional preserve of the churches. That means, the Church State relationship has been reinstated in a new form.

The Church is today a tool for organizing political action as decided and directed by the State. There is a clear distinction between the involvement of religion with politics and the reinterpretation of religious values as political values. This is the politicization that is happening in the modern Church. If the Church does not agree then the justification for its existence just disappears. Christians as a religious body do not exist today in the Western world in a meaningful way. But Christian evangelism is still reaping a harvest in the Third World. Thus the political consciousness of Christianity in the developing world actually originated within the politicized churches of the old world. The Christian religion has lost the power and the confidence to define its areas of influence and jurisdiction even on questions of social morality. In their death agonies, the churches are distributing the causes of their own sickness — the politicization of religion of the churches in the developing world in Asia and Africa. This can be a fatal inheritance in the Eastern countries where religion is not yet so dead.1

Liberation Theology

This is the post-war model of Christian religion. The Chris- tian missions now claim that it has become their duty to liberate the oppressed and the suppressed all over the world. This movement works through the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the International Christian Council, etc. These organisations work under the direction and control of the governments of the Western superpowers. The USA, Canada, Britain, and Australia are in the forefront. USSR and China also seem to have a finger in the pie on their own terms. The Anglo-American group is keen to liberate India, Afghanistan, Laos, Kampuchea, VietNam, Thailand, Cuba, Iran, etc. According to them, Tibet, South Korea, South Africa, Rhodesia, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Diego Garcia etc. do not come into this scheme. Countries in the Soviet zone of influence feel that these countries like Tibet, Salvador, South Korea etc. have to be urgently liberated from the “tyranny of the imperialists” and the “Reactionaries.” Leftist groups have also been making a lot of noise about the need for drastic action to be taken to eliminate Racism from Africa.2

It is interesting to note that many of the high-ranking dignitaries of the Church, occupying key positions in these world councils and the international missionary organizations, happen to be all war veterans of World War II vintage. These Patriarchs installed as the heads of the Church hierarchy are talking in the language of exporting revolution to other countries. These Christian organizations, when making serious inroads into politics, use some special type of technical phraseology to make everything euphemistic. In the concept of Liberation Theology are also included the concepts of internal disruption, use of violence, civil disobedience, organizing resistance movements, etc.3

While the programme continues and even expands, it is worth noting that most of the money disbursed through these special funds has come not from traditional donors, but from new ones, mostly governments. This government element worries some critics within the organizations who see in it some dangerous portents. It is a breach of the Church and State relationship brought about not necessarily by philosophical arguments, but by pragmatic ones involving a political approach. Another serious implication is that some governments will be consciously aiding subversion in some other country. In 1925, in a conference at Stockholm sponsored by Life & Work and the Faith & Order Movements they postulated the slogan “Doctrine divides: Service Unites”. These critics or the dissenters now feel that this slogan has now been reversed to read “Doctrine unites; Service divides”. The ethical philosophy of Jesus is dead, and a political philosophy of violence has now taken its place. The developed countries are now making a serious effort to subvert and overthrow the governments established by law in the developing countries, using the churches as their tools.4

John Foster Dulles published a book, War or Peace, in 1957 (Macmillan, New York). In the chapter ‘Policies in Asia’ he writes: “In the past the United State policy in the east rested on the foundations of friendly relations with China. Our people, through Government, missionaries, doctors, and educators, have shared and built Chinese friendship for more than a century. Out of it have come such political doctrines as the ‘Hay doctrine of the open door’ in China, the ‘Hughes doctrine of territorial integrity.’ Out of it have also come Boxer Fund scholarships, Christian colleges in China, and Christian medical centres, including a Rockfeller Foundation development at Peking.”5 Here Mr. Dulles is making a clear-cut statement that the USA has been using the Church and the mission organizations and institutions to build up its close relations with China. The Church in China is no more under the tutelage of the USA. Similar changes are coming up in other areas also.

Sixty years ago Christianity was at loggerheads with Communism. But today Liberation Theology is working in the grooves of Marxism. This has produced a most anomalous situation for the World Council of Churches, which is very much dependent on the Anglo-Americans for its finances. They have to apply this ideology to support the political ambitions of the capitalist West which has used and still continues to use the Church as a tool. The Church is only too willing to co-operate.

In the meanwhile, Christianity has become a danger and a threat to the safety, security and freedom of India. It is not yet too late. But it will brook no further delay. It is time that the Government and the people of this country tackle this problem with all the energy and resources at their command.

Christianity and the World Order by Edward Norman, Oxford University Press, 1979.
Bulletins of the National Christian Council and World Council of Churches.
"The Rejuvenation of the Russian Orthodox Clergy", a paper read before the Institute for Study of the USSR by Nadezhada Theodonovich.
To Set at Liberty the Oppressed, W.C.C., Geneva, 1975.
Summary of the Niyogi Committee Report.
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Post10 Jan 2008

Sorry if this is a bit wordie but I found this interesting too. Any new religion that give one access to new friends, new opportunities, a new world can be liberating and exciting. I find this an interesting topic as, in reverse, it is kind of like asking why Westerners join the BKWSU and what other Westerners should do about the BKWSU's evangelism. Please bear remember that not all Whites or Westerners are Christians (which either raises the question 'if' or suggests 'that' BapDada's use of the world Christians meant something different from just Russia and America).

It seems the India Church has some issues to address as well, and it is "business as usual". Again very similar issues to those we are looking at address with the BKWSU; unaccountable, unrepresentational leadership.
I, myself, come from a state where Christianity reached in the first century, before it went to Europe, and that state, Kerala, the most highly literate state in India, It has more than 35 lakh untouchable Christians out of a total population of 51 lakh Christians. But these majority Scheduled Caste Christians do not have any voice in the Church administration and in the ecclesiastical structure.

The Christian population of India is just 3 per cent out of 800 million plus and 85 per cent of the Christians are from the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

The Indian Christian Church has the best educational, technical and medical institutions in the country and it is unfortunate that the presence of the untouchable Christians in these prestigious institutions is worse than anywhere else. Why is the Indian Church blind to this brutal injustice and discrimination committed to its own family members?

While the Indian Church enjoys the minority rights guaranteed in the Constitution, it violates the legitimate human rights of Dalit Christians. Instead of begging the Government, the Church should render justice to her own - least Brothers and Sisters - by sharing power and wealth with Scheduled Caste Christians in proportion to their population.

Once justice is established at home the Church can put pressure on the Government of India to get the Constitution amended to help Scheduled Caste Christians to get the constitutional rights enjoyed by their Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist counterparts.

So, we need to be cautious and study the facts more.


Post10 Jan 2008

Thank you arjun, ex-l and sparkle.

Thank you arjun, i think you are right. It does not matter as long as they spread their knowledge.

i think in India the majority respect you as long as you do not force people. i would like Christians to take more of a role-modeling approach than the preaching method. As arjun said, Hindus should be a role-model and understand the negative mindset of Christians or Muslims. Since this is Kaliyug, there is lot of violence against Christians and Muslims from the Hindu side too.

It does not matter what they did in the past, we should show a tolerant and non-violent approach to other religions. The situation is becoming very bad and there is less and less tolerance from both sides.

Violence in any way is not tolerable. In this Kaliyug world, no body has the time to listen to non-violence. i expect BKs, PBKs and non-bks to be patient with your fellow Kaliyug humanity.

Thank you very much.

Forget the past keep, going with the present life


jesus camp ( a doccumentary about radical christians in amer

Post10 Jan 2008

i have recently watched a tv documentary in America about the "Jesus Camp." The camp was created by Christian fundamentalist who trained their children to be 'soldiers for jesus' when he come to take over the world.

There was lots of controversy and all the major newspaper in America condemned this show. Any of you can watch this show in youtube, just type in "Jesus Camp". This show is very disturbing, only watch if you want. i could not watch this show for more than 5 minutes (just warning).

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Post11 Jan 2008

Yes, many of the American Christian fundamentalists believe we are in "The End Times", i.e. End of the World too.

Like the BKWSU, it leads them to excessive beliefs and practises or behaviour, e.g. believing in the political Zionist state of Israel and the war against the Arabs, even starting WWIII, as being the right things to do.

What will be interesting is when they find out about the BKWSU and BapDada. Will they believe it is God and Christ (very unlikely), or will they believe it is the Anti-Christ trying to take them over via the United Nations (probably).

Of course, it could very well be ... as BapDada is bringing about the destruction of the, and their, world; and the BKWSU believes that he will.
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Post12 Jan 2008

jaycdp wrote:I think in India the majority respect you as long as you do not force people ... It does not matter what they did in the past, we should show a tolerant and non-violent approach to other religions.

This is a subject I contemplate often. The real problem, as I see it, is that,
    "whilst light does not encroach upon dark, dark is constantly enroaching upon light"
What do I mean by that and how does it apply?

The vast majority of us, especially on these pages, just want to live a quiet life with others and nature. We have an attention to improve our character and thought that, our impact on others and the world. Good and fine.

We have no desire to invade another country, rape and pillage, most (but not all) of the BK family have no money lust nor would chose to go along with it. All we want to be are happy little deities in a heaven on earth ... and, frankly, even today that could be 99% possible.

Unfortunately ... we are not alone. And for as long as humanity has existed there have been those that wish to conquer, take, divide and rule for themselves. Whether it is America over Iraqi oil, the British over Indian gold and cotton, the Jesuits over South American and African slaves ... or even just a noisy next door neighbour that wants the right to play their rap music at 4 am in the morning, an exploitative boss wanting an extra profit, a nosey relative meddling in your life; life is full of people that seek to encroach (invade) on your circle.

Generally, these individuals do not seek anything for YOUR benefit. It is all about THEIR benefit or mental disease, in other words, their vices.

Now, this 'imperialism' - the expansion of their empire into your rightful lands/self - takes place at all levels. One of which are the mental and spiritual levels. Those that seek even greater gains, economical usually, power and status often, realise a connection between mental or spiritual imperialism and financial political imperalism ... and they consciously use it.

Hinduism, Buddhism and other create highly pluralistic society. Adherents of religious pluralism recognize that different religions make different truth claims and live peacefully. However, it does not seem to be that the Yahweh and the Gods of the Middle Eastern tribes afford this. Each one is Monotheistically "the way, the truth and the light". Their god threatens;
    I am a jealous God and you shall have no other gods but me!
If you study Judaic, Biblical and general history their gods have been encouraging war and invasion from the very beginning. Christianity was originally an anti-violence reaction AGAINST this but around 300 AD it was entirely corrupted and taken over by the powermongers. Mohammedanism was born of the sword and lived by it, as India well knows. Whereas I agree that within both traditions there are genuine mystical and loveful traditions of 'light'; the mainstream is and has been used and controlled by the darkness ... evil and corruption.

In short, religion is used by these people as a kind of war, an invasion force, a "hearts and minds campaign" to call it what it is called by the US today.

The BKWSU leadership is playing to the same tune. They do not need to invade and conquer, they do not need to use violence (mostly). They and their gods are conquering and invading hearts and minds. They say it is for the one monotheistic God ... but I doubt it. In this, I think the PBKs are right; these people are the Islamicists of the BK family, the metaphorical Moguls conquering the metaphorical Bharat.

So where do your evangelist footsoldiers fit into this? ... On one level, and historically, they are mostly an invasion force seeking mental and spiritual real estate. The minds and hearts of foreign lands. SOME are genuinely "Christian", beings of love and genuine social service but I would say the number of those become less the higher up the ranks you climb. People with good intent are used and discarded, just like in the BKWSU.

So what should one do when faced by an invasion force? Welcome them in and let them walk all over you? Its a difficult question. Everyone wants everyone to join their religion. Why?


Post12 Jan 2008

Dear Brother you are not wrong

i was in this kind of Jesus Camp for one week. i finished my pharmacy degree in India and i went to seek peace. i want to have some time spending in silence. A best friend of mine said, hey there is a meditation camp in Kerela called Divine Dyana Kendra. i thought after all my examinations, i will go meditate in peace. But i was wrong. All i had was preaching against Hindu gods and the uncivilised life style of Hindu gods.

i did not put up with it as is. i asked then why would Jesus eat a sheep if he is the protector of sheep? They have no answer but i suffered an intellectual brainwash for three to 6 months. i believed them but my intellect was asking questions. How about Krishna, how about Rama, how about Buddha? I left the mind oppen for all Jesus and his propaganda to slowly diffuse from my intellect.

How many people can think out of the box?

But it is not OK when a Hindu propagate hatred about Jesus or Muhammed, that is what i believe. So, it should not be OK for a Christian to propagate hatred against Hindu gods.

I believe in Krishna and rama and Shiva etc ... leave me alone. Or why do you care this is my attitude? Respect everyone's god. Do not bash any god or any religion. Respect even a communist as long as he respects you.

Om Shanti
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Post12 Jan 2008

jaycdp wrote:Respect everyone's god.

Better than "respect" ... understand every one's God.

Just as with 'The Knowledge' there is basic and advanced, so with Christianity and Islam. What we need to do is understand the unlimited version of it. Unfortunately, like Knowledge, these evangelists you come across only have a very basic understanding and inculcation of basic Christian knowledge. Their seva might be good (caring for the poor and sick etc) but their Gyan and darna is not very good. Especially their Gyan of other people's religions.

They look only at the material and have no understanding at all of the metaphorical ... even within Christianity. Actually, it is very easy to deconstruct (back engineer and disable) Christian religion. Religions are only programmes running on top of the basic human OS, I would argue that they are not the universal root operating system, some are beneficial, some contain viruses, some are entirely malicious code.

Christianity based on the Holy Roman Empire, and the Bible, borrowed heavily from Vaishnavite, Egyptian, Zoroastrianism, astrology and other pagan religions. Especially the Roman religion, of which most Western traditions are based, is a VERY pagan religion dressed up as Christianity. I would argue that it is almost bereft of Christianity ... that Christianity, the Path of Christ, exist DESPITE Saul and Rome NOT because of it.

These evangelists are young souls and young in their faith. What upsets up in the West is that they are sent to developing nations ... with their attractiveness and money power and attractive because of their 'Westernness' ... to learn and develop before coming back to the West to start work properly. It is a sort of cheap training ground with the local to pay the price. They are like young BKs.

There are good Christians and there are meditative, contemplative schools. There are those that talk of the Yoga of and with Christ and study the mystic tradition of Christ ... and do his work. But not the most. There is also nothing wrong with "Westernness" and multi-culturalism ... one just ought to be clear and honest about what the attraction is.


to ex 1

Post12 Jan 2008

Very good ... their seva might be good ... their darna is poor ... they are young souls ... some are beneficial ... some are virus ... some are malicious ... good understangin of material and poor understanding metaphorically.

A very basic understanding or Gyan is necessary but in order to grow in that particular Gyan, he or should inculcate the Gyan and live it. Only in this way one can create a foundation (base) for upgrading.

I came across Ramdevs speech yesterday. I really like the fellow's humour. He entertained the public while promoting healthy lifestyle. I also notice he is selling some expensive foods and drugs (herbal). It is OK as long as he teaches poor people about the benefit of healthy living. That is a good karma.

He says, "i am not curing cancer, i am not curing symptoms. The only thing i do is to correct the body's system". i like that. He himself is a living example of it. We want people like Ramdev in every society. The more you live with nature, no disease can come across you.

Thank you


Post12 Jan 2008

Om Shanti. In no way do i want to demonise Christians or Hindus. All i want is religious people, that includes Hindus and Christians.

A radical Hindu is more dirtier than the evangelical virus. And they fight each other. But who pay the price? Most of the time it is innocent Christians and innocent Hindus.

This is the truth.

Innocent Christians and innocent Hindus and innocent Muslims are 95% of India's population. These types of malicious and radical people have no respect for ordinary human beings. This kind of malicious people and radical people should have a separate battle ground for the next 100 years. Like arjun said they will end up destroying themselves.

Om Shanti
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Post13 Jan 2008

If you are interested in understanding the process of change that happened within Christianity, you need to go back to the period 250 to 300 years after Christ when it was 'officially' corrupted, e.g. reincarnation and non-violence were removed from the religion along with much of the mysticism and, basically, it was taken over by the Romans. The Council of Nicea being one such, or the main event. Prior to that Christianity was non-materialistic.

From time to time, the spirit of Christianity has been revived but the mainstream has generally persecuted these revivalists and continued on in their war against the rest of humanity and money grabbing ventures ... including the slavery of millions. Missionaries were used as agents of the army and capitalists, to break down native societies and discover good trading materials ... including slaves.

Sadly, amongst the good, this still goes on today but, generally, at a much more subtle and high level. Likewise, as you say, there are reactionary opposites amongst the "invaded nations" but who is in the right? If I do not invade you, but you invade me ... what right do I have to defend my way of life and land? (I belong to a peoples that were invaded, their land taken away, many enslaved and driven and sent all around the world).

It does not all go the one way though. The result of Imperialism is that the tide has turned. This year, Mohammed is to become the most popular name in England and the United Kingdom. Already more popular than George, named after England's own patron Christian saint. These people are from India (Bengali/Bangladesh). The same is becoming true in other so-called Christian nations.

The BKs are another lot doing the same thing but in a more subtle way. We did not invade Abu ...


taliban and southern bapist

Post14 Jan 2008

Taliban is a modern form of ancient (medieval) Islam that invaded India and converted Hindus to Islam.

Fundamental Christians are a modern form of ancient (medieval) Christianity.

Sure this type is no longer welcome in modern society. It is sad we could not wipe them out from this planet.

Om Shanti

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