Mother Jagadamba

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Mother Jagadamba

Post10 May 2006

Has Jagadamba come onto the stage yet?

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Post12 May 2006

Dear Atma,
Omshanti. Although the soul playing the role of Jagdamba is in this world among the Brahmins, but it has been hinted in one of the Avyakt Vanis that she is under a veil (ghoonghat).
With regards,
On Godly service,
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Post12 May 2006

Thank you for your response. A veil for what reasons? Is it a lack of faith or simply not the right time to come forth?

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Post13 May 2006

Dear Atma,
Omshanti. I suppose she will get revealed to the entire Brahmin family and the world when the right time comes. Baba has said that when Jagdamba comes on to the stage and when the revelation takes place then Jagdamba (world mother) and other ordinary-looking mothers of the Advance Party will become many more times more famous than the senior Dadis.
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Post12 Aug 2006

Whilst Virendra Dev Dixit and the role of ShivBaba is present in Kampil, how about the PBK Yagya Mother, Mata. Is she also living in Kampil. Is she Jagadamba ?

Can one get to meet both Baba and Mama ?
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Post12 Aug 2006

Sister Bansy,
Omshanti. Yagya mother (Kamla Devi Dikshit) used to live both at Kampil and at Delhi for many years until the incidents of 1998 when many baseless allegations were levelled against Mama and Baba and AIVV. Few years after that she has not been meeting the PBKs publicly, while Baba continues to meet the PBKs. She has been playing an incognito role which is like to end soon.

Yes, she is believed to be Jagdamba by the PBKs. Actually, the soul of Dada Lekhraj (Brahma Baba) plays the role of Jagdamba through her body.
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Post12 Aug 2006

Dear Arjunbhai
Thanks for the reply but I wasn't clear from the reply ... has Mother left her body ? Hence the wish to be able to meet both Baba and Mama, surely doesn't every PBK child want to meet both Father and Mother ?
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Post12 Aug 2006

bansy wrote:Whilst Veerendra Dev Dixit and the role of ShivBaba is present in Kampil, how about the PBK Yagya Mother, Mata. Is she also living in Kampil. Is she Jagadamba ? Can one get to meet both Baba and Mama ?

My understanding is that through understanding Advanced Knowledge/Shankar and meeting Shiva Baba through the medium of Prajapita Brahma/Virendra Dev Dixit there is a simutaneous meeting of the Mother and Father. Also the Avyakt vibrations of Kampil facilitate such a meeting.
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Post12 Aug 2006

arjun wrote:Yagya mother (Kamla Devi Dikshit) used to live both at Kampil and at Delhi for many years until the incidents of 1998 when many baseless allegations were levelled against Mama and Baba and AIVV. Few years after that she has not been meeting the PBKs publicly, while Baba continues to meet the PBKs. She has been playing an incognito role which is like to end soon.


you know that we all respect you here and the work the PBKs are doing.

Can you be specific about what you mean here?

Better to hear it from you than a BK or some wild rumor from off the internet.
    Do you mean that the PBK 'Mama' left the PBKs?
    Is she going to die soon or come back?
    Which attack or rumors were these?
I find quite amazing, given the supposed divinity of the BKWSU, the strength of emotion and depth of accusation that BK supporters are making and using as attacks against the PBKs.
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Post13 Aug 2006

Sister Bansy wrote:... has Mother left her body ? Hence the wish to be able to meet both Baba and Mama, surely doesn't every PBK child want to meet both Father and Mother ?

Omshanti. The person whom the PBKs consider to be the Yagyamata and who is going to be revealed as the World Mother or Jagdamba has not left her body but is not as active in the Yagya in the direct form as Baba. She might be taking care of the Yagya indirectly behind the scenes, leading many BKs and PBKs to speculate about her. But as long as Baba is giving us knowledge and sustenance we need not worry about Mama. Baba keeps telling in the Murlis also that children must not remember the corporeal medium or Mama. We have to give regard to her, but we must remember ShivBaba.

Yes, most of the PBKs would like to meet Mama and Baba together, but it may take some time before that happens in the same way as it used to be before the year 2000.
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Post13 Aug 2006

Thanks Arjunbhai,

Whatever the reasons for her inactivity in the Yagya, I sincerely hope Mama makes a full recovery and returns.

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Post13 Aug 2006

Dear ex-l,
Omshanti. I think the first two questions that you posed above have been answered in my reply to Sister Bansy.

As regards your third question, i.e. "Which attack or rumors were these?"
I would like to say that many baseless charges were made against Mama and Baba and some PBKs including immoral activities, unlawful detention of Sisters against their wishes, avoidance of income tax, non-payment of electricity charges, non-payment of property tax etc.
But most of these charges have been found to be baseless by the Courts of India and the remaining cases are also continuing just because the persons who filed the cases have not been attending the Court Proceedings since many months/years. But as per law the accused have to attend the same whether they are actually guilty or not.

As regards the charges of immoral activities at AIVV, these have been enquired into by the Police and Investigative Agencies and have been found to be false. They have recorded the statments of each of the Sisters staying at the mini-Madhubans several times and found that they are staying their out of their own wish. In fact, the number of mini-Madhubans and the Sisters staying at these mini-Madhubans have increased steadily ever since the above incidents took place in 1998.

The BKs still cling on to the biased newspaper reports of those days and keep showing them to anyone who has heard the Advanced Knowledge to dissuade them from pursuing the advance studies. They can continue to do so as long as they desire. God's work did not stop when Brahma Baba (Dada Lekhraj) was opposed severely in Sindh, Pakistan and it will not stop now again due to the stiff opposition being put up by the BKs.
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Post13 Aug 2006

Amazing, so these are BKs attacking the PBKs using vicious lies? Or ex-PBKs? Like the Vishnu Party.

I never cease to be shocked by what the BKs will get up to next. Who are these people? Individuals acting themselves or orchestrated by the organization?

arjun wrote:Omshanti. I think the first two questions that you posed above have been answered in my reply to Sister Bansy.

To be honest, no.

I understand it is difficult but has she left the centre or PBKs completely for a while? Best just to say so then we can understand.

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Post14 Aug 2006

Dear ex-l,
Omshanti. BKs have been opposing the PBKs since the beginning of the Advance Party, but the opposition has become stronger ever since some Ex-PBKs have formed separate groups beginning with 1997/98. The common aim of all these groups is to tarnish the image of Baba Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs.

The opposition from the BKs is both individual and sponsored by the organization. The BK teachers and Seniors fill the minds of the gullible students with all kinds of negative propaganda about the Advance Party like charges of adultery, mixing of bone powder in the khichdi that is served at Kampil, stories about Baba's arrest and his stay in police custody, etc. etc. Although BKs may not have openly supported the opposition that was faced from some ex-PBKs in 1998, but they definitely lended an indirect support.

I have heard from many PBKs that most of the BK centers have a bundle of newspaper reports and photographs of the incidents that lead to the arrest of Baba Virendra Dev Dixit for a short period on baseless allegations. They are more than eager to show it to any BK who attempts to listen to the Advanced Knowledge or meets the PBKs. Although most of the stories that were published by the biased newspapers at that time are now proving to be false in the Courts, the BKs continue to store and show the newpaper reports as a treasured possession. I don't think this vicious attitude towards the PBKs will stop so easily. It will take a lot of perseverance on the part of the PBKs to convince conscientious individual BKs about the truth.
Do you mean that the PBK 'Mama' left the PBKs?

The soul whom we PBKs consider to be Mama has not left the PBKs although her incognito role has prompted all the ex-PBKs and BKs to spread rumours that she has left the PBKs. Perhaps some more rumours may also come up in future. But I and most other PBKs have no reason to believe that she has left the PBKs.
Is she going to die soon or come back?

She has neither died in limited or unlimited sense and nor is she going to die. She is certainly in the Yagya only, but playing an incognito role. When she starts meeting all the PBKs publicly like Baba is just a matter of time.

With regards,
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Post16 Aug 2006

Earth is called non-living. It means inert intellect. In the Murlis it is said, “Even those who live with Me cannot recognize Me”. Otherwise why should she leave? There are audios kept with her giving classes on all the pictures except the Trimurti. It is not fitted into her intellect as to who is the real God of the Gita, corporeal Krishna or incorporeal Shiv Shankar Bholenath.

Baba says in the basic knowledge, "children cry, 'Mama, Mama/Brahma, Brahma'". The same happens in the Advance. It is about her that it is said that, "on one becoming pure everyone becomes pure". The boat of truth will rock, but will not sink. The soul of Jagadamba is said to be the living heart of Baba, or the "Living Delhi", about which it is said that on the transformation of Delhi lies the transformation of the whole of Bharat and the whole world.

It is also said, "give donation so that the eclipse is removed". We should give the donation of remembrance so that bad influence is removed. Baba says, "the Earth [woman] cannot change by giving knowledge. It changes through vibrations of true love".


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