Remembrance of home

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Post04 Aug 2007

john wrote:1. Do PBKs believe in the existence of Paramdham the Soul World beyond the sun, moon and stars

Is john asking about the broad faith in the existence of Paramdham or its specific geographical existence in some space "beyond the sun, moon and stars" as per later BK guided meditations and posters?

We know the "3 Worlds" image. There was a famous medieval woodcut of a similar nature.

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Post04 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:Is john asking about the broad faith in the existence of Paramdham or its specific geographical existence in some space "beyond the sun, moon and stars" as per later BK guided meditations and posters?

I am trying to find the exact interpretation of Paramdham by PBK's as revealed in Sakar Murlis.

Also I am trying to find the logic in it, rather than, it is like this because we (or Virendra Dev Dixit) say it is. To me, Sakar Murlis point towards the Soul World, beyond the sun, moon and stars, rather than Paramdham being the Chariot, though I can accept that it could mean both, but not exclusively just the Chariot.

To me Advanced Knowledge on the surface looks good, look a bit deeper and the loose ends start to appear. I can fully accept that my limited access to Murli may not give me the full picture and that some PBKs will have had all(well at least 5 years worth) of Murlis to study. On a personal note, I am looking for the best system of Yoga for my spiritual development.
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Post05 Aug 2007

Dear Brother john,
It is not that Paramdham is the body, no, it is the Pharamdhamic stage that the soul in the body resides in.

I cannot agree that we can become knowledgeful through the Murli, because it is said in the Murli (please note the paradox) that we don't need scriptures. It is said about the ocean of knoweldge that if you make forest into pens and ocean into ink The Knowledge will not end. It is because in the books limited knowlegde is contained. Those who study them also can reply after consulting them in these limitations. Whilst the ocean of knowledge if living can give immediate answer to any question.

Books cannot answer questions. It is also that we can receive personal answers to our own personal questions, problems etc, and also this knowledge is contained in essence in every drop, like every drop of the ocean has the same content as the ocean itself. But it is also said that ocean is both sweet and salty, depending on what we like to take, but also that if you churn you'll receive jewels, that cannot be received on churning the water of ganges (human beings). It is because they narrate old things after listening (studying), and he narrates new things.

I would just like to complain against the manner of the discussion as if we are in the police office on a question and answer session, as if we are criminals, something that goes against the BKs too. I would of course like to get off my pedestal providing it is a safe place here, otherwise I am in a safe place there. I would get off providing there are no inspectors here to disclose our shortcomings to the public with their fine eye and reap the applauses. I may get down if all the curly, white wigs the judges wear are off.
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Post05 Aug 2007

andrey wrote:I would just like to complain against the manner of the discussion as if we are in the police office on a question and answer session, as if we are criminals, something that goes against the BKs too. I would of course like to get off my pedestal providing it is a safe place here, otherwise I am in a safe place there. I would get off providing there are no inspectors here to disclose our shortcomings to the public with their fine eye and reap the applauses. I may get down if all the curly, white wigs the judges wear are off.

Andrey all I am hearing is I, we, our.

You don't have to answer any questions, you are not an official ambassador for the PBKs or anyone. You are just Andrey sitting by his computer typing away, get real and get lost.
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Post05 Aug 2007

Yes, I mean this officiality;
    What PBKs ...
    Why BKs, Why BKWSU ...
    Official version ...
    Commonly accepted ...
    Typical PBK view (as if you know what is it)
We can just be me, you instead.

It is just that what do we like that it comes out of our interaction. With our interaction we can support one another or put down. Why should we use our abilities in putting down one another?

Get lost ... maybe it is just common expression with no chasing intention.
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Post05 Aug 2007

andrey wrote:It is just that what do we like that it comes out of our interaction. with our interaction we can support one another or put down. Why should we use our abilities in putting down one another.

The sad thing is, I don't think you realise you are putting others down, whilst always trying to retain the moral high ground from your diy pedestal.

Why do you always have to jump in and try and spoil it for others?
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Post05 Aug 2007

OK maybe we won't resolve it now. I just won't accept the way you put things and allow empty accusses. Why is my posting labelled butting or jumping? Am I not equal poster? I have had to tolerate a lot of accussations about my postings and harsh words in return from many members and, sometimes, i think that if so many people are remaking then i have to think about it.

Of course there is margin for change, but sometimes i remember that Baba (via Virendra Dev Dixit) has said that my children are very few, on the one side are my very few children and all the world is on the other side. So this makes me like being stronger, i know we will have to tolerate many things and i know i must have been harsh with others. I remember we have had problems in our interactions since the beginning. i belive there has been a lot of progress in this. I just won't accept someone sitting as forum in charge and chasing others (because why else, what else will he base his authority of commandment). There is no need for such behaviour.

I know you are quite senior to me, so just about this there is the need for more respect in my words.

Along with everything, today is a festival.
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Post05 Aug 2007

andrey wrote:OK maybe we won't resolve it now. I just won't accept the way you put things and allow empty accusses.

Andrey you totally misunderstand me. We are coming from totally different perspectives. My aim is to understand Godly knowledge. I like PBKs and feel an affinity because they have respect for Murli and in general use a lot of intelligence to try and understand it. I am not making hollow accusations I am merely voicing my observances and opinions. For me, Godly Knowledge is far too important to sit back and just say, "yes, yes" to whatever anyone says.

Murli clarification are clarifications of Murli as spoken by ShivaBaba through Brahmababa. My point is that Murli are the reference point and where I differ with you is that I consider Murli and it's study to be essential.
I remember that Baba (via Veerendra Dev Dixit) has said that my children are very few, on the one side are my very few children and all the world is on the other side, so this makes me like being stronger and I know we will have to tolerate many things and I know I must have been harsh with others.

Yes, this definitely comes across in your postings and I feel it is where you are going wrong. Just because many may say you have upset them or some other such comments doesn't mean you are on the side of the few who are in the right. It could just really mean you don't understand others and are intolerant of others opinions.
I just won't accept someone sitting as forum in charge and chasing others (because why else, what else will he base his authority of commandment). There is no need for such behaviour.

Really there is no need of a behaviour which tries to tell others they shouldn't be discussing certain points of Gyan. Are you on the forum to bring benefit or create obstacles?
Why is my posting labelled butting or jumping. Am I not equal poster

My point was that it is not nice for you to jump in to threads and try and spoil them. After a while when you cannot give clear answers you always resort to some tactic which seems to distract from the thread and put the focus on yourself.
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Post25 Aug 2007

Dear Brother John,

I have replied to you under the topic Andrey.

There was mention about the meaning of "going to Baba". In the Murli it is often used. We'll remember him and we'll go to him. Before we had the Advanced Knowledge we used to think that we'll leave the body and become points of lights and go to him the point of light (in Paramdham). But one question arises that if Shiva the point of light used to speak in the body of Brahma Baba saying "You'll go to Baba", then were they, those sitting in front of him, were they not have already gone to Baba. Baba used to be in the body of Brahma Baba, people were sitting in front of him with such understanding, so why would it not be called that they have gone to Baba. In one Murli on mp3 cassette, around 230, i have heard ShivBaba (Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit) to say that it means to go near in the effort, in the stage.

There also used to be mention about the time that ShivBaba is here, mention in years, i think it was not 100 years, but were not able to understand well. Numbers are very hard in Hindi (even for Hindi speakers as i know).
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Re: Remembrance of home

Post28 Aug 2007

john wrote:Murli quote from Revised Sakar Murli dated 20/04/04 published by BKs
The main thing is to remember the Father. The Father Himself sits here and teaches you the drill. This is dead silence. Whatever you can see here, you mustn’t see that. You have to renounce everything including your body. What are you looking at? Firstly, you see your home, and, secondly, whatever status you are to achieve according to your study

What is 'your home' referring to in this Murli quote? It doesn't say ShivaBaba'a home, but 'your' home. What is ShivaBaba asking souls to remember?

'ShivaBaba's home' can be interpreted as the Chariot, but 'your home' cannot. So is ShivaBaba asking us to remember Paramdham the Soul World beyond the sun, moon and stars?

Your 'home' here may also be refering to the group of souls you feel most comfortable with. In the Soul World, all the souls are in sections. You have to determine here in the corporeal world where and with whom you really belong. Then you will feel at 'home'.

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