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PostPosted: 04 May 2007
by shivsena
ex-l wrote:Personally, I am tired of this concept that "God tests us by being a trickster" but is actually the Ocean of Truth in disguise. I would prefer a straight talking God.
john wrote:I agree with this wholeheartedly. Is there not enough confusion in the world without a God adding more to it. It just doesn't make sense.

Dear john Bhai.

Even i used to think the same way when the Advance Party started dis-integrating in 1997. I asked myself the same question, ''why does God have to play the role of trickster and create confusion in the world when there is enough of it?''. From 1998 to 2003, i was also not getting any answers for the same but one fine day when i read the Murli mahavakya, "parampita paramatma prajapita Brahma dwara nayi shristi ki rachna rachte hain'', then it suddenly struck to me that this statement is giving me the answer to my queries. Parampita(Shivbap), paramatma (Ram) and prajapita (Krishna in body of Virendra Dev Dixit), all 3 roles were clear to me. From that day i found direction to my churning and with each day i am discovering more points to support my manthan.

So, God is not a trickster but it is Krishna's soul who is playing tricks (politics) with the BKs and PBKs, so that they fight each other and he gets the inheritance of Vaikunth (Murli says ''do bille apas mein lade aur Krishna makhan khaa jaata hai'' -- ''two cats - BKs and PBKs - fight each other and Krishna gets the inheritance of paradise'').


PostPosted: 04 May 2007
by Mr Green
Dream on.

Tantric BKs

PostPosted: 04 May 2007
by ex-l
mr green wrote:Dream on.

Well, let us be compassionate about this view and consider it as a metaphoric understanding of what is going on. Let us ask, what is the heaven that Lekhraj Kirpalani/Krishna souls received?

The worship of all the BKs ... the mental and emotional energy of all the BK (and PBKs) ... perhaps his "heaven" is the artificially created world he is living in now, the angelic regions.

In a way this supports my deeply felt intuition that there are more than just one 'spirit souls' flying around in the BK world up to mischief and, on the other hand, it supports my question of whether Lekhraj Kirpalani/BapDada is using the projected 'mental Yoga energy' of the BKs to support the bubble of his existence.

Although this is not the language of the PBKs, this is a classic concept with esoteric schools. In short, he is supporting his existence as a demi-god but sucking off the soul energy of his followers.

I do not doubt spirits exist outside of human body nor that there are other worlds. I have every reason to doubt Lekhraj Kirpalani's ethics and mental conceptions. I may not even doubt his ability to love but I am wondering if his/their power is their own or a manipulation of the collective consciousness of the Brahmin family. Does anyone follow this? I can try dig out some classic terminology to describe it if there is interest.

Its a sort of Tantra basically. Manipulation of others' energy. All these nonsensical constructions and created mental confusion, the trouble and stife, the carrot and the sticks, the honeymoon and the desertion are great ways to start de-centering individuals and place them in a vulnerable position where they give to you in hope of a never happening return.

Jam tomorrow (Golden Age/high status) if you give me your soul today.

PostPosted: 04 May 2007
by john
shivsena wrote:but one fine day when I read the Murli mahavakya, "parampita paramatma Prajapita Brahma dwara nayi shristi ki rachna rachte hain'', then it suddenly struck to me that this statement is giving me the answer to my queries.


Could you translate into English the Murli point you have quoted please?

PostPosted: 04 May 2007
by andrey
"The Supreme Father the Supreme Soul creates a new world through Prajapita Brahma" but it should be checked whether it is correct. Murli should be quoted with date to check and verify.

Dear Brother anamik,

There is a Murli quote that says that all miracles are of Prajapita, but they thought to be Krishna.
Then the true Brahmins 108 souls will be created by Ramshivbaba through the mouth of Brahma (Krishna)

If RamshivBaba will attain 100% nirakari stage then he will take control of the body. Then Krishna will lose the control. The why will it be called mouth of Brahma (Krishna). It would be called mouth of Ramshivbaba. The soul of Krishna is called the first leaf. Can he be Prajapita?

PostPosted: 05 May 2007
by shivsena
john wrote:Could you translate into English the Murli point you have quoted please?

Dear john Bhai.

The translation : ''Parampita paramatma establishes a new world through prajapita Brahma"; in short, it means that 'ShivBaba (Shiv+Ram combined) create a new world through prajapita Brahma (krishna-banni-wife)'. Neither Shiv alone or Ram alone can create a new world (ram-rajya) as is evident from the happenings in the Yagya in the past. Only when nirakar Shiv and nirakari Ram become combined, then only the new world order will be created, first in the PBK family and then in the rest of the world.

This one statement of Murli gives the introduction of all three souls :Shiv, Ram and Krishna.


PostPosted: 05 May 2007
by Mr Green
No offence meant by previous comment.

PostPosted: 06 May 2007
by shivsena
andrey wrote: If RamshivBaba will attain 100% nirakari stage then he will take control of the body. Then Krishna will lose the control. The why will it be called mouth of Brahma (Krishna). It would be called mouth of Ramshivbaba. The soul of Krishna is called the first leaf. Can he be Prajapita?

Dear andrey Bhai.

When Ramshivbaba becomes a-shariri nirakari stage, then then Krishna becomes 100%sharirdhari (of Virendra Dev Dixit) and that is when the Murli words, "a-shariri aur sharirdhari ke milan ko Baba kahete hai" will become true and Ramshivbaba will then speak from the mouth of the body of Virendra Dev Dixit belonging to Krishna (which becomes prajapita brahma-banni). BKs recognise bindi ShivBaba in Lekhraj Kirpalani but can one say that they have the third eye of knowledge? Similarly, the PBKs see bindi ShivBaba in Virendra Dev Dixit and claim they have the third eye of knowledge but many PBKs have doubts (their third eye closes) as years roll by and they leave the Yagya. But the real third eye of knowledge is the recognition of Ramshivbaba (parampita paramatma combined) and Krishna (atma) in the body of Virendra Dev Dixit, and to know the roles of each (ShivBaba ki mahima and Krishna ki mahima) only 108 souls of rudramala will achieve this and will get the title of trinetri Brahmins in future.


PostPosted: 08 May 2007
by andrey
Dear Brother,
These points prove that the one who gives the kingdom is a someone who comes and goes, the supreme Father, the unique soul, and not the soul of any human being. What is the obstacle for the soul of Ram to become nirakar even now? What will be the difficulty in the recognition?

Sakar Murli revised 15.1.04 spoken by Supreme Father Shiva through Brahma Baba
"The Father Himself comes and grants salvation to everyone. People then defame such a Father. Shiv Baba’s birthday is worth diamonds. God Himself, the Highest on High is the Bestower of Salvation. How can there be praise of anyone else?"

Sakar Murli revised 15.1.04 spoken by Supreme Father Shiva through Brahma Baba
"Baba says: Yesterday, I gave you a kingdom, so where did that kingdom go? You yourself know that this is a play. Only the one Father tells you the secrets of the whole play. We say: Baba, You are bound by the drama, and You therefore have to come into the impure world and enter an impure body. People praise God a great deal. Children say: Baba, we called our for You and so You had to come to serve us, that is, to make us pure from impure. Every cycle, You make us into deities and then go away. This is like a story. This is a story for those who are clever."