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BKWSU and the Arya Samaj

PostPosted: 24 Jun 2007
by ex-l
My intention here is not to construct a full or political history of the said organization but to briefly draw out parallels and contradictions relating to the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization from a spiritual point of view - for further discussion.

The Arya Samaj

The Arya Samaj is another Hindu sect that was competitive to the BKWSU and cames in for direct criticism from Lekhraj Kirpalani and the BKWSU in the Sakar Murlis. Of course, we have no recollections of other spoken conversions of that time and we can presume that the more politically incorrect prejudices voiced within the BKWSU have been removed or covered up. A mere Kali Yuga, body conscious sect at the Fag End of the Kalpa.

Bear in mind that we now know that for the first 20 years at least there was no Shiva Baba in the BK canon, there was no personal God, no God as a personality. There was only Lekhraj Kirpalani as a god (notice distinct use of capitalization), The Knowledge of Infinite Divine Light (Braham Gyan) and the practise of the BK path was the faith of "Aham Brahmam Asmi" and the "imparting of 'Inner Sight'".

Now, again to attempt to set the scene for the modelling of the Om Mandli, let us examine who and what the Arya Samaj were about in theory and how they might have influence and effected Lekhraj Kirpalani and the nascent BKs. I know Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs specifically place the Arya Samaj in their philosophy and so welcome their views. We also all recognise that however perfect any philosophy is, if you fill it full of humans, it becomes ... Well, "human".

The Arya Samaj arose as a reform movement and was formally founded a religious and social organization in Bombay on April 7th, 1875 by Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati. Its intent was to move the Hinduism away from fictitious beliefs and return to the teachings of Vedas. Its primary goal is said to have been "Krinvanto Vishvam Aryam" (Make This World Noble). It was certainly reformist in that after meeting with the Brahmo Samaj leader Shri Keshub Chandra Sen, Dadayanda started to teach in Hindi not Saskrit. One impact of the Arya Samaj is seen in the adoption of Hindi as a language of administration early in the 20th century India.
Maharishi Dayananda Saraswati wrote:I do not entertain the least idea of founding a new religion or sect. My sole aim is to believe in Truth and help others believe in it, to reject falsehood and help others to do the same.

Arya Samaj is based on the basic teachings of Vedas. These teachings are summarized in 10 basic principles. "Arya" is taken to mean a noble human being, one who is thoughtful and charitable, thinks good thoughts and does good actions. In theory, the universal Arya Samaj (Vishwa Arya Samaj) is a gathering of such people, a well-knit society of good people that shun all narrow-minded sectarian views and adopt universal principles that were practiced by the Sages and noble people since times immemorial.

Today it is an international organization, with over 8,000 chapters in many countries, that also seeks to promote, preserve and realize Vedic heritage. Those include; United States, Canada, Guyana, Surinam, Trinidad, Mexico, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa, Malawi, Mauritius, Pakistan, Burma, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Australia. From at least 1885, its charities include; education and literacy programmes, orphanages and child sponsorship, widows protection schemes, emergency relief (response to earthquakes etc), poverty relief, food programmes, art and cultural events etc.

    1. Of all true knowledge and whatever is known from knowledge, the Primary cause is Highest Lord i.e., GOD.
    2. GOD is existent, intelligent, and blissful. He is formless, omniscient, kind, unborn, endless, unchangeable, beginningless, unequalled, the support of all, the master of all fearless, eternal, holy and creator of the Universe. He alone is worthy of worship.
    3. The VEDAS are the books of all true knowledge. It is the paramount duty of all Aryas to read them, to teach them, to hear them, and to preach them.
    4. One should always be ready to accept truth and give up untruth.
    5. Everything should be done according to Dharma, that is after considering what is truth and what is untruth.
    6. The chief object of the Arya Samaj is to good to the world,i.e., to make physical and social improvement.
    7. We should treat all with love and justice according with dictates of Dharma.
    8. We should dispel ignorance and diffuse knowledge.
    9. One should not be content with one's own welfare alone, but should count the progress of all as one's own.
    10. Everyone should consider oneself as bound in obeying social and all-benefiting rules, but everyone is free in matters pertaining to individual well-being.
It is said that, the Arya Samaj also unequivocally condemned practices such as polytheism, idolatry, iconolatry, animal sacrifice, ancestor worship, pilgrimage, priestcraft, the belief in avatars or incarnations of God, the hereditary caste system, untouchability and child marriage on the grounds that all these lack Vedic sanction.

The BKs refer to the leaders and followers of the Arya Samaj as;
Om Radhe wrote:"self-unrealised ... devilish organisation of the East" ... destined to " meet their doom along with their much coveted Vedas ... their so-called religious haunts"
a "malafide influence burdening brains with carefully cooked anecdotes from many an imaginary scripture"
"kansa" (wicked or impure)
"kafirs" (Infidels)
peforming "devilish services"
"completely perverted mentality ... fast approaching annihilation" (1939)
"equally unscrupulous comrades (of the Congress Party) ... whose bellies are filled with ill earned victuals
Hindu was, in fact, no religion at all ... even Brahmanism is or was no religion to the BKs. The above quotes taken from Om Radhe's 1943 book referring to Worl War II called,
    "This Preordained World-Wide War of Mahabharata and its Result"
Further quotes taken from Sakar Murlis;
BapDada wrote:"The Arya Samaj (a particular society) is a sect or cult."

"You can explain when the Arya Samaj began ... the uncivilised ones."

"The Arya religion would be the religion of the Arya Samaj. There is no religion with the name Arya religion. Who established the Arya religion? In fact, you should not even take up the Gita."

"When one of the kings of Kashmir died, those of the Arya Samaj received so much money. All of them do all of that for their own stomach. There is no happiness without wealth. If someone has wealth, he can travel around in a car. "

"You give lectures and so those who were children here and have been converted will emerge. Some come from the Arya Samaj, others from elsewhere. So, when people hear that someone from their religion has gone to the Brahma Kumaris, they feel that their nose has been cut off. You need good yuktis to explain to them. "

Now what is interesting, and relevant to the early Brahma Kumaris is that The Arya Samaj also bounced off the Theosophical Society at one point. The division between the two was caused by the Theosophists belief in ghosts, mediumistic abilities, miracles and other occult matters. Swami Dayanda taking up the role of teacher, was quick to admonish Olcott and Blatavsky for what he termed "humbuggery" and "superstition" unbefitting of a seeker of truth.

The main point of contention was in regards to the nature of God. While the Theosophists asserted that the highest Divinity is an impersonal Principle, Swami Dayanand maintained that the Vedas, and their allied literature, clearly taught that God is a personal Being – in his words, "the Personification of Being, Knowledge and Bliss".

Now, bear in mind that on record, that unlike today, the Brahma Kumaris until at least 1950 had NO PERSONAL GOD and only faith in the Brahm Element and Lekhraj Kirpalani - a medium/allegedly avatar and incarnation of Vishnu or Krishna/possessed by a ghost/take your pick ...

Swami Dayananda officially cut off all ties with the Theosophical Society because such differences. It is said that prime mission in life was not the forming and maintaining of an organization or institution.


On the basis on Om "Mama Saraswati" Radhe's uncensored recorded writings above, a women the Brahma Kumaris worship today as the Number 2 soul in the World and "Eve" ... as I write on "Mama's Day" I propose that she, and they, were actually a little bit mad, conceited, utterly ignorant of the real world and awfully arrogant towards others. Futher that if she went along with the later cover-up and re-writing of the history and philosophy, she was also as deceitful and dishonest as those within the BKWSU that continue to do so.

She, and they, were also wrong about their world predictions or, if you wish, their interpretation of the garbled predictions emanating from Lekhraj Kirpalani. It is my strongly held opinion that anyone on a truly spiritual path would not, and could not, act to official sanctify her.

Where are the written or recorded refutation of any of these quotation? I don ot think that they exist but I think that they are still currently held and unrepentant beliefs, internally, within the BKWSU. They loved it and they love her.