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BK Family Tree

PostPosted: 16 May 2007
by ex-l
Someone suggested that it would be a good idea to document the BK Family Tree. I agree. Secrecy and obscurity is an element of control. You can suggest all these cover names the Seniors use are wonderful and spiritual. On the otherhand, they hide the facts. One of which is how inter-related the Kirpalani Klan were. I believe in making Knowledge available to others.

Over on the Encyclopedia there is a list of names and families involved around the beginning of the Om Mandli, here. Elsewhere, we listed "The 8" who Lekhraj Kirpalani thought were "The 8" and who the PBKs, I understand, interpret as the 8 seed souls of other religions.

As the BKs have falsified and changed elements of the history, I hope that PBKs will also join in doing this from their perspective, e.g. corellating the "religious founders" to their religions etc.


who is behind a religious Father?

PostPosted: 19 May 2007
by surya
Is this the correct set up?
    Seed Soul
    Root Soul + Pure soul (from Paramdham)

Prajapita's life according to the PBK Knowledge

PostPosted: 21 May 2007
by surya
This is what is known about Prajapita (the Father of Humanity):
Name: Virendra Dev Diksit
Born: 1st February 1942 in Ahmedgunj (north of Kaimgunj), India
Fathers name: Shri Sohanlal Shivdayal Diksit
Mother expired in 1965.

Brought up and educated(High School) at Kampil, completed the JTC training at Eta, he taught at the Municipal Primary School of Kampil for 3 year and also taught at the Girls School of Kaimgunj for another 2 years. After that he went to Ahmedabad for the Ph.D research. In 1969, while staying in the hostel of Gujarat University, he did the research work for his Ph.D on the topic - Who is the first man of this world??

On 30th November 1969, during his research work, he entered PBIVV, Paladi Centre, 2 B - Prabhua Park in Ahmedabad for the first time and learned that the head of PBIVV Dada Lekhraj expired on 18th January 1969.

He stayed in Ahmedabad till 1975 and after that returned to his village Kampil.

Re: Prajapita's life according to the PBK Knowledge

PostPosted: 22 May 2007
by tinydot
surya wrote:Born: 1st February 1942 in Ahmedgunj (north of Kaimgunj), India

Just a quick question. Do we know the date when Shevakram died?

Was Virendra Dev Dixit approximately two months in his mother's womb when Shevakram left his body?

Virendra Dev Dixit

PostPosted: 23 May 2007
by surya

If we know the date when Shevakram died? No, it is not known ... I guess it was around the end of 1941 and beginning of 1942.

Bro, what makes you say/question this? "Was Veerendra Dev Dixit approximately two months in his mother's womb when Shevakram left his body?"

In my opinion that's possible because he got his new body prepared beforehand and the soul doesn’t enter the womb at the time of conception but later on when fetus is more developed.



the fathers

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2007
by surya
The world main religions ... recollections as per best of my knowledge ...

1st - Aadi Sanaatan Devi Devata Dharma – the deity religion established by God himself.

At the end of the 5000 years cycle, in Confluence Age the Supreme Soul comes down from the Supreme Abode and tell us human souls the story of this eternal drama that we are part of. He says that at the beginning there was paradise on Earth also known as Golden and Silver Age. At that time there was one religion, called Aadi Sanaatan Devi Devata Dharma – the deity religion established by God himself.

While God is on Earth He transforms the human race by teaching us how to became an elevated human and rule oneself first and than the world. The result is that an ordinary man, i.e.Veerendra Dev Dixit becomes the Emperor Shri Narayan and an ordinary woman, i.e. Vidantebhen becomes World Empress Shri Lakshmi and ruled these two ages.

There are other religious fathers and they too are now learning the Advanced Knowledge so in the next 5000 years these souls will have this knowledge as a base for the foundation of their religion. So the Father of the Humanity, i.e. Prajapita (Veerendra Dev Dixit) in whom Supreme Soul enters; gets this knowledge first of all. Prajapita becomes the seed of the first religion. The seeds souls of other religions learn this knowledge from Supreme Soul via Prajapita. These seeds are today sitting in front of the Father.

Each religion also has a base like soul. The Base like souls is very much connected to the seeds as per their past accounts of Karma. And the pure souls that will enter the base like souls in the next 5000 years world cycle to establish their religion are also historically connected to each other. The spinning goes on ... and here a small historic description of each religion as we know today.

2nd – 3750 years ago, in the Silver Age, there was a special religion called Kashatriya (warrior religion). Ram is the seed of the warrior religion. "The saccharine like power of the entire world like tree is embedded in that seed like Father (Ram)."

3nd - 2500 years ago, in the Copper Age, Prophet Abraham established the Islam religion. Originally known as Abram - Father of the Israelite people. In Islam, his name (in the Quoran) is Ibrahim. He is a prophet and the one who together with his son Ismail restores the original monotheistic worship at the Kaba in Mecca. Ibrahim is considered as the original Muslim, who submitted to ALLAH as a monotheist and Muslim. This is the first religion that shows the opposite path. Population of the world increases rapidly at this point in history. Purity – that was the basis for the establishment of paradise is lost at this point in time.

4rd – 2250 years ago, in the Copper Age, Mahatma Buddha established Buddhism. "Buddha was a prince called Siddhartha Gautama, born in the 5th Century BC to the king of the Shakyas, in Nepal. According to the legend, for his first 29 years of life, Prince Gautma lived a life of luxury always inside the palace walls. What changed his life was a trip to the outside world and after seeing the suffering of people living outside his palaces, Gautama decided that material wealth was not the ultimate goal in life and, against his Father's wishes, set out to lead the austere life of an ascetic for 5 years. After 5 years he chose what Buddhists call the Middle Path, and at the age of 35, settled under a peepal tree, i.e. Bodhi tree in what is now Bihar (India) to meditate, vowing not to rise until he had found the Truth. After 49 days of meditation, Gautama is said to have found enlightenment and was known as the Buddha, which means – Awakened One."

5th - 2000 years ago, in the Copper Age, Christ established Christianity. Jesus was born before the death of King Herod (4 BCE) of pious parents Joseph and Mary, of Nazareth in Galilee.

Jesus, a Jewish religious teacher, was called "a carpenter" and in the traditional Christian belief the unique incarnation of God. But in reality, when Jesus was around the age of 30-33, a pure soul descends from the Soul World and enters into Jesus and the power of that pure soul is such that even the body was re-named, i.e. Christ. So Christ is the founder. Christ preached about the coming kingdom of God. Sometimes he preached in present tense and other times as something that cannot be described. He taught and acted in way which manifested the power and authority not of himself but God. He transformed lives of others. His miracles are said to include making birds out of clay, healing the sick, blind and lepers. His philosophy and life are depicted in the Holy Bible.

Jesus was executed by crucifixion by Roman authorities in Judea. The reasons for the crucifixion are that the Jewish (Judea's citizens) blamed Jesus for the social anarchy. Jesus Christ was overturning the Jewish tables in the market and the Jewish were losing their income. As per the Advanced Knowledge, Jesus was put on the cross because he had performed such actions during the Confluence Age and as a result his mother (Lekhraj Kirpalani) died of a heart attack. Jesus alone was punished, not Christ. Christ left Jesus's body before the crucifixion. That's why while on the cross he said: "Lord, why did you abandon me!"

There is a strange story of making a "table prepared" or the Last Supper is named “the table” only in the Quoran. The crucifixion is denied in the Quoran: “They killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them”. And that in Jesus there was a ‘spirit’ of holiness that came and left.

According to the Bible, there was the Last Supper, Jesus was executed and laid in a tomb on Friday; according to the gospels on Sunday morning his tomb was found to be empty. After that the three gospels, i.e. Matthew, Luke and John offered various and differing accounts of the appearances of Jesus to his followers.

6th - 1500 years ago, in the Copper Age, Shri Aadi Shankaracharya established the Sanyas religion. The founder Aadi Shankaracharya adopted the path of renunciation since childhood – brahmacharya (celibacy). They uncalculate purity while living away in the jungles, from the opposite sex. This is often discussed here around this forum that the BKs are the sanyasis because they leave their wife and children and go to live in the ashrams.

7th - 1400 years ago, in the Copper Age, Prophet Mohammad established Muslim religion. His original name – Muhammad ibn Abd Allah. Born in Mecca. He is the last of the prophets from whose proclamation of Quoran Islam derives. At an early age, he had an experience of a visitation by two angels(‘who opened his chest and strirred their hands inside’). After the unusual experiences he search for the truth of God on his own and influenced by those who were seeking to preserve a monotheism which they traced back to Abraham. But Arabia was refuge for many other faiths like unorthodox Christians and Jews and Mecca was polytheistic.

Muhammad went into isolation in a cave on Mount Hira in order to struggle with the truth of God lying behind the bewildering conflict of idols and religions. On one occasion, he had the strong sense of a presence of Gabriel (angel Gabriel) pressing on him and insisting three times, 'Iqra' – read or recite. At first he believed he gone insane and thought of killing himself. His wife Khadijah found him and told him to test the truth. He began preaching. From his initial vision he saw with clarity that if God is God, then there cannot be a God of the Christians, a God for the Jews. So he wanted to abolish all idolatry in Mecca. In a sense, the whole of Islam is a footnote to this simple observation: there is only one God and all creation is derived from him. Muhammad fights his enemies capturing Mecca in 630 and purifying it from idols.

8th - 500 years ago, in the Iron Age, Guru Nanak established the Sikh religion. Nanak born in 1469 and die in 1539. There are hints in the 'Adi Granth', i.e. Sikh theology, that probably in 1499 at Sultanpur, Nanak experienced God’s call while bathing in the River Bein. After a mystical experience, reputedly of three days duration, he gave away his possessions and repeated, 'There is neither Hindu nor Muslim', meaning that the majority were not truly religious. Then he devoted his life traveling to many places eventually settled in Kartarpur where followers gathered and observed a daily regime of bathing, hymn-singing and eating together.

By meditating upon Gods name the soul can master the mind and conquer the 5 evil passions. The Adi Granth contains 974 hymns - all composed by Guru Nanak. Guru Nanak’s birthday is celebrated every year on the full moon (oct. – Nov.) The Adi Granth consists of 1,430 pages, and its message is unanimous: salvation depends not upon caste, ritual, or asceticism, but upon constant meditation on God’s name and by immersing in his being.

9th - Later in the Iron Age, Maharshi Dayanand established the Arya Samaj religion. (1824 –1883) Mul Shankara, founder of the neo-orthodox Hindu movement Arya Samaj. Wonder as a yogi for a long period eventually settled in 1860 in Mathura, studying with the Vedic scholar Virajamanda. Under his influence, Dayanand rejected the accretions of post-Vedic Hinduism and started a public campaign for a return to Vedic values (Brahmanism).

10th – At the end of Iron Age, the Atheism in Russia. They don't believe in the soul or the Supreme Soul. They only believe in the 5 elements and study the five elements in the body.

Anyone who wants to add or contribute to this topic please do so.


PostPosted: 04 Jun 2007
by tinydot
Now in the Uranium Age,
    75 years ago, Lekhraj Kirpalani established the BK religion/cult
    35 years ago, Virendra Dev Dixit established the PBK religion/cult
    <20 years ago, Mr. Patel established the Vishnu Party (religion/cult)