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Recordings of Murlis

PostPosted: 14 May 2007
by john
I have read that the Murlis were recorded and then transcribed. The first tape recording machines were invented in 1935.

I am wondering whether anyone knows when the first recordings were made and were they dated with the introduction.

PostPosted: 15 May 2007
by arjun
Omshanti. I do not know the exact year when audio recording of Murlis began, but I vaguely remember that whenever audio recordings of Sakar Murlis (narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba) used to be played at Madhuban, Mount Abu on Thursdays, it used to begin with BK Chandrahas Dada announcing the date.


PostPosted: 17 May 2007
by abrahma kumar
Thanks John, Arjun.

The forum moderators may move this post elsewhere as it may be deemed only loosely related to the matter under discussion here however it is concerned with the original Murlis and the BKWSU system of translating them. Elsewhere on the forum i referred to some observations whilst reading a BKWSU publication entitled: Eternal Drama of Souls, Matter and GOD. This post outlines another observation, namely that BK Jagsdish Chander's English translations attributed to God or God Shiva at the start of many of the chapters differs in style and manner from the Murlis that we hear. I include a few of those 'quotations' here verbatim.
"Besides the body, there is an entity that has consciousness as its essential natue. This conscient entity uses its 'living' body as an assemblage of instruments of perception and action. It experiences pleasure and pain also through the medium of a 'living' body. This is called 'soul'. The body 'lives' and dies but the soul lives forever. Know yourself as a soul and your living body as a wonderful medium for manifestation." - God Shiva.

"In this self-luminous minute point - the Soul - lie the impressions of all the incarnate existence of the self and from this point emerge all thoughts and in this occurs the feeling. The purification of this self is the key to peace." - God.

"If one is unable to reap the fruits of one's actions in this life, one reaps them in the next. Thus, the law of action remains inviolable. Therefore, never must you indulge into bad action, for action goes with the soul wherever it goes." - God Shiva

"The soul is like a bired and the body is like a nest or cage. The body may also be compared to a five-horse carriage or a motor car and the soul to a driver. The soul can move and act even without the body as a bird can fly out of a nest or a cage, or a man can walk out of his house, or even as a driver can move out of his vehicle. Remember that the body is like a caracan sarai which the soul will leave one day. Therefore, let there be no attachment with the body." - God Shiva.

"A human soul re-incarnates in human species and a soul of the animal kind reincarnates in the animal species. Souls of one kind differ from the souls of other kind in respect of their innate abilities and potentialities - their mind and their Sanskars or predispositions. Each one reaps the fruits of its past actions in its own kind. Being of human kind, a man ought, therefore, to have behavious and qualities above the animalistic one." - God Shiva

Is there something different about these 'translations'? Are they Brother Jagdish's own decoration of God Shiva's words or are they in fact precisely accurate translations into English of the exact words that God Shiva spoke?

I know that Brother Jagdish was widely read and also given to a poetic manner of speaking and writing even the simplest thing (I heard in my headphones once a translator 'crying out' to the effect that how could she possibly translate tis poetry. The exasperation in her voice was rather comically touching. Brother Jagdish just continued with his class with a wry smile.)

Anyway these quotations seem to give Baba's words a degree of clarity that the very same Murli points English laguage speakers GET IN PARAPHRASED FORM! Something of the personality of God 'feels as if it is missing from the current translations'.

Who signs-off on the official translations we now get read to us? Why do not we have access to God's directly spoken words? (And yes I know that there are various Hindi nuances that cannot be translated.)

But look at the first 'quote?' Can anyone guess how the BKs would present those words to us nowadays? Has anyone ever heard the word 'inviolable' in the English language Murlis? I have never. And i accept that we cant read 7/8 pages of Murli each day but where are the originals stored so that interested parities can study them at length?

There are further such instances from the book that i could have quoted but enough for now. They illustrate even further that there seems to be a little condensing of of Baba's words in the Murlis.

Apologies if this post is a bit arcane but if anyone is interested in having a full list of the translations I can provide so that they can compare what we hear today with Brother Jagdish's offerings.