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Divine Decrees: Original name of the published Murlis?

PostPosted: 07 Apr 2007
by ex-l
Reading this poster, I think it reveals what must have been the original name for the early Murlis. It refers to;
"This and other most esoteric Divine Facts are revealed in full detail in Divine Decrees volume 18, dated 3-9-42".

So there we have a name for them, and apparently they were in English. I think the plot thickens. Why all this perfect English and English publications? Where did they all disappear?. This poster, download full-sized version here, is dated 1 January 1943.

Anyone heard of such publications?


PostPosted: 07 Apr 2007
by arjun
So there we have a name for them, and apparently they were in English. I think the plot thickens. Why all this perfect English and English publications? Where did they all disappear?. This poster, see here, is dated 1 January 1943.

Anyone heard of such publications?

Yes, it is interesting to note that so many pictures, posters and write-ups were released in English in the 1940s by Om Mandali. It makes us ponder if the Hindi version was also released or at least was a draft of the above English document prepared in Hindi first and then got translated into English? Were Dada Lekhraj and Om Radhey so perfect in English as to directly approve the English versions without a Hindi draft? From the level of English of most Dadis (who have had the privelege to interact with English speaking souls for so many years) it does not appear that Dada Lekhraj or Om Radhey were so perfect in English. Then, who prepared all these matters?

The language of the Divine Decrees shows that the Yagya and knowledge was very much influenced by the World War-II that was going on at that time.

I guess that if there was a Hindi translation of the word 'Decree' at that time, it may have been the Urdu word 'Firmaan' because it appears in many Murlis and Avyatka Vanis. As for the Hindi translation of the word 'Divine' it may have been 'daivi' or 'roohani'.


PostPosted: 07 Apr 2007
by abrahma kumar
Curiouser and Curiouser