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BKs Align with Israel? Neville Hodgkinson on Gaza

PostPosted: 28 May 2024
by ex-l
As Reporters Without Borders (RSF) file its third complaint with the International Criminal Court about Israeli war crimes against journalists; as at least 36,050 Palestinians, including more than 15,000 children have been killed & 80,643 injured; as more than half of Gaza’s homes have been destroyed, including 85.8% of school buildings & 267 places of worship; as Israel defies the International Court of Justice, threatens international judges, & the International Criminal Court announces its intention to issue the arrest warrant of the Israeli leader Benjamin "Netanyahu" Mileikowsky ... the BKWSU appears to be aligning itself with its Hasbara propaganda, as journalist BK Neville Hodgkinson and others are interviewed by Netanel Semrik of Contento Now.

It appears from his book, "The Moment That Changed My Life" that Netanel Semrik may be a BK follower, & is now publishing volumes of BK material (all the usual BK suspects being present).

Or is it just some kind of "Spirit Washing" of the ongoing genocide of Palestinian people?

Re: BKs Align with Israel? Neville Hodgkinson on Gaza

PostPosted: 28 May 2024
by Pink Panther
I couldn't watch it. So I am not sure what them main theme is that develops.

I just don't know why people don't understand how this ongoing conflict is simply about equal civil and human rights for all, the same political rights and equal social opportunities for all.

I don't know how people think that calls to stop the killing means that you condone the actions of Oct 7 2023, or that calls for peace are a call for the destruction of Israel.

There is a weird mindset that has been constructed that says unless you are a Zionist, you're antisemitic. This, of course, insults everyone who calls for peace and equal rights for all, especially the Jewish antizionists, of which there are many, including religious and secular Jews.

Israel was created by the mandate of the UN, particularly the Security Council, after WW2. They were granted nationhood and UN membership. This gives them rights, responsibilities and obligations, including adhering to the rulings of the ICJ. Whatever has gone before, after the ICJ ordered Israel to cease its attacks in Rafah and Israel increased them instead, at that point Israel has declared it does not want to abide by the rules of the organisation that granted its statehood and international recognition.

That's on top of the hundreds of UN resolutions that Israel has ignored over the decades.

Re: BKs Align with Israel? Neville Hodgkinson on Gaza

PostPosted: 28 May 2024
by ex-l
Pink Panther wrote:I couldn't watch it. So I am not sure what them main theme is that develops ...

If you cannot stomach that, here's an even more power emetic.

In an early video, Brahma Kumari leader Jayanti Kirpalani was rolled out making a blatantly obvious reference to the Jewish ritual of lighting the Chanukah menorah, a memorial to when a small, vastly outnumbered band of Jews waged battle against the mighty armies, and drove them out of their lands.
Sister Jayanti wrote:Single light that has the power to illuminate many candles in the darkness. I have faith that beyond this dark period, the combat light will illuminate our souls, and we ourselves can be elements that illuminate the souls of others. Together, let’s bring the light to this day, when people will not see suffering in their lives, and we will come to live together in a world as loving family, with awareness and eternal connection together.

Jayanti, joined Netanel Semrik, in a special program reflecting on the aftermath of the October 7th incident at the Israel-Gaza border.
“In recent days, the world has transformed into a realm of evil and darkness. Examples abound globally, including at the Israel-Gaza border during the October 7th war. We are witnessing a world characterized by evil, darkness, negativity, violence, and brutality, symbolizing the darkest night in humanity. However, this night will not endure indefinitely. Darkness will never prevail. I believe that beyond this dark period, where violence reaches its peak, humanity will transition beyond the tunnel of light. The inner light within people is dimmed by negativity, and this is the outcome we are currently experiencing. Yet, we are not alone; there is a higher power accompanying humanity—a divine force that, through trust and love, will penetrate and guide us.”

For anyone not versed in BK philosophy, what's going on here is not really a "reflection on the aftermath of the October 7th incident at the Israel-Gaza border", it's just a dog whistle to BK followers, & a reference to the BK concept of time, that now is the darkest period of Kali Yuga, when humanity is at it's lowest ebb & faces a near total annihilation when the majority will disappear off to the Soul World (aka "beyond the tunnel of light" above), & the "higher power" is their god spirit, Shiva.

The codeified cultural appropriation of Jewish mysticism relating to the Menorah that they practise, is the suggestion that the central candle in it, which lights all of the other candle, i.e. BKs, is again their god spirit Shiva ... and nothing to do with Jewish mythology at all.

If it is that Netanel Semrik turns out to be another BK adherent, this set up followers a typical Brahma Kumari format, where a follower presents themselves as an independent third party, generally not dressed in their white uniform or identified by badges, in order to interview a senior member ... BOTH conspiring in the message being given.

Followed by the usual blowing of their own trumpets regarding their tenuous relationship with the United Nations.
The Brahma Kumaris, an international non-governmental organization (NGO) of the United Nations, holds General Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Sister Jayanti has been the organization’s representative to the UN in Geneva since 1982. She champions the cooperative role of spiritual organizations in creating a just and peaceful world, bringing spiritual principles to discussions with politicians, economists, business leaders, scientists, and stakeholders.

Pink Panther wrote:That's on top of the hundreds of UN resolutions that Israel has ignored over the decades.

And that's on top of the 100,000s of times the Brahma Kumaris have claimed to be recognised by the UN.

Re: BKs Align with Israel? Neville Hodgkinson on Gaza

PostPosted: 28 May 2024
by ex-l
Pink Panther wrote:Israel was created by the mandate of the UN, particularly the Security Council, after WW2

But, let us be clear here.

Israel was created by a terrorist purge by mainly recent Eastern European & Russian immigrants, that led to the ethnic cleansing & genocide of more than 700,000 indigenous arab Palestinians; who were driven from their homes, their farms, orchards & villages wiped off the face of the Earth; their women, children & the elderly being raped and murdered; 590,000 of whom were forced to live in an open prison called Gaza, their lives controlled LITERALLY down to the last calorie at various times.

To the indigenous people, it's called the Nakba or catastrophe; What happened in Palestine in 1948?.

So, why would the Brahma Kumaris being aligning themselves with such an injustice?

I, too, do not know if I can stomach reviewing what is going on here.

I know the BK leadership leans to the Right politically, but the questions I would like to ask is,
    a) Are they really so stupid to get involved with what's currently going on & to exploit it to promote their own interests?

    b) Ar are they unwittingly being used as part of some "Spirit Washing" (white washing using spirituality) hasbara campaign?
As an aside, what I have noticed is that a considerable amount of anti-Islamic sentiments have been whipped up in India supporting Israel in this conflict.

Re: BKs Align with Israel? Neville Hodgkinson on Gaza

PostPosted: 29 May 2024
by Pink Panther
It is worth reviewing the historical build up to the formal creation of the nation state of Israel (the formalisation is what I referred to).

One of the reasons the Right Wing nationalists in India are exploiting the current conflict for their own ends is that the creation of the modern state of Israel, and its dispossession of the Palestinian people, followed the same lines as the process that created the modern states of India and Pakistan, except the Palestinian people did not end up with their own state and became refugees.

Both were under British control, both had multicultural populations with competing interests and visions for the future.
The British had just barely survived WW2, war-weary and economically depleted. They really wanted to keep India but realised they could not, partly due to popular opinion shifting at home with Mohandas Gandhi's campaigning gaining global admiration, but mainly because the British lacked the resources and, more importantly, lacked the political will, if push came to shove, to fend of the more aggressive sectarian factions of the independence/nationalist movements which would likely lead to bloodshed and a larger policial cost.

In India, the "Hindutva" radicals among the Hindu religious majority such as the RSS and other grousp were forerunners of VHP and BJP. Gandhi and Nehru appealed to them to be part of their non-violent moverment by using Hindu jargon such as "Ram Raj" and "Jai Hind". Except for soem outbreaks it largely worked.

Now, it's ironic that, today, most people associate Islam as the more separatist religion and Hinduism as more inclusive. This shift by the Congress leaders to use religious jargon and identity partly contributed to Jinna splitting off from Congress because he was committed to a totally secular state (understandable given that Muslims were the minority)Seeing that trend, hebecame leader of themovement for a separate Muslim state, largely for fear of what a Hindu-dominated India may mean.

Palestine was not resource-rich like India, so if India wasn't worth fighting for, then neither was Palestine. It only took a few terror campaigns by Irgun, the Stern gang and their ilk added to a mountain of guilt over what their centuries of antisemitism culminating in the past decade of ignoring the plight of Jews in Germany for the british authorities to give in to the Zionists I.E. those who believed they had the right to a Jewish ethno-state based on their religion's view of divine will.

In both places, it was the Muslims who were willing to accept a multicultural nation.

Before 1948, Palestine was inhabited by Arabs, Jews, Armenians, Druze, Bedouins, Christians. The leaders of the Palestinians had negotiated with the British (meetings set up by T E Lawrence "of Arabia" ) and part of that was an agreement to accept Jewish immigrants from Britain and Europe as part of a free Palestine, in exchange for their help in defeating the Ottoman Turks, who ruled Palestine at the time. The British reiterated this in their dealings with the Palestinians right up until 1948, while at the same time promising a separate Jewish state to the Zionist lobbyists who'd been growing in number, influence and sophistication over the decades.

Another irony was how the British duplicity was manipulated by the appeal to British antisemitism by the Zionists, suggesting tacitly, and sometimes overtly, that a Jewish ethno-state would help rid the UK and Europe of Jews thereby ending its "Jewish problem". And let's not forget that but for a couple of "sliding doors" Britain may have actually allied with Nazi Germany, there were many Hitler fanboys in the British establishment.

In the end, the British betrayed the inclusive multicultural secularists in both India and Palestine for one reason (as they betrayed others in other places, such as in Greece, and for the same reason) - that reason was they backed the groups and parties that they believed were less likely to be drawn into the orbit of the USSR.

In both countries, the peacemakers were assassinated by the exclusionist religio-ethno-fascists.

The Gandhi-Nehru Congress was part of the Non-Aligned Movement and did have good relations with its neighbour to the North for decades. We all know about Gandhi's assassination by a RSS fanatic. Less known is that Rajiv Gandhi's assassin was also a Right Wing religious nationalist (Tamil Tigers), who felt betrayed by R Gandhi's promise to withdraw support for their violent struggle and negotiate a deal with the Sri Lankan govt to give Tamils in Sri Lanka equal rights and a level of autonomy while the Tigers wanted a separate ethno-state.

We also know Rajiv's mother Indira Gandhi was assassinated because of her campaign against Sikh ethno-nationalist separatists who, it must be said, she had at first sponsored and built up deliberately to create a political wedge in the political opposition which advantaged her electorally.

As history has proven, both in India and Israel (and other places), unless the democratic and other structures & institutions of a country are robust, whateve can be exploited will be exploited, no moatter how morally wrong or socially divisive it is.

In Israel, it was Rabin who was shot by a Zionist fanatic belonging to a group that now forms part of the Israeli government. Rabin had just negotiated a peace deal with Arafat that promised a real way forward for both sides, and end to violence and talks towards a Palestinian state.

In the aftermath of these assasinations, the fascists always continue to stoke division, hatred and fear which inevitably leads to the oppressed and discriminated against giving more support to the religio-ethno-fascists in their own communities. A spiral of polarisation and hatred grows.

That the BKs, or any of its people, say anything other than call for peace, equal rights and justice for all is despicable. Any equivocation that rationalises the violence by either side (especially with any glib references to "karma") is surely a sign of serious cognitive dissonance.

Re: BKs Align with Israel? Neville Hodgkinson on Gaza

PostPosted: 29 May 2024
by ex-l
Semrik sounds Russian to me, or at least Polish. His Linkedn pages have disappeared. He used to work at "גלצ", which is the Israeli Army Radio, operated by the Israel Defense Forces. Coincidentally, he was there to do a live broadcast from the Kings of Israel Square, as a political party reporter, at the time of the assassination of Prime Minister Rabin.

Apparently, he asked him 3 times "Mr. Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin, is tonight the opening shot on the way to your election campaign for the Prime Ministership?".

And Rabin was, of course, shot 3 times half an hour later.
Pink Panther wrote:It is worth reviewing the historical build up to the formal creation of the nation state of Israel ... its dispossession of the Palestinian people, followed the same lines as the process that created the modern states of India and Pakistan ...

That the BKs, or any of its people, say anything other than call for peace, equal rights and justice for all is despicable. Any equivocation that rationalises the violence by either side (especially with any glib references to "karma") is surely a sign of serious cognitive dissonance.

Your knowledge of Indian Partition is far greater than mine. I was assuming that anti-Islamist sentiments were being whipped up among the Indian Right Wing, in order to repeat the purge of Indian Muslims, as with Modi & the Gujerati riots. In the West, the Pro-Israel Right Wing has been funding anti-Islamist sentiments, even among the traditional Far Right & racists, to 'soften up the ground' & dehumanise Palestinians by association. I wasn't aware that it was also at work in India, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was.

Coincidentally, a tranche of official secrets from the Cold War were made public in the UK, and it turns out that during that era, the British were far more worried about Zionist influences and terror cells within the UK, than the Russians.

The other surprising discovery I recent made, although it should be unsurprising, is that Balfour was the British's man in Ireland and that they literally sent him in with the notorious Black and Tans, the game plan being, "a little Ulster in the Middle East".

In a slight defence of Neville here, I've been watching snippets of the video as I can, and he comes across as looking a little uncomfortable and attempting to be as cautious as he can. The Israeli propaganda that his interview is intersperse with, is at an elementary or tabloid level.

I see he also interviews the two original "token Jew" BKs, ex-husband and wife Maureen Goodman and David Goodman, whose involvement with the BKs go back to the 1970s. I haven't watch any of their videos yet but we know how BK philosophy and association conflicts with prior religious adherence.

Re: BKs Align with Israel? Neville Hodgkinson on Gaza

PostPosted: 29 May 2024
by ex-l
Zionism aside, can a Jew be a BK, and can a BK be a Jew?

Strictly speaking, according to the BK philosophy ... the answer is, no.

According to the Brahma Kumaris, Jewish souls are only half as powerful as they are. Never incarnate into a Heaven on Earth, and only enjoy half the time of Creation that Brahma Kumari souls do; the Hellish half of human existence.

According to the original teachings, Judaism is an impure, and incomplete religion that was inspired by a partial understanding of Brahma Kumari philosophy; and that no Jew ever had a full or complete relationship or realisation of God.

That no Jew can, until they surrender to Brahma Kumarism.

* (NB: that is not my opinion. That is according to the original BK teachings).

Re: BKs Align with Israel? Neville Hodgkinson on Gaza

PostPosted: 31 May 2024
by Pink Panther
Another point that confuses many people is whether being Jewish is a religion, or an ethnicity.

In the past, these were not separated in most countries but, today, they have definitely separated.

Many religious Jews are not Zionist, many descendants of Jews are secular and atheist. Those born outside of Judaism can convert and become Jews. In fact, the large majority of Ashkenazi Jews (ie most european descent Jews) were a mix of semitic Jews with those who married in or converted to Judaism from Christian Europe. The proof of this is how many countries instigated laws prohibiting conversion to Judaism, often upon pain of death. The DNA studies show many Ashkenazi Jews in particular have less semitic DNA than Palestinians.

The word Semitic is a term that names the descendants of Shem, one of the sons of Noah. By this definition, Arabs are also semitic.

Re: BKs Align with Israel? Neville Hodgkinson on Gaza

PostPosted: 31 May 2024
by ex-l
Pink Panther wrote:Another point that confuses many people is whether being Jewish is a religion, or an ethnicity. In the past, these were not separated in most countries but, today, they have definitely separated.

Dare I ask such an ex-BK Dada-ji as you ... how does all that fit into BK philosophy, or BK philosophy fit into that?

According to BKism, there are a fixed number of Jew souls who started incarnating, 2,500 years ago; then continued to reincarnate until today, Abraham and his tribe - who were born in present day Iraq - having taken 63 births since then, the majority far less. Presumably Herzl's Zionists, being atheists themselves, must be one or two birth souls experiencing their own Golden Age, right at the end of the worlds's darkest most evil age?

This throws up some bizarre issues or questions from a BK POV.

Firstly, let's just remember that God Brahma Lekhraj Kirpalani in the 1930s did not know that Judaism existed and called it Islam instead ... unless you want to argue, as he did, that Abraham started "Islamic" & Muhammed started "Muslim". (See evidence below).

Total nonsense from both a Jewish and a Muslim POV ... but, hey, the BKs are the only ones with a direct connection with God, so who I am to dispute their god's wisdom?

But, secondly ... and bear with me here ... who were the Canaanites & the other prior tribes in the Levant ... in 'Peleset' ... that the Jews wiped out and committed their first genocide of, in order to conquer the land 2,000 odd years ago (ie as recorded in the Book of Joshua)?

The Canaanites or Philistines being the direct descendents of today's Palestinians (the word Palestine deriving from Peleset).

Given that they existed BEFORE Judaism and were pantheistic "pagans" ... according to BKism, they must have been BK souls who had devolved from the Silver Aged expansion of Bharat. Ergo, the Palestinians are fallen deity souls, the BKs are the original occupiers of Israel, and the BKWSU have picked the wrong side again!

The BKs should be aligned with and supporting the Palestinians deity souls. The original occupants of the land that was once part of Bharat!


Re: BKs Align with Israel? Neville Hodgkinson on Gaza

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2024
by Pink Panther
ex-l wrote:Dare I ask such an ex-BK Dada-ji as you ... how does all that fit into BK philosophy, or BK philosophy fit into that?

I'll refer to the BK view along the way..

I remember it said in BK classes that the first religion founded after the degradation of the adi sanatan dharma (more commonly known as Hinduism) was the one founded by Abraham and it was the first montheism - a claim most people believe too, but that discounts the Pharaoh Amenhotep who is known to be the first monotheist we have a record of.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are often called the "Abrahamic" religions or traditions as they all consider themselves branches of the Abrahamic line.

In Islam, all three are called Alh-al-khitab, ie "people of the book" who are of the same scriptural tradition. Each one declares itself as the New! Improved! version of the previous religion, as does every new sect within a religion.

Abraham is said to have led his tribe away from Ur (in southern Iraq today) so the people would not be persecuted or influenced by the other religions and could live live according to the religion of YHWA their tribe's god (a bit like the Puritans left England to go to America, or the Mormons going to Salt Lake City). Hence, the First Commandment is You shall have no other gods before Me, implying there are other gods, and, again, after Moses spends time on Mt Sinai he comes back to find the people have returned to earlier forms of ritual and worshipping "the golden calf".

In the Hebrew original, God never promises Canaan/Israel to be for the Israelites exclusively. There are some Ultra - Orthodox sects of Judaism who reject Zionism for this very reason. They see the Promised land as an internal one.
Dr Naomi Wolf
26 July 2014

Okay, so I was challenged below:

"Read the Bible! God gave the land of Israel to the Jewish people." So ... I may get crucified for this but I have started to say it - most recently (terrified, trembling) to warm welcome in a synagogue in LA - "Actually if you read Genesis Exodus and Deuteronomy in Hebrew -- as I do -- you see that God did not "give" Israel to the Jews/Israelites. We as Jews are raised with the creed that "God gave us the land of Israel" in Genesis -- and that ethnically 'we are the chosen people." But actually -- and I could not believe my eyes when I saw this, I checked my reading with major scholars and they confirmed it -- actually God's "covenant" in Genesis, Exodus and Deuteronomy with the Jewish people is NOT ABOUT AN ETHNICITY AND NOT ABOUT A CONTRACT. IT IS ABOUT A WAY OF

Again and again in the "covenant" language He never says, "I will give you, ethnic Israelites, the land of Israel". Rather He says something far more radical - far more subversive - far more Godlike in my view. He says: If you visit those imprisoned ... act mercifully to the widow and the orphan ... welcome the stranger in your midst ... tend the sick ... do justice and love mercy ... and perform various other tasks ... THEN YOU WILL BE MY PEOPLE AND THIS LAND WILL BE YOUR LAND.

So "my people" is not ethnic -- it is transactional. We are God's people not by birth but by a way of behaving, that is ethical, kind and just. And we STOP being "God's people" when we are not ethical, kind and just. And ANYONE who is ethical, kind and just is, according to God in Genesis, "God's people."

And the "contract" to "give" us Israel is conditional -- we can live in God's land IF we are "God's people" in this way -- just, merciful, compassionate.

AND -- it never ever says it is ONLY your land. Even when passages spell out geographical "boundaries" (as if God does such a thing), it never says this is exclusively your land. It never says I will give this land JUST to you. Remember these were homeless nomads who had left slavery in Egypt and were wandering around in the desert; at most these passages say "settle here", but they do not say "settle here exclusively". Indeed again and again it talks about welcoming "zarim" -- translated as "strangers" but it can also be translated as "people/tribes who are not you" -- in your midst. Blew my mind, hope it blows yours.

Christianity considers Jesus as 'the Christ" - the anointed one - the fulfilment of Jewish messianic prophecies and the new religion as the maturation of the Torah from laws to live by into a new transcendent teleology (end purpose) dependant on the acceptance of Jesus Christ as messiah. Which means, of course, no later prophets or revisions are needed. All early Christians were Jews, saw themselves as part of judaism. It is said Jesus was an Essene, one mystical sect of Judaism. Only after Paul was 'the gospel" offered to gentiles, where it found more fertile soil.

Then along comes Mohamed who says Jesus Christ is but another of the human prophets and he, Mohamed, is now the final prophet. The when Ali, son-in-law of the prophet, loses the battle for dominance in the Islamic world we have the dynastically-based schism between Shia and Sunni Islam. Then others, such as Bahaula - founder of the Ba'Hai faith - come along. Bahaula says he is not only the Mahdi (redeemer who appears just before Jesus's coming when its time for the world to end) but also the next prophet in the line going back through Mohamed and all the way to Abraham, he has come to correct the teachings and is a new prophet, he and his followers are turned on as heretics.

The BKs of course have gone through their schisms too and it's this that sees them use every means possible to block and harass alt-BKs. It's not worth debating which group represent the truer BK knowledge or practice because, as it's all nonsense, it's debating who represents the truer nonsense!

Given the drawings of the Kalpa tree showed the three as branches of the Hindu trunk back then, that either means the God of the BKs was confused when he gave, they say, the visions to Lekhraj (aka Brahma) upon which these early drawings were based, or the god that approved the later versions decided it was better PR to align with the historical understanding, divine truth be damned!

They also said - the official BK line - that being the second oldest religion they were the second most degraded and that's why the Jews were so persecuted over the centuries. I remember a couple of classes where the teacher went to great lengths (for consistency) to describe the persecution of Hindus as even greater, suffered under the Mughals, although that's late in the piece, and southern India had a different experience in its interaction with Islam.

The name Palestine from Peleset is found in ancient Egyptian records. It shifted phonetically through the Greek form Παλεστινη = "Palestini" - which Herodotus uses around 500 BCE to name the whole region from the sea right through to the Persian kingdoms. That name has stuck right up until today. Gaza today sits smack-bang in the middle of the ancient Kingdom of the Philistines referred to in the Bible - imagine Gaza's borders expanded north, east and south.

Other areas that the zionists which to make part of Eretz Israel (Greater Israel) includes the biblical kingdoms of Samaria (Samaritans) and Moab. The kingdoms of Israel and Judah were often at war, united for only a short time. All of which shows the Zionist appeal to the authority of the Bible is an appeal to a very brief period in that land's history.
Palestine 800 BCE.png

Note the "Aramean tribes" in the east. Aramaic was Jesus's language and the main language common throughout the region along with Greek, which was used for administration and education after Alexander's conquests in 330BCE). Latin was the language of the Roman soldiers around the time of Jesus. Greek and Aramaic were used all the way east and north east to the Punjab region and today's Uzbekistan. The oldest written Buddhist texts are Ashoka's edicts found on a rock carving in Afghanistan in both Greek and Aramaic