Brahmakumari 'sevika' case: Medical report confirms rape

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Brahmakumari 'sevika' case: Medical report confirms rape

Post24 Aug 2019

Again, let us look behind the facade to the true nature of the BKs.

Now, putting aside the sexual accusations that may have been ambigious in nature (it appears that accusing rape is a way for Indian women having had an extra-marrital relationship regain face), let us example the nature or spirituality of BKs' response to it.

Firstly, there is the denial of the individual's "membership" of the cult. This in itself is idely ambigous. The Knowledge™ say everyone who take the course is a BK soul. The law says the cult "has no members". Now there is separate layer of "just working for" the BKWSU, a contrivance to fool outsiders it is like an ordinary NGO.

But examine the BK center-in-charge's priority, "They were working for us, but the girl should not defame the organization."

Firstly, in the use of the word "girl" for a woman, secondly in the primary concern for the cult's PR status.

Another two lives destroyed.
Brahmakumari 'sevika' case: Medical report confirms rape

PATNA: Patna police on Wednesday recorded the statement of Anila (name changed) before a lower court here. She had on Monday lodged an FIR with the Patna women police station alleging rape and sexual assault by one Lalan Kumar after promising to marry her. Both of them were workers of Prajapita Brahmakumari, a spiritual organization.

According to police sources, the primary medical report of Anila confirmed her allegations, including the abortion charges. "Five villagers from Fatuha visited the women police station and supported her complaints," said a police officer.

Rani Devi, a member of the organization, on Wednesday claimed, "Neither Anila nor Lalan were members of the organization. People get official membership only after six years of association with the organization. They were working for us, but the girl should not defame the organization. She took help from an NGO and we wish she gets justice. We hope our members will come out clean in police probe." Patna police have detained four members of the organization.

However, while addressing a presser on Tuesday, Rani had claimed, "Anila had been forced to leave the organization six months back as we were getting reports about her misconduct. On the basis of her complaint to the organization, Lalan was also made to resign one month back."

Anila, a 'sevika' of Prajapita Brahmakumari, had said in her FIR, "Lalan (35), a male coordinator of the Fatuha branch of the organization, had been sexually assaulting her since she joined the organization in 2009."

Initially, he used to molest her, but later he allegedly started having physical relationship with her.

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