Murli Experiments Begin on July 1

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Murli Experiments Begin on July 1

Post21 Jun 2019

Looks like listening to God's words (Murli) is getting to be too boring! So, now BKs are starting with a new experiment - that too - experiment with Murli !!! Wow !!! Adding a human commentary to the Murli, with personal experience of the someone.

Now, people want the "proof behind the pudding", which is obviously not visible from the Center BKs and the BK Seniors. LOL! So, put a masala spin to this, and add local spice that would be easy to intake and digest. Of course, more of this masala will only cause serious indigestion! hahaha ...

HEAD's UP: Murli Experiments begin on 1 July

Murli Experiments’, an innovative addition to each day’s Murli, will be starting from 1 July.

Each day an RC or senior will be sharing their own personal practices and experiences of the Murli that is being read on that day. This will take the form of a 10 min audio recording which will be available on the official website and mobile app.

We know the incredible power and wisdom of both the Sakar and the Avyakt Murlis. This experiment is to inspire the family using the Murlis in a new way that is highly relevant to the current times. Baba often says, ‘Do this and you will get this result – ‘Children this is the attainment you will receive if you do this practice.’ Or ‘Spin the discus of self-realisation and you will become a self-sovereign’, or ‘By focusing on the positive you will become carefree’ etc.

Murli Experiments is not a standard Murli revision as such. It will allow us to see clearly the impact of the various experiments that Baba offers us through the Murli, which can in turn inspire an increased variety and depth in our own spiritual experiments.

Murli Experiments begins on 1 July and runs for a pilot period of three months.

Please do share news of the Murli Experiments with the BK family.
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Re: Murli Experiments Begin on July 1

Post22 Jun 2019

HEAD's UP: Murli Experiments begin on 1 July

Murli Experiments’, an innovative addition to each day’s Murli, will be starting from 1 July.

If nothing else, the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University's persistent inability to use apostrophes properly, is evidence enough for me that they are neither "divine", not that their god spirit or guru is God!

"Head's up" ... 'an up belonging to a head' ... 'head is up' ... 'head has up'. WTF does that mean? It's either heads-up (a noun) or heads up (a command).

Thank God for saving me from having to wake up early and listen to the Murlis seven days a week for the whole of my life, hypnotised by the idea that the world was going to end in 1976, 1986, 1996 or "two to three years" as Jayanti Kirpalani used to tell us with full faith.
We know the incredible power and wisdom of both the Sakar and the Avyakt Murlis.

Actually, we don't and there is not either.

As oldBK wrote, the Murlis are turgid and boring, repetitive, simplistic, erroneous and, by now, re-written and re-edited so many time (to remove politically incorrect and erroneous stuff) so as to hardly make sense any more.

The funny thing about this is from a historical point of view, one centre in Germany once started a "Murli experiment" a couple of decades ago and the BK estalishments fell down upon their heads to hard that it ended up with a zone-in-charge leaving and a leading centre closing down ... precisely because the BK leader chose to experiment rather than follow the rigid format of repeating the proscribed Sakar Murli.

I am talking about what happened with the Cologne centre. From memory, they did not even alter the Murli or add their own manmat into it, as the BKWSU is now doing, they just chose to read the unaltered Avyakt Murli of that year.

The Brahma Kumari leaders are endlessly shameless hypocrites (and dependent on second hand ideas that they themselves squashed and suppressed beforehand).


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Re: Murli Experiments Begin on July 1

Post25 Jun 2019

The Brahma Kumari leaders are endlessly shameless hypocrites (and dependent on second hand ideas that they themselves squashed and suppressed beforehand).

This shows that the issue is not about change, but who is bringing the change. There goes one of the five vices "EGO".

The next virtue that is off the shelf is "GREED". The BKs want more and more and more. So, this new approach would be another marketing gig to get more "donations.

God forbid, you do anything that the senior BKs don't agree with or not consulted with. Hello "ANGER".

Then there is "ATTACHMENT" to material things, which is against BK ideology. This manifests in the form of celebrations, dances, cake (always) ... attachment to food, material things etc etc.

Now, is the last one "LUST" going to feel left alone ... NO WAY ... " Lust in the form of extreme greed, towards many things. Lust for Power, Lust for Wealth, Lust for recognition ... I (personally) would exclude the majority of them from the lust for body.

In summary, all 5 Vices are in good hands now !!!

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