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Sindhi Scholar on Om Mandli 'Free Love' Cult History

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2019
by ex-l
A Sindhi scholar addresses the Om Mandli 'Free Love' cult history in an introduction to 'Om Mandli: Source-Material on its Past', he also lists 'Cases Field Against Bhai Lekhraj, Om Radhe And Others Of Om Mandli'.
Dr. Dur Muhammad Pathan is the founder of research-oriented institution, the GUL HAYAT INSTITUTE - a resource centre for PhD and MPhil students on Sindhi history and author of more than 25 books on the region's history, culture, literature & folklore. He has guided/supervised/examined numerous Ph.Ds studies in the subjects of the Social Sciences.

His background knowledge of Sindhi culture and history, and ability to identify numerous of the individuals involved, is extremely useful.

I wonder how it will take for
    a) the BKs to turn up ... and attempt to "correct" his view, and remove or destroy original documents that contradict their "official history", inviting him to retreats at their luxury retreat centres to impress and seduce him.
    b) the PBKs to turn up ... and attempt to convert him, "advancing" his knowledge to an even more "correct" understanding, and
    c) BK Tamasin Ramsay PhD, the Brahma Kumaris own resident revisionist academic ... to claim his work as her own and modify it to fit the current BK narrative.
Dr. Pathan is indeed informed and advances our understanding of the Brahma Kumaris' roots, and is aware of the tug of war between ourselves and the "Masters of the Ocean of Truth", the Brahma Kumaris, attempts to supress the truth from coming out.
During working on this topic, I found that two major groups are working and doing research work on the past, present and future of Om Mandli. One is trying to protect the system and another is having very serious doubts regarding Bhai Lekhraj, his philosophy and strategy of Om Mandli. Both groups are as at a tug of war. Very important information has been kept secret by one group and it is bent upon sharing the 'Supervised and selected history / information' and other is busy to unlock the hidden information and try to know and share Truth with people. Attachment is good, but partiality is bad. In this situation, first I decided to indicate major research mistakes being conducted by both groups. But I later on thought it as my undue involment in disputed matters ...

I have avoided 'subjectivity', however, some very vital questions have also raised so as to make both 'fighting groups' realized that yet the third party is not satisfied by some way of telling story of Om Mandli by them.

Whereas I think what the most important element the good Dr brings to the discussion are clarifications of the political and familial backgrounds, and illumination of just who various characters in the drama were, as an objective introduction from an uninvolved third party, I offer ...
In the last decade before partition, Om Mandli was established by a person known as Bhai Lekhraj and a lady Radhe was also master-mind of the adventure. It was an organization of socio-religious nature and though, religious-cum-spiritual-oriented education was being imparted, but pages of history proves that it was also a movement for advocating for free-sex approaches.

This Mandli was formed by wives of Sindhworkis so as get rid of worries created by isolation due to longest waiting for their husbands. Some of these ladies opted for religious activities, some of them started social work and few of them accepted ground realities and started meeting their social/sexual needs on their own with creating circles.

In India, Om Mandli has taken a different shape and is discharging its services in the field of Hindu Religion and Education and is headed by female leaders but, in Sindh it is headed by Bhai Lekhraj who became controversial and disputed for so many reasons. Such as the criteria of Hindu religion about becoming Jagat Guro. He was not of that rquired age at the time of his claim of Jagat Guro. It is said that some personal differences with Bhaiband community brought problems for him. Such as marrying of his daughter Palu with Mukhi Motiram Dhanrajmal outside his community.

But, this was not the serious and real cause of opposing him and his teaching/philosophy. The reason was different. His teaching followed by girls and grown up ladies, who in their respective positions in their families as daughters and wives took to abnormal courses of conduct: marraiageable daughters declining to get married and married wives refusing to live with their husbands. Even widows reacted in violation of their religious teachings. For example Rukmani Bai, daughter-in-Law of Bhai Hassomal Thakurdas refuse to live in her father-in-law's house but rented a house CLOSE TO OM NIVAS. Bhaibands were not only against Bhai Lekhraj, but every political party and every outstanding Sindhi Hindu took keen interest in agitation launched against Bhai Lekhraj and his Om Mandli.

Sadhu Vaswani a man of name and fame issued call. It reads: 'My appeal is to all my countrymen. The Om Mandli is a dean of darkness. Close it down without delay. Your children, my dear Sindhi countrymen are your richest treasure. Bring out all your children from the dark den of Om Mandli, and let all young widows come out of its poisonous atmosphere. What a shame that immoralities should go unchecked in this land of the Vedic Rishis'. This Call was carried by so many papers in Sindh. It is my hypothesis that Bhai Lekhraj intended to introduce free sex philosophy in Sindhi Hindus and faced very tough time from Hindus.

30. 3. 1939: On behalf of the 'Panchayat Committee', its chairman, Mangharam submitts written statement before the Tribunal appointed by Sindh Government to inquire into the affairs of the Om Mandli. It is very lengthy and detailed statement and ends with the following para:

"Bhai Lekhraj either through hypnotism or some other uncanny influence or wrong teaching bring about such a perverted state of mind among the inmates that girls bathe with or before him half-naked without feeling abashed. ... the women and he indulge in premiscuous kissing, hugging, dancing, and sleeping together and all this is offensive and immoral socially according to Hindu ideals ..." (Source: The Copy of the statement with Gul Hayat Institute).

Re: Sindhi Scholar Addresses Om Mandli 'Free Love' Cult Hist

PostPosted: 15 Feb 2019
by ex-l
In a recent topic I was critical of the Brahma Kumaris ongoing deification of their "original jewels" (the core founding members), most of which were close family - and therefore blindly loyal - to Lekhraj Kirpalani; such as the recent glorification of his daughter-in-law BK Brijendra, afterwhich a 'bridge' was recently named, 18 years after her death.

This 'clan loyalty' - "not bring defamating on the family" - is instilled into BK converts. One is indoctrinated into not thinking and not questioning ... especially not their leaders.

I am critical of it because, in a sense, they are glorifying willing liars and conspirors that have lied to and conspired against, now 100,000s of followers in order to take their wealth, their properties and corrupt their values. Brijendra being one of the worst, for knowingly sustaining a false account of the core events in the BKWSU history.

Lying, conspiring, corrupting and manipulating for material gain are all antithetic to truth and therefore spirituality.

I would like to propose the reason why the Brahma Kumari elite have been so persistently vigorous ... and have gone to such great expenses ... in their efforts to suppress and obfuscate the truth. And create a new, hagiographic narrative that serves their intentions to appear religious, eg the re-invention of their leaders as Hindu saints.

In the early, non-BK accounts of the Om Mandli, the issue of Lekhraj Kirpalani's intimacies with the young woman ... his shared, semi-naked bathing, his "pulling" of their breasts, his lying around with them on their beds, his kissing and fondling, his feeding mouth-to-mouth, his marriage to his young, attractive female leader Om Radhe (despite already being married to elderly Jasoda) and so on ... are not actually denied by her.

In tribunal official records, the teenage Om Radhe just shamelessly and rather insolently claims that "anything they do is pure, because they are with their spiritual Father".

It is hinted that, sustained by verbal histories abut the group, that Lekhraj Kirpalani activities with the women even went as far as sexual ones. Specifically, according to the record, with the most attractive ones.

(Remember, at this time in the Om Mandli, there was no God Shiva, just God Lekhraj Kirpalani Prajapati Brahma; their Krishna and Vishnu with whom they played out their devotional fantasies. All the above activities, and sanctioning of them, are typical of the romantic-erotic devotional stories of Krishna and the Gopis within Vaishnavite traditions).

The reason is simply ... because these reports and accounts of Lekhraj Kirpalani's activities - and the subequent revisions and coverups - are all true.

And by attempting to cover up the truth, the BK leaders are damning themselves, their own spiritual integrity, and damning their followers to idiocy ... because truth and lies cannot coexst, and neither can spirituality and falsehoods.

Re: Sindhi Scholar Addresses Om Mandli 'Free Love' Cult Hist

PostPosted: 16 Feb 2019
by ex-l
That the petitioners further submit that the women folk who attend his so-called satsangs frequently faint away – embracing and hugging Lekhraj and calling him 'Krishna' and he would respond to them as his 'Gopies'. The impersonating as Krishna by Lekhraj is extremely objectionable and violates the religious susceptibilities of the Hindus.

The BKs don't believe Lekhraj Kirpalani was impersonating Krishna, they teach that he was Krishna ... and must, by now, be secretly reborn as Krishna somewhere. The start of the Golden Age is only 18 years away.

Reading through the Professor's work, many other little insights pop up.

I mentioned Lekhraj Kirpalani's shop in a discussion the other day. It was no where near as grand as the BKs like to project. The article reminds up of the address of it, "Lekhraj-Sewak Ram & Sons" on the First floor of a seven-storey building at Surana Mansion, 7-A Lindsay Street, opposite Charles Hogg Market in Kolkatta. Lekhraj Kirpalani's family lived on the second floor, Shewakram, a friend of Lekhraj Kirpalani's since he was 19 years age, was resided on third floor.

It said they dealt in diamonds and pearls (diamonds being a historically very unethical trade, and pearls not being vegetarian).

That made me realise the source of the BKs' fixation with "original jewels" (Om Mandli members), pearls of wisdom, and diamond this and diamond that, eg Diamond Hall, Diamond Age, Diamond House, Diamond Project etc ... even Dadi Janki, a "flawless diamond who has never shown any prejudice", according to the BKs!

It also dates the year Lekhraj Kirpalani married his "daughter" Om Radhe (despite his wife still being alive. She died in 1961 and we never hear what she felt about all this).
1953: Bhai Lekhraj marries his 'adopted daughter'- Radhe - and she is renamed as 'Saraswati'. Bhai Lekhraj is 69 years old, where as his new wife Radhe was of 33 years.

Sewakram Khubchand Daswani in capacity of Deponent in the case against Bhai Lekhraj submitted an affidavit (a signed, sworn legal statement) verified by Sobhsing, City & Sub Divisional Magistrate of Hyderabad stating Lekhraj Kirpalani was "not a moral man". And from the Sindh Observer 3/12/1939
"He [Bhai Lekhraj] himself revealed no promise of being a teacher of mankind till very recently, all his life - he must be over 55 years life of age - being spent in making money in the market place. He was a successful businessman. The money he has gathered in business, he seems to be devoting to propagate his cult with himself as the centre of devotion and bestower of spiritual bliss".

This purpose of all this is not, as the BKs would put it, to "defame" him and them ... the truth can never be defamatory, only the actions themselves. It is to draw attention to the vast difference between the official BK version and the facts, which must be explained somehow.

The BKs leaders - every one of whom under 65 either not born or still a child before Lekhraj Kirpalani's death - continue to indoctrinate and exploit their adherents with falsehood and corrupt their values and intuitions sufficiently, in order for them to accept that falsehood is truth.

Re: Sindhi Scholar Addresses Om Mandli 'Free Love' Cult Hist

PostPosted: 16 Feb 2019
by ex-l
Although some might argue that all religions falsify and exaggerate their histories, which is pretty much true, the BK set themselves apart as being better than all other religions.

Until their leaders can admit they coordinated together in order to lie and exaggerate in order to exploit their followers ... for decades ... they have no integrity and should not have any respect from anyone.

The original leadership knew all about the past and kept it hidden. Much of the current management has no idea about it having been fully indoctrinated into the former's falsehood.

That, however, is no excuse for not exercising their own duty of care and fully researching what it is they are promoting.

Re: Sindhi Scholar Addresses Om Mandli 'Free Love' Cult Hist

PostPosted: 17 Feb 2019
by oldbk
Cannot assume that "they are not exercising" due diligence.

Actually, this type of behavior is called "Intentional Ignorance". A term used not much here in India, but outside in America by noted personality Noam Chomsky.

Re: Sindhi Scholar Addresses Om Mandli 'Free Love' Cult Hist

PostPosted: 17 Feb 2019
by Rita
Their propaganda movie is releasing on 4th March on Shivaratri. They will release it in theatres. What a nice use of our money and donations.

Re: Sindhi Scholar Addresses Om Mandli 'Free Love' Cult Hist

PostPosted: 17 Feb 2019
by ex-l
What is the new movie going to be about?

Guess they've got to find something to do with their luxury, high-tech "Gollywood Studios"?

Re: Sindhi Scholar Addresses Om Mandli 'Free Love' Cult Hist

PostPosted: 17 Feb 2019
by oldbk
The new movie is about "How to Influence People and Grab their Wealth".

According to BK teachings, the Gyan (Knowledge) is the easy part. Yoga (Meditation) and Dharna (Practice) are difficult. So, with Self-Realization they have now realized this teachings. So, decided to stick to pseudo-knowledge. Now, to move forward with self-promotion, marketing, pseudo-spirituality, "join the crowd" of other such organizations.

The world has to see them suffer for their Karma, not for any kind of validation or enjoyment ... but to realize that even the "preacher" has to pay (a higher price) if they don't "practice".

The more you "preach" falsehood and don't practice any of the "truth", the bigger the suffering. That's what has to come out from this "world drama". Amazing how many of the phrases and words from the BKs can be used for their own actions or lack of it.

Re: Sindhi Scholar Addresses Om Mandli 'Free Love' Cult Hist

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2019
by oldbk
Starkly, the studio is called Godlywood Studios, trying to udentifying itself with Hollywood Studios. I think it is justified to do so, given the sleaze and slime that the orgn. has moved towards.

Re: Sindhi Scholar Addresses Om Mandli 'Free Love' Cult Hist

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2019
by Rita
The movie name is God of God’s. Looks like trailer for game of thrones. Only less educated will fall into this trap.

First they tell you not to watch other movies and television programs, and then they releases a movie.

Re: Sindhi Scholar Addresses Om Mandli 'Free Love' Cult Hist

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2019
by ex-l
Rita wrote:First they tell you not to watch other movies and television programs, and then they releases a movie.

You're right to raise that issue.

In the first, I suppose it was all about controlling what adherents thoughts and not feeding rational doubts and questions that the leadership, including Lekhraj Kirpalani, could not answer.

Janki was always the worst at that. You'd ask her a question she could not answer and she'd turn on you, twist it, and humiliate you ... and then some middle management goon would tell you privately to show respect to the elders (not show them up in public).

The one thing she/they could not say - or be seen to say - was just a humble, "I don't know".

Now it appears to be about controlling their marketplace.

They might as well just say, "Don't *buy* anyone else's movies ... but buy lots of ours to give them to your friends and family, it's the highest service to do so".

Here are the links, see it at your nearest PVR theater. I wonder if the BKs are getting a percentage on the ticket prices?

BK_God of_Gods.jpg
BK_God of_Gods.jpg (80.5 KiB) Viewed 15897 times