Respectocracy rather than Democracy? Indian Tax Law Strikes

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Respectocracy rather than Democracy? Indian Tax Law Strikes

Post19 Jun 2018

From The French Revolution at '' ... obviously not respect for paying Indian taxes then?

Earlier on this site, we discussed changes in the legal structure of BK France and, in general, have often raised the obscure, or rather obscured, nature of power within BKism.

Legally, in the West, the Brahma Kumaris have largely exploited charitable laws design to alleviate tax burdens for religions to run their business. Charities have a legal structure where trustees are ultimately responsible for the business but not allowed to financially benefit from it (we've noted how in at least one case how this was not true), and "employ" directors to run it. In the BKWSU, the real leaders - Dadis or Didis - have occupied the position of "directors" who are able to benefit from their "employment" (however, we've noted how their compensation - their 'running costs'; their bed, board and international jet setting - is again, strangely obscure in the accounts).

Of course, in real terms, the directors of the BKWSU, the Dadis or Didis, hold the real power. They emit "Shrimat" - advice and insight equal to "god's". It is unimaginable to me that the trustees - plucked from the devotional BK following - would ever question disciple or sack them.

The real French have a history of secular republicanism. Unlike the Brahma Kumari who worship and adore the concept of Royalty and Divine Right, the French actually deposed theirs and established a nation governed "by the people, for the people". A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.

Strictly speaking, from a BK point of view, democracy is as close to the most impure state of government as possible (possibly only communism could come lower to the natively Right Wing BK political views).

True democracy meaning not just "one person, one vote" but the accountability of leaders to the people and the law.

I thought the BK "French Revolution" was a sign of actual enlightenment arising from within the BKs ranks, however, it seems the great change actually came about because of new tax laws in India that would have meant the BKs would have had to pay tax to the Indian government ... on all of their global earnings.

A tax which is described in this account by BK publicist Tamasin Ramsay,
in a typically wooly BK fashion, as "a financial burden for many centres".

Oh, yes ... actually paying tax on their earnings for a change ... what a terrible burden for the poor multi-millionaire BKs.

Actually giving money back to the "impure" Shudra societies they feed off, so those Shudra societies can use it to benefit the impure all of society building schools, hospitals, public road and even public toilets ... what a terrible idea. How body conscious of me to think that a government could actually do some good for its people.

Imagine, if the BKs only paid tax on their earnings, that money could be used to create public latrines freeing generations of women resigned by birth to cleaning up higher caste's ordure, and putting an end to the culture of open defecation that blights India. True upliftment of society.

What India needs most is not more god men or god women, but more sanitary engineers.
The Brahma Kumaris has never been a democracy. Considering its ancient social and cultural roots, this is no surprise. Rather it operates as a top-down hierarchy or some would say akin to a family, where elders are naturally obeyed and respected. In keeping with this cultural ideal, the current structure operates so that Seniors appoint juniors. This is a logical progression from its earliest years.

It is believed that Brahma was appointed by the Divine to establish the Brahma Kumaris. Brahma Baba appointed others, and these ranks were respected and understood as divine appointments. The senior Dadis were appointed by Baba and they remain in position. The Dadis have appointed those beneath them, and so on and so forth through to regional, national, local and centre level.

The relationship between Madhuban (Brahma Kumaris Headquarters in India) and overseas centres has changed considerably over the past few years, bringing legal and financial change to the organisation throughout the world. To the best of my knowledge this is what happened...

Within the last 10 years ago, the taxation laws in India changed. Every centre in the world connected to Madhuban would have to pay tax to the Indian government, which would be a financial burden for many centres. Subsequent to this law change, Madhuban cut fiscal ties to international centres creating a new kind of independence. The relationship between Madhuban and overseas is still social, cultural and devotional. These deep and lasting ties are based on shared understanding, a relationship of mutual care, and a common vision for global change. However, with financial and legal autonomy comes the possibility for social change. The Brahma Kumaris in France was the first one to realise this change in a politically significant way.

Brahma Kumaris in France have recently structured a new kind of leadership, that is novel within the organisation. This is quite a radical change for the Brahma Kumaris organisation, but one that is welcome as many BKs are seeking a more integrated and less cloistered life which also reflects a true living spirituality.

France has sent us their Statutes and By-Laws which you can read here. Before you read it, please take note of the following which was shared by Brother Francois from France. France has many who are spiritually very mature, which means a new governance was required. This has been a three year work involving many.

The idea was to be open and not restricted, to make it friendly and inclusive. This has been created from the ideal of respect-ocracy rather than demo-cracy. It is a sample to learn from, not THE reference. It is a French document adapted to the political situation of France. This is not the new Shrimat (prescriptive directions) of the Western Yagya (Brahma Kumaris) Many thanks to Eric from Montreal and Francois from Paris for your trust, and for sharing these with us.

Will upload constitutional files later but they are available from the link above.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Respectocracy rather than Democracy? Indian Tax Law Stri

Post20 Jun 2018

Reinventing the wheel, i.e. tax avoidance, is the never ending game that began with the invention of civilisation.

The BKs, of course, won't ever own up to the fact they are playing the same game as every other business and organisation that professed ”ideals”.

Like everyone else, they're not only unique but special too.
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Re: Respectocracy rather than Democracy? Indian Tax Law Stri

Post20 Jun 2018

Pink Panther wrote:Reinventing the wheel, i.e. tax avoidance, is the never ending game that began with the invention of civilisation ... The BKs, of course, won't ever own up to the fact they are playing the same game.

A key turning point in my understanding of BKism, was learning more about the culture of business caste, the Sind Bhaibunds and their Amil collaborators, that Lekhraj Kirpalani came from. In which he grew up and was educated in its ways. Of which, pretty much, it was all he knew of in the world.

There's an old saying
"The apple does not fall far from The Tree".

In this case, Lekhraj Kirpalani and the Dadis were the apples, the Sind Bhaibund was The Tree.

BKism is basically a Bhaibund trading house. All Lekhraj Kirpalani did was refine the overall operation from selling other people' objects ... to other people's ideas. From a business point of view, that is so wonderful ... second hand "ideas" as the stock have no cost, require no transport, nor storage facilities.

He did was a jeweller does, take rough ideas, polish them, and them place them in an attractive setting. And then used them in the seduction and possession of women. Of course, the operation continues to expand and evolve and new influences enter into it ... but that, I believe, is the kernel.

The Bhaibund weren't originators, they were traders ... entrepreneurs. They "took from in between" (translation). They still do. Seniors training juniors to do so.

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