BKs receive $6m government funding of Mount Abu power plant

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BKs receive $6m government funding of Mount Abu power plant

Post03 Oct 2015

The BKs used to have a principle that they did not accept and use donations from non-BK because their money was "impure".

How and when did it become "pure"? When they worked out ways to get lots of it!

From: Indian ashram goes solar (Long video). The Brahma Kumari have taken $2.97 million from *both* German government’s 'International Climate Initiative' and India’s 'Ministry of New and Renewable Energy' ($5,940,000), while investing $3.9 million of their own.

As of 2013, negotiations were still underway as to who was going to pay the additional $5,500,000 required to complete the project. The video claims the Brahma Kumaris believe they have a special responsibility towards the environment ... is that true? One BK even say the sun is created by god.

The PR says, "the Brahma Kumaris reject materialism in favour of an environmentally friendly life" ... obviously, the reporter did not investigate the amount of air miles the leaders clock up.

Just out of interest, where is all the water the BKs are using to make steam from? Mount Abu is at the top of a hill in the middle of a desert. The interesting thing about solar steam is that it can be used to purify water, I wonder if they are sharing that with the local community?

Any updates? When is Destruction due these days?
Project goal:

Building a power plant that can provide a large ashram in Rajasthan with 1 megawatt of solar power. It’s to serve as a model for further plants across the country.

Project size:

770 parabolic mirrors, each 60 square meters in size

Project volume:

The Brahma Kumari spiritual group has invested 3 million euros ($3.9 million), while Germany’s International Climate Initiative and India’s Ministry of New and Renewable Energy have each contributed 2.3 million euros ($2.97 million).

CO2 savings: around 6,500 tons of CO2 a year

Tucked away in the North Indian state of Rajasthan, a giant and unusual solar park is coming up at the base of Mount Abu, a Hindu pilgrimage site. The spiritual and environmentally-minded group “Brahma Kumaris” has launched a new and ambitious project called “India One” with the aim of making local communities energy independent. The initiative involves nearly 800 giant parabolic mirrors – each of which are 60 square meters large and have their own storage tanks - that generate large amounts of solar energy. The Brahma Kumaris largely developed the technology themselves in order to keep costs low, and the organization’s faithful are part of the process. The Brahma Kumaris are already using the energy from the parabolic mirrors to power solar cookers for preparing food – an important task when up to 25,000 devotees come together for pilgrimages and festivals.

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Re: BKs receive $6m government funding of Mount Abu power pl

Post04 Oct 2015

Let’s hope the accounting is transparent and the management is audited.
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Re: BKs receive $6m government funding of Mount Abu power pl

Post04 Oct 2015

$10,000,000 investment divided by 25,000 devotees equal $400 donations each.

Or minus the government funding, $160 donations each.

+ maintenance (but excluding the other $5 million I presume the BKs are attempting to get out of the government or big businessmen?).

How much do they donate each, on average? Should pay for itself in how many years ... 5 or 6? Is that before or after the next Destruction prediction?
    Is it not, therefore, admitting Destruction is not going to happen?
Whilst the BKs are in a bind by demanding that devotees make their pilgrimage to a distant hilltop in the middle of a desert, thereby having to feed, clean and water them, renewable energy accounting is always a bit of a con. They say, "saving around 6,500 tons of CO2 a year" ... but does that account for all of the resources put into making the large steel frames and pipes etc, and having to ship them to Mount Abu?

And what of all the transportation costs, national and international, incurred because of the attraction it now creates Delhi to Mount Abu is 739 km, 8 hours flying, 11 hours by train, 18 by bus or car. Have they calculated how many miles pilgrims travel for their one vision of BapDada speaking through Gulzar on a big screen projection?
    I'd bet you it's actually creating more CO2 overall by enabling the pilgrimage to make real the myth.
A far cheaper, more sure and easier way to save 6,500 tons of CO2 a year is ... just not to have the pilgrimage in the first place. Or host it nearer a centre of population ... Or even just have BKs fasting on raw food salad diet for a week which would not hurt them and be better for their health.

The primary reasons for having it is only to reinforce cult beliefs in the bizarre and an imminent Destruction of the World, and to fleece the followers for donation.

Hardly that great or noble and not exactly what the government, let alone German government, should be funding.

And if it consume all cult donations for 5 or 10 years to pay it off ... how are the BKs funding their other projects?

The BKs have other expensive projects and property investments to fund and maintain, therefore the pay back period becomes longer, say 10 or 20 years at least.

When are they hinting Destruction and Creation will take place now in order to reap the donations?

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