BK Brahmins begging impure money from Shudras (Lottery fund)

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BK Brahmins begging impure money from Shudras (Lottery fund)

Post02 Jul 2015

In the old days, "God", Lekhraj Kirpalani and the BKs used to say they never accepted money from non-BKs because they were "impure" and their impure vibrations contaminated the money.

Changed days now since they discovered just how much money, land and properties they could pull in worldwide under various guises.

Here's a few more to add to the list ... from the British Lottery.

Now, quite a few spiritual traditions would have a problem with Lotteries as they are gambling and generally exploit the poorest, weakest and most vulnerable members of society craving a big win from their one Pound gamble. It's not a problem for the BKs though.

Elsewhere, I read that they actually received a £1.5 million donation from the lottery but I have not managed to find record of it yet.

Personally I think the BKs *always* took money from whomever they could - there is record of it going back to the 1940s at least - it's just that they a) learned how to put up a sanctimonious facade to appear more holy than they were, and b) they want to control *who* in the group could receive big donations and maintain their own monopoly of it. Again, we have record of this going right up to the 1980s/90s where "big" Sisters would fly in to receive big donations and then fly out again taking them, and leaving the local centres with nothing. Likewise, there have been disputes over the centralisation of donations at "zone" levels. 
28 Sep 2001 Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University

This group provides community services to a cross section of people in the community. The award will be used to fund remedial works to remove severe dampness in the interior walls of the groups building.

The Brahma Kumaris don't "serve communities", they serve themselves exploiting communities wherever they go. They are, in my opinion, a parasitical organisation at many levels.

Probably worth scanning worldwide under numerous of their many names ...

From here
Anon, London -> Brahma Kumaris is a cult! £1.5m of Lottery Funding given - why?

They give no money to poor, but gold leaf their oppulent HQ and spend on themselves.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Brahmins begging impure money from Shudras (Lottery f

Post03 Jul 2015

Nirwair (most senior BK man) often told a story of when he first became a BK.

Dada Lekhraj gave him some money (maybe to bank or to buy something?) and sent him off with it. He came across some game of chance, gambling, on the way and thought that if he ‘remembers Baba” he should be able to multiply the money. Of course, as such stories are wont, he lost it all.

So the moral of the story was how DL was kind, not angry, and mercifully told him it was an inexpensive lesson in the vice of gambling which even Baba’s remembrance could not change to virtue - or something like that.

One wonders what the lesson would have been if by chance he’d won?


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Re: BK Brahmins begging impure money from Shudras (Lottery f

Post03 Jul 2015

If he would have won, then it was Baba's plan to utilize the money in the holy Yagya, Baba is merciful and wanted to use that money for Yagya.

It is double standard system. Every thing fits fine.

In my town, there was theft in the BK centre. The SS consoled herself and others that, Baba did not want to use that money in Yagya as it was earned illegally, so it was a drama plan that the money (and material) is stolen away.

It was donors fault and not theirs or yagyas :D.
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Re: BK Brahmins begging impure money from Shudras (Lottery f

Post03 Jul 2015

Pink Panther wrote:One wonders what the lesson would have been if by chance he’d won?

And that's BKism for you ... not so much a fixed set of rules but either an adoptive principle of being able to take anything and turn it into profit, or a conceited vanity in which their god or god man can do no wrong. A way of speaking to your own mind so as to avoid upsets.

"Drama ate my homework".
because.parmeshwar wrote:In my town, there was theft in the BK centre. The SS consoled herself and others that, Baba did not want to use that money in Yagya as it was earned illegally, so it was a drama plan that the money (and material) is stolen away.

It was donors fault and not theirs or yagyas :D.

Which suggests that a) they are aware they benefit from illegally earned donations (that's certainly true about untaxed earnings).

So does Baba turn a blind eye to other illegally earned mney when he does want it?

It's so illogical, it's pathetic. It's just infantile.

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