BKWSU UK: "Generating income £2.3m - Charitable spending £0"

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BKWSU UK: "Generating income £2.3m - Charitable spending £0"

Post03 Apr 2015

Perhaps someone can explain what is going on here ...

I am looking at the BKWSU UK 'published' accounts for year ending Dec 2013.

With an income of £1,571,997, the BKs spent £2,549,392 on "Income generation and governance" ... and a grand total of £0 [zero] on "Charitable spending". See also, here (download).

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Screen shot 2015-04-03 at 16.20.46.jpg (46.51 KiB) Viewed 5731 times

Remember, this is a charity established to "relieve poverty" sitting on £15,196,162 worth of freehold properties and keeping £3,150,426 worth of leasehold properties ... and £1,142,262 worth of furniture ... for which it claims £7,940,914 worth of "depreciation" in a single year.

I thought property in the UK went up in value 10% a year?

Yes, the Kirpalani Klan sure relieved their own poverty. I am not so sure about anyone else's. Nor do they promote Hinduism.

Sister Jayanti and other leaders continue to survive magically on no wages ... and, for some unknown reason, the BKWSU UK continues to pay for food at Mount Abu, although we don't know how much. Perhaps to the tune of £500,000 per year.
Working in collaboration with The World Renewal Spiritual Trust, BKWSU (UK) funded the preparation and supply of food prepared in a spiritual atmosphere and awareness and offered to God. This food was served to up to 20,000 pilgrims and visitors three times a day during 2013.

The trustees were personally involved in monitoring these projects at all levels, including planning, monitoring, and completion. They also visited the sights on several occasions to work closely with the nustees and volunteers of The World Renewal Spiritual Trust.

The World Renewal Spiritual Trust is, of course, BKWSU (India).

8,426 people are said to have done the Raja Yoga course. They bought a new big building in Leicester.

The UK government handed them £95,616 in tax refunds, on top of a £137,912 they reaped from investments.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BKWSU UK: "Charitable spending £0 - Generating income £2

Post05 Apr 2015

The accountants run the world in every other area, so the BKs are no different.

Maybe the discrepancies and contradictions could be brought to the attention of the Charity Commissioner or whatever equivalent supervisory body you have there - even the tax department.
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Re: BKWSU UK: "Charitable spending £0 - Generating income £2

Post05 Apr 2015

Like you say, "the accountants run the world" and they know how far to push within available laws. In this case, the BK trustee who married a BK Sister for the sake of property investments it appears, Sanjay Tulsidas (or was it a forbbiden "love" permitted by Dadi and Jayanti because it was good for business?) And I am sure it will be within the law ... "compliance" they call it ... but that does not make it admirable.

It's more of a moral/ethical issue ... the Kirpalani Klan clearly sees themselves as the only worthy recipient of charity in the UK, and hives a commission on their racket back to the HQ in India.

I am just stunned by the brazenness of it, "Generating voluntary income £2,300,000 ... Charitable spending £0".

How could anyone have any pride in associating with such an organization?

It says it all, really ... the Brahma Kumaris are just feeding of the fat of British society and taking advantage of its charitableness, broadmindedness and institutes.

But why spend £2,300,000 to earn £1,500,000 !?!

Where do they hide the leaders wages/expenses? Under "management", or do they give to BK India ... and then BK India gives them their baksheesh backhander back?

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