aboutaboutbrahmakumaris.com - a new BKwatch-like site?

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aboutaboutbrahmakumaris.com - a new BKwatch-like site?

Post30 Oct 2014

I was mentioning about this site while asking you about vanishing the bkwsuwatch. Actually the site is under construction, but I managed successfully to access to it a litlle bit from the "back door" typing manually for example this long URL:
http://aboutaboutbrahmakumaris.com/Abou ... icide.html
and from that moment the access for the full site is open.

About "About Brahma Kumaris" is a site watching the www.aboutbrahmakumaris.org site run by the BKs. Some parts are from the BKinfo linked to it.

I found out that this site is hosted in the Netherlands (I "asked" a "whois" tool about some info), but it's hard to get anything more about this site - there is no link to contact the owner.
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Re: aboutaboutbrahmakumaris.com - a new BKwatch-like site?

Post31 Oct 2014

Wow. Nice find raistlin. The ”About About” heading suits its schizophrenic attitude, although it definitely looks like a first draft, far from ready for publication.


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Re: aboutaboutbrahmakumaris.com - a new BKwatch-like site?

Post10 Nov 2014

Well, the problem is we actually don't know whether aabk site is a "friend" or "foe".

BTW, the site finally run (supposedly a couple of days ago). And it seems like it was not just being "constructed" but "re-constructed". The first post is dated on August 2013.

The site is named: About "About Brahma Kumaris" - From the Outside In: a critical response to Brahma Kumari PR Whitewash, so as I thought it's another "watch" site criticizing the BK religion.


Re: aboutaboutbrahmakumaris.com - a new BKwatch-like site?

Post10 Nov 2014

Since when has Dadi janki been a "Doctor"? ... One usually and lawfully can only use with their own name, if they have indeed studied and achieved full Qualifications as a general practioner, and registered by a lawful medical body in the state of completion.

Now, as we see on the "About Brahma Kumaris" site, "From The Inside Out" ... Dadi janki is now "Listed" as 'Dr. Dadi janki'! ... Dated 26 July 2014? Did she do and complete her doctorate in the 'Subtle Regions' when she was asleep? All the while catching flying bugs with her great tongue, which seems to be always in 'the flying stage'!!

And did she also recieve a "Golden Diploma" for her great studies, from "Shri Doctor Big", Baap himself?

Amazing what one can do with such Yoga power, in a coma, (bodyless), except for flying wriggly tongue!


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Re: aboutaboutbrahmakumaris.com - a new BKwatch-like site?

Post10 Nov 2014

It will be the very same "university" in Texas that declared her the "world's most stable brain". Poor dear, she should have been told that if you have to go around proclaiming how stable your mind it it probably is not all that stable ... I saw her in action in Willesden and was concerned all the warbling being "translated" by she of the scary eyebrows was, in fact, a demand to be let out to go to the toilet/or "where's my dinner?".


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Requesting Admin to move the posts (off-topic)

Post10 Nov 2014

Admin, could you move the last two posts to this topic: DJ honored with Bharat Gaurav Award?
Thanks in advance.
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Re: aboutaboutbrahmakumaris.com - a new BKwatch-like site?

Post10 Nov 2014

quantum wrote:Since when has Dadi janki been a "Doctor"?

She was awarded an "Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters" by GITAM University, a "Deemed University" which in India means "deemed to be university", a private college which has reach university level in a limited area (single institution). It teaches technology and management.

Generally one cannot use a honorary degree as a professional qualification, for example to practice medicine or psychology, but it does give you the right to use the title of "Dr." Most holders don't do this, because such use is considered 'tacky' but that won't stop the BKs. It certainly does not have the same weight as an earned doctorate degree. Most institutions of higher education generally ask that recipients "refrain from adopting it as a misleading title".

Dadi Ratan Mohini also got one from another low level university.

I don't know the backstory. Immediately I would suspect it is just some mutual PR backstratching, GITAM promoting itself by promoting the BKs, perhaps there are BK supporters within GITAM ... is there a "management leadership" course connection? I don't know, I will have to look into it.

At the end of the day, it means nothing. The university probably does not know what the BKs are really about, and the BKs will exploit and exaggerate it like hell. Just more social climbing up the slippery pole of power and influence ... yet another photo-opportunity masquerading as "world service".

As for "Doctor of Letters" ... I doubt Janki could write a letter on her own these days. They should have given her a degree for ""Doctoring the Murlis and BKWSU's History".

Janki gets a lot of credit for stuff she never did or even opposed happening.
Dadi Janki ji

Dadi Janki ji, Chief Administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris is very special whose thoughts and actions inspire us to divinity and inculcate virtues and values in our lives. Her devotees feel that she is God’s ambassador of peace. Her personality overflows with Godhood and spiritual might. Her every action embodies love, sweetness and divinity. Dadi Janki Ji has dedicated more than 70 years of her life in the service of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. She established the first Brahma Kumaris Centre outside of India in UK inspiring self-reliance and the development of spiritual values in Western society. Her vision and drive saw the organization’s teachings carried into more than 126 countries.

Dadi served as one of the Keepers of Wisdom, an advisory group of eminent spiritual and religious leaders, convened at the UN Earth Summit in Rio, Brazil and at Habitat II in Istanbul, Turkey. Dadi addressed the world governments about the crucial need for people-centred development and the pivotal role of human and spiritual values in survival. Dadi is a pioneer of a modern form of the ancient art of Raja Yoga. Dadi Janki’s published books include Companion of God, Wings of Soul, Pearls of Wisdom, Inside out and Spiritual Greatness. Her age, wisdom, and experience in life make her a unique inspiration for anyone looking to live a happier, more peaceful, more meaningful life.


Re: aboutaboutbrahmakumaris.com - a new BKwatch-like site?

Post10 Nov 2014

Yes, agree here ex-l ... it is 'tacky' and misguiding.

Those with true personal integrity would have the common sense and dignity not to add title to their name unnecessarily but not BK Seniors! They love 'titles' ... the more you can grab the better your importance and prestige on the world stage. Haha, very funny re- "give her a degree for doctoring the Murlis & BKWSU ... she has truly earned her "Masters Degree" in manipulation & fabrication ...

The only way they can be "accepted" in the wider outside world is by constantly manipulating language to appeal to VIPs and the masses. They "steal", copy, manipulate, fabricate, 'catch phrases' from all sorts of religions, philosophies, new agers, corporations, and the like. They cannot stand on their own 'merit' ! An Octopus has many tentacles ...
they are just a corporation themselves ... with a "spiritual" front.

A 'cult' masquerading as something normal ... hah ... as the old people use to say, 'if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck ... it's a bloody duck!

Well, yes, they look like a cult, talk like a cult, and act like a cult ...
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Re: aboutaboutbrahmakumaris.com - a new BKwatch-like site?

Post11 Nov 2014

BKWSU wrote:She established the first Brahma Kumaris Centre outside of India in UK inspiring self-reliance and the development of spiritual values in Western society.

I can promise you Janki and the BKs have had pretty much close to zero effect "developing spiritual values in Western society" and the British society was doing very well on its own regarding human values leading India by a long way.

But look this lies and misrepresentation ...
Dadi is a pioneer of a modern form of the ancient art of Raja Yoga. Dadi Janki’s published books include ...

No, Janki is not a pioneer of "a modern form of the ancient art of Raja Yoga", nor is BK meditation even "a modern form of the ancient art of Raja Yoga". I cannot believe they still keep re-cycling that bullsh**.

It is absolutely false. Like you say, they "stole" the name of some other well respected practise with a 2,000 year history.

What spiritual "value" is stealing?

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