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We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos?

PostPosted: 28 Sep 2014
by ex-l
Remember when the BKs and their Murlis used to say stuff like, we are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, do not keep photos?

How much money have they wasted on such self-promotion and why do the enlightened Dadis put up with it? How different Brahma's Princesses are from true yogis. Here we have 3 surviving old Dadis being elevated in the minds of the BK adherents.

Three%20Dadis-crowned.jpg (42.07 KiB) Viewed 20048 times

Jankidadi-Gulzardadi-crowned.jpg (84.75 KiB) Viewed 20048 times

Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

PostPosted: 28 Sep 2014
by sankaraiyer
There is no worship involved here it is the living in Satyug that is demonstrated. We should not come to conclusions and potray a different picture.

Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

PostPosted: 28 Sep 2014
by Mr Green
How **** have janki and Gulzar become ... my god

Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2014
by Affected BK
Mr. Green wrote:how **** have janki and Gulzar become.... my god

Old age ... Mr. Green.. Nobody can escape the stick of time.
sankaraiyer wrote:here is no worship involved here it is the living in Satyug that is demonstrated

They are supposed to purify the soul, no? And once the soul qualifies for the Satyug then this type of dress is supposed to be wore by deities, no? Then why Dadis. . in their impure bodies?

What are they demonstrating?

Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2014
by quantum
It's a good idea not too take these funny pics too seriously ... Honestly! ... they are not meant to be a couple of 'pin up poster girls' ... it's just a 'depiction', and very much Indian cultural/religious expression/tradition. They are Indian culture ... so naturally they are going to do what indians do! ... Not a Western way. If someone worships them because of these halarious 'dress ups' and thinks it's 'real' ... then more fool them ... and what brainless sheeple they are!! ... They look like 'gallagh's' ... (silly birds) ... I feel sorry for them in a way ... looking like total idiots with those big 'chieftain' hats on ... lol ... hahahahahaha ... and I don't think they've gone to much expense for this 'scrap metal'! ... Junk from an Indian craft dress up shop ... all that gliters is not always gold ... It means nothing ... do they look like their enjoying it?? NO ... they look like they are in Pain ... hahaha

Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2014
by ex-l
quantum wrote:They are Indian culture ... so naturally they are going to do what indians do!

In a country where something like 3,000 child die of starvation every day, any such waste of wealth ... and this is by no means the BKs worst ... is disgusting.

You miss the point Quantum. The whole point of BKism was that it completely different from Bhakti ... and here we have the BKs doing their own AND going entirely against their own teachings (of which Janki is largely responsible for happening, e.g. instituting Lekhraj Kirpalani Bhakti/worship).
Affected BK wrote:What are they demonstrating?

Their power and status over their followers.

Honestly, it's vain, narcissistic and nonsense.

This is where I disagree with you ... Many people become old and remain humble and sensible. Indeed, that's the idea of age ... that it makes you become more wise.

To be honest, such displays make me sick. What they are doing is promoting them as gods in the minds of their followers ... and when they die, they will be established in their minds and then turn into sort of saints.

And even their deaths and anniversaries will be exploited to pull in the money.

Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2014
by quantum
Yeah ... I see your points ex-l, and know what you mean, but I see it as 'all inclusive' points. I both agree with your points and mine. I just see another aspect to it that at 1st glance looks hilarious and idiot-like. That's all. And I like your point, especially re- in old age one normally becomes humble and wise which shows how un-enlightened and brainwashed they are.

Humility is far from their sights. I have good sense of humour and there's not too much to laugh at on this site, as are serious issues which I have described in other posts. It gets a bit too heavy on here sometimes for one to always be taking in, and with good reason, but I need some light relief at times and this pic is really that.

Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2014
by ex-l
Please, joke away. We've had a few laughs and people should laugh at the BKs more. I just think it is hypocritical that they spent most of their existence criticising gurus and saddhus and Hindu bhagats ... and then they became everything they criticised and lower they activities to Bhakti levels. They lack new ideas and they don't follow the teachings. I suspect they even removed most of the criticism of saddhus and gurus because now they are doing 'co-promotion' business with them.

They do like dressing up and advertising themselves as goddesses though (it is what they teach and believe) ... it's even what they think "serving humanity" is. I mean, forget feeding starving children etc ... for decades they've been doing it but it's only recently they had started promoting Lekhraj Kirpalani and Om Radhe as like `saints so heavily.

In the world of philosophy and spirituality, Om Radhe is utterly insignificant. Why on Earth do their deify her?

Here's a BK joke I made up quickly?
    Question, "How many Senior BK Sisters does it take to change a light bulb?"

    BK Sister 1, "Call a Brother to do it ... but who is going to pay for the light bulb?"
    BK Sister 2, "Who wants to do unlimited service to earn multi-million diamonds in the Golden Age by buying Baba a box of light bulbs?"
    BK Sister 3, "Light bulb? Only the best is good enough for Baba ... make that a golden light bulb!"
    BK Sister 4, "I know, let's invite a VIP to its first turning on and publish the story in World Renewal and Times of India"
    BK Sister 5, "If you are having a golden light bulb, for your centre, than I must have a golden light bulbs for my centre!"
    BK Senior Brother, "I know, let's start a business selling official Baba's Unlimited Golden Light Bulbs™ to all our followers, we'll make a fortune".
    BK Dadi Janki, "As long as someone else pays for it."
    BK Sister Gulzar, "I must go into trance and ask the dead Lekhraj Kirpalani what he thinks. You know it must be true if I speak in a funny whisper".
    BapDada, "Seeing the children busy in making plans to en-lighten the world, BapDada is very happy ... (just make sure your make a profit on each one)"., "BKWSU is light bulb sweat shop controversy ... BKs exploiting Mount Abu dalit slave labour rates again!
    New Dehli BK Brother. "Ha! I know someone who can give you a good deal on light bulbs (... and I will get 10% on it!!!)
You may remember in the Murli Baba says you should not keep photos of him ...


Not to be out done by all the names they give to Lekhraj Kirpalani, they claim Radhi Pokardas Rajwan is even more gods ... Radhe, Lakshmi, Durga, Bhadrakali, Amba or Jagadamba (mother of the universe), Annapoorna devi (the one who bestows grains), Sarvamangala (the one who gives joy to all), Bhairavi, Chandika or Chandi, Lalita, Bhavani, Mookambika ... to name just a few.

Honestly, the Brahmakumaris are just so full of themselves it hysterical.

Mama.jpg (60.97 KiB) Viewed 19780 times

Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2014
by quantum
hahahahahaha ... very funny. pack of clowns in a circus ... lol ...'grandma and grandpa of fairyland' ... yes, when they play dressing ups ... it's 'divine & Godly ... but for other religions it's Bhakti! ... They all look as ridiculous as each other to me. They have 'dull & stone intellects' ... yes, I don't mind if I do, help myself to a few of Baba's titles for the lowly one's ... and place them here ... and, yes, they display their hypercritical nature here, and in a lot of their PR ... copying from others slogans and 'catch phrases' etc ... like, practicising mindfullness from buddhists! ... and then they see other religions, self help groups, new agers, ect. as bhagats ... lowly, not worthy of heaven ...

hahahahahaha, how lowly are they? ... Who does these acts, and then tries to sell it off in God's Name?? ... Fools! ... We have saying in West ...'there's no fool like an old fool' ... ain't that the truth ... hahaha ... pack of old farts sitting on fluffy ducks and flowers ... think their xmas ... hahahahaha ... Proof ... Raja Yoga makes you dumb ...

Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2014
by ex-l
quantum wrote:yes, when they play dressing ups ... it's 'divine & Godly ... but for other religions it's Bhakti!

It's the first rule of starting a religion ... you have to have a funny costume to differentiate your product or team from all the other religions' product or team.

In the case of the Brahma Kumaris, even that is borrowed. The sari was not traditional Sindi garb. Despite criticising Gandhi and Congress as "traitors" to the British rulers, and the Independence Movement in the old days as pointless, I think that's where they took the white sari from. It was Mirabhen (an English woman follower of Gandhi) who started wearing a white sari and shawl (and took a vow of celibacy), when the BKs were still dressing in fineries or like English private school girls.

I am absolutely sure any enlightened being or beings would not spend all of their lives dressing up, making exaggerated claims about their own importance, and promoting themselves. The stuff I really dislike is where they put themselves before all other religions, like this ... (below).

I mean, basic politeness say, "put other before yourself". Not "stick your guru at the top and in the middle". Note, NO ONE ELSE except the BKs recognises Lekhraj Kirpalani as a great spiritual leader in any way at all, never mind greater than all the spiritual leaders pictured below. Nor does anyone recognise the BK god spirit as the god of all.


They even dress up their scooters ...


Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2014
by Mr Green
My Grandmother is 94 and has never sold out ever. Old age has nothing to do with it, these are moral issues.

Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2014
by quantum
Sure mr. Green, it is a moral issue. I am only referring to BK Seniors/elders here who participate in this sort of showing and displaying of their deluded self importance and superior path. I am not referring to regular elderly folk who I respect and appreciate. They have maintained their true self and integrity. Apologies for any offence, not intended.

Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2014
by quantum
Ohh Jesus Christ! ... cannot one have a laugh and joke here without some others getting sooo politically correct about it? obviously not ... to me it is a stupid topic to take too seriously anyway, minor in comparison to other serious and damaging practices the BK's do. So even when I 'announce' I am having a laugh on it etc ... someone still gets offended and takes words literally to heart and allows themselves to feel hurt, angry, opposed ect about it!

Wow ... am I still in school? ... This to me is a symptom really, of how damaged some still are. My sympathies extended here. I hope you are able to find some good healing and repair in your life so that BKism is not still eating you up that much any more and one can have the freedom and happiness of heart and spirit we all deserve.

Myself included. I am also still 'in process' ... but getting better with healing and time.

Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2014
by ex-l
quantum wrote:Ohh Jesus Christ! ... cannot one have a laugh and joke here without some others getting sooo politically correct about it?

I don't think Mr Green was offended. I think he was having a joke back.

Do you want a politically incorrect joke?
    What is the difference between a prostitute and a Brahma Kumari leader?

    A prostitute will tells you how much it will cost to ###### you, beforehand. A Brahma Kumari leader will tell you everything is free, and then empty your all you bank accounts and take your home.
On a serious matter, relating to another topic, if given the choice between eating food prepared by an honest prostitute, or a Brahma Kumari leader, I'd rather eat the food prepared by the honest prostitute ... because if I ate the food prepared by the Brahma Kumari leaders, I'd be afraid I'd start to lie and exaggerate about myself, and manipulate others for money.

We discussed this whole not eating food business and I reckon it is about two things; a) copying caste born Brahmins to keep up the facade or religiosity, and b) just about control ... breaking any other connection to any other individuals who might question or criticism the BKs. To separate individuals and gain total control over them; eating, sleeping even, how you speak, how you walk, how you talk, even how you go to the toilet.

The BKs call it "being royal" ... but where did they gain their impression of what "royal" meant? By Lekhraj Kirpalani going to see maharaja customers and the British rulers?

Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2014
by Affected BK
ex-I wrote:What is the difference between a prostitute and a Brahma Kumari leader?

The prostitute will give you "in return" of what you give; a Brahma Kumari leader will give you guilt even after emptying your wallet and bank account.