Why I continue to be a BK

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Why I continue to be a BK

Post08 Sep 2014

Despite the criticism leveled at BKs, some of which may not be without merit, I continue to be a BK. Allow me to explain.

I know BKs chase money and VIPs (I am not a VIP). BK Sisters can be territorial. They can berate you in public. They can treat center-goers as free labor. They can interfere in your private life. And so on.

Among other things, I cannot explain why the dates of destruction, stated in the Murlis and published in the literature (not the dates insinuated by BKs) were wrong. I don’t know why they create myths around certain BK figures. I don’t understand why the early trance experiences were sensual in nature when they were supposed to be about the asexual Golden Age. I don’t know why the historic accounts from 3000 years ago don’t match what should be the Silver Age.

Will the world destruct and the Golden Age arrive soon? I don’t know. Will I arrive in that age? I don’t know. Honestly, it does not matter to me. I am a BK because it makes me a better person today.

Since I grew up in the Hindu culture many aspects of BKism were not new to me. The Laws of Karma, the soul, its reincarnation, vegetarian meals that also excluded onion and garlic, celibacy (or sex only to procreate), starting the day at 4AM with prayers, ending the day with prayers, bathing after bowel movements, etc. were not new (even if I did not necessarily follow them all). The seat of the soul, Krishna as a deity and not God, the short 5000 year cycle, the unyielding adherence to the disciplines, the unambiguous distinction between God and deities, etc. were the new aspects.

Having pondered over Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, the modern self-improvement theories, teachings of the umpteen saints, gurus and the Deepak Chopras of the world, I concluded that Bhagawad Gita provides the best map to conduct ones life. And I choose to be a BK because in MY OPINION BKism explains the Gita and shows how to follow it the best. I find many aspects of BKism attractive. I will list three here.
    1. I find the notion of God who transforms, but does not create, very appealing. (If God were to create then we’d have to locate His creator, and so on.)
    2. I believe that praying to God is essential. I don’t find any other form of praying better than the BK meditation, although I don’t think it the only form.
    3. BKism taught me to work on myself and not others, and provides a step-by-step manual to do so, daily. I find this hugely empowering. It was a game changer which helped simplify my life.
Not all of BK is evil. I have seen BK Sisters full of compassion, labor hard, refuse donations, assist families to repair relationships, etc.

BKism is an important and significant part of my life, but it is not my life. BK Sisters may try to invert that equation, but I don’t let them, for better or for worse. The purist may balk at my approach. So be it. I am too focused on improving my present than worrying about the distant future.


Save Innocents

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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post08 Sep 2014

Arbit wrote : ... many aspects of BKism ... celibacy (or sex only to procreate),

Celibacy in BKism is not what you define here. No procreation is allowed. If you break your celibacy, even for procreation, you are regarded as an ignorant & impure being & you must not visit local & main center for few weeks or months, depending upon the flexibility of rules there.
The seat of the soul, Krishna as a deity and not God

This is the result of BKism. First they replace place of Lord Krishna from God to deity, then next step is to reduce your faith in him & when it starts vanishing & Baba faith takes over your mind, you will be asked to leave every aspect of Hinduism. And it will not be told to you directly, it all happens indirectly through Murlis, discussion, Didis lectures, etc. They do not celebrate Janmashtami the way any other Hindu celebrate, rather they prefer to worship sensual Lekhraj who set up the organization for their survival. Many BKs teachers openly discourage praying Lord Krishna who was Vasu'dev' & will turn into fully omniscient being in next birth.
I find the notion of God who transforms but does not create, very appealing

Arbit, God neither creates nor transforms, only function of God is to see & that's it. BK Didis will gradually move to this concept I mentioned. I even witnesses that concept like "soul is male" that i discussed on their forum were included later in their Murlis. Anything that seems to them convincing & which removes controversies are included gradually & you can never know it.
I believe that praying to God is essential. I don’t find any other form of praying better than the BK meditation, although I don’t think it the only form.

So, please revise BK lessons, they deny all forms of worship. For them worshipping or Bhakti is for "shudras". And they need not to worship anyone rather they live on belief that they are the one who are worshipped in different forms by people (non-BKs). So, after becoming a BK, praying becomes inessential. They have replace concept of praying by their "Yaad" or remembrance & virtual Yoga.
BKism taught me to work on myself and not others, and provides a step-by-step manual to do so, daily. I find this hugely empowering. It was a game changer which helped simplify my life.

It is nice if it helped you in any way, same things are experienced by everyone on this forum. They too found it miraculous but the real story discloses with time as BKs say. For most of us, the drama has unfolded itself completely but for followers of BK, BK drama is yet to disclose.

Not all of BK is evil.

True. They are not evil. They turn into evils after many years or decades. The day you will find others lower & impure than yourself, know that the "evil" has developed in you too.
I have seen BK Sisters full of compassion, labor hard, refuse donations, assist families to repair relationships, etc.

How many such families have you seen personally , can you specify it precisely? The fact is BK Didis repair only those family of which all members follow BKism. Because it ensures long term donation. If presently Father is donating, then tomorrow his son & then grandson & so on will donate ... only when whole family follows BKism. They do not want to lose customers.

And it is different in those cases where one or two family members follow BKism & rest do not find it comfortable & rather inhuman & immoral. In these cases, first BK Didis teach in order to get whole family in their path but when plan fails, they try to break family by asking them to be datached from family which is a big Maya, as they say.
I am too focused on improving my present than worrying about the distant future.

Yes, it will improve your present state but will damage your future. Many (thousands) have experienced this. It is up to you what you chose, here we can only suggest you to know complete truth about BKism, the decision will remain yours.


Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post08 Sep 2014

Thank you arbit for sharing. You are a real gem. It's good to hear from an adherent that 'not all of BK is evil' ...
which just leaves some portions! ... like ... 'BK's chase money and VIP's' ... and 'treat centre goers as free labour' ...
they 'interfere in your private life and so on'! ... which are a big deal to others seeking a true spiritual path!! ...
but you seem easily pleased and no need for you to be concerned or question ... so that way works for you ... yes ... that is simple. :shock:
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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post08 Sep 2014

Arbit wrote:I have seen BK Sisters full of compassion, labor hard, refuse donations, assist families to repair relationships, etc ...

Presumably family relationships that the BKs have caused to breakdown in the first place? Can you be specific?

I am guess you are also quite a recent BK ... it's amazing to think it's now 14 years since the leaders were frightening their followers into stock piling food and water for the Year 2000 Destruction. Most BKs probably weren't even around for that.

Although I am not Indian, I understand where you are coming from in the first part of your post. I, too, was studying real Yoga, the Gita and so on before I became a BK and was following a very similar life. Indeed, having done so I am kind of confused how you say BKism "explains" the Gita. As in so many cases, the BKs have taken what exists, modified it and moulded themselves around it as marketing. As BKs, we used to be trained in the yukti of asking the, "Who is the God of the Gita?" question, that the BKs used to hook Hindu newcomers.

Was the BKWSU just a benign community of spiritual seekers, or even just meditators, who did good for society, then it might be possible to accept them. I suppose in comparison to HInduism, BKism appears quite simple, rational and even modern ... but surely a bit whacky, what with the 5,000 year stuff?

Unfortunately they are not and they do very little for society with their wealth. They are a money making machine based on the End of the World coming soon. And even if they are downplaying that angle now, for decades it was their sole purpose.

Therefore, I have to ask you,
    Is it ethical to build a wealthy empire by defrauding millions of dollars off 10,000s of individuals, by misleading them with fears of the End of the World?

    Is it ethical to keep changing one's predictions of the End of the World and other philosophies whilst covering up and hiding the past failures?

    Should individuals who have done so escape criticism or even punishment for doing so?

    What guna would such individuals be?

    Can you be "spiritual" without being ethical?
We can discuss the ethics of the Bhagavad Gita, and how it relates to BKism if you like but I think what is more important is to just realise that the BKs have over generations refined their operation to appeal to individuals like you by making it fit closely to your preconceptions of what a spiritual organisation or religion should be.
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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post08 Sep 2014

The truth is folks you don't need anyone else to be spiritual. You are spiritual, it is natural, everyone is spiritual.

Everything is magical and wonderful, everything is contrived and horrid. It all just depends where your heads at.
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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post08 Sep 2014

Arbit wrote:I am too focused on improving my present than worrying about the distant future.

Serious question Arbit, how are you improving what?

Do you believe in that current civilisation is going to end in two to three or so years and there will be a Golden Age in 2036?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post09 Sep 2014


Your post was interesting and very sincere.

I would mention this - you say you appreciate the good things you are getting out of it despite the many inconsistencies and questions etc.

Aren’t the good things universal?
    Your ability to sit quietly and contemplate higher things or enter deeper states?
    Your willingness to see the good in others and turn the other cheek to those that wish you ill?
    The golden rule, found in all cultures based on human empathy - do to others as you would have them do to you - sometimes called karma, sometimes called mercy ... etc?
    Aren’t the inconsistencies and questions the things that are specific to the BKs beliefs?
    Aren’t these things the ones that cause derogatory judgement of others? Who is Brahmin (superior) ? who is impure (infidel)? Who is ”acceptable” and who is not?
    The very idea that it is predetermined only a certain small number of human beings are capable of ”self-realisation” - the rest are numberwise failures - entrenches privilege and hierarchy. Would a society developed by God really be a bad imitation of 19th century Hindu caste mentality?
Given that God can be whatever you believe, or prefer god to be, isn’t then your preference for one theory about God not just an opinion, without substance? Is it a reason to base whole life decisions on, or are they not better based on simple principles of right and wrong and almost any child understands?

Can a self-proclaimd God who is so inconsistent and even proven wrong by facts really God?

Is the idealised God you meditate on, get high on, in your mind really matched by the person who says the things in the Murli that are later excised by editors because they were wrong or embarrassing?

The BKs teach a simple, effective meditation based on affirmations. People feel good, and benefit from it. How deep or spiritual the experience depends on the individual.

Along with that experience comes a package deal, which if you sign onto , if it was a phone plan would mean a lifetime contract with eternal penalties for wanting to leave it.

A path of "liberation in life" that "binds you for life" in a web of theoretical consequences that you are asked to believe are real, and which many do because of the ”feelgood” experience first had, which in the end only was you playing games with thoughts internally, you projecting ideals and reflecting in them ...

The power, the peace, the goodness is in you, and in each of us if we choose. The salesman makes you think he has a unique product and you need to sign up for his package deal.


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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post09 Sep 2014

Thank you all for your responses. You ask valid questions. I am glad we can have a civil discussion on the topic.

First a bit about myself. I am not a new BK. I have been a BK for a while. Much longer than some on this forum have known them, but perhaps not for as long as some others. I am not a BK-aplogetic. I have witnessed the good and the bad at BK centers. As incredulous as it may sound, I have seen BK Sisters (note the plural) do good. I have seen people benefit.

Some view BKs as shades of only evil. Some view them as shades of only good. But I think the reality is more nuanced. This discussion has multiple dimensions. Let me focus on them one at a time (but not on all in one post).

Let us separate the BKs from the teachings. BKs are humans. They are not infallible. I am not condoning illegal or unethical behavior. But I don't want unsavory behavior to stop me from looking for the good, if there is any.

I view the teachings to comprise two components. For the lack of better terms, I am calling them "historical facts" and "spiritual guidance". The historical facts - dates of desctruction, societal structure, etc., may be questionable. In my opinion they are distractions and did not really amount to much in the first place. Let's ignore the historical facts for a moment.

It is the spiritual guidance that I find useful. For instance, there is one phrase from the Gita that has stayed with me - "... abandon anger, abandon fear, abandon desire ...". But the Gita does not provide a tutorial on exactly how.
Yes, Pink Panther, other religions also preach similar conduct. But none explains how, to my satisfaction.

Let's pick anger. I learnt from the BKs the step-by-step process on how to overcome anger, which no one else I had encountered could provide. Briefly, I learnt that each individual is driven by his values and I cannot directly influence his actions. I can only influence my own actions and my actions might influence his repsonse. So I learnt to work on myself, starting with my own thoughts. This has helped me to be happier and more content. This is an example of how I am improving my own state without bothering about the Golden Age.

My perception of an organization conceived by God himself is perhaps not too different from anyone else's on this forum. Perfect, ideal, controversy-free, egalitarian.

ex-l has asked whether one can be spiritual without being ethical. Again, I don't think things are monochromatic. If you cannot be spiritual unless you are perfect then we must abandon all hopes of becoming better individuals because most of us start with some imperfections. What I do believe is that unethical behavior will come back to bite you through the karmic law.

quantum has asked whether I am pleased easily by the BKs. I don't know. What I do know is, I try to make the most of what I get from life. Life threw the BK lemon at me. I will make lemonade with it, and throw away the rind.

I ignore the bad, protect myself from the ugly, and apply the good to my life.

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Pink Panther

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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post10 Sep 2014

Arbit wrote:I learnt from the BKs the step-by-step process on how to overcome anger, which no one else I had encountered could provide. Briefly, I learnt that each individual is driven by his values and I cannot directly influence his actions. I can only influence my own actions and my actions might influence his repsonse.

You left out the phrase ”until now” that is "on how to overcome anger, which no one else I had encountered until now". What you learnt, doesn’t it sound like a lesson others learn in life in other ways at other times? For you it took the encounter with BKs but ...

This coincides with the saying ”when the student is ready, the teacher appears”.

This is part of the process that gets many people to attach to a group and invest emotionally and tangibly in it.

If we look at the second phrase first ”student ready, teacher appears”. This is another way of saying that you are only ready to understand something new when the preliminary work has been done. Lessons are everywhere, teachers are everywhere, if you have the eye to see or the mind to grasp.

It happens that for some, they encounter this or that idea, that philosophy or another, read this book or other, which all adds into the mix to provoke deeper thinking and quicken the insight, gradually informing and reforming the person.

Then one day, the person encounters BKs (or, for other people, another teaching or group) which coincides with their current ability to understand and to make connections they would not have made without their preliminary work.

Consider that for another person, they may have encountered the BKs early in their journey of discovery, not consciously seen anything of value, but the little they learnt or understood changed them somewhat so later down the road they encounter another teaching which they can see deeper into more clearly (than what it actually is) and they join that, seeing depths and implications in ’the signs” that are not necessarily (or uniquely) there.

The adherents get stuck (pun intended) because they have learnt how to read the ‘signs' in that particular language and believe the language is the same as the reality, Like a child who mainly speaks, understands and thinks in the language learnt at the age when he became mature enough to develop language. (Linguists say that a child can learn multiple languages in the early years without confusion, whereas if we only hear one and speak one, to learn another in later life is difficult).

To end - as Dogen, the 13th century Zen master said ”Buddhism is a finger pointing to the moon. Do not look at the finger”.

So too, do not think that the wonder of the moon that you experience is inextricably bound with the finger (or language or vehicle) that happened to come along just when your were able to finally to focus that far.

Never trust the teacher that says there is no other lessons or teachers worth anything, or that the moon is self-illumunating. Life is not, as you say , so 2-dimensional, and new wonders are everywhere.
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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post10 Sep 2014

Arbit wrote:Briefly, I learnt that each individual is driven by his values and I cannot directly influence his actions. I can only influence my own actions and my actions might influence his repsonse. So I learnt to work on myself ...

Does such a mentality mean that would take no responsibility the problems within the BKWSU, and would not bother trying to do anything to make them better?

Is this the quote from the Gita?
Learn from Me in brief, O Arjuna, how he who has attained perfection reaches Brahman, that supreme state of knowledge. Endowed with a pure intellect, controlling the self by firmness, relinquishing sound and other objects and abandoning both hatred and attraction,

Dwelling in solitude, eating but little, with speech, body and mind subdued, always engaged in concentration and meditation, taking refuge in dispassion, Having abandoned egoism, strength, arrogance, anger, desire, and covetousness, free from the notion of "mine" and peaceful, he is fit for becoming Brahman.

I am not Indian and so, for me, the Gita has no great value at all. It's just an old book. It has no religious value for me and it has no business value for me in the business of religion.

Historians say it grew as a book to appease two ruling classes, the Brahmins and the Kshatriya, who, at the time, were jostling for power. But that's an entirely different a discussion ... all that is relevant is how the BKs use the references of the Gita for its 'magic spell' value over Indians, and how they claim Lekhraj Kirpalani's teachings are the true Gita and, arguably, he is the true god of the Gita.

"Who is the God of the Gita?" goes one line of questioning the BKs have developed. Then they offer an confusing piece of punditry to prove how Lekhraj Kirpalani is Krishna and Shiva is Gita Sermoniser.

Overcoming anger ... is it really such a great or an important thing, especially as you know believe that you *don't* become Brahm? Another different discussion ... I would just say for the BKs it is an important art which is good for public relationships. I would also say that there are things in life one should get angry about in order to change ... but that takes us into a discussion of terms; one man's anger is another man's forceful determination.

One man's 'peace through detachment', is another man's numbness, or 'reneging on social responsibilities'.

What does your current state achieve for you? Were you really so terrible beforehand?

Historically, there have always been criticisms of the kind of detachment from others suffering and the acceptance of karma theory within elements of Hinduism, Brahminism and even the Gita as it has allow terrible social inequalities to develop and remain within Indian culture. It evolves to the idea, present within Brahma Kumarism, that anything bad happening to someone else is their own fault and nothing can be done about it. They have to suffer. I don't know if I agree with that.

But I disagree even less with your separation from and refusal to take any responsibility for, the whacky, failed or plainly unethical elements of BKism. The two are inseparable. However it may be whitewashed today, and improved primarily by an increase in financial wealth, BKism is built on a foundation of the whacky, failed or plainly unethical elements.

BKism is 5,000 year cycles, failed predictions of Destruction, whitewash and historical revisions, broken families and ill gotten donations ... oh, and future Golden Palaces encrusted with diamonds.

If anything, what your detachment from all that speaks to me is of a disconnection ... or internal disconnections ... which might even go as far as being irresponsible if not dangerous.

BK leaders encourage such disconnections, especially when it comes to changing or valid criticism of their End of the World cult ... Dadi Janki's famous, "don't think, don't question" line comes to mind.

Therefore, I am asking myself how honest are you being with us about all the stuff you don't want to discuss not being part of your life ... that privately it is all about gaining a high status in the Golden Age for you, that you are actually looking forward to the next Nuclear holocaust of humanity, and therefore not doing anything about making this world a better place because it is all going to be Destroyed?

Save Innocents

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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post10 Sep 2014

"Mr. Green wrote : The truth is folks you don't need anyone else to be spiritual. You are spiritual, it is natural, everyone is spiritual."

Thanks a lot, finally someone said that. It is completely true. Till there is spirit in one's body, he/she is spiritual.

Hi Arbit, I am just reflecting here on your post line by line.
Arbit wrote:First a bit about myself. I am not a new BK. I have been a BK for a while. Much longer than some on this forum have known them, but perhaps not for as long as some others.

Time does not matter, really. A student can take 1 whole year to learn the course though he may not learn everything while on the other hand any other student may take just 1 month to finish whole of it. So, everyone here including those who have very short span in BKism are doing it to expose the reality without any view to harm BK Didis, Dadis & Brothers.
As incredulous as it may sound, I have seen BK Sisters (note the plural) do good. I have seen people benefit.

Right, even I have seen BK Didis doing good to BKs only, if not internally, they pretend it externally & you will not get it without sitting in that position where you will be trained to behave in a particular manner to keep all followers intact.
Let us separate the BKs from the teachings. BKs are humans. They are not infallible.

And this is one of the reasons why such website is designed to make those "human who are not infallible" respond positively to negative stimulus coming out of personal experiences before it engulfs them too. Definitely, BKs are humans but it is in yours & ours rational view. Just pass few more time in BKism & you will be compelled to start believing yourself as some God or Devta who are /destined to be worshiped. That is common belief which is set in a pakka BK. It is nice to see that you are still normal like us.
But I don't want unsavory behavior to stop me from looking for the good, if there is any.

That's fine and this is the base of positive thinking. If you start looking negativity everywhere, life would become hell in no time. So, it is good to see positive attributes if present in a BK Sister.

But important thing is that only new BK teachers reflect such "good" as they have less experience in that system & thus behave in more human way than a robotic one. But as soon as time passes & she ages, you will witness equal toughness & egotistic behaviour.

The concept is - there is no good or bad about BK Didi. Some are naturally designed in a way by their karmas that they do everything wrong even if they wish not to do so [and that does not make them below other in reality but worldy it is significant to see such people as wicked]. Just like a steep valley where you hardly have any chance of survival once slipped. And it is not the fault of that valley or its steepness, it is neither good nor bad. But people still warn to save others from whatever possible damage. That is what everyone is trying here.
The historical facts - dates of desctruction, societal structure, etc., may be questionable. In my opinion they are distractions and did not really amount to much in the first place. Let's ignore the historical facts for a moment.

And so it seems you are not in BKism to learn their teaching cause these facts are integral part of being a BK. These days Dadis, head of BKWSU, are collectively working on TRANSFORMATION theory & propagating it immensely. They claim that destruction & construction has already occured & now transformation is happening & it will finish by 2036. This year has been selected as landmark of full transformation in BKs when they will be free from vices like ego, anger, greed ... etc etc. It may seem less significant to you but they are such BK adherents too who believe in everything told in Murlis blindly & sacrifice their whole life, literally, for BKWSU- indirectly the benefit goes to owners & managers of BKWSU. So, if possible, inquire Didis at local center about the actual motive of BKism before dedicating yourself completely for Dadis' wish list fulfillment.
"... abandon anger, abandon fear, abandon desire ...". But the Gita does not provide a tutorial on exactly how.

Yes, it does provide & to understand it, you need deeper inner insight. You cannot expect it from an external source lie Dadi or Didi. Most importantly, not from a source which is still in process of learning. You need Lord Krishna for that.
    'Abandon fear"-How a BK Didi teach you to abandon fear who herself fears Dadis beyond extent.
    "Abandon anger"-Many Didis have been seen getting angry over silly minute issues, can they teach you how to abondon what possesses them.
    "Abandon desire"-That is most difficult to learn from BK Sister or Dadis who have never ending list of wishes (including bhogs given with respect, praises from everyone, money in all acceptable forms, free shelter if possible, luxuries & most importantly an army of BKs who are ready to do anything to anyone after getting the signals from Dadis).
Come on, you know it very well, they are not at all spiritual. They call it drama & play their roles as dictated by Seniors. Better the drama, more will be the profit. They are perfecting their acts or roles & thus will get booties in return but those who feel influenced (either +vely or -vely) by their dramatic roles are not likely to get anything at last.
I learnt from the BKs the step-by-step process on how to overcome anger, which no one else I had encountered could provide.

So, it is not the fault of rest of the world that you did not encounter any such highly elevated being & he did not give you the desired solution. Rather did you visited everyone or at least every spiritual organization before entering into BKism. If no, then how can you say that others do not provide & only BKism provide the so called benefits. Try to join other institutes too & you will find that they also offer same thing in different flavors.
Briefly, I learnt that each individual is driven by his values and I cannot directly influence his actions. I can only influence my own actions and my actions might influence his response.

Yes, it is true but completely worldly perception. Firstly, why there is need to influence others? Influencing our self would be more than enough. Secondly, even if you do something good, your action influences other & then you start believing that it is your good action which is responsible, then know that it is the Maya or Ignorance which makes your view so gloomy that a false perception of Doership appears. Even doership contradicts Laws of Karma. There are millions of thing which influence him & you are just one of them.
So I learnt to work on myself, starting with my own thoughts. This has helped me to be happier and more content.

Try to leave this sort of mental churning or you will become psychic in few years. Don't take it otherwise, i have myself experienced that & thankfully i left doing it at right time. So, just suggesting you the solution. I also used too feel amazed & happy about that mental peace but gradually it consumes all your energy leaving nothing behind for a substantial work. First symptom of it is that it will create a clear difference between you & others.
I ignore the bad, protect myself from the ugly, and apply the good to my life.

Write it down somewhere before you forget or forced to forget such human emotion & behavior by BKs. Their teaching act like slow poison & its effect depends on your immunity to it. It may take years to settle down with their mechanism completely but it definitely happen to a regular BK owning to limited immunity & mayavi vidya.
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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post10 Sep 2014

arbit wrote:As incredulous as it may sound, I have seen BK Sisters (note the plural) do good. I have seen people benefit.

I would prefer if you qualified what you consider "do good" as.

Save Innocent, please ask yourself if you really need to respond to every point. Perhaps it might be a good to give Arbit a chance to respond to any point first before drowning them in many!

One point which Arbit may, in essence, be raising is the question of 'spiritual community', or as the Buddhist call it, "the sangha". Many people who do not really believe in BKism enjoy associating with the BKs on a part-time or superficial basis, e.g. at weekends. They like being in a group which is at least superficially peaceful, tolerating, non-invasive and non-demandings and which talk vague things about spirituality which confirm beliefs they already have.

That is understandable enough. I can see how women and weak or non-sexual males would be attracted to BKism because it's an environment where the women can socialise without males jumping on them, or the males socialise without demands or pressures to act out masculine roles.

If you want to live out a sort of demi-spiritual life, i.e. without dedicating oneself 100% for the rest of your life by joining a priesthood or monastery, where do you go? There are not many places to do so and the BKs offer their facilities, mostly for free.

However, by accepting their conditional hospitality, one is sort of bound to them and, if one goes along with the rest of it without questioning or challenging that which is bad, wrong or damaging, one surely starts to share and carry responsibilities for their excess too. Doesn't one?

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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post11 Sep 2014

ex-I wrote:Save Innocent, please ask yourself if you really need to respond to every point.

Thanks ex-I, for controlling the forum, it gets noisy some times.

Save Innocents

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Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post11 Sep 2014

ex-l wrote:Save Innocent, please ask yourself if you really need to respond to every point. Perhaps it might be a good to give Arbit a chance to respond to any point first before drowning them in many!

Yes, you are right. It would be good to discuss one issue instead of covering all at a time.
kumar28061972 wrote:Thanks ex-I,for controlling the forum, it gets noisy some times.

Though we sorted out the differences though PM but I think Kumar, something still remains. Let us make it clear. My motive on this forum is not to harm interest of any BK follower or the propagators of BKism. It is just an initiative to expose the truth that I got to know myself from BK centers as well as that mentioned on this website. At the end of day, everyone whether BK or ex-BK or non - BKs, all are humans & we can think about helping ourselves by being aware about what is going on in the world.

This site covers only BKWSU & so it becomes apparent that BKs (or those who pretend not to be BK but they are one of them) will feel bad about it but they miss the efforts people put here in collecting all sort of information to bring out the unbiased reality and yes, there are hundreds of more cults operating throughout the world.

Though I joined the forum to discuss some spiritual matters on the forum (which are modified in BKism & are separated from actual Laws on which spirituality is based) but I do not find that circumstances here because there are several more important issues that need to addressed first. Soul consciousness can wait for some duration.

Save Innocents

  • Posts: 356
  • Joined: 08 May 2014

Re: Why I continue to be a BK

Post11 Sep 2014

There is some problem in posting. Last time, my post got merged with that of BK. This time after editing (only removed one word "more") & resubmitting the post, it did not replace the older one. Is anyone else also having this problem?
ex-l wrote:That is understandable enough. I can see how women and weak or non-sexual males would be attracted to BKism because it's an environment where the women can socialize without males jumping on them, or the males socialize without demands or pressures to act out masculine roles.

It might be possible though i never saw BK followers that way. Most often, people seeking peace from some external mediums are vulnerable to cults. I think the fact that attracts most of them to BKism is their own search of a peaceful "environment" & nothing more than that. As we see there is too much chaos all around & there is no peace even within families & everyone knows it & faces it almost everyday. In such circumstances where world is getting even lot more mad about perfection whether it is your job or other household responsibilities. So, all these are inducing several mental problems like stress, anxiety, tension, etc. Everyone faced that at some point of time & may have got a way to get rid of that. Even BK Dadis faced such situation initially in worst manner that they were forced to beg for survival & this is what forced them to develop a system which supports their necessities.

The problem is never ending ( & also it is said that in scriptures that in Kalyug there will more mental problems apart from physical problems, even a person with all comforts will not be able to enjoy or "Bhog" it as opposes to what BKism preach that soon good time will come by transformation & others i.e., non-BKs who do not care are "Bhogis"). The solution is removal of our weakness by using all such cults in your way rather becoming more weak in front of them.

And ex-l, that masculine role play can be one factor which lacks in many of them but it is not so for senior male BKs. I remember one incident of "Yoga bhatti" in which a senior BK Brother, some 34-36 years old, [yes, younger lot are also considered senior, seniority in BKism has nothing to do with age. It is directly related to "how much" one contributes & how close to other Seniors one is] was lecturing about nuclear weapons & about the certainity of their usage. All of a sudden, the microphone stopped working due to fluctuation in power supply.

At this, he removed the microphone & folded sleeves of his white kurta & then restarted his speech by saying that "We Jaats are very strong vocally & physically, so my voice will reach you all even without microphone." I was puzzled by this sentence & gesture which directly reflects the Dehadhyas as BK say, he was trying to reflect his masculinity & superiority throughout the speech throughout. And one more thing i must tell is that there were no spiritual talks in that bhatti, rather it appeared more like a party with white dress code. The functioning of BKism & world were also discussed a bit.

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