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RelaxKids gets public funding, Brahma Kumarism by Stealth?

PostPosted: 27 Aug 2014
by ex-l
What started as some Brahma Kumari games for the Brahma Kumaris "children's class" in which kids were entertained whilst their mothers listen to the BKs' teachings and meditated, and became a very successful outreach PR programme before a daughter of a BK was allowed to turn it into a paying business and use the BK facilities to promote it, RelaxKids has started to receive public funding from the Public Health Agency for Northern Ireland for a programme of promoting it in schools.

And, a bit naughtily I think, using the kids' photos to promote it.

Whether the individuals running it are BKs or not, I don't know. Many individual"coaches" coming to the programme now are just doing it as a business and are unaware of the roots and meaning of the BK symbolism contained within it.

The BK founder amazed us when she published stories about how she had found her "prince charming" and was going to get married, even meditating on the morning of the event ... circumstances unconceivable in India and elsewhere where the cult demands total control over adherents' sexual and emotional expression ... and then was still allowed to use BK facilities for her private business afterwards. An highly unusual scenario for a cult who used to have it as their principle that centers and BK associations were not to be used to discuss and share businesses.

Unless, it seems, the BKs get a bit of that business ...

Relax Kids training now costs £800 plus 20% VAT plus a monthly license for territory rights. We understand Viegas has since separated.

Relax Kids is still used as a medium to promote Brahma Kumarism, albeit in a disguised manner. In this summer's Relax magazine, their inhouse promotion, MARNETA VIEGAS promotes not the Brahma Kumaris, in an article about "Meditation for Adults", but one MIKE GEORGE ... Aha, Gotcha! Mike George is, of course, a leading BK Publicity and PR worker who has also carved a little cottage industry out of the fat of the BKs' global empire, as a "a best selling author, management tutor and spiritual teacher" rather than a Brahma Kumari adherent.

She also promotes another BK follower, Neil Hawkes, who has been active promoting their Living Values front in education, with an article on "Impact of Values Education" again without mentioning the Brahma Kumari connection.

Both articles could have rolled off the BKs own printing presses and, overall, the entire presentation comes across as very typical of the BKs mode of operating, using unwitting non-BKs as fronts for their ulterior motives.

Whereas relaxation and values, and even hypnosis for kids may have positive values, from a BK point of view, one has to wonder about the ethics of a system which allows some BKs to turn service into a private business, enjoy the support and luxury of BK retreat venues to promote their business ... and break all the vows to engage in what the leaders call "poison" (love and marriage) ... whilst 10,000s if not 100,000s of young Indian women are kept in total control and servitude by the cult leaders.

BK Mike George seemingly continues to combine private paid for events with free, loss leading Brahma Kumari co-promotions.

Welcome to the BK co-prosperty fringe ... a circle of BKs around the Kirpalani Klan who have realised what the religion is really about about, and carved their own business out of it.
]Relax Kinds funded through the Public Health Agency (PHA)


The Trust’s Health Improvement Department and Western Education Support Team are taking forward a children’s programme designed to promote self-esteem, enhance self-confidence and create positive thinking.

The programme is being delivered at 10 primary schools throughout the Western Trust area and is funded through the Public Health Agency (PHA).

‘Relax Kids’ is a children’s relaxation programme aimed at helping children to feel confident and calm. It uses a 7 step method to teach children relaxation through movement, games, stretching and breathing exercises, peer light touch, positive affirmations and creative visualisation.

The programme is being delivered in Omagh County Primary School by Debbie Hunter, Western Trust Health Improvement Officer and Vickie McClenaghan, Western Trust Health Visitor.

Debbie said: “The programme supports and develops the skills that help to promote positive behaviour through fun creative activities. It encompasses methods to increase self-awareness, tools to manage feelings, increase motivation, empathy and social skills. The sessions help the children to clear and calm their minds while sharpening concentration and focus.”

Vickie added: “The programme is designed to relax children and help boost mood though increasing self-esteem and self-confidence. Each session has a different theme e.g. the jungle, space and stars which allow creative working to produce outcomes to show that children feel engaged, relaxed and restored after each session.”

Emma Alcorn, teacher from Omagh County Primary School said: “Our primary four and five pupils look forward to ‘Relax Kids’ every Thursday. They are enjoying and benefiting from the techniques used and they are developing many new skills. As the programme promotes self-esteem, confidence, positive thinking, emotional literacy, imagination and creativity it links very well with our school ethos. It gives our children ‘tools for life’.”

Brendan Bonner, Head of Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement, Public Health Agency said: “Regular relaxation can help children manage stress and anxiety while improving their concentration, focus and listening skills. The ‘Relax Kids’ programme use relaxation techniques to help children recognise their strengths and manage their emotional journey through life.”

For more information on this programme contact Debbie Hunter, Health Improvement Officer for Infant Mental Health on: Tel: (028) 7186 5127 or email:

Re: RelaxKids gets public funding, Brahma Kumarism by Stealt

PostPosted: 27 Aug 2014
by Pink Panther
Ten years ago, the then conservative government of Australia introduced a ”Chaplaincy” program in schools, funding church representatives, usually the local priest, to be an advisor at primary schools because they said our society is built on Christian values. (This same government vilified asylum seekers fleeing war and tyrants in countries they helped invade ...)

The next government, centre left Labor, changed this so that the funding could be used for secular counsellors and psychologists i.e. professionally trained people without agenda or a chaplain, as per the school’s preference.

The current government is an even more Tea Party type of conservative, i.e reactionary ideologues who once again have announced funding will only be for chaplains and not for trained professionals.

This coincides with a long overdue, highly publicised and seemingly never - ending Royal Commission into the sexual, violent and psychological abuse of children in predominantly church run facilities and by ”chaplains”.

Our current idiot PM, who pushes this barrow, once trained in a seminary. He once famously said, ”Better to seek forgiveness later than wait for permission first”.

The attorney general recently said, as he sought to dilute decades old anti-racial discrimination laws, ”People have the right to be bigots”.

The Immigration Minister has raised cruelty to new heights in trying to deter asylum seekers, imprisoning people indefinitely without charge in Nauru and Papua New Guinea, with many suicides, rapes, and lately, murder of inmates by guards. He infamously said that he saw his policies as an expression of Christian charity.

These three, and others in their party are ”public” Christians, they wear their faith on their sleeve and go to church every Sunday etc. They have taken cognitive dissonance and sophistry to new levels as it serves their ego and political ambitions.

This rave is to show that BKs are so very much just as human in their ability to say one thing, even believe it, and do another. They would make great politicians.

Re: RelaxKids gets public funding, Brahma Kumarism by Stealt

PostPosted: 27 Aug 2014
by Save Innocents
The Immigration Minister has raised cruelty to new heights in trying to deter asylum seekers, imprisoning people indefinitely without charge in Nauru and Papua New Guinea, with many suicides, rapes, and lately, murder of inmates by guards. He infamously said that he saw his policies as an expression of Christian charity.

Its sad that all these activities are happening everywhere. Politicians are alike everywhere. There is dire need of apathy & merciful attitude. Surely in such condition prevailing everywhere, BKs will get few ready to fund them & spread their malicious activities. But BKs are still better, at least they do not promote killing of humans, assuming their End of World theory gone forever. I often think that BKs may ask their sincere followers to consume something dreadful like poison (it may happen) in 2036 just to prove their theory by motivating followers that they will go directly to Satyug. May God help everyone. So, I warn BKs not to take any such step ever if it costs their life, when it is already half ruined.

Re: RelaxKids gets public funding, Brahma Kumarism by Stealt

PostPosted: 28 Aug 2014
by Save Innocents
As I told you earlier that kids, college & school going guys are next target of BKWSU. And here, kids are used for publicity stunt of BK. Kids must not be aware of this nor their parents. I don't understand where is the vigilant intellect of parents these days. They do not see how their children are misused & manipulated at such a tender age. But BKs must be feeling very happy about it seeing the huge donation which suddenly started flowing in.

These kids can get attached to BKism to great extent, being the most vulnerable target. Give them a Baba flag & some cookies, & kids are lost in other world. Because they are intrinsically innocent. And also because Didis are intrinsically shrewd & greedy.

Don't know who is finally going to save everyone from BK DDs.