Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

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Revelation of GOD through the Holy-Trinity

Post06 May 2014

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In Murlis it is said: “ All beliefs in Bhakti-religious scriptures are rememberences of what happened in practical in the Confluence Age.”

In Christianity, “ Holy Trinity is Father-son-Holy spirit combined “..but BKWSU is trying to reveal Father GOD Shiva only through Son-Brahma-Krishna-Dada Lekhraj...Why does BKWSU not combine Holy Spirit with Father-Son ?? it because thet do not have The Knowledge of ‘ who is Holy Spirit ’ !!

Mateshwari-Mamma-Jagdamba (Holy Spirit) is the first no. 1 soul who reached Karmatit stage before Brahma-Dada Lekhraj in 1965 as per Sakar Murlis and she was the practical personified form of Father Shiva possessing all virtues-powers of Shiva (which most BKs are unaware of )... as per drama Mama has been forgotten-sidelined by BKWSU, as is evident from the absence of her pictures in most meditation Halls in bk-centers and in Diamond-hall in shantivan.

Without Mamma-Divine Mother-Holy Spirit , the Holy Trinity is not complete, and if God has to be revealed by BKWSU in the near future, then the combined form of Holy Trinity [ Father-Son-Holy Spirit ] will have to be revealed….GOD can never be revealed only through’ the Father-Son combination, which the BKWSU has been trying to do in last 45-50 years. ( please see pictures below)

baba-mamma.jpg (6.99 KiB) Viewed 34521 times

Brahmababa.jpg (22.18 KiB) Viewed 34521 times

The above picture Of Mamma-Baba are printed by BKWSU....but the bk-centers display only the combined picture of Father Shiva with Son Brahma and not the combined pictures of Mamma-Baba with Shiva.....the picture of Holy Trinity, as per Christianity, matches perfectly with the picture of Shiva-Brahma-mamma. (Father-Son-Holy Spirit)....and unless BKWSU realises and rectifies this mistake, they can never reveal GOD ShivBaba.



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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post10 May 2014

Brothers who are interested in knowing more about who is Holy Spirit, please visit the following link:
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Pink Panther

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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post10 May 2014

God spoke to me and said, ”there is only one human being who knows the truth about me, and she lives in a cave in a deep forest. If anyone else claims to know, they are lying”.


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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post10 May 2014

:D Did God tell you the location of the forest and the cave and who is 'she' ??
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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post11 May 2014

Who ‘she' is only god knows, and only she truly knows god - but the voice who told me this said it was god ... It is a mystery wrapped in acrylic.

As I read your question Tanya about the location of this forest, something appeared in my mind’s eye ...

It showed
and then a train in the distance went past - follow the link, follow the link, follow the link, follow the link ...

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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post11 May 2014

...and then when Tanya followed the link, she realised she really had been missing out on enjoying the spaces between the rewards ! and then she felt like thanking this forum because it has been an 'eye-opener' for her as far as her stint with the BKs is concerned.
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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post12 May 2014

”When people apply abstract and arbitrary rules to life, struggles are inevitable. That’s when life turns sour.”
- The Tao of Pooh, Benjamin Hoff
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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post12 May 2014

It's fair to say that in many cultures, contrary to what the BKs teach, the Earth Mother/Goddess archetype was amongst the earliest worshipped and she is known by many names.

In Hinduism, there were also the Matrikas, a group of Hindu goddesses who are always depicted together, usually portrayed as seven and called the Saptamatrika or "seven mothers"; whilst in Tantric traditions, there were the Yoginis, a group of sixty-four or eighty-one goddesses.

The point I am really drawing attention to being that all we look to confirmation of our beliefs in external sources, we suffer from the blindness of "confirmation bias" which leads to to ignore the 10,000 things that contradict or question our beliefs.

I have position for or against Shivsena's considerations, however, what he raises about the role of Om Radhe aka Radhi Pokardas Rajwani, the young teenager who lost her own Father and went on to be adopted first as a daughter and then as a wife by the already Lekhraj Kirpalani, is fair.

Radhi Pokardas Rajwani was once at the head of the movement and had all sorts of ideas projected upon her, e.g. that she was the Mother of Humanity, Eve, Lekhraj Kirpalani's Radhe and eternal imperial consort (to which we have never heard how Lekhraj Kirpalani's wife felt, nor heard of any concerns Lekhraj Kirpalani's expressed). And, as Shivsena states, that she was the first to clear her karma and become perfect. Indeed, the BKs claim that her speciality was that she "never made the same mistake twice".

However, we know know that is not exactly true and, for the first 20 years of her adherence to Lekhraj Kirpalani, she was as deluded as the rest of them proclaiming Lekhraj Kirpalani to be God, or greater than God and carrying on in such an intimate fashion that would even shock India of today.

It's even said that she had children but that it and they were hidden away.

Who knows ... perhaps we'll never know the truth but the old documents reveal a little of character and I do not think it was attractive. I am sorry Shivsena, but to me she did not come across as straight, humble and honest. She comes across as insolent and conceited, in the manner that stuck up, rich girls are. She might have been the perfect microphone to amplify Lekhraj Kirpalani's message, but the message was faulted.

And then there was that incident when she was driving the bus without proper training or supervision, crashed it and many were hurt and a child lost its arm ... and they told the families every was OK!?! Not the sort of miracles I would expect of God and his most enlightened.

The BKWSU are attempting to sanctify, make her into a 2 dimensional saint, with their huge 2 dimensional images of her ... but I think the truth is if she was alive today she would not fit into the BKWSU as it is now at all.

I am sorry but I am just not a believer. I think you are heading in the right direction to question the BKWSU teachings but that the truth still lies beyond the distractions their god offers us.
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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post13 May 2014

My memory impressions (I cannot recall specific details) is that Mama was the one who came up with the revised Gyan that it was Shiva who had entered Lekhraj Kirpalani, that Lekhraj Kirpalani was not god, and later developed that further - that Shiva was not oval or lingam shaped but was actually jyoti bindu/point form, as was the soul.

If one knew bits and pieces of the jumble that is Hindu/vedanta traditions, the various names and ideas, one might easily formulate or rationalise stuff in this way.

I mean, look at how much theorising and rationalising goes on all the time amongst BKs. Like an untrained psychologist/theologist trying to make sense of another’s profound religious experience and resorting to misunderstood archetypes, I can imagine her putting various such ideas forward to Lekhraj Kirpalani and him replying to certain ones - yes, that fits, lets go with that ...
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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post13 May 2014

It's pretty amazing that he took 20 years to realise that he was not the Supreme god, and climb down to 'merely' being Krishna, Narayan, Brahma and all the other titles he still claimed.

Perhaps one of the problems in our understanding of what was going on is that individuals such as Dadi Janki Kirpalani were actually on the outside, looking in, infatuated by the handsome, wealthy, movie star "saviour" god of theirs ... and, we have to presume ... not privy to their private conversations about the development of the philosophy.

Which puts the 3rd generation who got it from them, like Jayanti, at an even more distant vantage point.

I don't know whether in your time they talked about what really went on. I'd say in mine ... I am part of the 'Adi Dev book generation' they were already mythologised. And now they are fully exaggerated to mythic status.

It's also recorded that Lekhraj Kirpalani and Radhi Pokardas used to take holidays from "the children" and Mama spent time away from them to, going to Bombay or elsewhere ... why? What when on there? How did they talk to each other? It's even suggested she went down to Sri Lanka but that is not possible to confirm as yet.

Now, we can just pick at the bones of what is left of the evidence ... partly using the BKWSU defence mechanisms as an indicator that we are on the right track ... like forensic psychologists to try and work out.

At the very least, I hope, we can inspire a trusted BK to ask the right questions. However, as Robin Ramsay is finding out, even someone in his position - who has given so much to their business - does not get answers. Either Jayanti won't ask them to the Seniors, or she is keeping schtum about it all.

I find it hard to believe that she has not asked Janki ... has Janki spilled the beans? It confirms there is a hidden hierarchy of knowing within the BKWSU.

So, Shivasena's hint that Om Radhe had more of a part to play, and has since been usurped by more minor Dadis playing her role and creaming off the credit is valid to some degree. I cannot say I ever found Janki, Prakashmani, Manmohini etc inspiring in their depth and certainly not accuracy and integrity. Even more it seems now they were just surfing on top of the wave, say, Om Radhe and others created - the others being the individuals Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs hint at.

And what their primary interest is in doing, is trying to hold together their meme/archetype/whatever it is with sticking plasters to stop it all falling apart. They are afraid if anyone starts to really question, the whole house of card will come tumbling down and they will be left unloved, unfed, unclothed ... or looking like they truly are.


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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post14 May 2014

shivsena wrote:Mateshwari-Mamma-Jagdamba (Holy Spirit) is the first no. 1 soul

I do not think so Shivsenabhai you are dreaming only.
ex-l wrote:Either Jayanti won't ask them to the Seniors, or she is keeping schtum about it all.

Jayanti Kirpalani will not ask Dadis because there is nothing to ask. She herself knows the hidden secrets.

Her Father Murli was direct involved in the entire farce from the beginning.
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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post14 May 2014

Jayanti Kirpalani will not ask Dadis because there is nothing to ask. She herself knows the hidden secrets.Her Father Murli was direct involved in the entire farce from the beginning.

No, Murli was no fan of the BKs. He enjoyed being feted and fussed over, sure, he enjoyed bantering with ”the lads” too, he was a genial fellow, but he was essentially a businessman and a traditional Hindu really. They had a traditional Ganesh altar in a corner of a room in their home in London, separate to ”Baba’s room”.

This is first hand experience, I had been there maybe two or three times many years ago. He donated considerably to the BKs, and probably facilitated formal financing of bank mortgages etc - and was afforded the quite special treatment of being able to get a considerable "refund" when finances were tough.

His contributions to the BKs were, I’d suggest, mainly for keeping family harmony and not reflective of his inner philosophy or beliefs - other than god manifesting in many ways as per common Hindu belief.
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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post15 May 2014

We are heading off topic from Shivsena's theory about Om Radhe being part of the "Holy Trinity". Personally, I feel no need to qualify BKism from Christianity but I could see how one might if one was a believer. Indeed, they spend a lot of time doing as much, patching up and re-affirming their faith but why would Om Radhe be the Holy Spirit, Shivsena? ... Because she is not present in the physical? They say she is ... in another life, born to a royal family in Nepal, or somewhere leading the Advance Party on to rebuild the world.

Since the BKs' Destruction and recreation schedule is running late, what is she and they doing now? Om Radhe would be about 50 years old if she re-incarnated straight away. If the BKs leave it any longer, she and other will have to be taking 2 births in the Advance Party and 3 births in the Confluence Age. What a mess ...

As to Murli Kirpalani, do you have any information on his involvement, Warrior?

Personally, I would have said Jayanti and her mother's attitude towards him was one of embarrassment because he was not enlightened enough to realise BKism was the way, the truth and the light, but in debtedness.

I wonder if and when Jayanti's mother stopped having sex with him and how he managed that? There's a reason for asking.

Murli Kirpalani clearly did not believe, despite being given many one on one sessions with BapDada, although he did fund. We will never know just how much Jayanti got off him - I'll bet you it all did not go through the books. The mother never had to work, so she could be a nigh full-time for the BKWSU.

Murli gave them "Richmond centre", a residential home in an upmarket area of London as Jayanti's dowry and, as Pink Panther says, when his business went sour, Jayanti was quick to chuck the Sisters out and give the property back to him ... where, in the case of a Moscow center, they fought a court case *NOT* to give a property back to its donor after his delusion wore off.

Typical Kirpalani Klan doubling dealing, double standards you'll never find written down and documented in any BK book or website.



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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post16 May 2014

warrior wrote:I do not think so Shivsenabhai.. you are dreaming only.

Dear warrior Bhai.

The above churning is based on Murlis and avaykt Vanis only.

Please read the first av-vani of 21-1-69 which clearly says that: "Antim naara hai Bharat-mata shivshakti avataar". (meaning End slogan for Revelation is no. 1 shivshakti-Bharat-mata Jagdamba ie Holy Spirit).

Also read the first avaykt trance messages through Gulzar Dadi immediately after Brahma-baba's demise in 1969 ... the 6th message clearly says: that the river of knowledge (basic Gyan) which is flowing from Mt Abu( BKWSU) will change its course in the end......." please read the full paragraph.

The whole basic Gyan which is being propagated by BKs will be accepted as HALF-TRUTH (knowledge of Father Shiva only) and The Knowledge of Maa adishakti (Holy Spirit) combined with Father Shiva will be accepted as absolute Truth and will blow the trumpets of revelation of GOD in the near future.

One cannot make a blank statement about other person's views.....if you have any murli-vani points against the views presented, then please quote them.
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Re: Revelation of GOD through' Holy-Trinity.

Post16 May 2014

Shivsena wrote: One cannot make a blank statement about other person's views.....if you have any murli-vani points against the views presented, then please quote them.

The term is ”Blanket statement” - meaning ”generalisation”.

I will make blanket statement about murli-vani points. Nonsense.

But what I really want to know is - you say you are ex-PBK but you talk like current. What’s your position? Do you really think that if God exists, is he so petty as to involve himself with such pathetically parochial narcissists as BK or PBK?

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