BK Guinness Book of Records Fraud, taking money & absconding

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BK Guinness Book of Records Fraud, taking money & absconding

Post27 Nov 2013

From: BKs set World Record for the Biggest Lie (oops, Book)
Fake Guinness Observer threatens Times of Assam

In continuation of our earlier breaking story,” Guinness World Records Fake Observer Exposed”, Times of Assam would like to present before our readers a brief history about B K Chandrasekhar Tiwari who was so far known to be the independent Indian Guinness observer. As a latest means of communication, Chandrasekhar Tiwari has asked Times of Assam through an email addressed to the Chief Editor if, (1) Can you give me a single proof in which I personally claimed to be the representative or adjudicator of Guinness world records, London in any interview or by any written letter addressed to media at any where?

As such, the Noida based B K Chandrasekhar Tiwari, cancer patient, is a Guinness record holder in the category, “Nonstop viewing of TV for 70 Hrs thus breaking the former Guinness record of a Canadian national achieved on 5th September 2005.

In an interview to an independent news channel, Chandrasekhar remarked about learning the RajYoga meditation to control the mind and relax the body. RajYoga, which Chandrasekhar learnt from his guru of the Brahmakumari spiritual center”. In the video our readers would see Chandrasekhar replying to the news anchor’s question and mentioning the Guinness fete with active guidance from his guru and the help rendered from the RajYoga meditation. Chandrasekhar who is known as the invisible doctor and is a known personality in India and abroad preaching RajYoga and lessons on energy radiation.

But, the question is how could a Guinness record breaker become a Guinness independent observer? Was he provided with some certification or appointment letter by Guinness? Interestingly the very email in which Chandrasekhar seeks proof of having said to be an Guinness Independent observer, Chandrasekhar mentions in the (3) clause, “Somewhere media wrote on their own about me as “Indian Observer for Guinness world record”. I am an Indian and not foreigner and definitely any Indian or foreigner can witness or become observer as per Guinness world records laid down conditions of witnesses. Since I am an Indian and requested to be the observer for GWR attempt, then what is wrong in writing Indian observer for GWR attempt? No where and at no point of time I told in any interview that i am adjudicator and Indian representative of Guinness world records”.

Now the question is, if Chandrasekhar was an actual Guinness World Records observer then why was he hesitating to use the Guinness logo and other trademarks and holograms in every event that he administered? Additionally in the event of being a Guinness observer, Chandrasekhar would have been provided with all allowances to travel to Assam and do the record monitoring and he would not have charged money from a boy like Pankaj Jyoti Borah.

Talking to Times of Assam, Pankaj said, “I am a poor boy from a poor economic background. But still I paid Rupees 15,000/- to incur his travelling and lodging expenses. Moreover that day when I lost the Guinness record by mere 5 mins and Chandrasekhar was insisting me to run the additional 57 KM, I went to meet him in the Brahmakumari Spiritual Center near the Indian army Rhino Cinema Hall complex in Jail Road where Chandrasekhar informed me that he will give me a glass of water to drink full of energy that will enable me to run the 57 Kilometers to break Abhijit’s Guinness record. But I knew my body was not going to permit me since I had already run 100 Km and had carbuncles in both my feet and I was suffering from pain. Besides why should I run to break Abhijit’s 156.2 Km India book of record as claimed by Tiwari in front of the media? Yes, I would have run to break Abhijit Baruah’s Guinness World Record of 156.Km. The very difference between Abhijit and my attempted record was longest and fastest”.

Last but not the least, Chandrasekhar mentions about his recommendations for Abhijit Baruah to win the Guinness records. In the email addressed to Times of Assam, Chandrasekhar mentions in the 4th clause that ,“If media remembers my speech during Abhijeet making GWR attempt, I was wearing India Book of Records badge as IBR adjudicator and issued on the spot certificate from India Book of records after successful completion of Abhijeet records. There I played double role 1 One as an adjudicator of IBR and Second as Independent Indian Observer for Guinness world record attempt by Abhijeet. I submitted that report and Abhijeet Got the record certificate also. He was also awarded Asia book of records certificate on my recommendation only. Where I was wrong at that time. Can Times of Assam prove that one? If I was wrong that time then why Guinness world record issued certificate to Abhijeet Barua”?

Here Times of Assam would reiterate that it doesn’t feel necessary to prove in writing or reply through email to Chandrasekhar no matter how threatening his email might be while advocating legal action for defaming him. What needs to be proven when an exposed Chandrasekhar put forward questions and answers (Self Explanatory) them in the same email day and night. Moreover a column of writing from Guinness authorities contacted and replied through their official email press@guinnessworldrecords.com and their responsible monitoring officers and the Indian observer Mr. Nikhil Shukla is enough to take a stand against anyone defaming Guinness World Records.

Note to mention our final news about the whole business of Independent observers in the name of Guinness will have answers from former Guinness World Record Holder and Assam Police pride, Assistant Sub Inspector, Abhijit Baruah, Guinness attempter Pankaj Jyoti Borah and the Jorhat Superintendent of Police, Dr. Sanjukta Parashar and rope in their views about this entire business which has started from January 2012 when an Assamese boy achieved Guinness and imbibed in other young, athletic and the fury mind to achieve the unachievable.


Our readers must be aware that Times of Assam is not against any person’s religious or spiritual beliefs and practices. The name of Chandrasekhar was and is associated with the Guinness and nonetheless it became important for us to break the story after Pankaj’s failed attempt for the Guinness record in the barefoot run category and Chandrasekhar’s dual version before the camera of various news channels. Times of Assam has all the evidences collected from the Guinness World Records authority at London and the Guinness Indian observer Nikhil Shukla, who is investigating the entire fraud fiasco.
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Re: BK in Guinness Book of Record Fraud, taking money then a

Post27 Nov 2013

Well spotted ... There was an earlier article where the Guinness Book of Records confirmed he had nothing to do with them. Just as we suspected, it's a scam ... and the BK is taking money.

What is typical of the Brahma Kumaris is as soon as the sh*t hits the fan ... they always abscond. Probably going off to some distant BK center to hide.

If we look at an earlier Time of India article, Assam's martial artist does Yoga on running bike, B K Chandrasekhar Tiwari is reported as "Dr BK Chandrasekhar Tiwari, the Indian observer for the Guinness World Records, who was present during this performance, said his attempt should be recognized as a world record."

Tiwari likes to style himself at The Invisible Doctor, calling himself a "Doctor’s trainer on mind-body medicine concept, Rajyogi and Neurobics Expert", I don't even know if he is actually a real doctor either.
Who We Are

We are a team of Doctors, Engineers and professionals from various fields. We believe that we all are an infinite source of Universal light (Soul – Also known as Atma). There is an invisible doctor within us, who keeps running his drug factory within our body. When we have proper connection with Supreme doctor, our invisible doctor keeps running rightly, but when we are disconnected from Supreme doctor (Supreme source of Universal light – GOD), a killer doctor takes birth inside us and weakens our body, mind & spirit.

From Guinness World Records Fake observer Exposed

Guinness Book of World Records is being infested with many fraudsters who claim to be independent observer to witness many record breaking events in India, especially Assam. One such fake observer is Dr. B K Chandrasekhar Tiwari who has shattered many record breakers dream in the name of Guinness record. Following this fake observer Chandrasekhar Tiwari for a long time through in-depth investigation, Times of Assam is finally ready to expose this creep through a series of news episodes.

This all started when Pankaj Jyoti Borah (19yrs old), a student of Kendriya Vidayalaya in Jorhat, decided to run the fastest barefoot 100 Km in 10 hrs to break the previous record of an US national of Indian origin M. Sridhar Reddy to enter his name in the Guinness World Records. Sridhar Reddy achieved the Guinness Records fastest 100 Km run barefoot, clocking 10 hrs 47 Mins 40 sec on June 27, 2013 Accordingly, Pankaj started physical preparation along with the documentation process of applying with Guinness authorities for a claim ID to undertake the fastest run.

Correspondences between Guinness and Pankaj were proceeding smoothly and nevertheless the district administration of Jorhat, especially the Superintendent of Police, Dr. Sanjukta Parashar (IPS) rendered all possible help to make Pankaj’s run a great success. It would be worthwhile to mention here that Sanjukta Parashar had earlier shot Abhijit Baruah, the Assam police constable to popularity, when Abhijit entered the Guinness Records Title in the category, “Greatest distance run barefoot in 24 hrs is 156.2 Km between 30-31 January 2012″.

Everything was scheduled as plan with media reporting in advance about Pankaj’s attempted fete and appealing the public to support the Assamese lad while mentioning the presence of Guinness Indian observer Dr. BK Chandrasekhar Tiwari to measure each passing second and declare Pankaj Guinness Record Holder in the event of a successful run. The day that was 6th November, 2013, Pankaj started his run at 6:13 AM from Bongalpukhuri to Na-Ali, Dhekiajuli and kept running the whole day until 5:10 PM supported by Assam Police Traffic Branch when it was appearing that Pankaj would make it to the Guinness and upon completion of the final lap and reaching the culminating point at Bongalpukhuri, to the saddest moment of all public present did Guinness Indian Observer, Dr. Tiwari informed Pankaj about his failed attempt to enter the Guinness by a mere 5 minutes and reiterated that he just had a talk with the Director of Asia Book of Records and that an urgent claim ID would be allotted if Pankaj runs an additional 57 Km in another 10 Hours to break Abhijit Baruah’s 156.2 Km World Record.

Times of Assam correspondent tried repeatedly to contact B K Chandrasekhar Tiwari just after the announcement of Pankaj’s so called failed Guinness attempt but B K Chandrasekhar Tiwari within no time vanished in thin air. The phone number collected from some media persons helped the correspondent to contact at his number +91999XXX8X6X but without response. One attempt to connect resulted in some 11 secs chat that was far from understanding before disconnection.

After following up with Guinness and the corresponding emails exchanged with Guinness Indian observer Nikhil Shukla, the correspondent asked Guinness Record holder Abhijit Baruah to contact the observer to which Chandrasekhar told Abhijit,” Who says I am not Guinness observer. I am their independent observer”. Mentionable that, many of Indian newspapers and electronic media already cited BK Chandrasekhar Tiwari as Guinness World Record’s Indian observer. Those citation can be found searching Google for Tiwari’s complete name. One can find that most of the Indian media cited him as Guinness’ Indian observer.

Now the question arises why would the Guinness Indian observer talk of Asia Book of Records? Does Tiwari hold dual portfolio of both Guinness and Asia Book of records or additionally any other records book like the India Book of records? This is when Times of Assam decided to investigate the matter.

After a few emails corresponded with Guinness office at London it was learnt that Nikhil Shukla is the actual/real and one and only officially appointed Guinness World Records Indian observer empowered to witness and verify Guinness attempts/records. It was also instructed to contact Nikhil Shukla for any further queries. It was only when Nikhil Shukla responded to Times of Assam’s email that the Pandora box open with startling facts out of which the most shocking revelation was about the till now Guinness observer Dr. BK Chandrasekhar Tiwari.

In the email, Nikhil wrote, “We would like clarify that Guinness World Records is not associated with Mr. Chandrasekhar Tiwari in any possible way and he does not represent Guinness World Records nor is he permitted to act on behalf.”

Further Nikhil insisted, “For any record related matters or queries you can contact me or our head office in London at press@guinnessworldrecords.com”.

Guinness World Records confirms Dr B K Chandrasekhar Tiwari as Fake

On further investigations it was imminent that the fastest 100 Kilometer barefoot run is enlisted in the name of Peter Wayne Botha (New Zealand) in 8 hour 49 minutes 42 sec achieved at the 16th Annual Sri Chinmoy 24 Hour race in Auckland, New Zealand, on 5th October 2013. Peter had broken M. Sridhar’s Guinness record set in the earlier part of 2013.

So the analogue drawn is that even if Pankaj Borah would have completed the record in some 10 hrs 46 minutes on 6th Nov, 2013, his Guinness entry would have remained a dream in view of the current record of Peter Botha’s 8 hr 49 minutes record set on 5th Oct, 2013. Now the big question is for which record was Pankaj running, Guinness or some other? If Pankaj was provided a claim ID by Guinness then how Chandrasekhar Tiwari didn’t know about the current record status of Peter Wayne Botha. As a Guinness man Tiwari should have had prior knowledge of any record achieved/entered/broken. Pankaj who hails from a poor family definitely had the zeal to run and cover why only 100 km but could have definitely covered a few kilometers more but what appears was that he was misguided. His dreams shattered today besides the physical torture to his barefooted legs that run 12 minutes short of 11 continuous hours in the hope of breaking a record and entering his name as the fastest barefoot runner in the world.

Many questions will have to be answered and Times of Assam would publish more on this fraud business of creating Guinness records and the true identity of persons like Dr. B K Chandrasekhar Tiwari and the persons associated with him and names of those who bring Tiwari to Assam in the name of witnessing Guinness events.


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