Lekhraj Kripalani's birth certificate and update on research

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Lekhraj Kripalani's birth certificate and update on research

Post14 Sep 2013

Absolutely no thanks to the Brahma Kumaris leadership as usual ... who are still covering up the truth, pumping out false information, lying to outsiders and newcomers, and misleading their enculted adherents ... here is a copy of Lekhraj Kripalani's birth certificate.

Lekhraj Kirpalani, aka Dada Lekhraj or Brahma Baba, was born on the 15 December 1884 which made him 48 when he started his satsangs in 1932 ... and 52 in 1936 when the BKs claim he did and the "Shiva" soul first possessed him.

Of course, recent independent research has proven there was no mention of Shiva until after 1955 and up until that time the Brahma Kumaris consider Lekhraj Kirpalani to be god. Even when they start to conceive of another bodiless spirit in the early 50s, they also considered that to be an aspect of Lekhraj Kirpalani.

What does this mean and what is the significance of this?

In the Murlis, and for decades, the BKWSU has taught that "God Shiva" possessed his first medium in 1936 when that medium was 60. Lekhraj Kirpalani was not 60. Since Virendra Dev Dixit and the PBKs started to question this point in 1976, and suggested that there was an earlier and truer medium of god, one of Lekhraj Kirpalani's business partners who was also part of the Hyderabad Sindi community and part of the early Om Mandli, the BK leadership has been contorting itself, re-writing the Murlis to confuse the issue, and hiding actual real facts.

Over the last few years, as more revelations have emerged from this site and rippled through the BK community, the BKWSU leadership has increased its contortions and wordplay to excuse the past manipulations, and is attempting to assuage the differences in order to maintain control over its following, thereby ensuring its own status and position over them. A status and position they live off.

They have still has not revealed the whole truth.

Although one might not chose to believe the PBKs' claims that their leader is the reincarnation of this other individual and the true "medium of God Shiva", what is emerging is a clearer picture of the early days of the Om Mandli which suggests that;
    a) the BKWSU version is a false confusion of myths and facts, and a much later fabrication
    b) the representation of the personality of Lekhraj Kirpalani is false and has been confused with elements of this other hidden character in the BKWSU's history
    c) the name of that individual is *not* Narain Shewkram or Sevak Ram as portrayed by the BKWSU in its comic book version of the Om Mandli history, and since repeated by PBK followers.
Not only is the BKWSU leadership in India and the West continuing to deliberately mislead academics, it is also attempting to shut down independent sources of information about its early days through diplomatic (sucking up, flattering, and offering free retreats etc) and legal means.

The nature of it's own actions are ensuring that this is not happening

Despite any appearances to the opposite, even educated or academic BKWSU followers are not engaged in sincere research, or are not being allowed to engage in sincere research, but rather engaging in a strategy of 'damage limitation' to ensure the status quo. Even taking elements from this site and credit for it, whilst still criticising us.

As usual, we ask the question, "Can an Age of Truth (Sat Yuga), be created on their foundations of falsehood and lies?"

We say, no. There is not a hope in hell of it happening.

It would appear that the BKs' Golden Aged palaces are the ones they are creating now on their adherents wealth and free labor.

All respect to the independent efforts and expense of the research currently being carried out by others who, for the sake of BKWSU efforts to track, expose and target them in India, wish to remain anonymous.

Birth Certificate of Dada Lekhraj

Birth Certificate of Dada Lekhraj

The latest 'official excuse' the BKWSU is using is that Lekhraj Kirpalani was "sixty-ish" meaning that he was ready for retirement according to Hindu tradition. This is also false. Firstly, the use of language does not match with which was written in the Murlis. Secondly, and more importantly, Lekhraj Kirpalani was not ready for retirement as his son was still a minor and not ready to take on the responsibilities of household and business.

Lekhraj Kirpalani's son was essentially disinherited by the Father who then wasted the family fortune on indulging himself playing God and Krishna to his small cult of 'paid for and supported' female followers. Followers who have since gone on to become the 'paid for, supported and now be-servanted' leaders of the BKWSU.

It's also noted that Lekhraj Kirpalani ... or God Shiva if you wish ... actually instructed the Brahma Kumaris to return their wealth and property to the Indian government if Destruction (the End of the World) in 1976. This did not happen and, tapping into the superstitious Hindu habit to donate to religion, that wealth and property has increased exponentially since.


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Re: Lekhraj Kripalani's birth certificate and update on rese

Post15 Sep 2013

If one can rely on this document being authentic (genuine), it is another controversy settled for good. Great work by all who contributed to it.
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Re: Lekhraj Kripalani's birth certificate and update on rese

Post15 Sep 2013

Misty wrote:If one can rely on this document being authentic (genuine) ...

That's an official stamp from the city of Hyderabad. Good enough to take to court as evidence.

What's interesting about this is not just the date or details ... which a BK might argue are fairly small or irrelevant amongst the whole "gee whiz" God has come malarky ... it's that it is a very pure mirror in which to see the nature of the BKWSU; one of being somewhere between delusion and deceptiveness.

The top dogs are manipulative and deceptive, the middle dogs are deluded and unquestioning and just repeat what they are told. The social reward system within the BKWSU is one of accepting, conforming and performing nicely according to instruction ... not thinking, examining closely nor being real and accurate.

To deceive well is their art.
    The obvious question then to ask, is "Does God, or do Godly individuals, behave in this manner?". Years and year, layers and layers of deception, re-writes and contorted half-truths.

    The obvious answer is, "No, of course not".
Therefore it is not god and they are not Godly.

In my mind, I can actually hear and see the patronising look on their faces and bored tones of their voice as they repeat the standard answers to such issues being raised. "You just don't understand (what a stupid question) ... don't think, don't question ... just accept what we say ... what does it matter? ... just experience ... go and do more Yoga and you will start to understand accept it ... it wasn't Baba who said it, it was just the churnings of the children".

The problem is always ours, and our "impurity" stopping us understand accept it ... not their persistent amorality.
    "Don't bother us about such things ... it's bad for business, our credibility, and does not bring in donations!"


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Re: Lekhraj Kripalani's birth certificate and update on rese

Post20 Sep 2013

ex-l wrote:"That's an official stamp from the city of Hyderabad. Good enough to take to court as evidence."

What I like about this fact, I mean the date on the birth certificate, is that it is in coherence with other sources. The evidence comes from another source, namely the Anti Om Mandli Report, as has been published on this forum before.


I, Shewakram Khubchand Daswani, state on solemn affirmation as under :-
1. That I have known Lekhraj Khubchand, founder of the Om Mandli since the last thirty five years. His age at
present in 54 years.
2. That I was his partner in the concern of Messers Lekhraj Shewakram at Calcutta.

Sd/- Shewakram Khubanchand
Identified by G.J. Waswani
Solemnly affirmed this 25th day of February 1939

From yet another source I have read that they (probably meaning: the BKs) had a copy of the birthcertificate of Mr. Lekraj Kirpalani proving he was born in 1884.

Besides that, his relative Mrs. Janki Kirpalani, as well as other senior BKs, must have known about the false age fabrication. They must have known that Mr. Kirpalani was born in 1884. They kept on telling lies for decades.
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Re: Lekhraj Kripalani's birth certificate and update on rese

Post20 Sep 2013

Yes, they have constantly and deliberately told many lies for decades until it has become their second nature.

This make me laugh because how are they meant to go from an ordinary human being with perfectly reasonable values, as I am sure they were when they were brought up by their parents, to a pack of liars, and then to perfectly pure deities in time for the Golden Age.

Logically, won't there come a time when they will have to develop honest, straightforward, simple sanskars in order to become deities ... or are the deities all pathological liars too?

Can practising lying, and becoming really good at it, lead one to honesty? Surely it's the opposite direction?

As the Nazi propaganda leader Goebels is quoted,
Joseph Goebbels wrote:If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
"A lie told often enough becomes truth"

- Vladimir Lenin.

And so the BKs follow the tradition of all suppressive regimes where acceptance through repetition rather than questioning or understanding is rewarded.

"Don't think, don't question", Dadi Janki is quoted as often saying and BKs are not encouraged to question, never mind challenge the methods and ethics of their leaders. Instead, they are reward for conforming, and to polishing and repeating and refining the lies.

I am thinking of Jagdish Chander and his role in all this misleading. I met him. He did not strike me as a bad or malicious person. Was he just encouraged on, knowingly, by the Seniors to fabricate the way he did? Did they withhold the truth from him and he just filled in the gaps with his imagination? Or was he part of the scam?
"There's nothing so absurd that if you repeat it often enough, people will believe it." -

William James (1842-1910) - called 'the Father of modern psychology'

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