About 'About Brahma Kumaris Org' website

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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About 'About Brahma Kumaris Org' website

Post18 Jun 2013

Yet another Brahma Kumari website ... this time About Brahma Kumaris. In this case, it appears to be set up very much to answer the critical revelations made here, and other places, about them. It touches on all the issue which we have raised into the public eye,
    • BK suicide (and finally admit them)
    • Cult accusations
    • Finances (withouth giving anything away about how much they have)
    • Child sex abuse (admitting but quoting one of the individuals who dragged their heels in the cover-up of it for 5 years)
    • the Bhaibund Om Mandli Committee book,
    • Breaking up families and destroying individuals real world education
    • "End of the World" -ism and so on.

    It does not credit that much of the emphasis to resolve such issues and establish 'duty of care' procedures etc came from outside of the cult.
The BKs have chosen to register the domain privately, so it cannot be said who up put it up, but it seems to be "official" BK and links to official Brahma Kumaris Youtube channel. I see Tamasin Ramsay's video of the history is included. Not surprisingly, it also quotes Professor Frank Whaling's apology on their behalf ... a book the BKs themselves invested a lot into ensure it came out to suit them.

It's fairly shocking ... it also demonstrates why neophyte BKs, and BK supporters, have such a strong reaction against what is proven here; if this is how they indoctrinate them.

Here an example, with BK old hand Anthony Strano dodging the question, speaking the opposite to the truth and making it appear, "oh so r-e-a-s-o-n-a-b-l-e". I don't know if he has ever read the early original teachings but he's certain sat through 30 odd years of Sakar Murlis and so he knows what they say. If it is true that everyone is at a different level, then poor old Lekhraj Kirpalani and others must have been at a very low level.

Anthony Strano repeats the typical BK half truth that their god spirit has never give a date for the End of the World ... a "truth" which is true to the extent of a day or month ... but false to the extent of a specific year or few years. I guess he knows about the 1976 because he came into Gyan shortly after and he would certainly have to remember the 1986 (50 years plus 50 years) prediction.

How do you think he comes across? I've never heard "Live for today, tomorrow will take care of itself" being said. What I heard was "Destruction, Destruction, Destruction ... Inheritance, Inheritance, Inheritance."
BK Anthony Strano wrote:What do you say to the Accusation that the Brahma Kumaris are a cult that believes in 'global destruction and has a history of failed predictions?

Well, knowledge is given but how people interpret it is going to be different.

You see, every organisation is made up of people, and people are going to be of different levels, there are going to be different quality of understanding and so you are going to get different opinions but actually the original teachings never pinpointed an actual date of destruction. Even some teachers might have said this particular date.

In the original teachings, what it emphasised was change yourself today because what is important is today. Tomorrow will take care of itself. And what we have to destroy are actually those habits that interfer in our happiness and having proper communications with others. I destroy my fearfulness. I destroy aspects of my selfishness. I destroy aspects of my anger. Otherwise, how things are going to be transformed? Transformation means a returning and a remembering the original. And so what we first have to destroy are the old habits inside our self that we feel release, so that we can find liberation and freedom.

Why "interpret" when one can read the actual words? Oh, because the BKs keep the actual words hidden, and then change them.

Unsurprisingly, given the build up to this, Professor Frank Whaling is included showing how much he really does not understand the Brahma Kumaris. They use him to fudge up the Destruction issue again without actually mentioning the 5,000 years of time (How would you explain the Brahma Kumaris' views on time and an end to the world) and repeats their usual PR response on regarding money.

It's quite remarkable the way he says exactly what they do.

BK Mike George wrote:Over the years the Brahma Kumaris have been described in many ways. There are a few who have decided to see the BKs more as a cult than a spiritual community. Everyone is entitled to their own perceptions and consequent opinions.


Re: About About Brahma Kumaris website

Post18 Jun 2013

They have mentioned about this forum as well
aboutbrahmakumaris wrote: The Brahma Kumaris are dedicated to spiritual transformation and service, and most of what appears on the internet about who we are and what we do reflects our deep spiritual commitment. However, for some time there has been a persistent stream of negative and defamatory perspectives on the BK’s, much of it grounded in half-truths or information taken out of context. With this site, aboutbrahmakumaris.org, we want to bring a greater depth of understanding about spiritual knowledge, practice and instrumentality. We also want to clarify the BK’s beliefs, history and practices by providing a view “from the inside out.” We have invited authors who are BKs and some who are not, but who understand the organization to assist in clarifying many of these areas. We hope this site is helpful to those seeking to understand the Brahma Kumaris.
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Re: About About Brahma Kumaris website

Post18 Jun 2013

And they still cannot master basic English grammar ... BKs is the plural, not BK's ... please!

I had not read that but it seems to confirm it is a response to those of us here.
    ... but who are telling the most half-truths and taking information out of context?
I'd argue that we are not so much a "persistent stream of negative and defamatory perspectives", but that it's our 'persistent stream of inconvenient facts and negative personal experiences' which upsets them.

Defame is a particularly BK word ... to defame Baba, to defame the family. Surely if they don't want people to criticize them, then all they have to do is become divine. Like their Baba says, "you've got to get a pass mark from everyone".
to defame
    1. To damage the reputation, character, or good name of by slander or libel.
    2. Archaic To disgrace.

Truth is not libel, particularly where there is a public interest factor.


Re: About 'About Brahma Kumaris . Org' website

Post18 Jun 2013

It is certainly a response thanks to this forum but probably also to others on social media, like Mr Negi on FB and so on who write against BKs. I would say this is a response to all criticisms/accusations typically laid against BKWSU. Official or unofficial, this seems to be a good intiative towards reforming the organization.
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Re: About 'About Brahma Kumaris Org' website

Post18 Jun 2013

Why do you think they have chosen to have a new domain rather than incorporate it in their official website?

It is another attempt to fight us in the Google rankings and push us down?

An interesting aside, moreclearernow, they present their "code of compliance" or whatever they call it, but when ever we or anyone we know have tried to present a case, they have basically refused to accept it.

They also refuse direct communication or interaction with us in which any challenges could be made directly. What one gets instead are these one way communications which cannot be questioned or tested.


Re: About 'About Brahma Kumaris Org' website

Post18 Jun 2013

I am not sure ex-l - I don't understand the technical side of this. Probably it's an initiative from some of the Western BKs
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Re: About About Brahma Kumaris website

Post18 Jun 2013

moreclearnow wrote:... understand the Brahma Kumaris.

For me, the fact that they use the phrase, "understand the Brahma Kumaris" directly, along with some other coordination between BK spin doctor Neville Hodgkinson and Frank Whaling else where (it's the title of his book), suggests to me that there is a fairly well coordinated strategy going on here which not just includes us but also their long term conflict PBKs.

As usual, it's not "understand" ... it's what they want people to think and accept about them. Understanding is something else completely.
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Re: About 'About Brahma Kumaris Org' website

Post19 Jun 2013

This made me chuckle ...

More than a few BKs still agonise over us using the domain name 'Brahma Kumaris Info' despite our providing 'Info' about 'Brahma Kumaris'. It appears they think of themselves as a some kind of trademarked private business, and not a religion these days.

Therefore, this time they were taking no risks and they registered a whole tranch of "ABOUTBRAHMAKUMARIS" domains, e.g.

The obvious ones being:
    ABOUTBRAHMAKUMARIS.INFO - hooray! (only one to link back to aboutbrahmakumaris.org)
Not a lot of info as they are all privately registered but the registrar does come as MELBOURNE IT, LTD which is in Melbourne, Australia where a well know Brahma Kumari propagandist resides. Domains are hosted in the USA.

It seems to fit in well with their strategy of trying to knock us off Google, or drown out our voice.

Anyone care to run a parody website ... about-aboutbrahmakumaris.org perhaps?
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Re: About 'About Brahma Kumaris Org' website

Post23 Jun 2013

From a BK Archives Project: March to May 2010 report to RCOs by Dr BK Wendy Sergant (deceased) ... which also confirms that they held a copy of the Bhaibund Response to Om Radhe's book which they kept secret from us and everyone else and we discussed here in 2012 when we acquired a copy ... she writes the following.

This confirms that the latest re-writes of the history of the early days of the Om Mandli (BK Tamasin Ramsay PhD et al's video etc) are all part of a longer term strategy. For those who haven't read it, the report is a rare interesting view into the workings of the Western BKs which exposes many things they don't tell the proletariat BKs, but one that leaves me feeling Western BKs are still on the outside, attempting to improve the looks and marketing but not getting into the actual core of it all.
1 Discussions on what service can be done with the help of the Archives: Recent suggestions made by Seniors

Start to develop media presentations (films, documentaries) of the revelations of the early Yagya.

Using the archive materials it is possible to create a documentary or film script which represents the BK teachings and history in a form, not just suitable for India, but for the world in general. The archives as they now stand would have sufficient material to create a rich foundation for the creation of such a script.

With the more detailed material of archive it is possible to create a full feature historical film of the early Yagya. The activities of the Om Mandli can become a core storyline for a film on a very exciting and significant era in world history, the early 20th Century as experienced in India before and after the demise of the British Empire and the beginning of Indian independence.

The anti Om Mandli activities will be seen in this context to be predictable reactions from the conservative Hindu Muslim society of that time.

The aim is to bring Shiv Baba and Brahma Baba clearly into the public eye. A film like Gandhi can be created about Om Mandli and Dada Lekhraj.

Sensitivity to criticism is not worthy of the topic to which the Yagya holds the key. At the heart of the story is purity and divinity of the young girls who surrender their lives to bring about the Golden Age in Bharat.
2 Effective methods for rewriting the Yagya history

Creating a broader based collection of documents, that include the history of Pakistan and India, will be important so the present archive can tell the Yagya story more accurately.

Creating an unbroken and rational timeline to the history, by documenting and dating previously unmentioned facts about the history, situations and people is important.

Keep clear that at present there are some inaccuracies in the documented history. In classes and gatherings, the Dadis shared a mostly accurate history, but the revelations were never outlined in a historical manner with dates, giving some the impression that some facts were hidden.

Cultivating a full agreement on the history before it is finally documented is important. The full history that will emerge from the archives needs to be examined closely, and agreed upon by the Dadis and the RCOs, and then the reaction to the mistakes in present printed history will becomes less. The discrepancies will seem of less significance.

Open gradual sharing of early teachings can reduce the sense of anxiety, which the new relatively unknown facts of the early Yagya have created in some foreign Brahmins. Foreigners are more affected by printed inaccuracies because they rely more on the printed word/ books to understand the BK history.
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Re: About 'About Brahma Kumaris Org' website

Post24 Jun 2013

A film like Gandhi can be created about Om Mandli and Dada Lekhraj.

This exact idea, and referencing Richard Attenborough's bio-flick, was discussed when that film came out over 30 years ago. They have this fascination with film (as discussed elsewhere) but Gandhi was famous before the film, and wasn't any more famous after it. And even that Academy Award™ winning film has faded from most people's memories, whereas Gandhi's history and legacy has not.
Cultivating a full agreement on the history before it is finally documented is important.

History is about Facts - that which happened. Firstly, it's a collation of the facts. The interpretation of what those facts signify comes "after the fact", not before it. And not just some of the facts, it's about : 1 - the truth, 2- the WHOLE truth, and 3. - NOTHING BUT the truth.

Getting a committee to "cultivate an agreement on history" is a contradiction in terms. History is not what you agree it to be but what the facts tell you. Maybe the word "agree" should be changed to "clarify", as in, people who have differing 'subjective' memories of events need to clarify their differences to objectify those events, dispassionately and without ideology or ulterior motives.



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Re: About 'About Brahma Kumaris Org' website

Post18 Aug 2013

Read how they all comment on their own propaganda. This is so pathetic; Time and transformation comments
Hemaxi Patel Jun 20

Dear National Coordinators, CCs, Board Members:

Today is Father's Day, a time to remember our 3 fathers and to sing the praise of our highest on high Father with happiness and joy. In today's Murli, BapDada deeply moved our hearts when He spoke on the subject of destruction saying -- "Because of Destruction, do not allow yourself to come into upheaval. ... You should remain unshakeable. Speak with that sparkle of intoxication and without fear, and those people will then become quiet by themselves and will not be able to say anything. ... Maintain faith and intoxication and those people will come and bow down to you, and say: It is the greatness of your faith! Do you understand? Do not be afraid!".

It was as if He anticipated our intention ... to give the return of our love for His bhavna, and sustenance in the form of a gift -- from the inside out, the public face of the Aboutbrahmakumaris.org website which makes its orbit in cyberspace today -- Father's Day! http://youtu.be/TLJW0XbdJ08

This website is unique and its purpose is described as follows:

"The Brahma Kumaris are dedicated to spiritual transformation and service, and most of what appears on the internet about who we are and what we do reflects our deep spiritual commitment. However, for some time there has been a persistent stream of negative and defamatory perspectives on the BKs, much of it grounded in half-truths or information taken out of context. With this site, aboutbrahmakumaris.org, we want to bring a greater depth of understanding about spiritual knowledge, practice and instrumentality. We also want to clarify the BKs beliefs, history and practices by providing a view “from the inside out.” We have invited authors who are BKs and some who are not, but who understand the organization to assist in clarifying many of these areas. We hope this site is helpful to those seeking to understand the Brahma Kumaris."

We encourage you to take the time to go through the website carefully. Within a week we will send you the ABK Feedback Survey. We invite your insightful comments to guide us in ways to keep the site elevated, dynamic, and relevant.

With love
Aboutbrahmakumaris Web Team

Anubhuti Meditation & Retreat Center, 820 Bel Marin Keys Blvd, Novato, CA 94949


http://www.anubhutiretreatcenter.org anubhuti@brahmakumaris.org
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Re: About 'About Brahma Kumaris Org' website

Post19 Aug 2013

foreigners rely on the written word! that's because in writing it is fixed so has to be real or not real for all to see!

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