ब्रह्माकुमारी कविता की हालत में सुधार, मगर नहीं हुए बयान BK Poisoning

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ब्रह्माकुमारी कविता की हालत में सुधार, मगर नहीं हुए बयान BK Poisoning

Post13 Jun 2013

One more news related to Brahmakumaris

Sorry for English readers but they better learn Hindi because Hindi will be the only language in Golden Age :D :D

ब्रह्माकुमारी कविता की हालत में सुधार, मगर नहीं हुए बयान

भास्कर न्यूज -!- सिरसा

सी ब्लॉक स्थित सद्भावना भवन में रहने वाली ब्रह्माकुमारी कविता की हालत में रविवार सुबह थोड़ा सुधार हुआ है मगर अभी वह बोलने के काबिल नहीं है। पुलिस ने उसके बयान नहीं दर्ज किए हैं।

बता दें, कि बुधवार रात को ब्रह्माकुमारी कविता की हालत अचानक बिगड़ गई थी। उसे सद्भावना भवन की इंचार्ज प्रीति ने निजी अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया था। वहां से उसे एक अन्य अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया जहां वह वेंटीलेटर पर थी। उसका इलाज चल रहा है। लेकिन यह बात अभी तक साफ नहीं हो पाई है कि आखिर उसकी तबीयत कैसे बिगड़ी।

बताया गया है कि ब्रह्माकुमारी कविता थेहड़ मोहल्ला की रहने वाली है। वह 1ि4 साल से बतौर साध्वी सद्भावना भवन में रह रही है। भवन की संचालिका ने कहा था कि उसकी हालत विषाक्त भोजन खाने से बिगड़ी है। अब सवाल यह है कि भोजन सभी ने खाया था तो कविता की हालत ही क्यों बिगड़ी। दूसरा सवाल यह है कि अगर उसने जहर खाया है तो जहर सद्भावना भवन में कैसे आया जबकि वह भवन से बाहर भी नहीं जाती थी।
कविता 14 साल पहले उस वक्त सद्भावना भवन के आश्रम में आई थीं, जब बहन कृष्णा इस आश्रम की संचालिका थीं। बहन कृष्णा के देहांत के बाद बहन प्रीति को आश्रम का कार्यभार सौंप दिया गया। आश्रम की संचालिका प्रीति ने कहा कि घटना वाले दिन जब सभी साध्वियां रात साढ़े 10 बजे अपने अपने कक्ष में सोने के लिए चली गई तो कविता ने अपने लिए दूध बनाया था। यह दूध पीने के बाद उसे उल्टियां होने लगीं। उसे तुरंत डॉ. जीके अग्रवाल के अस्पताल में भर्ती करवाया गया। डॉक्टर के पूछने पर कविता ने यह कहा था कि उसने कुछ खाया है। उस अस्पताल में उपचार के बाद कविता को डॉ. योगेश सांगवान के अस्पताल में शिफ्ट कर दिया गया जहां उसे वेंटीलेटर पर रखा गया। उन्होंने बताया कि वे खुद इस बात को लेकर असमंजस में हैं कि आखिर कविता ने ऐसा क्या खा लिया जिससे उसकी हालत बिगड़ी। बहन प्रीति के मुताबिक जिस रात को यह घटना हुई, उस रात से पहले कविता की मां उससे मिलने आई थी और उन्होंने अपने परिवार से संबंधित दो ढाई घंटे बात भी की थी। क्या बात हुई, उन्हें नहीं पता। हफ्ता भर पहले कविता के भाई जो नासिक में वायुसेना अधिकारी है, भी आश्रम में बहन से मिलने के लिए आए थे। आश्रम संचालिका प्रीति की ही मानें तो बहन कृष्णा के देहांत के बाद वह बुझी सी रहती थी, किसी से \'यादा बात नहीं करती थी।

I will be surely summoned by Loving Baba so better read this before Baba orders me to wipe this :D
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Re: ब्रह्माकुमारी कविता की हालत में सुधार, मगर नहीं हुए बयान

Post14 Jun 2013

May I request (if you wish to reach a large audience - and I for one am interested) please go to :

Copy and paste any Hindi text into the Hindi side, and it will automatically translate it into English on the right.

You will find some 'edit' facility on the English side, including suggested alternate words etc. It will then only take a few minutes to correct any poor syntax and grammar.
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Re: ब्रह्माकुमारी कविता की हालत में सुधार, मगर नहीं हुए बयान

Post14 Jun 2013

The condition of Brahmakumari Kavita improves but police could not take her statement.

Bhaskar News - Sirsa.

On Sunday, there was some improvement in Brahmakumari Kavita's health but she is not in position of talking so police could not take her statements. Kavita was living in C-Block, Sadbhavna Bhavan, Sirsa.

On Wednesday night BK Kavita suddenly felt unwell and she was admitted by Preeti, the sister-in-charge of Sadbhavna Bhavan (BK centre). After which she was moveed to another hospital where she is now on a ventilator. It is not clear how her health became deteriorated.

It is said that BK Kavita is from Thehdi Mohalla and has been living in the centre for 14 years as Sadhvi. It is said by the centre-in-charge that the health worsened due to food poisoning but other questions arise that when all the members eat the same food then how did only one member become unwell, and if some one gave her poison, then from where did the poison come because BK Kavita never goes out of centre.

14 years ago, when BK Kavita joined the Ashram, a Sister Krishna was in charge. After the death of Krishna, Sister Preeti was given responsibility of Ashram. Sister Preeti said, on incident day, all Sisters of Ashram went to their room to sleep at 10:30 pm. Kavita made milk for herself and after drinking that milk she started vomiting. She was rushed to Dr. G. K. Aggarwal's hospital. Kavita told Dr. that she had eaten something. Then she was shifted to Dr. Yogesh Sangwaan's hospital where she is on ventilator. Sister Preeti said that she is confused about what Kavita ate after which her condition got worsened. According to Preeti, the day before incident day, Kavita's mother came to meet Kavita and they talked about her family for two and half hours. What was the talk about, she did not know. A week before, Kavita's Brother, Officer in the Air Force called Nasik, also visited the Ashram to meet Kavita.

According to Sister Preeti, Kavita was upset after death of Sister Krishna and she was not talking much with others.
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Re: ब्रह्माकुमारी कविता की हालत में सुधार, मगर नहीं हुए बयान

Post21 Jun 2013

Sounds like it may be a suicide attempt.



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Re: ब्रह्माकुमारी कविता की हालत में सुधार, मगर नहीं हुए बयान

Post22 Jun 2013

It is weird. If it would be something of a family matter that Sister Kavita would be afraid of, she would be anxious, irritated, nervous, feared.

I don't believe that any other Sister from that ashram did not notice anything alarming in Kavita's behaviour. Either she mastered masking her feelings so perfectly and anybody just couldn't notice anything as she pretended that she is O.K., or the Sisters were concentrated on themselves so much and she was completely indifferent to them. That hurts bad if you feel isolated where you live, and other people who live with you in the same place are completely indifferent to you.

It is said in that news, that Kavita was upset after death of Sister Krishna and she wasn't willing to talk much with others (except for her family). So she was probably feeling depressed and lost after death of Sister Krishna, I suppose. I wonder if anyone talked to her why she is so silent and doesn't want to talk with others.
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Re: ब्रह्माकुमारी कविता की हालत में सुधार, मगर नहीं हुए बयान

Post23 Jun 2013

Not noticing anything strange in behaviour is commonly reported by acquaintances of suicides. The other day I heard a story about one chap who rang around all his friends and relatives (unknown to each of them that he was calling them all), had happy conversations with them and told them all how well things were going, then killed himself the next day.
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Re: ब्रह्माकुमारी कविता की हालत में सुधार, मगर नहीं हुए बयान

Post23 Jun 2013

Yes, a friend of a friend just killed himself ... came back from a nice holiday, wife a few months pregnant, lots of money in the bank, no financial worries. Just mailed and texted al this friends and family, drove out from work for lunch ... then stepped in front of a train.

The nature of suicidal behaviour, and the BKs generally unconscious and dismissive attitude, worries me as much as using suicidal feelings or depression as a hook to encult individuals with ... surely just loading up problems for later.

Probably Krishna was the only one who treated Kavita with any kindness, and the rest treated her like the unpaid servant or spiritual slave she was within the BK system.

If you are working for the Brahma Kumaris without getting paid, 24/7/365 ... and there is no exit strategy for you (e.g. help setting up a normal life up) ... you are a slave, nor a worker nor even a 'surrendered' servant.

Willingly surrender yourself to slavery? Does it happen?

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