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बीके हत्या की जांच किडनैप BK Kidnap murder investigation

PostPosted: 13 Jun 2013
by pawan_kr
"लापता पुत्र की तलाश के लिए फिर आंदोलन करेगे कशमीरी लाल चोपड़ा - BK Child Kidnap
राजेश चुघ, बरवाला

साढ़े सात साल से लापता इकलौते पुत्र सुनील चोपड़ा का जिंदा या मुर्दा सुराग लगाने की मांग को लेकर संघर्षरत पिता कशमीरी लाल चोपड़ा ने सरकार के झूठे आश्वासनों से तंग आकर एक बार फिर आंदोलन की राह पकड़ने की ठान ली है। इसकी शुरुआत वे 18 मार्च सोमवार को बरवाला में मुख्यमंत्री का पुतला फूंक कर करेंगे।

चोपड़ा ने कहा कि वे और उनकी पत्नी जयदेवी मानसिक रूप से बीमार चल रहे है। उन्हे अपने पुत्र का जिंदा या मुर्दा सुराग चाहिए। उन्होंने हरियाणा के मुख्यमंत्री, बरवाला के विधायक व जिला प्रशासन को चेतावनी दी कि सरकार इस केस को सीबीआई के हवाले करें, निष्पक्ष जांच कराये, उन्हें न्याय प्रदान किया जाए। सरकार ने अगर शीघ्र ही इस मामले की निष्पक्ष जांच नही कराई तो वे अपना पुराना आंदोलन शुरू करेंगे सरकार के आला नेताओं के चित्रों पर माला डालकर प्रदर्शन करेंगे। कशमीरी लाल चोपड़ा ने कहा कि वे मर जाएंगे परंतु न्याय मिलने तक संघर्ष करेंगे।


विधायक से की न्याय कराने की मांग

कशमीरी लाल चोपड़ा ने हलका विधायक को भी कहा कि उन्हें साढ़े तीन साल विधायक बने हो गए है। इस मामले की जांच वे सीबीआइ से कराने के लिए मुख्यमंत्री से बात करें। शहर के कुछ दोगले लोगों से सावधान रहे। वरना उनका हाल भी पूर्व विधायक व सांसद जैसा होगा। चोपड़ा ने कहा कि वे विधायक का सम्मान करते है परंतु न्याय मांगना उनका हक है और न्याय कराना विधायक का फर्ज है।


क्या है सुनील चोपड़ा अपहरण का मामला

कशमीरी लाल चोपड़ा का पुत्र सुनील चोपड़ा साढ़े सात साल पूर्व जुलाई 2005 में लापता हो गया था। इसके पिता ने सुनील के अपहरण का आरोप लगाया था। इस मामले में ब्रह्माकुमारी आश्रम की पूर्व संचालिका बीके सुदेश व उसके एक सहायक पर अपहरण का आरोप लगाया गया था। कशमीरी लाल चोपड़ा की मानें तो यह मामला ब्रह्माकुमारी आश्रम से जुड़ा था और सुनील इनके काफी राज जानता था। कई गंभीर मामलों की शिकायत उसने ब्रह्माकुमारी आश्रम के माउंट आबू मुख्यालय को की थी। इसी दौरान सुनील का अपहरण हो गया। इससे पूर्व सुनील को जान से मारने की धमकी दी गई थी।


विशेष जांच दल किया गया था गठित

हिसार लोकसभा उपचुनाव के समय कशमीरी लाल चोपड़ा के साथ विभिन्न दलों के प्रमुख लोगों की एक पंचायत हिसार जिंदल हाउस में विधायक घोडेला व व्यापार मंडल के प्रदेशाध्यक्ष बजरंग दास गर्ग के साथ मुख्यमंत्री भूपेंद्र सिंह हुड्डा से मिली थी। उस समय मांग तो सीबीआइ की ही थी परंतु मुख्यमंत्री ने विशेष जांच दल गठित करा कर जांच शुरू कराई थी। इस जांच दल में आइजी लां एंड आर्डर, एएसपी हिसार शामिल थे। चोपड़ा की मानें तो इस जांच दल ने भी समय बरबाद किया जो जांच होनी चाहिए थी वह नहीं हुई। तब मुख्यमंत्री के आश्वासन पर बरवाला में धरना प्रदर्शन बंद किया था परंतु वादा खिलाफी के कारण चोपड़ा अब दोबारा प्रदर्शन करने को मजबूर है। इस जांच दल ने आरोपियों के पोलीग्राफ टेस्ट भी कराए। जिनके पोलीग्राफ टेस्ट हुए उनमें बरवाला व हिसार के ब्रह्माकुमारी आश्रम से जुड़े लोग शामिल है।


चोपड़ा दंपति ने नहीं छोड़ी कोई चौखट

इकलौते पुत्र के वियोग में तड़प रहे बरवाला के कशमीरी लाल चोपड़ा व माता जयदेवी ने न्याय पाने के लिए संघर्ष करने में कोई कसर बाकी नहीं छोड़ी। चोपड़ा दंपति ने बरवाला व हिसार में भी प्रदर्शन किए, अधिकारियों व राजनेताओं की चौखट पर भी दस्तक दी। हिसार जिला में सबसे लंबा संघर्ष करने वालों पर भी नजर दौड़ाई जाए तो निश्चित रूप से यह रिकार्ड भी चोपड़ा ने नाम जाएगा चोपड़ा का बरवाला व हिसार तथा गांवों के 36 बिरादरियों के लोगों ने साथ दिया। हिसार की पंजाबी धर्मशाला में भी धरना चला। परंतु बरवाला के कुछ लोगों ने दोहरी भूमिका अदा की और न्याय नहीं होने दिया।


पुत्र वियोग में मां जयदेवी ने सुध बुध खोई

पुत्र वियोग में मां जयदेवी सुध बुध खो बैठी है। इकलौते घर के चिराग के खो जाने का गम उसे भीतर तक कचोट गया वो पहले भी हिसार के विभिन्न अस्पतालों के अलावा रोहतक मेडिकल कालेज में उपचाराधीन रह चुकी है। अब फिर उसकी हालत ठीक नहीं है। एक तरफ जवान पुत्र की जुदाई तो दूसरी तरफ पत्नी की बीमारी के कारण कशमीरी लाल चोपड़ा की किस्मत में दुख लिखे है परंतु दिलेर चोपड़ा ने भी गमों से मित्रता कर इनसे पार पाने की ठानी है।"

Re: "लापता पुत्र की तलाश के लिए फिर आंदोलन करेगे कशमीरी लाल

PostPosted: 14 Jun 2013
by pawan_kr
Kashmiri Lal Chopra will start movement for his missing son

Sunil Chopra, son of Kashmiri Lal Chopra, has been missing for last 7 years. Kashmiri Lal, the Father, is demanding a CBI inquiry against Brahmakumaris.

According to him, his son was associated with Brahmakumaris for several years and he knew some secrets of BK. His son also complained some serious issues to BK HQ Seniors about the local BKs. After that his son was kidnapped and he was also getting death threats before kidnapping.

Re: बीके हत्या की जांच किडनैप BK Kidnap murder investigation

PostPosted: 15 Jun 2013
by ex-l
This story sounds terrible and is not the first regarding BKs being persecuted because they complained to the BK HQ. Generally though, such stories are all hushed up and we don't hear any more about them.

How many hush-hush stories do the BKs have?

BTW ... I wonder, should we start a Hindi/Indian languages forum? It would need an ex- or non-BK to commit to moderating it though.

Re: बीके हत्या की जांच किडनैप BK Kidnap murder investigation

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2013
by pawan_kr
सुनील चोपड़ा केस की जांच के लिए पुलिस पहुंची ब्रह्माकुमारी आश्रम

बरवाला, संवाद सहयोगी : नगर के बहुचर्चित सुनील चोपड़ा अपहरण मामले की जांच के लिए गठित विशेष जांच दल ने शुक्रवार को नगर के प्रजापिता ब्रह्माकुमारी आश्रम का दौरा किया। एएसपी राहुल शर्मा के नेतृत्व में इस तीन सदस्यीय जांच दल ने आश्रम संचालिका बीके इंद्रा से कुछ पूछताछ करनी थी परंतु उनकी गैर हाजिरी में इस दल ने आश्रम में मौजूद एक और साधिका से सवाल जवाब किए। जानकारी अनुसार जांच दल ने बीके इंद्रा को पूछताछ के लिए हिसार तलब किए है। इससे पूर्व भी यह जांच दल बरवाला का दौरा कर चुका है। यहां उल्लेखनीय है कि ब्रह्माकुमारी आश्रम की पूर्व व वर्तमान संचालिका को लेकर पंचायतों का दौर चल रहा था। लगभग सात वर्ष पूराने इस मामले का अभी तक सुराग नहीं लग पाया। सुनील चोपड़ा के पिता कश्मीरी लाल चोपड़ा ने अपने पुत्र का सुराग लगाने के लिए लंबा संघर्ष किया। परंतु कुछ राजनीतिक लोगों ने इस केस के आरोपी की मदद की। आखिरकार लोकसभा चुनावों के दौरान मुख्यमंत्री ने इस केस की जांच विशेष जांच दल से कराने का आदेश दिया था।

Re: बीके हत्या की जांच किडनैप BK Kidnap murder investigation

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2013
by ex-l
It says the Special Investigation Team have been appointed.

Any comment from the BKWSU/PBIVV?

Re: बीके हत्या की जांच किडनैप BK Kidnap murder investigation

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2013
by moreclearnow
The news seems to be more than an year old. What happened afterwards from this investigation Pawan?

Re: बीके हत्या की जांच किडनैप BK Kidnap murder investigation

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2013
by pawan_kr
ex-l wrote:Any comment from the BKWSU/PBIVV?

Brahmakumaris generally never give any comments because they never allow news reporters to question them.

Instead they follow the Shrimat - "Approach Fire Station People, Bring them to Brahmakumari's ceremonies, offer them free vacation, and build a mutual relationship so that they can protect their Royal Palaces from fire".

Brahmakumaris have good relation with Haryana CM Mr. Bhupender Singh Hudda and he is often seen on Brahmakumari's platform.

Mr. Hudda seen last on right
minister_hudda_brahma_kumaris.jpg (13.37 KiB) Viewed 24529 times

Re: बीके हत्या की जांच किडनैप BK Kidnap murder investigation

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2013
by pawan_kr
moreclearnow wrote:The news seems to be more than an year old. What happened afterwards from this investigation Pawan?

The Father is still struggling for justice. For latest news click on the following links :-
Father protesting on streets with shoe-garland on Haryana CM's photo.

Father protesting on streets with shoe-garland on Haryana CM's photo.
brahma_kumari_kidnap.jpg (8.27 KiB) Viewed 24530 times

Re: बीके हत्या की जांच किडनैप BK Kidnap murder investigation

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2013
by ex-l
moreclearnow wrote:The news seems to be more than an year old. What happened afterwards from this investigation Pawan?

Could you show us a good example, and ask the BKWSU or PBIVV for a comment, please?

I am not picking on you personally but when I speak to BKs, they often use the "where's your evidence?" line on me ... and then when I show them evidence they refuse to look, refuse to think, refuse to question. "No evidence" ... or "where's your evidence?" is just a yukti their leaders have spread after decades of such events happening. They speak and act like a criminal gang.

It's not that they refute such events have happened ... it's just that they demand one produces evidence of it, and then they all keep "omerta" (n. a rule or code that prohibits speaking or divulging information about certain activities, especially the activities of a criminal) ... except they call it "omshanti".

It's almost as if they want to tire us running around to find proof or evidence but even when we find it, they are going to dismiss or ignore it anyway. Centers-in-charge will abscond, leaders will deny, questions will go unanswered ... and they know that sooner rather than later the Indian police will give. And then they spend their time sweetening up commanders, judges and media people.

Therefore, I've come to think it is better to presume guilt and ask them, "where's your innocence?" ... prove it is not true.

As an example of goodwill from a BK supporter, can you please go to the BKWSU leaders and demands answers for such cases as this, Panipat etc? Show us that truth and righteousness are more important than loyalties, and go both ways ... you question us; question them also.

I predict you'll make an excuse and will not. I've never met a BK or BKWSU support yet who will.

Re: बीके हत्या की जांच किडनैप BK Kidnap murder investigation

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2013
by moreclearnow
ex-l: I have no connection with BKWSU leaders like you; the problem on this forum is that any positive opinions for BKs are seen as if the person is an agent of BKWSU and is responsible for the organization. All my views are independent of what BKWSU leadership may be upto.

Its very easy to jump to conclusions on such matters because of the inherent bias against BKs on this forum.
You have said that an special investigation is ongoing. We will need to trust on the system and if they believe BKWSU is responsible, law is above BKs and has access to anyone in India. Some of the key ministers of the ruling party have been jailed in the past; so don't underestimate the power of law and judiciary; its painfully slow but with persistence, and with the tremendous power of media in India (which is increasingly hungry for such stories) , it works. If you are accusing someone and you want quicker results, I have already advised you to resort to RTI which people like Pawan or others who are presuambly in India can pursue depending on the level of interest.

Re: बीके हत्या की जांच किडनैप BK Kidnap murder investigation

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2013
by ex-l
You don't need "connections". You are an intelligent human being, and a supporter of theirs. You do it.

They are just human beings too. You just pick up the phone, write a letter, or go and see them and ask.

Why make it complicated?

Don't worry, I was 100% expecting such a flim-flam answer from you. I only asked in order to expose your nature.

My guess is you know that you will never get a proper answer from them either ... that they would just run you around, buy you off with platitudes and, if you persisted, mark you down or even lock you out.

I imagine you'll happily go for "blessings" and getting your rakhi tied etc but you'd never question them nor take a stand on an ethical issue.

Besides which, I have zero connections with the BKWSU and have never "held you responsible". I am just wanting *you* to gain a balanced opinion of the Brahma Kumari leadership through genuine personal experience of them.

It was a test of your sincerity and integrity.

Re: बीके हत्या की जांच किडनैप BK Kidnap murder investigation

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2013
by moreclearnow
Thank you for testing me again and sorry to have disappointed you :-)

I have formed my opinions based on genuine personal experience of many Seniors and BKs in general for many years and have been following this forum as well for similar nr of years so I don't need to be asking them few questions to satisfy you...I am "influence" free at this moment-from BKWSU leadership or You; therefore for me, thats balanced enough. :|

And in my view your statement
"Therefore, I've come to think it is better to presume guilt and ask them, "where's your innocence?" ... prove it is not true"

is not balanced - it never works this way ;you know that as well. You have preached all these years to come up with solid facts so such naivety is not expected from you mate.

Re: बीके हत्या की जांच किडनैप BK Kidnap murder investigation

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2013
by pawan_kr
moreclearnow wrote:I have formed my opinions based on genuine personal experience of many Seniors and BKs in general for many years and have been following this forum as well for similar number of years so I don't need to be asking them few questions to satisfy you ...


I certainly do not hold you responsible and never expect any BK followers to question Dadis or Dadas. Because if someone will try to question he will be never allowed and also he will be seen as a "Maya infected soul".

You say that you are not associated with BKs but do not mind me if I say that your irrational way of arguments show that your brain is still in possession of BKs .

You said that you have positive opinion of BKs by genuine personal experience and even if BKs are charged with Rape, Child Abuse, Murders or kidnapping like serious offences, your opinion will not change because you did not personally see or was not personally effected by their crime.

Does it means that if person like Osama-Bin-Laden who murdered thousands of people in the name of Religion, you will not call him terrorist after hearing or reading his news on TV channels or newspaper just because you have not PERSONALLY experienced the terrorist attack ????

There are so many newspaper articles posted on this forum in which police have arrested or are searching BK Brothers and Sisters who were proven guilty in murder or rape case but you feel hesitation in giving independent opinion. This is only because BKs have programmed your brain and it is not in your control.

At least show some respect for families whose son or daughter is lost. Being human is much better than being a BK.

Re: बीके हत्या की जांच किडनैप BK Kidnap murder investigation

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2013
by moreclearnow
Oh, oh ... I have full respect and sympathy for the family mentioned in this. If accusations are proved and a BK is involved, then they should face the consequences. If a investigation is ongoing, and you are following it, why don't you share what is the outcome and what has been proven in this case? Have you talked to anyone involved?

BKs are not perfect human beings ... they are merely effort makers. If the BK teachings were about all of this indulgence in crime as you are trying to put it, then I would have changed my opinion. But they are not.

If my brain is infected with BKism as you say, then I guess some of the forum members here may be affected by BKInfoism! BKInfoism is that one can only be deemed having independent opinion about BKs if they are persistent critics or accusers ... think about it.

Take Mr Negi as example, this forum jumped to a pre-mature conclusion that "BK chief is summoned by police" by someone's Facebook comments. This is a lie as it stands today. But like Tabloids do for sensationalism and attract attention. This makes genuine stories lose importance.

Re: बीके हत्या की जांच किडनैप BK Kidnap murder investigation

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2013
by pawan_kr
moreclearnow wrote:If accusations are proved and a BK is involved, then they should face the consequences. If a investigation is ongoing, and you are following it, why don't you share what is the outcome and what has been proven in this case? Have you talked to anyone involved?

Yes, BKs were proved guilty in the Agra case in which a BK Sister living in a BK Ashram was first killed, then burnt and then her body was wrapped in a plastic bag, and thrown under the bridge. Police arrested the driver whose vehicle was used to carry the dead body and were searching for three people involved a BK Brother, a BK Sister who were living in the same BK Ashram, and a lawyer.
    But I think this does not effects you or you opinion ... why ? Wou did not had personal experience and you expect others to behave like you as brain surrendered soul.
There was another case of Orrisa state where a BK Sister was raped and sexually abused and when the case came in light the inmates of BK Ashram ran to Nepal and took shelter in BK Ashram. The police arrested them from Nepal.
    But this incident also will not effect you because you did not have personal experience :shock:
There are many similiar cases but we can understand a surrendered soul is a senseless soul.

The BK Ashrams are ran by BK org and they are fully under their control. The deputation of any centre-in-charge is done by BK Seniors living in HQ Abu.
    Do not BK Seniors need to clarify about these incidents?
    Do not they feel sorry for the victims as they were victimised in their Ashram by BK people who were deputed by them?
    Should not BKs questioned about their teachings ?
When a BK Brother or BK Sister is involved in murder or rape like serious crime does not this put a big question mark on the outcome of BKs' teachings? Need not to remember that a BK is made centre-in-charge only when he/she strictly obeys Shrimat and BK's teaching for several years.

Is that a outcome from a BK's teaching and the BKs need not to be suspected just because a surrendered soul like you does not have personal experience ? :shock: Great !!!!
If a investigation is ongoing, and you are following it, why don't you share what is the outcome and what has been proven in this case? Have you talked to anyone involved?

After sharing your views on the cases where already BKs were proved accused and even arrested, does my update on this particular case of a missing son will effect your surrendered brain ??????????

Do you feel that I should go to every corner of world to talk to BK victim persons to prove my point ?

Then you will also question people who think Osama-Bin-Laden as a terrorist to go out to remote areas of world to interview people who were effected by terrorists attack and if they do not do so you will consider Osama as a normal guy :shock:.

Your arguments are enough to prove the outcome of BK teachings and, thanks to you, to act as living evidence.