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PostPosted: 29 May 2013
by jann

Tamasin Ramsay and the latest BKWSU historical whitewash

PostPosted: 29 May 2013
by ex-l
No, it's Tamasin Ramsay, PhD and the latest BKWSU historical whitewash ... the BKs take baby steps towards reality but are still a long way away from it.

It's a sort of "Watch with Mother" account complete with a lengthy hypnotic/hypnogogic final section to safely numb and seal off any BK minds from thinking and questions. A bit silly and exaggerated in place, blatantly ignorant of the truth in others, and it contains notable inaccuracies. The BKs steer well away from any specific suggestions that would excite the PBKs regarding "other mediums", but have been forced to contradict the official corporate history of the BKWSU ... which is not discussed.

They finally have to admit that Lekhraj Kirpalani was not 60 in 1936 like the Murlis say but 52 ... but backpedal to claim it said "sixty-ish". No, it did not.

Strangely enough, although Tamasin uses materials and inspiration taken from this website, it is not credited even although Sister Jayanti is, as "Consultant, Support, Senior Liason" ... a joke because Jayanti has been a key individual in promoting falsehood and suppressing the truth from coming out. Tamasin gives Wendy Sargent the main credit, followed by herself (twice), Robin Ramsay and BK Bliss music.
BKWSU wrote:Our daughters are 'ologists ... and they have two PhDs ... so it must be all true (it's not).

I don't see the advantage in an anthropologist and a sociologist ... what they need is a honest and sincere historian!

Apologies for the delay in posting this, I just find it difficult to stomach all the mud the BKs pour into the river of truth and stir up. It's also boring as hell having to listen to what you know is going to be false before it even starts time and time again.

Considering the multi-millions of their own dollars, and 1,000s of unpaid surrendered workers willing to say, "Haji!" at the snap the fingers, it is a disgrace. The BKs are not attempting to discover the truth, they are hiding the truth. They are trying to work out how to wallpaper over the cracks and use yet another fictional history to reinforce ideals they want to sell themselves on today, e.g. her comments on the leadership capabilities of young women and "purity".

The video completely lacks any critical point of view, and by critical I do not mean "negative", I mean intelligent, analytical and sincere. It shoots past all of the controversial aspects at a 1,000 miles an hour ignoring them.
    In short, the video does nothing to progress the discussion nor open people's eyes.

    It's a gentle, soothing face saving lullaby to ensure their adherents stay asleep and are not woken by the truth emanating out of places like this, and the PBKs. At no point does it address the matter of why a false history has been promulgated and portrays the philosophical revisions as all perfectly wonderful and reasonable.
Why would anyone invest their time making something that was not true? I am left wondering if Tamasin herself is being misled by the BK leaders, but is too dumb to realise it, or whether she is in on deceiving "the children" for whatever she gets out of it, e.g. status and respect within the BK, and her own professional advantages.

Question, is Robin still financing this stuff? I ask because it does not come with an 'official' BKWSU stamp.

Re: Tamasin Ramsay and the latest BKWSU historical whitewash

PostPosted: 29 May 2013
by ex-l
Just as an example of how silly it gets in places, spinning the usual persecution myths, Tamasin wows about a "big wall" Lekhraj Kirpalani had to build to keep the BK girls safe. I understand he did not. The government did. And this is it ... (see below).

She makes it sounds like the Berlin Wall but I've seen bigger in some domestic gardens.

At 18:45 she also writes
"Between 1952 and 1956 the divine entity known as Piu [sister in charge] identified Himself as Shiva Baba."

Now ... 4 years is either a very, very slow or very, very long explanation and, from our most recent research it does not appear to be true. The documents from Japan are dated 1954/55 and there is still not Shiva Baba as the BKs claimed there was in 1936.

So when was the big meeting when the BKs all say down and agree on Shiva Baba being the one and how did it happen? Why, when Dadi Janki Kirpalani is still alive and kicking, cannot they just ask her and she just tell them honestly about how it all came out?

A not very big wall ... get real Tamasin.

I made some other notes,
    Om Mandli: The Birth of Knowledge by Tamsin Ramsay

    1934 Jan: Lekhraj Kirpalani's uncle died and it was highly influential event.

    1935: travelled to Varanasi ... compulsively drawing circles on the wall of a friend's home.

    1935: visions of world destruction, of paradise, of Vishnu, no mention of him being "God Brahma".

    1937: to Kashmir and Lekhraj Kirpalani being aware of "another power working within him".

    1937 Oct: established the trust with the "profound faith in young women being true spiritual leaders", blame on men, the outcry being because women being forthright and independent, practise of purity, no mention of Lekhraj Kirpalani sleeping and bathing half-naked with the girls or massaging their breasts, admits "lack of intellectual understanding".

    Exaggerates "increasingly violent" reaction against them.

    1942: claims the role of Baba clarified by Piyu through BK Pushpa ... the introduction of "Piyu" and claims Lekhraj Kirpalani was named Brahma ... this is wrong as earlier documents also call him God Brahma.

    Lekhraj Kirpalani wondering who was Piyu?

    Gulzar saw the "Angelic Brahma" (another Lekhraj Kirpalani in the "Subtle Regions") ... a person but made out of "cotton wool".

    1943 to early 1950s: claims all important points were clarified and the cotton wool man was known to be the perfect and complete "Avyakt Brahma" was a major source of spiritual leadership.

    Exaggerated the "high walls" Baba built (... I thought it was the government, and they were not that high!!!)

    1947: she says around the time of Partition which was August '47, Ananda Kishore started to feel there was another divine, "beautiful" personality working through Lekhraj Kirpalani but not many believe so.

    1949: still Prajapati God Brahma but apparently Lekhraj Kirpalani was starting to think something else was going on.

    1950: May left Pakisthan. Lekhraj Kirpalani instructed all literature to be destroyed and so "he told a story" that if they buried them they would become scriptures in the next cycle ... (Oh, so it's only a "story" now to pacify the kids and not a Godly truth?)

    1952 and 1956: the divine entity known as Piu [sister in charge, we usually write Piyu] identified Himself as Shiva Baba."18:47"

    Early 50s: Shiva Baba thought of as oval form (problem, there is no Shiva Baba yet) claims mind-sanskars and difference Brahma-Vishnu Shankar Shiva become clear ... not true.

    "By then everyone knew two distinct beings".

    Late 1950s Bap & Dada was clarified and so Lekhraj Kirpalani directed all records of "wrong understanding" to be destroyed for a second time ... "no trance of wrong understanding remaining".

    The point of light became clear and the oval form of God was given a little white dot.

    1965: Om Radhe dies

    1969: "beloved" Lekhraj Kirpalani dies.

    Mentions Avyakt Vanis, more of a PBK term I thought, they were always called Avyakt Murlis in my day.

    24:00 to 28:00: Hypnosis session.
Just as an aside, I noticed in a late picture of Lekhraj Kirpalani that he is still wearing eyeshadow, or as they call it "Surma". Wearing surma for men is a Punjabi tradition for special social or religious occasions. It was a big thing for the BKs, it's never really be discussed or answered, "why?"

Something else which is shot straight past is that the mediumship of Piyu or some other early entity through others except from Lekhraj Kirpalani which used to scare the BKs so much because it would tell them what wrongs they had been doing.

It's all portrayed as sweetness, gentle, love and light ... which is false.


Re: Tamasin Ramsay and the latest BKWSU historical whitewash

PostPosted: 29 May 2013
by ex-l
I was thinking about this and wondering about the Sister Jayanti Kripalani as "Consultant, Support, Senior Liason" credit.

She appears to have added nothing factually informative to the video and is still sitting on many other revelations that would make for a far more interesting and real history.

I was wondering, however, if that was done to confer *some* kind of official authority or recognition for Tamasin's and Robin's work and even if it signified some kind of move within the cult, e.g. a willingness of some to take a stand against the establishment which still pumps out the fake version of history?

... Or whether BK Jayanti was just in there to control things so too much does not come out which might embarrass the leadership.

Re: Tamasin Ramsay and the latest BKWSU historical whitewash

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2013
by ex-l
I need to check more details but 'The Report on the Second World Religion Congress (under auspices of the Ananai-Kyo)' is dated 1954 and there appears to be further reference in 1955. Therefore, we have a clearly dated and well referenced pin point ... well beyond the destructive reach of the Brahma Kumaris censors and historical revisionists ... to gain a better understanding of their mental, philosophical and cultural evolution.

One of the reason this is good and worthwhile to do is that it debunks forever the idea that somehow, magically, God appeared in 1936, possessed a 60 year old Lekhraj Kirpalani, and said, "Shivoham, Shivoham ...". It starts to portrays the nature and character of the BKs, both past and present, for who and what they really were and are and pulls back a large part of the facade that cult expert Robert J. Lifton called 'Mystical Manipulation.
lifton wrote:Totalist leaders claim to be agents chosen by God, history, or some supernatural force, to carry out the mystical imperative ... put forcibly and claimed exclusively, so that the cult and its beliefs become the only true path to salvation (or enlightenment) in which the individual then develops the psychology of the pawn, and participates actively in the manipulation of others. The leader becomes the center of the mystical manipulation (or the person in whose name it is done) more real than an abstract god and therefore attractive to cult members which legitimizes the deception used to recruit new members and/or raise funds, and the deception used on the "outside world".

Bullseye on all that.

BK Tamasin Ramsay, who has a PhD, and Jayanti Kripalani, who is widely regarded by the BKs as one of the top 108 souls on earth, say ...
1952 and 1956: the divine entity known as Piu [Sister in charge, we usually write Piyu] identified Himself as Shiva Baba."18:47"

Early 50s: Shiva Baba thought of as oval form ... By then everyone knew two distinct beings".

In short ... no. Or at least, not yet.
    As of 1954/55, there is no mention of Shiva.
There is no reason why they would not put his name on the page as they are ridiculously open about other whacko ideas; and typically condescending to other religion, especially the Hinduism which they are supposed to be "promoting" these days. Even to a "World Congress" of other religions.

By 1954, they have visualised their God in the shape of a Shivlingum and realized there is a difference between Him and "the Home" but it reads to be as if they still see god as a force or will rather than a person, and they see Lekhraj Kirpalani as Lord Brahma and god's manifestation on earth as the Creative force.
    Their "God" is the Incorporeal form of Lekhraj Kirpalani.
It is all written in perfect English. Is this Anand Kishore's or someone else's because Prakashmani and Ratanmohini certainly couldn't speak English this well never mind write it?

Firstly, there were actually only 24 people at the Congress although submissions by correspondences were received from others and, presumably, the books sent out afterwards.

A few more random notes. The Brahma Kumaris mention ...
    "Sun-God" ... a "Creative-Directive Power should also have the capacity and capability to end this Drama to repeat or set it going over again".

    "One Supreme Being ... in the incognito corporeal form of Brahma".

    "the Father Almighty gave the all true knowledge though the Supreme Saviour"

    "The Supreme Soul as we have ourselves visualised is of the shape of the Shiv-Linga, a symbol very widely worshipped in India since the beginning of the Copper Age ... sages-seers have wrongly been taking this Infinite Light for God Himself. In other words, they have been mistaking God's home for God Himself."

    "... the mad baldman ..."

    "the Knowledgeful Lord has fulfilled his promise of (... coming back 5,000 years etc)"

    "malicious-minded ignorant so called Hindus have detamed the lord by spreading ignominious cock and bull stories about the Lord. These degraded man of today diving deep into the ditch of the poisonous sensuous pleasures malign their Lord Brahma ..."

    "old man, jeweller in Calcutta ... about 60 when he became God Brahma ... people without discrimination consider him as a humble being"

    "a 16 years period"

    "world philanthropist God Brahma ... Incorporeal God in his Corporeal Form ... Saviour, the Supreme Father, Mother, Friend Preceptor and Guide".

    "(after the Gold and Silver Age) ... the Sun of Knowledge sets .. "glow-worm religions arise ... broken-reed faiths"

    "the rise of the Sun-Light religion in the east ... in Dev-Bhumi Land" (note: means either 'Land of Gods' or, literally, Uttarakhand province of India which served as a habitat for Rishis and Sadhus and is believed that the sage Vyasa scripted the Hindu epic Mahabharata)

    "Incorporeal Father has descended on a corporeal human form in the East in Bharat, the ancient land of deities"

    "energy-giving rays of Sun-God"

    "God has incarnated in some lonely corner of Bharat"
Now, why is that two BK PhDs and Sister Jayanti Kripalani, who has spent the last 40 odd years as Janki Kripalani's third leg, cannot tell you any of this ... and *still* cannot tell you the real history of their own religion. A religion they do infer they are the leaders of and which will propel them to a high status ruling the world for 2,500 years?

A history Janki Kirpalani actually lived through.

And it's not just two BK PhDs ... the BKs have more PhD, multi-millions of dollars a multi-national media and IT team and are flying people around the world to research all of this stuff.

Why cannot they tell you any of this?
    They are not trying to ... They are trying *not* to tell you all of this.

They are trying to play it all down and cover it all up and they are using their PhD to con academia and the institutions which are influenced by and depend on academia portraying as objective truths as possible.

The questions then are,
    Are well respected individual BKs like Tamasin Ramsay and Gayatri Naraine willingly playing along with this and knowing deceiving non-BKs, or are they just impotent and under the influence of "totalist leaders" such as Janki Kirpalani?

    Do I think high ranking individuals like BK Jayanti Kripalani is "in on the con"? I think my answer to that must be, "yes, of course". There is no way she can have been involved in the religion as long as she has and as closely to the leadership without knowing all this and much more.
As a small footnote, as of 1954 the BKs claim that there were "250 dwellers in Mount Abu". This is higher than previous reports suggested.

Anand Kishore and Prakashmani in Japan

Re: Tamasin Ramsay and the latest BKWSU historical whitewash

PostPosted: 03 Jun 2013
by ex-l
1955, no mention of God Shiva

This may interest some of you ... continuing independent historical research of the early and mid-periods of the Brahma Kumari movement no prove that up until at least 1955, there is no mention or conception of any God Shiva in the Brahma Kumari religion.

The official version of BKWSU history is absolutely fake and false.

Original BK documents ... .beyond the typical and habitual censorship and cover up of the BKWSU/PBIVV elite ... show that up until this time the Brahma Kumaris still believed that Lekhraj Kirpalani was God, and that incorporeal Supreme Soul was another manifestation of him; that the corporeal and the incorporeal beings were both the same individual, the incorporeal god being a manifestation of Lekhraj Kirpalani/God Brahma.

It is fair to report that by this period some kind of awareness of an "incorporeal" (bodiless) Supreme Soul as being separate from the "Brahm element" the BKs call the spiritual home was emerging, and that they visualised (saw in visions) the supreme souls in the form of a Shiv lingum. They do clear mention that there is a difference between it and "the home" ... but the BK definitely saw it as another form of Lekhraj Kirpalani as God Brahma the creator.

There is also no mention of the current conception of Shankar.

As time and resources allow, I will copy these documents but they destroy for once and for all the myths the BKs have been teaching about their own history.

There was certainly no thought of any "God Shiva" within the BK side of The Tree during the 1930s, 1940s and at least early 1950s. Just when and how the concept was first introduced is still not clear.

(* There is an alternative working theory to all this based on PBK beliefs, and that is that the BK movement had already split into two by this time; one side being devotional and projecting their 'Krishna and the gopis' fantasies on Lekhraj Kirpalani and following him to Karachi, the other being much smaller, more mature and strict, who remained in Hyderabad and died off sooner due to old age.

At present, however, it is just a theory but one with a some degree of reasonableness. What is sure is that the early days of Om Mandli has been highly falsified, and the future development of the BK movement corrupted, by the Kirpalani Kamp followers

Re: Tamasin Ramsay and the latest BKWSU historical whitewash

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2013
by littleo
Mentions Avyakt Vanis, more of a PBK term I thought, they were always called Avyakt Murlis in my day.

This is the original term. If you find older books with collections you will see that the title written there is Avyakt Vanis.

When PBKs had made claim that Shiv does not enter Gulzar Dadi, they had started to use Avyakt Murlis, because only Shiv narrates Murlis.

In fact, the Shivohum scene can be actual. It is the interpretation behind it that is challenged, that at that time Shiv had entered Brahma Baba.

Re: Tamasin Ramsay and the latest BKWSU historical whitewash

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2013
by Pink Panther
They say "God moves in mysterious ways".

If "she" has anything at all to do with BKs etc, it sounds like "he" fumbles and bumbles along unpredictably - and is unable to predict anything!

Quite different to "mysterious".

Re: Tamasin Ramsay and the latest BKWSU historical whitewash

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2013
by ex-l
littleo wrote:When PBKs had made claim that Shiv does not enter Gulzar Dadi, they had started to use Avyakt Murlis, because only Shiv narrates Murlis.

Again, the BKs are inspired to act by external influences, which they heavily criticise, and not internal or divine ones.
In fact, the Shivohum scene can be actual. It is the interpretation behind it that is challenged, that at that time Shiv had entered Brahma Baba.

I can accept that some kind of event happened but what is clear is that Lekhraj Kirpalani did not believe God had entered him as the BKs says. For the best part of 20 years, he thought he was God (... as Virendra Dev Dixit claimed first).

That's a long time to be so highly deluded. And if the vision literally said, "I am Shiva, I am Shiva ..." six times, why did not he believe it or call himself Shiva? He did not. He called himself God Brahma and did not mention Shiva at all. This is why I doubt the story and reckon it must just be a Jagdish Chander creation, or something (... Incidentally, the BKs also get Lekhraj Kirpalani's age at death wrong too).

The significance of this is that it forces us to changes our perception of the other members in his community who were concerned about their wives, children and relatives and the so called opposition who, on the basis of the claim of "God" being present, are portrayed as evil, ignorant and even "devilish".

Now we know that they were being highly reasonable.

They were concerned by their loved ones being sucked into a cult by some hypnotic, charismatic guru who thought he was God, the Gita Sermoniser, the Seed of Humanity and so on, and playing out his Krishna fantasy in the center of it. They were right to react.

I wonder what the rational explanation of how Virendra Dev Dixit came to realise this. Did he also see early documents, or did he back-engineer it all from the Sakar Murlis?

Re: Tamasin Ramsay and the latest BKWSU historical whitewash

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2013
by littleo

Re: Tamasin Ramsay and the latest BKWSU historical whitewash

PostPosted: 07 Jun 2013
by ex-l
ex-l wrote:1955, no mention of God Shiva

Another interesting footnote which illustrates the true nature of the BKWSU and its foundations.

BK Jagdish Chander Hassija (1929-2001) was the chief spokesperson of Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya and the Chief Editor its magazines and an enthusiastic fabulist.

Chander wrote more than 100 evangelistic books on Brahma Kumarism and no doubt shaped its development. In the middle period he was just about their only quasi-intellectual member but must of what he wrote, often in a sort of Victorian English, was, literally, bonkers. I remember one article trying to put BKs off sex which comprised of all sort of sexual horror stories taken from 19th Century medical journals full of weird sexual transmitted diseases, nymphomaniac disorders and women passing out due to the power of orgasmic indulgences (... actually the last example will sounds perfectly attractive to most women!)

Chander joined the BKs in 1952 aged 23 and therefore *BEFORE* God Shiva appeared. His first Yoga was with Lekhraj Kirpalani as God Brahma ... 3 years later we find there is still no God Shiva.

Most of the fake stories of the history of the BKWSU that BK academics have used as propaganda right up until this day were created by him. He has a knowledge of Hinduism and borrowed liberally from it, e.g. it's likely the "Shivoham, Shivoham ..." story was his creation. His false biography of Lekhraj Kirpalani was re-edited by now ex-BK and independent guru Robert Shubow and called Adi Dev, an unreliable hagiography which established the false history in the minds of Western BKs and is still enthusiastically sold and promoted today.

How much of an influence did BK Jagdish Chander have in the creation of the revised Knowledge with Shiva in it? Is this his English language material we are reading in the documents sent to the Japanese?

None of the 100 or so books and 1000s of articles and pamphlets that he wrote documented the truth about the Brahma Kumaris. We must suspect any he wrote which did document more factual versions were also destroyed.

BK Tamasin Ramsay reports the BKs had a second or third "book burning" episode in Mount Abu when Lekhraj Kirpalani finally realised what he had been teaching for 20 years was wrong ... and that, miracles of miracles, he was not God after all ... and where there erased all their records of the past versions and incorporated the new versions.

Now, that makes even more concrete that there must have been a moment of realisation, discussions and determined resolutions made. Funny how they still cannot remember when it happened!

They say The Knowledge evolved gradually with Shiva being a lingum, a thumb (I think they mean thumbprint, but they say thumb-shaped), an oval and then a point of light in side the oval. We've got to 1955 and a lingum ... but they still think that Lekhraj Kirpalani is god and it is his incorporeal form. We've a long way to go yet ...
    Secretary General BK Nirwair came in contact first in 1959 and joined in 1963.

    Senior Brahma Kumari adherent and trustee holder BK Ramesh Shah had first contact in 1953, also prior to the appearance of Shiva. He reports that even back then BK center-in-charges were going into trance and coming back with messages.
So they all know what went on and have sat back and falsified.

(... Jeez, 5 years ago and I was asking the same unanswered question).