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1955 The truth about first foreign service of BKWSU in Japan

PostPosted: 28 May 2013
by ex-l
An interesting little snippet for the BK history buffs ... the truth about the first "overseas service" of the Brahma Kumaris in Japan, 1954.

It turns out the BKs have greatly exaggerated this too, and whitewashed their embarrassing performance at it ... they still do, it's on the corporate website until this day. What on earth the Japanese made of it all, and how it reflected on Indian spirituality as a whole ... God (the real one) only knows.

The grand sounding 1954 "Second Congress of World Religion for Peace" conference was organized by the Ananai-Kyo, a small religious cult in Japan. I was not a prestigious religious conference like 'The Parliament of Religions' that Swami Vivekananda attended in September 1893, inspiring thousands.

Ananai-Kyo are a messianic new religion movement, practising traditional folk spiritualism, who believe they are the unification of all the major religions of the world. None attended their congress. In fact, the "congress" was a tiny one with only 20 delegates from countries such as Denmark, Holland and Philippines.

Four out of the 20 were Brahma Kumaris related; BK Prakashmani and BK Ratanmohini from Mount Abu and a Brothers C M Chakradeo and MG Shah from Bombay. *

[Also in attendance was Dada Pandurang Athavale, a Hinduism reformist who went on to found the Swadhyay Parivar organization, a self-knowledge movement based on the Bhagavad Gita which is said to have since spread across nearly 100,000 villages in India with over 5 million members (... rather more than the BKs and no possessing god involved). Although Athavale created educational institutions, developed wealth redistribution measures, and establish social welfare projects its current Didi leader recently became embroiled in the brutal murder of a critic, who had exposed financial irregularities within the organisation to the extent of millions, especially those related to 'misuse' of overseas donations (... birds of a feather?)]

However, let's get back 'on topic'. Here is where it starts to become interesting ...

Ananai-kyo teach a spiritualist practice called 'chinkon-kishin' which literally translates as "quieting the soul in order to become possessed by spirits" known as 'kami'. In Japanese, the word Kami is used variously for what might be called gods in Hinduism, spirits or nature spirits in English.

The religion synthesises the teachings of the major religions of the world and the Spiritualist tradition of Japan, and was an offshoot of another slightly older spiritualist religion, Omoto-kyo, which was started by Deguchi Nao. As with Lekhraj Kirpalani, Deguchi also declared that she had had "spiritual vision" before becoming possessed by a god in 1892 and transmitting his words in a practise known as "kamigakari", roughly spirit possession (... "birds of a feather, flock together" again).

And so, again, the foundations and history of the Brahma Kumaris are entwined with not "spirituality" ... but "spiritualism". As you may remember, it was the National Spiritualist Federation who gave the BKs their first platform in the United Kingdom too.

Now ... Contained in 'The Report' is a copy of a telegraphic message dated 22nd October 1954 from "Goddess Mother Saraswati", also known as Radhi Pokardas Rajwani or Om Radhe to the BKs, and other extreme BK contributions that sound identical to their rantings of the 1930s and 40s.

"Goddess Mother Saraswati" writes that, "one can turn to be even the very mother and Father of God himself! ... God Almighty Himself, the sole owner of Vaikunth (Deity World) as well as of Brahm (Infinite Godly Light)" and as part of the triumurti refers to "God Sri Shiv Shankera Mahadev" but not "Shiva Baba".

Om Radhe, at least in name, goes on rabidly ...
the Brahma Kumaris wrote:"Beware! Delay is dangerous. The outbreak of the next atomic war and numerous Natural Calamities very soon and destruction on a large scale occuring for ever if not taken by the forelock" ... "in near future in which most men will be roasted".

Remember, this is 1954, a merely 9 years after two atomic bombs were dropped on the Japanese people. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were still in ruins and people dying from radioactive sickness.

"And at the age of about 60, when he became God Brahma, (one of the Trinity God Almighty), he wound up his jewellery business immediately and began to deal in jewels of vicelessness, of peace, of true knowledge of 'Self' and of the 'Father-of-the-Self".

In her original capital letters ...

"Those degraded men of today, diving deep into the ditch of the poisonous sensuous pleasures malign their Lord Brahma as having become lustful to his daughter re-incarnate Saraswati."

Around page 114, they go on to say,
"We all are souls, We all are children of one Supreme Soul. Our Soul-Father is one God Almighty." "This Supreme Being performs the function of Creation in the incognito Corporeal Form of Brahma in the beginning of the Universe at such a time. He then sustains, or promotes it, in Subtle Form (of which there are two Corporeal forms of Lakshmi & Narain) and finally destroys it in the Subtle Form of Shankar ...".

"... then comes our Father, our dearest Daddy. He is the Hero of this World Drama, who re-opens the play Himself ... when the glory of Father Almighty was unveiled to his relatives, 'God', 'God' were the words that slipped sweet wonder from their mouths. In this meaning, he started religious discourses, first at his own home where came rushing men, women and children attracted by the sweet versions of this sweet Daddy, the Flute-Player of Godly Knowledge."

"The world philanthropist God Brahma, devoted all his wealth to finance this institution which was significantly named as 'Rajasva Asvamedh Avinashi Gyan Yagya' (A hermitage for total surrender of all one's vices to gain complete Godly Sovereignty through Godly Knolwedge). Here did the Creator and the World-Preceptor start to play the role of the founder".

"we, Brahma Kumaris, or otherwise called Bharat Mother Shakti Incarnations".

Whew, she does go on a bit, doesn't she? But who is the English language author of all this stuff? The other gentleman from Bombay?

There are some signs of evolution in the BKs' philosphy ...
"The Supreme Soul, as we have ourselves visualized, is of the shape of Shiv-Linga, a symbol, very widely worshipped in India since the beginning of Copper-age. He is self-luminous and His abode in in the Infinite Light" ... "His birth is not from the womb of a mother. He reveals Himself to an old man. And making the brain of this man the seat of His glory, he adopts the mouth of this man as His Oracle Orifice" ... and "I am purified Soul, the child of Super Soul (God)".

But it is still fairly confused ...
"... the Lord has come again on earth in human form and has this time made Himself known as DAYANANDA or the Lord of Compassion. In ignoring it and not caring to publish it, you yourself stand in the way of the world's liberation ..."

"God's Might and His essence is, however, omnipresent in this corporeal world" ... "all this world being the creation of God". There are mentions of "Dady Vishnu sustain[ing] the Deity Dynasty" and "Nirvana stage" ...

"GOD HIMSELF RE-INCARNATED (in subtle form) under the name and title of God Shri Vishnu (Chaturbhuj) in his would be dualised corporeal forms of Sri Lakshmi and Sri Narain".

"GOD HIMSELF RE-INCARNATED (in subtle form) under the name and title of God Father Adi Deva Triumurti Guru Brahma the Creator, Corporeal of Incorporeal God, the SEED of the entire human World Tree.

The BK tendency to self-advertising and self-agrandisement is there ...
"These gentle first flowers of now humanity, most of whom belonged to families of millionaires left their hearths and homes and renounced their vicious wordly connections (for they were not allowed to live in their own homest, specially the ladies, except as dolls sensuousness) to adopt this viceless God-incarnate (Lekhraj Kirpalani) as their Saviour God Father" ... the "soulconscious, Sahaj-Gyan-Yogi, Swarajya-Yogi, Karma-Yogi, Self-Abnegating Bharat MATA SHAKTI RE-INCARNATIONS".

As is Destruction and their hatred of human love and the rest of the world ...
"Merging of the present Kali-Yugi, body-conscious, vicious, multi-religions-infested devil world through International Atomic War among the ungoldy organizations of the world and also through numerous natural calamaties ..." "man has become a real living devil. Living in the virus of sensuousness, he wants to assert his ego. His fluctuating temperament makes him often fly into the rage of a volcano, and he wants its manifestion. Lust has overpowered him ..."

And they sign off ... "Compliments of:- Trimurti God Guru Brahma Kumaris".

Her a message for the religious congress and parliaments the BKs so like to attend these days?
"... the kind of unification you want is impossible to achieve ... only one true religion, the original, the most ancient, the one established by God Himself, i.e. Deity Religion or Religion of the Self-realised Souls, one which is the easiest-to-practise, will come to be firmly re-established; it will remain."

More later as time allows. Brahma Kumaris Info is unfunded and volunteer run. We don't have the multi-millions of the BKWSU to fly people around, nor an army of servants and mental slaves to work for us for free ... NB, expect this to soon appear uncredited in the yet to be revised again work of BK Tamasin Ramasy PhD, the new official historian to the BKWSU, as with our other work!

What is typical about all, is that it highlights other key aspects in the Brahma Kumaris make up ... that of secrecy and cover up, not sharing and withholding information ... of which you will hear more of later.

Another BK academic who works with Tamasin promoting the BKWSU is Wendy A. Smith. Wendy has lived in Japan, speaks Japanese and has studied Japanese new religious movements professionally.
    Does she not know of all this?
And what about previous historical researcher ... Brahma Kumari Dr Wendy 'Midori' Sargent. Dr Wendy had also lived in Japan and spoke Japanese?
    Why no mention of it all before?
The BKs at present have numerous individuals, including the Kirpalani Klan chiefs Jayanti and Janki, going around the world scooping up historical details, sweetening individuals and covering details up where they can ... and not sharing those truth with others, not even their own followers. They have managed to fool real academics like Professor Frank Whaling and have filled their adherents' minds with numerous levels of falsehood to pick through, reinforced time and time again over decades.

Therefore, please allow me to ask yet again ...
    Can the Age of Truth be built on a foundation of lies?

Re: Truth about the first foreign service of the BKWSU in Ja

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2013
by ex-l
Following up, I've been reading more from the Ananai-kyo report which, as it refers to the ongoing historical research and other discussion, I'll post here, Tamasin Ramsay and the latest BKWSU historical whitewash.

As and when time allows, I'll type out or copy the pages and upload them in complete form.

Anand Kishore and Prakashmani abusing the hospitality of some nice Japanese people

Anand Kishore_ Prakashmani in_Ratanmohini_ Japan.jpg
Looks like cold disappointment all round in Japan (with Ratanmohini)

Re: 1955 The truth about first foreign service of BKWSU in J

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2013
by ex-l
Just an interesting cross reference ... we've established there's no God Shiva in their religion and they are still following God Lekhraj Kirpalani Brahma.

Now, from BK supporter Liz Hodgkinson's hagiography of the BKWSU called 'Peace and Purity, BK USA leader Mohini Panjabi of New York said,
Mohini Panjabi wrote:I first met the BKs in 1951 when I was eleven years old. In 1950, when they first came to India from Pakistan, some of them knew my grandfather, who worked in government. In fact, most of my family were in government service, and several BK Sisters came to our house in Delhi to see if my grand-father could help with certain services.

In those days it was difficult to get a telephone connection, and also at that time, just after independence and the bloody struggles that followed, food was rationed. There were around 300 people in Mount Abu at the time, and not enough to eat. My grandfather was happy to help out in any way he could ... p. 111

Therefore, Big Mohini's connection with the BKs goes back to pre-Shiva, pre-big revision. I would say as a teenager one is old enough to see, hear and remember what was going on ... and she knows about what happened since.

I am left to presume the bail out her family arranged for the BKs also helped secure her position within the cult.

From the same book, Dadi Janki Kripalani says,
Dadi wrote:Throughout the 1950s, though, while I was running centers and classes in India ...

Ratan Mohini (above on the right) was also one of the first BKs to come to London until 1974 when Janki turned up. At that time, Jayanti Kirpalani was already involved and they were teaching the End of the World in 1976. (Jayanti was 24 in 1974, Janki 58).

Re: 1955 The truth about first foreign service of BKWSU in J

PostPosted: 07 Jun 2013
by warrior
"... the Lord has come again on earth in human form and has this time made Himself known as DAYANANDA or the Lord of Compassion. In ignoring it and not caring to publish it, you yourself stand in the way of the world's liberation ..."

Please tell me in which edition and what page is this passage?
