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Brahmakumaris cannot answer their own preaching & principles

PostPosted: 21 Jan 2013
by SeekerOfRealTruth




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Brahmakumaris cannot answer their own preaching & principles - downloaded 63 times
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One of my family members is obstinate devotee of the Brahmakumaris. She started her Journey into the Brahmakumaris when I was a small child. She has a lot of Brahmakumari Literatures in home. It’s been over 17 years since she has been following these Brahmakumari.

During my childhood and teenages I used to think Brahmakumari was a respectable organization with righteous lessons and were caring peoples. I used to think my family member was following the path of ancient Hindu sages and seers.
But one day I realized I had a completely wrong notion of the Brahmakumaris. After returning from abroad, I came across its core principles and philosophies and I was astonished. I studied its many publications and made cross-research and I came to front these hard facts.

I discussed with this with the Brahmakumars and they simply had no answers. And they who behaved nice with me for so many years are now negative towards me. I discussed it with my family member and she seems to be negative towards me too.

I didn’t know such a cult existed under the skin of Hindu spirituality for such a long time and yet we did not know about it.



May we all live in Truth and Peace


PostPosted: 21 Jan 2013
by ex-l
Hi SeekerOfRealTruth, you are very welcome to this forum.

I am sorry to hear of yet another victims of the heartless Brahma Kumaris and yet another disturbed family. Sadly, your experience in typical. I am glad to have someone from India who feels the same as we do.

I call the Brahma Kumaris parasites who live off other people's families. They have no professions, and they are not allow to have sex and make their own children, so they rob other families of their money and family members to work for them and their business religion for free.

I will have a detailed look at your report later ... but I must tell you, there are many mistakes not because of what you have written but because of the falsehoods the Brahma Kumaris have spread. The truth is even worse than you present.

And, yes, when you see through the BKs, their followers because very negative or even poisonous towards you.

We have discovered that much of the history the Brahma Kumaris teach about themselves is a LIE. They have been LYING and FABRICATING about this for decades, e.g.
    Lekhraj Kirpalani age ... he was not 60 years in 1936,
    Date of birth,
    when the cult started,
    failed predictions of Destruction,
    there was NOT ANY MENTION OF Shiva within the cult until after 1950, the 1936 story is a fraud.
They have preached LIES to their followers and outsiders about this ... before 1950, there was no God in their religion, Lekhraj Kirpalani WAS THEIR GOD.

We can also add minor missing details to your report, like Om Radhe's real name.

Please explore this forum and you will find much more to add to it.

I agree with you wholeheartedly over your comment about not following "ancient traditions". This is an insolent con trick which the BKs have used in the West as well, claiming to be teaching the "Ancient Raja Yoga" when actually their meditation practise goes back no further than 1950. Real ancient Raja Yoga is an entirely different practise.

As to your theory that Lekhraj Kirpalani was inspired by Western/Christian philosophers and propelled by fantasies of self-deification ... yes, I think that is part of it but it goes further. I have not finished reading your report yet but will comment as I go. We were just discussing where he got the idea of 5,000 years and I felt it was from legendary stories of Krishna's last incarnation which was said to be 5,000 years ago. Lekhraj Kirpalani believed he was Krishna and so took that timeframe from Hinduism.

... And to think that just a few hours ago, someone was saying this forum was a oneman show. I think we are clearernow that it's not and that people worldwide are sick of the BKs and the way they act.


PostPosted: 21 Jan 2013
by howiemac
from the document posted above by SeekerOfRealTruth:

Lekhraj being uneducated man, based on information he could gather from all around, created a cult to live his fantasy of self deification

This sums up his game nicely :).

This document ably exposes some of the simple nonsense that BapDada preaches, a prime and simple example being that Golden Aged couples have one son and daughter each, and yet the population increases from 900,000 to 9 million! Simple primary school arithmetic shows, as the table does, that if each couple have two children, the population will remain stable.

This is a good example of the childish nonsense that is endemic in the Murlis, that can be exposed by applying minimal intelligence and technique, without needing ponder over the length of The Cycle, or use complex and debatable scientific arguments.

At even the most basic simplistic level, BapDada's teachings contain - and keep repeating - obvious nonsense. This does not mean that everything is wrong - I maintain that there is deep esoteric spiritual wisdom hidden in there amongst the gobbledegook, and this fascinates me, but that is not a topic for this forum - however, to accept these teachings as "accurate", or the "words of God", or even "divine", requires extreme innocence/ignorance or else brainwashing.

They are the esoteric ramblings of Lekhraj, designed to create a hierarchical religious cult, in his own image: that of a prosperous businessman.


PostPosted: 21 Jan 2013
by bkti-pit
howiemac wrote:This document ably exposes some of the simple nonsense that BapDada preaches, a prime and simple example being that Golden Aged couples have one son and daughter each, and yet the population increases from 900,000 to 9 million! Simple primary school arithmetic shows, as the table does, that if each couple have two children, the population will remain stable.

I brought this up many times within gatherings of BKs and it always seemed to fall on deaf ears.

(Actually it was said to grow from 900,000 to 20 millions).

Thanks for your input SeekerOfRealTruth!


PostPosted: 21 Jan 2013
by ex-l
Was it 20 million by the end of the Golden Age, then 330 million by the end of the Silver Age? Dare I ask, is there a Murli quote for the first (20 m)?

330 million is a number from Hinduism. In one of the Vedas, 33 gods are listed and the word 'koti' comes up which could mean classes of gods, or 10 million, usually stated as "33 crore". There is some debate whether this is a symbolic number meaning 'an infinite amount' or an actual specific number, as understood in the BKWSU.

One thing for sure ... Lekhraj Kirpalani stole it from Hinduism to use and it another element of BK Bhakti
bkti-pit wrote:I brought this up many times within gatherings of BKs and it always seemed to fall on deaf ears.

I call it more of a mental paralysis and we should examine that moment in depth.

I'd say it was based on the fear of the response from Seniors (and peers) to anyone thinking too deeply, or outside of the small box BKism puts you in.

Their ears work perfectly. They hear. Most can understand the anomaly, however, they weigh up the difference between 'being accepted' and 'being ridiculed, put down, or excluded' if they challenge the Seniors on it and chose group acceptance, thereby surrendering a little bit more of their minds and integrity.

Seniors learn 10,000 little yuktis to brush such things aside generally, in my experience, in a subtley condescending manner ... condescension with a kindly smile ... cutting down or sidestepping the 'impertinent inferior', e.g. "Brother's Maya" is a typical one, "have more Yoga and ask Baba" is another, "apply the fullstop" etc. You will not get an answer out of them. You're made to feel silly and immature.

We were discussing Dadi Janki else where, obvious she is beyond her best now and just playing her time out, but I remember she used to just take and twist your question and attack you back if necessary.

BK minds are afraid because if they start to question, the entire artificial edifice will quickly start to collapse and subconsciously they know it hence they prefer to stick to ... "Baba, Baba, Baba".

However, as you have discovered, there still is "spirituality" after the collapse of that control and exploit mechanism.
"Don't think ... don't question ... slap your self if you start to questions", Dadi Janki. "Say Baba 10,000 times a day". (abridged)


PostPosted: 21 Jan 2013
by bkti-pit
ex-l wrote:Was it 20 million by the end of the Golden Age, then 330 million by the end of the Silver Age? Dare I ask, is there a Murli quote for the first (20 m)?

I remember hearing something in the Murlis about there being a total of 330 million deities but also heard a variety of interpretations about what it really meant. Concerning the 20 million it is not so clear in my memory. I think I heard it stated once or twice in the Murlis that there were 20 million deities at the beginning of the Silver Age but I could be wrong. But yes, the common understanding was that it went from 900,000 at the beginning of Golden Age to 20 million at the end of Golden Age and to 330 million at the end of Silver Age.

Is there a tool in the software to make a search through the content of the Murlis we have within the library and the encyclopedia?

I thought that at least some would be willing to consider that such numbers were just symbolic, taken from Hinduism, and that the same could apply to other numbers like the 8, 108 and so on. It is possible that some eventually began to think about it but usually silence was the most positive response I got, some being annoyed by my simple demonstration, others being upset...


PostPosted: 22 Jan 2013
by ex-l
bkti-pit wrote:Is there a tool in the software to make a search through the content of the Murlis we have within the library and the encyclopedia?

The encyclopedia has its own search engine which works well for the Murlis as long as they are text and typed out. Just type in Murli and the term. I've just discovered the Library search engine is broken but I think it will only search titles.
I thought that at least some would be willing to consider that such numbers were just symbolic, taken from Hinduism, and that the same could apply to other numbers like the 8, 108 and so on. It is possible that some eventually began to think about it but usually silence was the most positive response I got, some being annoyed by my simple demonstration, others being upset...

Interesting that something so reasonable would cause such an upset.

Of course, the background to this is that, for the most part as 'SeekerOfRealTruth' states, is that Brahma Kumaris know basically nothing about religion, mythology and philosophy etc but rather block them out. One of the criticisms of them in India is that they always avoid the open and public debates about philosophy which are traditional and beloved of Hindus and philosophers. They come from a merchant caste, they're rooted in business, not philosophy.

Personally, I find Hinduism to be too much ... but then it is not one religion but many, a continent of different schools and religions, folks stories and legends, love stories and pornography, all using parts and interpretations of the same stories and terminology. It's wrong to paint it as one ... and an invention of primarily the British to do so.

In the 'Brhadaranyaka Upanishad', one of the one of the oldest texts of the Upanishads, the legendary sage Yajnavalkya lists the 33 categories of gods as,
    the eight Vasus,
    the eleven Rudras,
    the twelve Adityas,
    Indra, and
Please bear in mind that Lekhraj Kirpalani was originally called Prajapati God Brahma, *not* Prajapita Brahma (which has a different meaning) ... I guess we have a source for the BKs 'number 8' there. Yajnavalkya also taught 'King Janaka', a name the BKs borrowed for Janki Kirpalani.

The 8 Vasus categories were elemental gods who represented aspects of nature.
    Agni - fire
    Prithvi - earth
    Vāyu - wind
    Antariksha - space
    Āditya - light
    Dyaus - sky
    Chandramas - moon
    Nakstrani - stars
To the 33 was added the maximum number of zeros that the ancient people thought were the number of living beings, so when someone mentions "330 million gods" in Hinduism, it means all living and non-living beings ... a bit like "10,000 things" in Taoism or "all my relations" to native Americans.

But, of course, if you go to the next village in India, someone with have a different idea ...

BK Terry, one of the original Western BKs and one of the few with some background interest in mysticism, was always interested in the numerological aspect of BKism and they sidelined, ignored and condescended to him too ... and that was back in the 1970s, so it has been going on a long time and is a standard response.

Some considered there to be eight chakra and the eighth is known as 'the Soul Star', located six inches to two feet above the top of the head, and the energy centre of spiritual selflessness. Another aspect of mysticism the BKs are silent about.


PostPosted: 25 Jan 2013
by SeekerOfRealTruth
Yes ... Because I am from influential family, recently a group of Brahmakumaris came to my home and they tried their best to convince me and persisted me to follow their cult so that I can come in their Golden Age (ridiculous) ...

I want to correct Question No 5 ... It's actually that they will have 9 lakh population at beginning of SatyaYuga and 33 crore at the end of Satyayuga ... (THEIR Murli DATED 06.04.2011) ... and simple arithmetic calculation clearly shows this is errorneous.

I will repost that article ... correcting the error ...

One of the BK said, "do not tell this to other people because they might be misleaded". What a pathetic idea ... it's them who are misleading, not us ... More people will know these simple truths ... more people will become aware.

Brahmakumaris are simply fakers ... let's make people aware via internet.


PostPosted: 25 Jan 2013
by ex-l
SeekerOfRealTruth, thank you for continuing to contribute and showing our readers how things in India are. The BKs in the West have wrapped their cult in glossy, professional packaging appealing to corporations, the middle class and New Agers etc. Many find it difficult to believe what they are really like. They want to make the BKs in the West into something they are not in the East.

Please document what you have seen in detail so Westerners can know it ... e.g. in other cases, we have heard of the BKs kidnapping and beating members of a rival, revisionist group called the PBKs, tearing their posters down, bullying then and conspiring against them with all the tools of media, police and other gangs (Gulabi Gang).

Elsewhere, I was just descibring the similarities between the BKs and child abusers, how they both work in secret and tell their victims, just like they did to you, "not to tell others because they will not understand our little secret". In the West we have cult groups like the Jehovah's Witnesses going door to door to try and capture new devotees. Western BKs don't realise that BKs in India do too. I have BKs coming here trying the same trick of telling me I do not understand and fighting to keep the facade up ... "Transformation not Destruction".

We even heard of them turning up at family's funerals uninvited and turning their funeral into a lesson for their teachings. You know the tradition of having an 'open door' invitation after a death.

However, I have to caution you over point of The Knowledge and there is a lot to add to your critique, especially about their false history (Lekhraj Kirpalani was 60 in 1936, there was no God Shiva in their religion until after 1950, much of their story is either false of exaggerated).

I can assure you the 330 million figure is for the End of the Silver Age. It is the total number of "heavenly" beings. The BKs claim that in order to become one of these, all you have to do is hear *some* of their knowledge, do some service for them or given them money. The more you do or give, the higher a status and more births you get.

Many of their original teaching posters and information are in our Library section and you can see the figures there. If they come back, you can show them the oldest posters without any mention of their Shiva when they still thought their guru and medium Lekhraj Kirpalani was god.

You are right, the leaders are fakers and outright liars, the followers are just naive and misled ... up until the point they start to discover the truth at which poing they must start to take responsibility for deceiving others.