Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

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Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post31 Aug 2012

As per fundamentals and logic of this Gyan, can someone please tell me is it at all possible for Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar's body? In my opinion, it is not at all possible. Then what happened on 25/8/2012 in Madhuban ???????
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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post31 Aug 2012

The same that always happens, self delusion on a grand scale.


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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post31 Aug 2012

I thought she was already reincarnated on Feb. 7, 2008. Some center in charge said so.
Madhuban 25/08/12

Special Bhog offering on the 5th Anniversary of Dadiji and divine message via Dadi Gulzar.

(Invoked by all of the Brothers and Sisters, Dadiji came to meet everyone in the corporeal form, met everyone through drishti and spoke the following elevated versions.)

I am receiving everyone's love, even if you are sitting at the very end, the love of all of you is reaching me. Now, BapDada wants you to become a support for those who are in sorrow. For this, pay greater attention to have volcanic Yoga. Even when carrying out any worldly activities, always pay attention to having volcanic Yoga because you are the only ones who are going to bring about transformation. You are the ones who will bring about transformation through volcanic Yoga, you will bring about the world of happiness and therefore, all those who are in the Advance Party are giving you love and remembering you and asking you to now hurry up. For how much longer are we going to wait! Now, bring the time of completion close. From today, let there be just this one concern: We are definitely going to bring our kingdom. Did you hear what you have to do?

(8000 youths have arrived.) It is good, but the youths should be those who are free from obstacles. All of us are also happy seeing the youths and BapDada is also happy. However, the youths should remain youthful. There shouldn't be the slightest difference even in your thoughts. Now, remain such imperishable intense effort-makers. Not that you are sometimes intense and sometimes a little less. Now is the time for making intense effort. BapDada is pleased. BapDada is pleased with the service of all of you. All of you are happy, the Father is happy and all of us are happy. We will all return home together.

(Those from abroad are also remembering you.) Even the Father likes one speciality of those from abroad and we all continue to see that whatever they think, they definitely do that practically. Now, abroad, there is the wave of intense effort and of doing service intensely. There is good enthusiasm for service in Bharat too. However, now there has to be a little more attention to having volcanic Yoga. When you go into service and come into words, it takes a little effort. Now, everyone should have the one thought that all of us together have to bring our kingdom. We have to bring it, we have to bring it, we have to bring it!

(A folder for the closing of the Platinum Jubilee was presented to Dadiji). Everyone has shown very good interest for this programme. Achcha. (Om Vyasji sang a song, 'Na yeh chand hoga', neither will this moon remain nor will the stars remain, but I will always remain Yours.)

Message from the Subtle Region via Dadi Gulzar.

Today, everyone was specially invoking Dadiji in their mind. Ifirst went to Baba. All the Dadis who were instruments from the time of the boarding school, all the old, senior Dadis were sitting with Baba and a heart-to-heart conversation was taking place. Baba was also talking to them about what they had to do now. Everyone is doing service anyway, but together with service, you now have to keep the aim that you have to bring your kingdom. You have to change
the sorrow of this world and bring happiness because Baba has said: All of you are sitting here in pleasure, but the people of the world have so much sorrow within themselves. At the moment, you are not realising that you have to liberate them from their sorrow. Now, you have to feel from within that your Brothers and Sisters are in sorrow and that you have to take them to the world of happiness or into liberation.

So, now all of you should pay attention. Baba was saying this to all of them and they were also saying: Baba, although we are in the corporeal form, our connections have changed and so what should we do? Baba said: You also have to have this deep concern that you have to take all of them to the land of liberation and take Baba's children to your kingdom. Again and again, Baba was telling them: You now have to make this thought intense. Baba is happy with the service that you are doing and you have good enthusiasm for service, but even in service, have the aim to liberate them from sorrow. The sound of those in sorrow should reach you. So, now, this merciful form is essential.

All the other Seniors were with Baba. There were fewer Brothers and more Sisters. The Brothers were also smiling and saying yes to Baba: Baba, we will definitely do what you have asked. They said: We are in the Advance Party and so we will go in advance in this too. Everyone had a lot of enthusiasm. Then Baba fed Bhog to everyone with love. Then Baba said: everyone has remembered Dadiji with so much love and so I am telling Dadiji with just as much love: Go and meet them. Then Dadiji came here. All oj you know what Dadiji did when she came here. Then, when Dadiji came back to the Subtle Region, she said to Baba: Everyone was very happy and thank you for sending me there. Everyone's desire was fulfilled. Then, Baba sent me back to the corporeal world.

What will all of you do now? Volcanic Yoga. We have to give special attention to that and quickly change the world. This is the work we have to do nowadays. Achcha. Om Shanti.


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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post01 Sep 2012

Madhuban 25/08/12 Special Bhog offering on the 5 Anniversary of Dadiji and divine message via Dadi Gulzar.

(Invoked by all of the Brothers and Sisters, Dadiji came to meet everyone in the corporeal form, met everyone through drishti and spoke the following elevated versions.)

I am receiving everyone's love, even if you are sitting at the very end, the love of all of you is reaching me. Now, BapDada wants you to become a support for those who are in sorrow. For this, pay greater attention to have volcanic Yoga. Even when carrying out any worldly activities, always pay attention to having volcanic Yoga because you are the only ones who are going to bring about transformation. You are the ones who will bring about transformation through volcanic Yoga, you will bring about the world of happiness and therefore, all those who are in the Advance Party are giving you love and remembering you and asking you to now hurry up. For how much longer are we going to wait! Now, bring the time of completion close. From today, let there be just this one concern: We are definitely going to bring our kingdom. Did you hear what you have to do?

(8000 youths have arrived). It is good, but the youths should be those who are free from obstacles. All of us are also happy seeing the youths and BapDada is also happy. However, the youths should remain youthful. There shouldn't be the slightest difference even in your thoughts. Now, remain such imperishable intense effort-makers. Not that you are sometimes intense and sometimes a little less. Now is the time for making intense effort. BapDada is pleased. BapDada is pleased with the service of all of you. All of you are happy, the Father is happy and all of us are happy. We will all return home together.

(Those from abroad are also remembering you.) Even the Father likes one speciality of those from abroad and we all continue to see that whatever they think, they definitely do that practically. Now, abroad, there is the wave of intense effort and of doing service intensely. There is good enthusiasm for service in Bharat too. However, now there has to be a little more attention to having volcanic Yoga. When you go into service and come into words, it takes a little effort. Now, everyone should have the one thought that all of us together have to bring our kingdom. We have to bring it, we have to bring it, we have to bring it!

(A folder for the closing of the Platinum Jubilee was presented to Dadiji). Everyone has shown very good interest for this programme. Achcha. (Om Vyasji sang a song, 'Na yeh chand hoga', neither will this moon remain nor will the stars remain, but I will always remain Yours.)

Message from the Subtle Region via Dadi Gulzar.

Today, everyone was specially invoking Dadiji in their mind. Ifirst went to Baba. All the Dadis who were instruments from the time of the boarding school, all the old, senior Dadis were sitting with Baba and a heart-to-heart conversation was taking place. Baba was also talking to them about what they had to do now. Everyone is doing service anyway, but together with service, you now have to keep the aim that you have to bring your kingdom. You have to change
the sorrow of this world and bring happiness because Baba has said: All of you are sitting here in pleasure, but the people of the world have so much sorrow within themselves. At the moment, you are not realising that you have to liberate them from their sorrow. Now, you have to feel from within that your Brothers and Sisters are in sorrow and that you have to take them to the world of happiness or into liberation.

So, now all of you should pay attention. Baba was saying this to all of them and they were also saying: Baba, although we are in the corporeal form, our connections have changed and so what should we do? Baba said: You also have to have this deep concern that you have to take all of them to the land of liberation and take Baba's children to your kingdom. Again and again, Baba was telling them: You now have to make this thought intense. Baba is happy with the service that you are doing and you have good enthusiasm for service, but even in service, have the aim to liberate them from sorrow. The sound of those in sorrow should reach you. So, now, this merciful form is essential. All the other Seniors were with Baba. There were fewer Brothers and more Sisters. The Brothers were also smiling and saying yes to Baba: Baba, we will definitely do what you have asked. They said: We are in the Advance Party and so we will go in advance in this too. Everyone had a lot of enthusiasm. Then Baba fed Bhog to everyone with love. Then Baba said: everyone has remembered Dadiji with so much love and so I am telling Dadiji with just as much love: Go and meet them. Then Dadiji came here. All oj you know what Dadiji did when she came here. Then, when Dadiji came back to the Subtle Region, she said to Baba: Everyone was very happy and thank you for sending me there. Everyone's desire was fulfilled. Then, Baba sent me back to the corporeal world.

What will all of you do now? Volcanic Yoga. We have to give special attention to that and quickly change the world. This is the work we have to do nowadays. Achcha. Om Shanti.
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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post01 Sep 2012

saveyourlife wrote:In my opinion, it is not at all possible.
Mr Green wrote:The same that always happens, self delusion on a grand scale.

How could one tell? Is it the spirit of the Dadi? Is it another spirit pretending to be the Dadi? Is it Gulzar pretending? What are the 'mechanisms' by which it happens, e.g. how do they know what time and date it is, can Gulzar 'suck' in any souls she wishes or is some other spirit entity 'pushing' in souls? How can some soul be reincarnated AND coming back?

If souls float around between births, where do they float around, there is nothing in The Knowledge about spiritual worlds, and who and what controls their time of re-incarnate. Who can tell ... they might tell you, "Baba, Baba, Baba/accurate in Drama" for that is all they think but the feeding of spirits is not in The Knowledge/Murlis.

Does she/it say anything of particular interest or value? It reads identical to any general Avyakt Murli/Bhog offering. I think any experienced center-in-charge could make up an identical one. What benefit is it, or is it not another big Maya ... more pomp and ceremony re-affirming the importance of the seat of the Dadis and very frustrating if you care about knowledge and accuracy.

In my experience, they had no answers to such lines of questions ... but it is good for the running of their cult and brings in donations. It's "Showtime at Abu" ... why get involved in dirty things like uplifting the poor and protecting starving children when you can put on a new bra and panties (fact ... Gulzar does so when BapDada comes in her), sit on a silk throne and be worshipping by 1,000s of BKs?

Mr Green has more experience of these things that I do but I understand that, although it is their habit to put on a psychic show by "invoking a dead Dadi" or sometimes a relative of a BK if the BKs are rich enough, it is generally against Shrimat and what was written in the Murlis. I think it was something about "worshipping ghosts" or something.

If we accept the spiritualist's (psychic) world view I would suggest that any spirit that requires or enjoys feeding etc is not at a particularly high level. According to spiritualist's theory, which I am neither dismissing nor endorsing, it is all possible ... I would just like to know more about what goes on.

I do, however, believe the BKs are deluding themselves about what is going on and what is going on is not what they are being told or telling others. If then it is not "Supreme God, God of all Religions" and yet it is passing itself off as the God of all Religions. Then it is something very wrong in my opinion.

And the evidence via the conduct of its adherents does not suggest it is.
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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post06 Sep 2012

Dadiji coming in Gulzar's body, like BapDada, certainly takes a bit of swallowing, but the way for this was prepared earlier (so there is at least some consistency), as per Avyakt BapDada, 6th September 2007 (12 days after she left the body) (see ) :
"Dadi will come to meet you. A date has not been fixed yet, but she will definitely come."

That Murli also said:
Dadi is having to play a special part in the corporeal world for name's sake in order to carry out a special, unique and lovely essential task. However, Dadi's birth and her task are extremely unique. Baba will come and tell the detail of that later. BapDada too has to play the part that is fixed in the drama, and enable others to play their part. Baba will tell later what the uniqueness (alokikta) of this is.

And made good on this promise in a trance message 29th November 2007: see, confirming that the soul of Dadiji was then "in the womb" preparing for rebirth in the Advance Party on Earth.

However, these messages provoke more questions than they provide answers. As ex-l says,
In my experience, they had no answers to such lines of questions .

Add to this, in the most recent Avyakt Murli of 3rd April 2012 (, there was a very confusing passage, where Dadi Gulzar apparently started channeling herself from the Subtle Regions ... There was clear confusion from the translators (as per the live video, available on youtube) as to what on earth was going on ... So, this "BapDadi" performance now, simply moves us further into a strange and confusing dreamlike world where subtle characters merge and morph into each other, giving us a chorus of voices from the Subtle Regions via Dadi Gulzar ...

Personally I am stumped at coming up with any explanation as to how the soul of Dadiji can perform in the Subtle Region as her old (BK) self whilst apparently simultaneously reborn in a new body and life on Earth - yes, she could still be emerged in the Subtle Region (it does seem that absolutely anything can happen there!), but in her old form?

The plot thickens to the point where it comes down to simple faith: just believe what you are told, however far-fetched. Logic will not support this stuff - not even fuzzy logic - and the BKs seem to have no desire to even ask the questions, let alone find answers.

It feels to me that the whole ball of wax is melting ...

Who needs knowledge or understanding, when you can simply accept whatever you are told, unquestioningly, and

It would be great if some Hindi-speaking yogi type out there can prove me wrong, and actually explain what is going on ... perhaps a PBK ... but I am not holding my breath. BapDada clearly cannot or will not provide answers that make any sense.

Certainly, to claim that the BKs (or BapDada come to that) have "the only true knowledge" seems a nonsense. They have dharna and they do service, and some are yogis, but their "knowledge" seems to consist of "follow the Father", and "let's make it up as we go along". Indians may be happy with this, but for westerners, it is too much to swallow.

Better just to observe in amazement (or ignore it all, if that is your preference), and let go of trying to comprehend the incomprehensible ... (I wish I could ...).
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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post06 Sep 2012

Hello stranger.

I read a BK speculating that it was not actually Dadi Prakashmani's soul possessing Dadi Gulzar's body but BapDada possessing Dadi Gulzar relating through her what the ghost of Dadi Prakashmani wanted to say.

I report the above example not to suggest it is true or false, but just to show how BK adherents sustain their faith by making all sorts of speculations and how the leadership encourages it through ambiguity ... not confirming, not denying. Unfortunately, however ambiguous and vague, even normal spiritualism has an ability to keep its audience enthralled for ages. Note also how other previous claims state Prakashmani has taken re-birth.
    What is the mechanism by which Dadi Gulzar can pre-arrange a possession by the ghost of Dadi Prakashmani? (Are their clocks, calendars and earthly time where Dadi Prakashmani is?)
    What is the nature of the "divine radar" by which Dadi Gulzar can tell which divine spark (soul) is who?
    Were there changes in the characteristics and message when Dadi Prakashmani entered, in comparison to when Lekhraj Kirpalani possesses her?
    How can we honest say these "possessing entities" are actually who they say they are at all and not just other spirit entities claiming to be whoever they want?
A little rational study of the nature of spiritualism as a whole is required ... contradictions, ambiguities, inaccuracies, unaccountability and excuses rule. There is nothing new except the claim it is God speaking. Now we know they re-wroted their early period, I wonder how long it will take them to admit it was not God after all and that Lekhraj Kirpalani was just inspired by some higher being etc?

On a down to earth level, one of the great frustrations is that neither set of medium and ghost seems to know or remember anything about the history of the early days or is able to comment upon it to clarify it. Of course, in the case of the BKs, no one is allowed to ask or bother BapDada about such 'frivolous' details ... and in the case of the PBKs/Virendra Dev Dixit he seems to have been surprised as much as us and as clueless as any BK. However, at least encourages people to research and study. (If you are interested, there is a new, interesting original document from the 1930s).

What I take from this is, say anything you want, ambiguity sells far better than striving for accuracy if you want to run a religion as a business ... the question that arise from that are,

    a) Are one's ethics low enough to use such a strategy? and
    b) Does one want all the hassle that goes along with the benefits running a religion brings?
I think if you *don't* want to run a religion and *don't* have any ambitions to be a top dog and be fed and housed by donations, you are missing the point of dedicating yourself to the BKs. It's use or be used.
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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post06 Sep 2012

ex-l wrote:I read a BK speculating that it was not actually Dadi Prakashmani's soul possessing Dadi Gulzar's body but BapDada possessing Dadi Gulzar relating through her what the ghost of Dadi Prakashmani wanted to say.

This is a feasible explanation. But, yes: they seem to revel in ambiguity. This Baba, that Baba... And now they are upping the ante.

Personally, such vagueness just makes me think that either the BKs haven't a clue what's going on, or else they have something to hide. I go for the first explanation... others will differ!
What is the mechanism by which Dadi Gulzar can pre-arrange a possession by the ghost of Dadi Prakashmani? (Are their clocks, calendars and earthly time where Dadi Prakashmani is?)

As I understand it, even the white light Subtle Region is beyond time and space. Given that, anything is possible, timewise. Just contemplating this subject is enough to drive one to vagueness....
What is the nature of the "divine radar" by which Dadi Gulzar can tell which divine spark (soul) is who

Can she?
Were there changes in the characteristics and message when Dadi Prakashmani entered, in comparison to when Lekhraj Kirpalani possesses her?

Without knowing Hindi, it is very difficult to draw conclusions as to personality etc in the speech - we are starting from the work of a translator, who may be the same person whether it is a Bhog message, BapDada Murli, or Dadiji Murli! For what it's worth, I sense a subtle difference between the tone and vibe of the Prakashmani message, and BapDada, although the content seems pretty much indistinguishable, but that could just be me ...
How can we honest say these "possessing entities" are actually who they say they are at all and not just other spirit entities claiming to be whoever they want?

We cannot. Faith is required. This is about belief, not understanding. And, as with all things BKWSU, it comes from the top: BapDada doesn't explain things which it would appear he understands. The usual excuse is along the lines of "don't tell adult things to children, as they will not understand anyway, and will just get confused". Nice get-out. For me, BapDada is real - subtle Brahma, with divine inspiration, talking via Gulzar's body - but, I cannot prove that, even to myself. It is faith and belief, based on experience (and in most cases, brainwashing...). And, for me, the latest shenanigans are testing that faith and belief - I am sure I am not the only one - The Tree is being shaken. At least it injects a little newness into a stale scene ...
If you are interested, there is a new, interesting original document from the 1930s

I am interested. Where is it?
Are one's ethics low enough to use such a strategy?

Let's leave it to the experts in the BKWSU!
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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post30 Oct 2012

Question to Clearernow ...
clearernow wrote:This is despite the confusing appearance of Dadi Gulzar during the Murli of Apr-12 where even the very senior BK translator got confused !!

What happened? I don't know about this.

You are saying that Gulzar popped back into her body during one of BapDada's possessions of her body? How does that work ... did Gulzar just "wake up" or did she fight BapDada for control and butt in without permission? What did she say?

The BK theory is that the soul of Gulzar goes into a trance and leaves her body to go to another spiritual world where she is unconscious in order for the deceased Lekhraj Kirpalani and "God" to possess and use it. However, this suggests that she has some kind of thought and will in that other world and can "come back" if and when she wants.


Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post30 Oct 2012

Ex-I - this was mentioned it in a old post above by howiemac -
howiemac wrote:"there was a very confusing passage, where Dadi Gulzar apparently started channeling herself from the Subtle Regions ... There was clear confusion from the translators (as per the live video, available on youtube) as to what on earth was going on ..."

It's on Youtube and I have also seen that part wherein some sentences seem to refer to "I" the "Sister Gulzar"- BKs have published this as is.
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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post30 Oct 2012

Do you have the link Howie?

I don't speak Hindi so I cannot tell what was going on. Surely Gulzar cannot "channel" herself from the Subtle Regions !?!

Would that cause some kind of psychic feedback loop? Or are they suggesting BapDada was in the body and they were channeling Gulzar from the Subtle Regions!?!

There are some people here who think Gulzar is just making it all up and so it would not be a surprise if she forgot, or came out of her trance and spoke as herself. If the BKs published it, it is no big deal. On one hand, they can be pretty amateur; on the other, they are so impressed by the BapDada and the Dadis that they would not think to cover it. They were never even that sure if it was Shiva or Lekhraj Kirpalani speaking and just used to say it did not matter ...

Did anyone question what was going on with Gulzar and get a reasonable answer?


Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post30 Oct 2012

Here is the link with English translation. It's at 53.38 mins.

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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post30 Oct 2012

Are those real jewels in her badge? I cannot believe it, it's even bigger and more expensive than before.

She's saying exactly the same stuff as 30 years ago, e.g. "become Bapsaman". "Obey the Dadis" seems to be the big emphasis in this lecture. No surprises there. There must have been arguments or some Madhubhan niwasi must have been misbehaving.

I did not see anything happen. OK, this is not Prakashmani in Gulzar's body, it's BapDada. It's clearly BapDada telling the audience what the "Dadis" (plural) think, rather than "Gulzar starting to channel herself". (Who is the Didi and Dadis they are "merging"? I did not go back far enough to find out).

There's a funny Freudian slip when the translator says, "BapDadi" at about 50:51, but it is just a lack of clarity from the translator referring to Gulzar directly in the narrative mode rather than translating BapDada as relating what Gulzar was meant to have been saying in the third person. Around 54:35 the translator became confused at which Dadi said what. BapDada said, "Dadiji then Gluzar bhen ... Gulzar told Dadi ... was Dadi correct?" etc. She simply did not know which Dadi was saying what. There was no point at which Gulzar was "channelled", the spirit appears to be relating a discussion between a number of other spirits. It'll get tidied up eventually.

Low hanging mango fruit in the Subtle Regions!?! :-? I suppose a psychologist or sociologist might find some importance in why these utterance might be more important if channelled through an alleged god spirit rather than spoken directly by the individual but I think it could be a lot more interesting if they were to allow someone with half a brain to challenge them ...

It might be sweet and appeal to less developed minds of all ages but, admit it, it really is not very deep ... is it? And its awfully repetitive. Hindi audiences like that. It's the same in Bollywood.


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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post31 Oct 2012

Gulzar has self-hypnotised herself and started repeating the same old stuff, she has been faking and saying for many years now!

I would not believe or accept from God to tell his "children" to be ... carefree, as Gulzar kept repeating in the video!

"Care free", "Emotion free", "Relation free", "Thinking free" ... Brahma Kumaris recipe for disaster and "Destruction", even before it arrives!
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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post31 Oct 2012

ex.Brahma wrote:Gulzar has self-hypnotised herself and started repeating the same old stuff, she has been faking and saying for many years now!

I know others here agree with you. For all we know, she could just be making herself dizzy (self-hypnosizing into a light trance) and them sitting doing a BapDada impersonation ... but many people do report the meeting or dristhi (look or vision) to be a very powerful experience.

How would you explain that and how would you explain for others it is nothing, boring even? A genuine question. For others, Lekhraj Kirpalani is some kind of spiritual master and they feel that his presence can and actually do such things. Could there be truth in that? If so, at what spiritual level is he?

Of course, for the BKs, everything has to be the biggest and the best and number one ... but that is what they are like; always boasting and always exaggerating like the marketeers they are.

As for the Murlis, I have to agree with you and am trying to discuss this with BKs at this time. They really are not that deep or special and would not stand up to critical analysis from publishers, literature or religious experts. Nor difficult to do.

In fact, I think even I could probably sit down and speak a Sakar Murli without making any effort, at least as good a copy as so called "Mama's Murlis". Any BK with half a brain should be able to do so after 6 months or so indoctrination.

We were told years ago that the BKWSU is trying to train up new younger Sisters to take over when Gulzar dies. This is probably what they are doing ... training to make sure they obey everything they tell them to do, don't think, don't ask, don't question, and are able to repeat verbatim what the Murlis say with just a little bit of variation here and there to make them interesting on the day.

Ditto, anyone who spent anytime in the BKWSU 20 or 30 years ago would remember how the BK Sisters would fool themselves to believe they were bring messages from the Subtle Regions every thursday morning (Bhog offering). It was just more of the same and mostly made up too ... until the leaders had to stop them because too much mixed up rubbish was being mixed in.

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