BK Police pay offs: Parampura murder & Mount Abu rape case?

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BK Police pay offs: Parampura murder & Mount Abu rape case?

Post28 Aug 2012

We have receive regular allegations that the BKWSU engages in what is essentially bribing the police and media control in India. Here are a couple of such reports.

Generally, it seems that this is done in the first place with "sweetness", e.g. sending an attractive or homely Sister around to sweet talk them and give them some "holy sweeties" which they believe will affect the minds of the police officers. it is said invitations to "retreats" (free holidays) are often proffered out, just as they have been to dissident BKs or ex-BKs. These cases specifically mention money and pay offs regarding very serious matters including the deaths of individuals involved with the BKWSU.

Most Westerner and Western BKs would be shocked and find this unacceptable. Why don't they speak out about it? Or do they accept that this is normal business In India and accept low level corruption? I find it difficult to equate with "Godly".

Presumably any such bribes are being done out of followers' donations given to the BKs.

This first case is separate from the suspicious murder/suicide in Trans Yamuna Colony in Agra. It mentions BK Karuna Shetty who keeps coming up, time and time again, at the dirtier end of the BKWSU's activities.

Can anyone confirm if there are any truths to these allegations or provide more background information?

BK Karuna Shetty.jpg
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pari wrote:A friend of mine who is a lawyer (called Diwanji) and who had acted for some of the legal matters of the Brahma Kumaris told me of a case which he had handled for the Brahma Kumaris. Karuna Bhai, one of the Seniors of the Brahma Kumaris at Shantivan (in India), knows him and Diwanji told me that it was Karuna Bhai who had requested him to act on behalf of the Brahma Kumaris, for the case where 2 BKs burnt another to death.

It involved 3 centerwasis who were staying together in a BK center in North India ( near Haridwar in Utthra Pradesh). Centerwasis are those who live in the center and take care of the center and they observe celibacy (no sex). Two women and one man stayed in this center. The man and one of the woman began to sleep together and have sex. When the 3rd centerwasi got to know of this, the 2 centerwasis who were having an affair killed her by burning her.

So the Brahma Kumaris asked my friend to help them to close the matter and to keep it unknown to the public, by paying off all relevant people including the police. Since the police were paid off, the police did not proceed with the matter and they closed the case. Having been in the Brahma Kumaris, I know that there is a lot of room for things like this to happen in the Brahma Kumaris and so I was not surprised when I heard it. But I have not checked it out to see if there is any truth in it.
pari wrote:After I had made the post, Diwanji phoned me and the connection was still bad but we could talk and hear something though there was a lot of disturbances. Usually when we talk on the phone, the line is very clear. I don't know why it was not clear during these 2 attempts.

Anyway, when Diwanji called me back, after I had made the post, I asked him as to where that BK girl was burnt. I thought there was only one incidence of a girl being burnt and I was expecting just the name of one place. But Diwanji was referring to so many places and was saying so many things and I could not understand what he was saying because the line was not clear but I think he had mentioned Orissa, Agra etc. I thought he was talking about his journeys in India since he was mentioning so many places. So I stopped him and said, “But where was that girl burnt?”. He started again with Orissa and I knew that it was not Orissa and I began to wonder what he was talking about. He had also mentioned Agra and other places.

Then, suddenly the line became clear and I could hear him talk about something that had happened in Parampura. So I asked him, “Was the BK girl burnt in Parampura?” and he said “Yah” and then he continued to talk about how Gopal Bhai in Santivan got involved with a rape case and of how about 1000 or 5000 local people had gathered at the gate of the Brahma Kumaris in Shantivan. No one could go in and it made things very difficult for the Brahma Kumaris and so the Brahma Kumaris paid them off and the local people left.

At that time, my mind had just accepted “Parampura” and I did not want to forget it until I write it down. Further, the line was getting bad again and so we did not continue talking for long. You know, recollecting all that, I began to wonder why all this information had not emerged to “ring a bell” in my mind when I was reading about the incidence in Orissa and when Agra was mentioned here. Only Parampura was there in my mind.

You know when I was younger, everyone used to tell me that my mind and intellect was very sharp and that I could analyse very well. I began wondering if I was getting old and if that was why the remainder of the conversation with Diwanji had not emerged to my mind when I was reading and making my post here. Then, I began to wonder if the BK effort-making training was the reason why it had happened. For so many years now, I have trained my mind, intellect and sanskaras, not to emerge anything except that which is requested.

I began to think that I was very fortunate that I continued the posts here and not in the ex-BK Forum. I know that you guys are all effort-makers and that, like me, you would prefer the silent mind and control over the mind, intellect and sanskaras instead of “greater analytical abilities and clarity”. Some of the ex-BKs might not have preferred this.

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