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Recent Murli?

PostPosted: 02 Jul 2012
by ex-l
I was sent a very recent of a Murli and was amazed to see how slimmed down, polished and reduced it was.

For those that are new to the BKs, these Murlis used to be 4 or 5 pages long, rambling, repetitive stream of consciousness. The Essence, Question and Answer, and the Essence, Blessing and Slogan did not exist and have been added a long time after the original messages were spoken by humans up in Mount Abu. They make them appear almost reasonable.

Can anyone confirm if these are what the BKWSU now circulates as Murlis and if the same are sent to Hindi centers?

Older copies of English Murlis are here


Essence: Sweet children, you are spiritual horses. You have to run the race of becoming victorious jewels. Maharathi horses are those who run the race of claiming the kingdom.

Question: Which of you children are satopradhan effort-makers and which are tamo effort-makers?

Answer: Satopradhan effort-makers are those who make effort knowing the Creator and creation, who have The Knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of the world spinning in their intellects and who have the pure pride of having remembrance of the Father. Tamo effort-makers are those who say: We will make effort exactly as we did a cycle ago; we will receive whatever we are to receive.

Song: O Mother, Father, have mercy on those who are unhappy!

Even here, students are numberwise ... the actors (souls) change their dress (body) according to the drama. When the soul becomes pure, you also need a pure body. When the soul reaches karmateet stage - free from bondage of actions, the karmic accounts will be settled. Only you children understand this knowledge.

It is said, even if you make the whole sea in to ink and all the woods into pen, then also this knowledge will not finish. God-Father keeps revealing secrets to you children. God-Father says, I am the Supreme Soul reside in Soul World. Supreme Soul is only one, souls of the world cannot be called as Supreme.

The Supreme Soul who stays in Soul World cannot be present everywhere. I never come into birth like you souls. In the race, the runners run very fast at the end to come first, even here you children run this spiritual race. There are new souls who come (now, at the end) and go fast in this knowledge.

There are many who stop following this knowledge, they remain pure for few years and then involve in vices by the sense organs. Lust is the greatest enemy, there are many who fall in vice after getting married. God-Father says, you have to remain very cautious in this spiritual race.

You must make good spiritual effort, the more you are strong in Yoga and knowledge, the storm of Maya will be very strong. Whatever thoughts appear in your mind, still you must not perform sinful actions through your sense organs. You belong to the divine family now. You sacrifice yourself ( by intellect to God) only in this final birth, you have been vicious for so many births (for 83births).

You become worship-worthy deity in Golden Age, in Copper Age also you remain very wealthy, you build temples like Somnath, with diamonds. In Golden Age, you have gold in plenty like you have sand in iron age. In Golden Age, you create bricks with gold. Here, you see the golden palaces of Golden Age by divine vision.

It is not that God is present in every soul. Only God opens the lock of your intellect according to the world drama. Those intellects are open, who perform a very good service for souls. I am the knowledge-full, even my role is fixed in this world drama, I come and explain you the secret of Creator and creations. I come to you as Father, Teacher and Satguru. Satguru takes everyone back to Soul World. Father gives you the inheritance of heaven. God relieves you from the difficulties of Maya. He establishes heaven. God gives everyone the liberation.


Essence for dharna:

1. You should not perform action sinful action through those sense organs. You have to make your sanskars royal. You should not be afraid of the storms of Maya. You have to go fast in Gyan and Yoga.

2. On the basis of Shrimat, go through any bad omens and move forward quickly. You should not follow any wrong directions. Remain cautious and stay in the race of remembrance.

Blessing: May you reveal the actions of Father Adam-Brahma through the mirror of your elevated actions and become equal to the Father.

Each and every child-soul, the elevated souls are mirrors of the actions of Father Adam-Brahma in their every action. Father Adam-Brahma's actions should be visible in the mirror of your actions. The speaking, walking, moving around and sitting of those children who perform every action while paying so much attention would be equal to those of Father Adam-Brahma. Their every action would be worthy of a blessing. Blessings would constantly emerge through their lips and speciality would be visible in their ordinary actions. Only when you claim this certificate will you be equal to Father Adam-Brahma.

Slogan: In order to experience the Avyakt stage, leave aside extroversion and be introverted and stay in solitude (by mind).

Re: Recent Murli?

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2012
by jann

Essence: Sweet children, you are the spiritual army. No one apart from you can protect the world from Ravan. Maintain this pure intoxication.

Question: Which children’s greatness does BapDada praise?
Answer: Baba says: It is the greatness of the daughters in bondage who remember Shiv Baba even though they are beaten. By being beaten, they continue to become even greater destroyers of attachment and, due to this, their status becomes even higher. The Father gives patience to such children: Children, consider yourself to be a soul. That body doesn’t belong to you. Now that you belong to the Father, your stage will continue to become strong. The Lord is pleased with an honest heart.
Song: Having found You, we have found the whole world. The earth and the sky all belong to us.

Essence for dharna:
1. Always perform elevated actions according to Shrimat. Take care that you don’t perform corrupt actions. Do the service of making many others into yogis.
2. Have an honest heart. That body is like a corpse. Therefore renounce the arrogance of it. Become a complete destroyer of attachment.

Blessing: May you become full of all attainments with the key of the great mantra that you have received from the Satguru.
The first mantra you received from the Satguru as soon as you took birth was: Be pure and be yogi. This great mantra is the key to all attainments. If there isn’t purity or a yogi life, then, while having all rights, you would not be able to experience any rights. This is why this great mantra is the key to experience all treasures. Keep in your awareness the elevated fortune of the key of the great mantra that you have received from the Satguru and become full of all attainments.

Slogan: Your safety lies in the gathering. Therefore, know the importance of the gathering and become great.

Re: Recent Murli?

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2012
by jann
[04-07-2012] Essence: Sweet children, always remain happy and the intoxication of the sovereignty of heaven can never be forgotten.

Question: What wonderful sapling does the Father plant?
Answer: Only the Father plants the wonderful sapling that changes impure human beings into pure deities. It is a wonder how a religion that has disappeared is established.

Question: What are the Father’s divine activities?
Answer: The divine activities of the Father are to cleverly change children from shells into diamonds. There are no divine activities of Krishna. He is just a small child.

Song: O traveller of the night, do not become weary! The destination of dawn is not far off.

Essence for dharna:

1. In order to become heirs, settle all your karmic accounts and karmic bondages. Only follow the
advice you receive from the Father.
2. Give everyone the Father’s true introduction and perform the elevated task of making impure ones pure. Tie a rakhi of purity and claim the inheritance of becoming a master of the pure world.

Blessing: May you remain free from obstacles with the double lock of accurate remembrance and service and become feeling proof. Put a double lock of remembrance and service on all the doors through which Maya comes. If Maya comes while you stay in remembrance and do service, then something is definitely lacking in your service or remembrance. Accurate service is that in which there are no selfish motives. If you are not doing altruistic service, it means that the lock is a little loose and you also have to be powerful in your remembrance. Put such a double lock on that you become free from obstacles. You will then be able to become feeling-proof and go beyond the feelings of “Why”? and “What”?

Slogan: The balance of love and power gives you the experience of success.

Re: Recent Murli?

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2012
by ex-l
That's not a Murli, that is just an even more summarised version they "allow" to send out and be circulated.