Sister Jayanti was Interviewed by Gerry German

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Sister Jayanti was Interviewed by Gerry German

Post01 Mar 2011

Topic: Secrets to a Golden Future

Sattavis Patidar Centre : Organised by Innerspace, Wembley, 6th January 2011

About 250 people gathered together to enjoy the evening. The event started with slide show about the golden future and the vision that Brahma Baba had and how it was sustained and taken a form of University. Elizabeth from San Francisco sang Om Shanti song in Hindi/English and song, "I can fly".

Sister Jayanti was Interviewed by Gerry German

Om Shanti to everyone. Although she isn’t present with us, Dadi Janki knows how to travel through the mind and I know that her blessings are with us for this event.

Past, present and future are all interconnected. How can I go back to the future? There is something very deep within us which belongs to our original being. Within every human soul there is peace, truth and love. When I go back and connect to this memory deep within, then I am going back to the future. By going within we are creating a future that is based on these qualities.

If I emerge these qualities in my interaction with you there will be peace experienced. It means that the quality of my interaction with you changes. Human beings create the world. If we can change ourselves, others around us will begin to change, then the wider community will also start to change and truly we can become one family. One of the beautiful things about coming to Wembley is that I see a rainbow-coloured family. The feeling I’m getting from you all now is beautiful. We should hold onto this feeling for as long as possible.

Bringing change is not a question of competing with each other, but working through co-operation so we can bring out the best in one another.

Q: When will this change come?

A: Today; Now. It doesn’t take a long time to come to that awareness. I simply go back to that awareness of the eternal being that I truly am. If you practice doing this, then wherever it is you are, and whoever you are interacting with, that vibration will reach out to them. It terms of dealing with someone else’s anger: if I keep the canopy of God’s light and protection above me it will not only protect me from negativity, but will also have a positive influence on others.

Is this future for everyone? Everyone has a way to connect with their own inner-being and it takes just one second. It takes just one second to feel the living being that I am. Once you are connected to that inner-peace your vision of others also becomes peaceful. You are now seeing the being within. I think that’s the way to a golden future.

Q: How can I deal with the deep habit of getting angry?

A: Here, it helps to know where my thoughts are coming from. What has created my personality, my nature and my habits? From my actions an imprint has been created. This is a personality trait. When another thought comes this creates a cycle or a pattern. Anger, greed and ego are all addictions we carry. Every time we express these habits, these patterns get stronger and stronger. First, I should understand The Cycle that is happening inside and that the original qualities of the self are of goodness, positivity and truth. Secondly, when I connect to the One above, I receive power. I can only obtain power from the Almighty, who is the source, the reservoir of love, truth and peace. This power from above allows me to transform the self. A long time ago, on looking at my own reaction of anger I decided to start paying attention to the way I speak to people. If I keep an awareness of the soul, my attitude becomes different, my vision towards others is different and then my behaviour is different. When one person tries to change it has a ripple affect.

Corporate & personal life: I am who I am whether I am in this community or another one. No matter where I am I have to work on myself. Before you can lead others you have to be able to manage yourself and your mind, feelings and emotions.

There is always a season for everything. We have been through a season of darkness, but this doesn’t mean the light is lost forever. We are the ones who have to make it happen. When you have inner spiritual power that comes from up above, it is a power that nobody can challenge.
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Re: Sister Jayanti was Interviewed by Gerry German

Post13 May 2012

Gerry German has died (see above). He was the husband of a long term BK follower and on 30 April introduced and made the closing remarks at a BKWSU lecture on "The Power of Love" featuring Dadi Janki and Professor Gus John.

Beyond being a BK supporter, Gerry was a life-long campaigner for children's education rights, Principal Education Officer at the Community Relations Commission/Commission for Race Equality and helped to established the Communities Empowerment Network (CEN).

For anyone that remembers him, his funeral is tomorrow 14 May 2012, 12.30 pm at All Saints Notting Hill Church, Clydesdale Road, London W11 1JE.

There will be a reception afterwards at The 20th Century Theatre, 291, Westbourne Grove, London W11 2QA which is a short walk away from All Saints Church.

Sometime ago, we approach Gerry to ask him to help us mediate between ex-BKs and the BKWSU but he refused.


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Re: Sister Jayanti was Interviewed by Gerry German

Post14 May 2012

ex-I wrote:Sometime ago, we approach Gerry to ask him to help us mediate between ex-BKs and the BKWSU but he refused.

...sad :sad: May his soul Rest In Peace now that he has left us without fulfilling his duty as a responsible academician first and BK second.


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Post14 May 2012

It would be interesting to know about purpose and details of mediation requested from Gerry, between Ex and existing BKs ... !!

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