Predicted a Confluence Age of 40 years, celebrating 75 years

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Predicted a Confluence Age of 40 years, celebrating 75 years

Post24 Nov 2011

A picture says a thousand words ... Not so long ago, the Brahma Kumaris' "god spirit" or BKWSU leaders predicted a Confluence Age of 40 years from 1936. This was widely circulated and published. This year they are 'celebrating' 75 years existence. Surely a failure?

By the mid-1980s, the 40 year prediction had been secretly hidden and re-written when the End of the World in 1976 failed to materialise to more than double; "50 years until Destruction, 50 years for Creation". As these too also started to look like they were not happening in the mid-1980s, it was then changed to "50 to 60 years for Destruction". That too failed to materialise and was hidden re-written again. And, needlessly to repeat, originally the Confluence Age was only meant to be 12 years and end in 1950, that being after WWII had also failed to be the harbinger of the New Age.

Strangely, these facts are apparently of no concerned to addicted adherents brainwashed to believe "Baba is revealing new knowledge" or merely "testing" the faith of his children, so are the mental faculties of followers eroded.

BKWSU Predicted a Confluence Age of 40 years, celebrating 75 years


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Re: Predicted a Confluence Age of 40 years, celebrating 75 y

Post04 Nov 2012

They literally fooled people ... and fooled with authority ... Many times Murli says, "you can find the biggest fool here only".


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Re: Predicted a Confluence Age of 40 years, celebrating 75 y

Post05 Nov 2012

Steal the mind of herd and do whatever you want is the art of BKs. Logic and common sense will cease. They have stolen the mind of adherents and enjoying and laughing at the foolishness of this herd.

Dev Anand

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Re: Predicted a Confluence Age of 40 years, celebrating 75 y

Post15 Nov 2012

Regarding Evangelical US Pastor Harold Egbert Camping's prophecy : When interviewed and cross examined that his last prediction that the world would end on 21 October 2011 had failed, he smartly replied that " he was not a genius" and as such, liable to error... he however apologised for his wrong predictions and promised not to make any further prediction...

But they should have asked Harold Camping during the video interview that he did consider himself to be a genius when making the bold prediction of apocalypse on 21 Oct 2011 ??

Like Harold Camping, there have been so many people who have predicted world destruction which have failed. Now human beings are liable to make errors for they are just dumb ass :). But what about Shiv Baba, the Supreme God Himself failing in His many predictions for world destruction??? Shiv Baba says that He is Trikaldarshi, Trinetri, Trimurthi, Gyan ke Sakar, He knows accurately The Knowledge of Drama of 5000 years which is 100 % accurate, the world cycle from beginning through the middle to the end ... How then does He account for His prediction failures on world destructions which He predicted in WWar 2, 1950, 1976, 1986/87, Year 2000 ???

The Yagya (Rajaswa Ashwamedh Avinashi Rudra Gita Gyan Yagya) started in the Year 1936 by Lekhraj Dada and Shiv Baba. Shiv Baba mentioned of the Auspicious Confluence Age (Purushotam Sangan Yug) of 40 years duration. This information was deliberately hidden for a long time by the BKWSU. According to Shiv Baba, it is only in the Confluence Age that one can make efforts (purusharth) in order to choose one's position in the Golden Age or Silver Age or anywhere else ... Now, according to Shiv Baba, World Destruction (Nuclear World War 3) accompanied by colossal natural calamities has to take place in the confluence and establishment of Golden Age also has to take place during the Confluence Age itself ... And Confluence Age is the age between the end of Iron Age and the beginning of Golden Age. As such Golden Age should have been established in the Year 1976, right? The beginning of the Yagya in 1936 PLUS 40 years of Confluence leads us to 1976, right? But this has proved to be a failure, that is a damn lie, right??? One lie leading to further lies, one prediction failure leading to further prediction failures. Wait a minute? How long are you going to be fooled by such a God of the BKWSU???

Ahhh, one point flashes in my mind. When cross examined about Harold Camping's prediction failure, the pastor made an evasive answer. After 21 May 2011 passed without the predicted incidents, Camping said he believed that a "spiritual" judgment had occurred on that date, and that the physical Rapture would occur on October 21, 2011, simultaneously with the final destruction of the universe by God.

In the same way, we are hearing the new story from Brahma Kumaris (mostly PBKs) that the World War (end of the world) prediction for 1976 was actually a spiritual war, a metaphorical war, that is an internal war in the mind???? Now, do you buy this argument??? In some time to come, they will even tell you that Krishna has already been born on a spiritual level like Jehovah's Witnesses said that Christ has already come to Earth on a spiritual level since the World War 1 ...

I listened to a recent Sakar Murli on the internet spoken by Nalini Didi on video ... about karmateet avastha and the war. The Murli said that we would reach our karmateet avastha numberwise when all preparations for the war would be complete???? Now is it really a spiritual war, that is an internal war in the mind or is it the third world war that Shiv Baba has spoken so many times??? To say that it is an internal war, is to foolishly reason like Harold Camping stating that a "spiritual" judgment had occurred on 21 May 2011 in spite of his failed prediction, and that the physical Rapture would occur on October 21, 2011 !!!

Human error is understandable but God making multiple errors, that is multiple prediction failures is UNACCEPTABLE ???

Many Brahma Kumaris will still close their eyes and block their minds even when these plain facts are shown to them. But something tells me from the depths of my heart that BK Shivani Ji is a honest soul and she will awaken to the Truth and to these facts with the passage of time or rather very shortly. I have watched Shivani Ji's videos and am deeply impressed by her presentation. She was recently churning some points on Anger. "Krodh karna arthaat doukh dena aur doukh lena bhi...". I perfectly agree with her. Let me also add, jhoot bolna arthaat dusron ko doukh dena aur swayam ko bhi doukh dena ....For God to make multiple false predictions on World Destruction, isska matlab hai JHOOT BOLNA !!! Anyone should instantly jump to the conclusion that neither Shiv Baba is the Supreme God, nor is He Trikaldarshi, nor is Drama accurate, nor is Shiv Baba accurate !!! For God NEVER LIES. For God is TRUTH. Sathyame Vijayate. Truth will always triumph. Truth even if suppressed will eventually rise up.

I am more than sure that there are thousands of Brahma Kumaris including Kumars as well who are block-headed, that is those who have tied their physical or mental eyes of the intellect like "Gandhari", the wife of Dritarashtra ... May be Gandhari deliberately tied her eyes to show deep respect and love to her blind husband Dritarashtra :) so that she would not see the unrighteous acts of her son Dhuryodhan and others!!! In like manner, there are hundreds and hundreds of Brahma Kumaris who will read these facts and still will not see anything at all, for they have decided to be blind like Gandhari in order to show regard and respect to Shiv Baba !!!

Once Dhuryodhan said that he understands what "dharma" is, that is what righteousness means but he by his very nature cannot be righteous himself!!! At least he is being frank to himself. A snake's duty is to bite. At least it is being true to itself. But what about you Brahma Kumaris and Brahma Kumars??? Are you also like Dhuryodhan who understand the meaning of righteousness and Truth but can NEVER become righteousness??? Or do you rather choose to become the True Pandav like Yudhithir who understands righteousness and Truth and acts upon righteousness and Truth at all times? The choice is yours and mine too.

Let there be peace and Love in the world. Let there be Truth in each and every one's heart !!! Sathyame Vijayate !!!
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Re: Predicted a Confluence Age of 40 years, celebrating 75 y

Post15 Nov 2012

Welcome Dev Ananda.

Everything you say about the Brahma Kumaris Destruction is fair and true.

See also, a new topic I started in answer to you: BK Shivani.

Dev Anand

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Re: Predicted a Confluence Age of 40 years, celebrating 75 y

Post15 Nov 2012

Thank you kindly for your feedback my dear friend "ex-l".

There are so many fools and blockheads in this world - that's why there are so many foolish philosophies. As long as there will be blind followers like most of the BKs who refuse to be awakened, well there will be fake prophets and fake Spirit Gods ... For wherever there is a demand there is going to be a supply for sure ... Demand and supply go hand in hand ...

Another point flashes in my mind. Sathya Sai Baba considered himself to be the Avatar, the true incarnation of God. His biggest prophecy was that he would die at the age of 96. But that prophecy has failed for he died at the age of 85 last year on Sunday morning of Easter 24 April 2011. Now this wrong prophecy should have made the world jump to the conclusion that Sathya Sai Baba was not God but rather a fake God, right? But thousands and thousands of blind Sai followers continue to worship Sai Baba as God and when asked about the failed prophecy, well they make evasive answers arguing that Sai Baba's prophecy about his death last year was absolutely correct as predicted considering the traditional Indian Lunar Year Calendar??? What rubbish? But when Sai Baba was celebrating his birthday every year, what calendar was he using???

On the above image poster that you have posted on the Confluence Age previously believed to be 40 years duration, it's more than clear that Shiv Baba has failed. He cannot be called Trikaldarshi, the Knower of the past, present and future in the entire cycle of Time. And if He failed in His prophecies in this present Cycle, then He also failed in all His previous Cycles from time immemorial and He will continue to make wrong predictions in all the endless Cycles to come ... for does not Shiv Baba tell us that The Cycle of 5000 years repeats identically??? And if this important point on The Cycle of 5000 years has flopped then the whole theory of the Brahma Kumaris falls flat. Now, please, can you tell me dear friend "ex-l", how did you manage to get this image poster of the Confluence Age of 40 years?

Was it an invention or imagination of the BKWSU leaders or was it actually spoken by Shiv Baba. Is there any Sakar Murli to back it? For it could not have emerged from the minds of the BKWSU leaders without being directly instructed by Shiv Baba, right? If those leaders want to insist and claim that Shiv Baba never mentioned of any Confluence of 40 years, then their Confluence poster was NOT "Shrimat" but rather "Manmat", right?

Were not the Dadis aware of that flaw about the wrong Confluence of 40 years when destruction did not take place in 1976? Dadi Prakashmani, Dadi Janki, Dadi Gulzar, Dadi Manmohini, Dadi Nirmal Shanta and all the others? That's strange indeed!

I heard that Dadi Janki recently said that whenever someone is in doubt about The Knowledge or Shrimat then he must slap himself :). Bravo Dadi Janki!!! Now regarding so many failed predictions on World Destruction, who are those who must slap themselves???

And knowing full well that the previous poster on the Confluence was wrong and yet those Dadis have hidden these informations, then who must slap themselves??? They have been twisting the Truth and hiding the Truth and refusing to admit the Truth ...

Let us allow the benefits of doubt to some Brahma Kumaris and Kumar that they will awaken to the Truth with the passage of Time. Most of them have in fact tied their physical eyes or eyes of the intellect just like the blind King Dritarashtra's wife Gandhari of the Mahabharatha also tied her eyes in respect to her husband ...

Truth will eventually rise even if suppressed for a long time. That's the Perfect Law.
Let there be Truth in each and everyone's heart. Sathyame Vijayate! Truth will always triumph!
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Re: Predicted a Confluence Age of 40 years, celebrating 75 y

Post16 Nov 2012

Dev Anand wrote:For wherever there is a demand there is going to be a supply for sure ... Demand and supply go hand in hand ...

And the truth is, god seekers are not demanding as far as the standards they demand of their gods.

All they want is someone to take away their fear, uncertainty and doubts; promise them to remove their suffering or more of what they want (... actual delivery of services does not matter, they have short memories too). It does not really matter who ... whoever comes along at the right time and place.

It could be Sai Baba, a born again Christian, the BKs ... it seems there is a trap to fit every one of us. They are the hunters and when we are vulnerable, we are the prey. For a while we think we gain salvation but at the end ... what does it cost us?

Unless you are willing to play the game and become a hunter like them ... what can one get out of it? To be kept like a farm animal to be used by them? To be bled a little now and again? Perhaps for some the mental security and social connections are worth it, I guess.
Now, please, can you tell me dear friend "ex-l", how did you manage to get this image poster of the Confluence Age of 40 years?

Was it an invention or imagination of the BKWSU leaders or was it actually spoken by Shiv Baba. Is there any Sakar Murli to back it? For it could not have emerged from the minds of the BKWSU leaders without being directly instructed by Shiv Baba, right? If those leaders want to insist and claim that Shiv Baba never mentioned of any Confluence of 40 years, then their Confluence poster was NOT "Shrimat" but rather "Manmat", right?

You make a good point here.

Historically, it was spoken by Lekhraj Kirpalani who they believed to have Shiva Baba speaking through him at all times. It was in the Murlis and official documents, now it has been removed. This picture is from one of the big, original posters.

They say everything Lekhraj Kirpalani spoke was Shrimat ... and the historical record says Lekhraj Kirpalani/Baba directed all the posters to be made as they were. For a while, perhaps even still, they used to have big posters in New Delhi and Mount Abu with *stickers* stuck over the failed predictions hiding them.

Yes, BKs now downplay the failures and blame Lekhraj Kirpalani or BK followers for them. They don't know the truth and so they can falsify convincingly. They believe they are telling the truth as they have been told it by the leaders whose every word is also Shrimat.

Therefore, you are correct. It is a double bind for them. Either God and Shrimat is wrong and false, or they have been giving and following manmat which is also wrong. Either way, they are wrong and false ... but getting them to admit it? Ha. Forget it ... they have another generation of newcomers to defraud money and properties from.


Dev Anand

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Re: Predicted a Confluence Age of 40 years, celebrating 75 y

Post16 Nov 2012

Thanks a lot dear friend "ex-l" for shedding much light on the issue of the original Confluence of 40 years. I am pleased to see your spirit of honesty and truth. You are daring and courageous to search for the hidden truth and uncover it.

"If you shut up truth and bury it under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way."

Truth can never be defeated. It will eventually triumph!
PBK Arjun wrote:Q and A with Baba

Q: The BKs say all physical sex is impure, so how will the world be populated in the Golden Age?
A: Satyug me sresth indriyon ki pyar se mukh ke pyar se bache janm lete hai , isiliye devtaon ko sresthachari kahajata hai. (Deities are called righteous because the children are born through the love of highest organs, through oral love in Golden Age).

Dear friend "ex-l", can you shed some light in above answer given by Shiv Baba on "oral love" in the Golden Age? Note, above answer was given by Shiv Baba Himself as stated by PBK Arjun. The question was asked by Mr Sam. Many years ago I came across similar lines in some BK literature stating that in the Golden Age children will be born through the power of purity and through "kissing" ??? Power of purity means power of "Yoga shakti" ... but what about kissing or oral love, does it not sound like physical love???

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