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Janamashatmi Celebrations

PostPosted: 27 Sep 2011
by jann
BKWSU wrote:Janamashatmi Celebrations: An Evening of Inspirations, music, and special talk by Sister Jayanti

Thursday 18th August 2011 - Global Co-operation House, London


7.20pm- Audience begin to enter, comprised mainly of BKs who have brought their relations, friends and contacts. Jayminiben enters stage and welcome audience and introduces the first part of the programme - a Kathak Classical Dance sequence. The next act is performed by Sister Jagruti who narrates to the audience a story about an encounter with Lord Krishna in a dream. Jayminiben then takes the stage and introduces Jayantiben, with a brief synopsis of her world service and studies in Raj Yoga.

Jayantiben's lecture

In the whole world, no one like Shri Krishna who has so many devotional songs and stories about him. We see Him as an infant. We see Him playing the flute with the Gopis. On the battlefield with Arjun. Many different pictures and images of Him recounting His pastimes. That soul whose praise is so mighty - Who is He? Do the Scriptures know Him? What extent do we know Him? Yet we rock Him in the cradle every Janamashatmi.

First we know that he takes birth in a cradle by Devki and then we see the image of Shri Krishna on a papal leaf in the ocean sucking His thumb as he enters this world. The scriptures are full of many stories and leaving our imagination robust but what is the actual historical fact? What are the actual biographical facts? He is the Supreme Deity A special soul - Do we know His qualifications? 16 Celestial degrees complete, like the full moon, the soul is complete not lacking anything.

The Mahabharat is an allegory. The Gita Gyan that God gives Arjun on the battlefield was about a dharma battle, a battle of righteousness. The current situation that we are all in - is the battlefield. The battle is here in the minds and intellects of us all; about dharma/adharma, that is truth becomes false and false become truth. Where God gives instructions to conquer the five vices. And the victory is to be nust-moha- conqueror of attachment.

The praise in the Gita is about the Param Atma- the Supreme Soul. When the Gita was first written it was cited that, "God speaks", it later became, "Shri Krishna speaks". So who is the God of the Gita? Completely totally viceless, complete with all the virtues.

On one hand it is on the Battlefield and on the other it's also heaven and thirdly the Mahabharat war is depicted in the Copper Age. Today's age is the age of darkness, where there is youth violence, no law and order - Kali Yug. Copper Age, Dwarpa Yug by "dwarpa" means the "divided world", Shri Krishna cannot come in that age. It has to be Vaikunth/Heaven when Shri Krishna, comes according to His qualifications.

The stories of the deities - is it a myth or reality? Considering the Bhakti stories they were definitely on the planet but due to unanswered questions, the imagination took over. Shri Krishna was present in the world at some time. Gita scripture, the scripture for Devi/Devta dharma, the non-violent deity religion. If so, why is it set on the battlefield? If on a physical level there is a battlefield then what's the meaning of the Non Violent Deity Religion?

The praise of God is that He is the mother and Father and there are many songs of Bhakti that convey this. Would we call Shri Krishna the mother and Father? Would we refer to Him as incorporeal? Where does Shri Krishna live? Vrindavan. The abode of God is beyond the moon and stars.

Shri Krishna is particularly loved by Bharatwasis, those of other religions do not have the same recognition. However the Incorporeal Point of Light, Father of All Souls - all religions will accept. The Supreme Soul, ParamAtma, does not have the praise of 16 celestial degrees complete, His is the Ocean of all Virtues. The Supreme Soul is just one.

Who is Shri Krishna?

We know that according to His qualifications, it must be a Sat Yug kingdom, yet we cannot live there and play with Sri Krishna. Sri Krishna is like a child, in HIs mother's arms. He is like a Brother, a friend- so we see Him in all these roles.

After Kali Yug will come Sat Yug. That world is now coming and in order to go some preparation is needed beforehand just like when you go to a party. Transform and imbibe truthful sanskaras.

- Jayantiben then takes audience into a meditation commentary.



Regarding Earthquake in Washington DC, USA

Dear Dadi and Nirwairbhai:

Greetings of love. Happy Janamashti and a lovely pre-Dadiji's day! I was at Baba's Meditation Museum today, Aug. 23rd when at 1:30pm an earthquake around 5.8 rattled the building and I was able to keep the souls calm and to remember Baba. They appreciated that very much.

While I was playing that part, I was observing how MY THOUGHTS immediately went to Gyan and I was feeling how Baba's version are so true.

All are fine. Cell phones are not working for many. But, somehow I have email access and I wanted you all to know in Madhuban.

Sr Jenna--