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100 Girls Refuse to Marry

PostPosted: 16 Jul 2011
by ex-l
Got to love the Daily Mail ... of course, now they are up to 1,000s of young girls and they are still splitting up families. From July 5 1939.

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose ...
The Om Mandli celibacy cult, which forbids girl disciples to marry and induces wives to leave their husbands, flared up again in Karachi yesterday, when it was said that, in spite of Government measures, more than 100 girls have resumed the cult and refused to leave two houses there.

Already property in Hydrabad has been confiscated from the founder 44 year-old Bhai Lekhraj, who has sworn to emulate Krishna, the Hindu deity, who had 16,000 women votaries.

Lekhraj has now bought five buses. It is thought that he may be trying to develop the cult by moving from place to place.

Re: 100 Girls Refuse to Marry

PostPosted: 16 Jul 2011
by Mr Green
fascinating stuff