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'The Missile Man' APJ Abdul Kalam about the Brahma Kumaris

PostPosted: 22 Feb 2010
by nischaybuddi
Nice to see a famous scientist, "The Missile Man" responsible for inventing the weapons of destruction, with lots of spirituality and giving inspiration for the science world/community to embrace spirituality. Science and spirituality are the two sides of a coin. Nice to see, wonderful. Moreover appreciating work of Brahmakumaris.
Even if you are blessed with Gyan and Education, it is still rare to be blessed with "WILL" to do offerings and sacrifices. If you do offerings the doors of heaven preach you all ...

Re: 'The Missile Man' APJ Abdul Kalam about the Brahma Kumaris

PostPosted: 22 Feb 2010
by ex-l
nischaybuddi wrote:Nice to see a famous scientist, "The Missile Man" responsible for inventing the weapons of destruction, with lots of spirituality and giving inspiration for the science world/community to embrace spirituality.

Do you mean, "he is famous, so the Brahma Kumaris must be true ... and Destruction must happen!!!" The Brahma Kumaris have been rolling out that one for decades. It is their technique.

In my opinion, the BK sponsorship of political parties and political individuals gives their followers a thrill and makes them feel as if they are doing something important and ... the all important ... "powerful". An excitement based on their own personal inability to ever meet someone so "famous" ... a real VIP. It is one of the reason they give to the "Politico-Religious movement" Lekhraj Kirpalani claimed the BKWSU was.

The Missile Man is, of course, APJ Abdul Kalam. The Former President of India. The position of President of India is for the titular head of state but it has few actual powers. Dr Kalam had no political experience and was seen by many as an odd choice. It was, of course, a highly political and provocative choice.

Kalam's public faces were a devotion to militarism, and his image as a Muslim. Very Brahma Kumaris ...

By appointing him, the Vajpayee government appealed to crass militarism and nationalism to advance its political interests. Very Brahma Kumaris ...

Kalam interests were in the destructive end of science; nuclear missiles, biological weapons and mind-control technologies. He ardently advocates investing in the Military-Industrial Complex as the key to "development". The ethical questions posed by mass-destruction technologies do not bother him. Very Brahma Kumaris ...

It is worth noting for such a peaceful, spiritual nation, Mr Kalam was awarded the "Bharat Ratna" award many years before Nobel Prize winning Amartya Sen, known for his liberal and anti-militaristic views, received it. He was an engineer not a scientist. Kalam's PhD was 'honorary' not earned. Under him the Defence Research Department spent almost $1 billion annually without producing any decent results, the accounts hidden from the public. Very Brahma Kumaris ...

As a Muslim, he served to whitewash the BJP after the massacre of Muslims in Gujarat which investigation found were not a spontaneous swelling of anger but a planned genocide carried out by leading individuals with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, the Bajrang Dal and the state authorities with The Knowledge and sanction of Chief Minister Narendra Modi... another Brahma Kumari VIP contact (did not they sucked up to, provide 'whitewash', and got land off the local government?).

In Gujerat, 100,000 people were displaced by the violence in which even foot soldiers, who actually raped, killed and looted. So, Kalam could turn a blind eye to abuse and quote short extracts from the Vedas. Modi was held directly responsible by the judges of the Tribunal afterwards. Very Brahma Kumaris ...

But what do I know about Indian politics ?

Re: 'The Missile Man' APJ Abdul Kalam about the Brahma Kumaris

PostPosted: 23 Feb 2010
by because.parmeshwar
APJ Abdul Kalam Azad, spoke not wrote:It is very rare to be created as Human Being, It is still more rare to be born without deformity, dumbness, blindness and deafness. Even, if you are born without any such deformity…. It is very very rare to be blessed with Gyan and Education.

According to BK’s Gyan and Education,

  • Every soul IS born (created) as Human being (so it is not rare).
  • If the soul is born with any deformity like dumbness, blindness, deafness, it is all his karma ...
  • To be blessed with Gyan and Education, he has to be one of the choosen ones, (one out of crores) ... the same, who were there in the previous Kalpa ... and even after he been chosen and decided to follow the Gyan and Education, if he loses the path by one or the other reason, he will be treated as a DOUBTFUL soul and deserves no DUTY OF CARE ... the LOWEST OF LOW.
Even if you are blessed with Gyan and Education it is still rare to be blessed with "WILL" to do offerings and sacrifices. If you do offerings the doors of heaven preach you all ...

  • Offerings: Money, Free labor only to the Brahma Kumari leadership, who will rule the world as Emperors.
  • Sacrifice : unquestioning mental submission. Forget your body, bodily relatives, LOVE and other emotions.