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Brahma Kumaris network censored but reborn

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2009
by ex-l
Thank you to the sweet ex-BK angel that pointed this one out ...

The BKWSU, BKWSU's Global Media PR Chief BK Karuna Shetty - president of the BK front 'Global Forum for Public Relations' and awarded for his contributions to spiritual communications - or some unpaid 'BK serf' acting on their behalf, have deleted all the posts, information, images etc that many individuals in the Brahma Kumari movement had uploaded to the Brahma Kumaris network. Including, of course, those contribution by one "brahmakumaris-info".

Karuna Shetty, known for lying to the international press about the Brahma Kumari teachings on Destruction, appears to have evidenced wonderfully the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University leadership's zeal at the censorship of independent discussion relating to their new religious movement.

We cannot have the BK proletariat knowing inconvenient truths and being forced to discuss serious matters, can we? Heavens above if such individuals were to actually network with each other and bypass the centralised BKWSU state control of information!

However, the event has also proven the existence of reincarnation as a reality, "The Ning is dead .. Long live the Ning".

Another example of why any individuals posting information or asking questions about the Brahma Kumaris on the internet should keep copies of their posts AND screenshots of the websites in question! The Brahma Kumaris, known for their manipulation of the media and editorial staff at the printed level in India (bribery with toli, fake rakhis, comfortable free retreats and widespread media wash etc), are obviously moving with the times.

Re: Brahma Kumaris network censored but reborn

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2009
by joel
Hmmm ... not available at, either. The old front page is still in Google's cache, but not especially informative.

I'll be interested to see how the new ning develops, and whether it catches on.

Re: Brahma Kumaris network censored but reborn

PostPosted: 15 Mar 2009
by ex-l
joel wrote:Hmmm ... not available at, either. The old front page is still in Google's cache, but not especially informative.

But useful as evidence that it once existed ... thank you. Old page below; new page, here. Every one, all BKs included, that donated their time and effort lost their work and network of friends when the BKs deleted it without discussion. Not very kind.


Re: Brahma Kumaris network censored but reborn

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2009
by spiritual spy
Hi ex-l

I just visited BKWSU website ... one strange thing I found is that nowhere in the website they are mentioning about the Destruction, golden and diamond palaces in the sat yug, the royal families the top 8 jewel souls of mount abu ... and other "good" greedy things - their usual theories that they insist and bang into your mind in their centers.

When I attend their classes here (in India) that is what they tell again and again giving rosy pictures of the sat yug.

But when I see the BKWSU they seem to be very moderate and working 'only for peace'. But our local center Didi tells the nuclear doom the tsunamis are very near and the volcanoes are on the verge of exploding so be prepared ... Also they INDIRECTLY MENTION about the superiority of the Indian souls and the inferiority of the foreign souls.

It seems what I see in India and what I hear from UK and other websites are different, the outside India BK system is bit peace loving and do not insist on the Destruction and the social stratification much. Whereas the all local BKs I meet, and centers I visit, seems to be expecting the Destruction to take place quickly so that sat yug start quickly.

They definitely have a different faces, one for India and one to the world.

If they do this how can they be true.


Re: Brahma Kumaris network censored but reborn

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2009
by ex-l
I think that you should join the Brahma Kumari network and tell them this. We know. Argue your point with them. They need to wake up.

Its all about marketing and vanity. Its a simple as that. Indian-style Brahma Kumaris is very uncool in the West and would drive away the rich foreigners.

OK ... Its all about marketing, vanity and the money. I mean, what would the United Nations say if they knew!?!

What is this experiance all about is it true?

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2009
by spiritual spy
Dear Brothers

Some of the BKs I met (I feel few of them genuine and educated) said that they were also doubting the BK system like me, but once they experience the love of "Babdada" during their medidation they understood and got all the answers. I asked them what experience they are talking about, some said they see colors and light filling them. Some say they got answers for their personal questions etc. They also ask me to be patiant and wait for the communion with the BapDada (I am still going to the local BK here to know the activities and to evaluate them though I feel more and more singled out by them).

What is these experience all about? Is it true? How to explain this. I feel most of the educated and the genuine stay there, because of this 'experience' and feel this is the experience of god. I do meditation - a simple one (not the BK style) - I get relax/peace of body and mind. But no colors etc.,

Can you explain ex-l?


Re: Brahma Kumaris network censored but reborn

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2009
by Mr Green
Next they'll be saying they experience the light of a thousand suns.

It's all self delushion ... I was aware of people lying to themselves even when I was BK, especially when they get an audience to share their 'experience'.

Re: Brahma Kumaris network censored but reborn

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2009
by spiritual spy
May be you are right. I think if the BKs succeed in doing this to millions of people, then we are going to have a MATRIX like situation. All the BKs are going to like in their illutionary Satyug. Please load the programme ... and load us to the yug. And we are 'sentinels' there ... ah ... ahhh ... :D.

God help them.